#archer rewatches nlmg: ep 10
jojotichakorn · 2 months
archer rewatches nlmg: episode 10
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baby i am on my KNEES begging you to please see how amazing you are 😭
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jojo "most profound bathroom scenes in history of media" tichakorn
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he is so good at insulting kit while saying seemingly innocuous things lmao
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they were so happy, everything seemed so simple, they were just teenagers in love 😔
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i need someone to medically sedate me
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i feel for chopper, i really do. i love him and he is in a very complex position. but i get nueng, i would be pissed as well.
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local man unable to stop thinking about the love of his life. number of citizens surprised at this development: zero.
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i wanna go back there, can we please just go back
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as a fellow child of horrible people (and i don't mean them being abusive in this context, i mean them being bad human beings), i am so curious what influenced chopper to become the person he is today. because we are genuinely all products of our environments and you need that moment, that push to realise your parents are horrible, the ways in which they are horrible, and how to move away from becoming just like them and stop believing the things they taught you your whole life. i desperately want to know what that push was for chopper.
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the fact that he instantly starts crying, he truly can't even pretend anymore, he thinks letting palm go is the right thing to do but he just loves him so much
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he looks so good btw. like not to derail the conversation, but good gods. pond in black is everything.
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i'm back to chewing live wires
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all is right and good and beautiful in the world again
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