yaviiks · 6 years
@arcstridxr liked for a starter
"Hey, you! Lightmonger!" Yaviks's shrill laugh of a voice calls out to the Hunter, though she keeps her distance just in case. She may be a chaotic idiot, but she's not stupid.
Wait. That doesn't work, does it? Oh well, not likes Yaviks cares. She's just not dumb enough to get close to a Hunter that's probably still upset about what happened in the Prison of Elders. The Hunters are the worst about the whole vengeance thing, if you ask Yaviks.
"Whatcha doin on the Shore? Killing Scorn? Picking up Ghost shards? Both? I like your gear," she grins "It really makes you look stupid."
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exbocs-1 · 6 years
"Dude, I'm pretty sure that was like...the worst crucible match I've ever been in." Exbocs puffs, pulling his helmet off now that the match is over. "Those guys have to be coming in from competitive or something, cause they just highkey whooped our asses." He tucks his helmet under his arm, putting the other hand on his hip.
"I mean, did you see what that Hunter did? They clustered on the point and I landed my super, before I can get a second strike in with my shield...WHAM! Rocket right to the face! I get all's fair in war and whatever, but that was just so... extra."
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dawnbrokcn-blog · 5 years
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      “ has the hunters ever took the chance to think about when their next special party is going to be ?  it’s been a while since i’ve had some fun . ”      @arcstridxr   ♡’d
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gunslingiing-blog · 6 years
@arcstridxr // continued from here
[txt]: hi keyliiiiiime! [txt]: haa, i know youre only saying that because youre drunk [txt]: maybe you should go to bed and let sober you make those kinds of decisions buddy
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hivemade-a · 6 years
He stands en garde, Huckleberry at his side as he stares down… Whatever this corrupted Hive creature was. He was surprised that they could speak at all, considering how most Hive he encounters usually end up just shrieking at him right before try to get their grubby little claws on him.
Not this one, though. And his confusion on the aspect on why this thing wasn’t attacking him is the only reason Zara doesn’t have a sniper bullet drilled into their skull yet. Of course the words spoken are supposed to be spooky and ominous, as is with most Darkmongers he encounters who are unfortunate enough to be able to talk to him.
“Yeah, a fuckin’ adventure into crap I thought I didn’t remember.” He scoffs and shakes his head, still not taking his eyes off the corrupted former Guardian. “What adventure did you get? Did it make you break out in Hives?”
   Zara stares right back at the very green Hunter, eyes behind chitinous mask wandering of his form and lingering on the weapon for a few seconds. If anything they find themselves just as confused over the fact they’ve not been shot at yet by this one. That, however, was bound to change. It usually did. 
   “Oh, I like you. Making jokes and you haven’t filled me with holes yet.” Zara’s voice is like that of someone long since expired, a death rattle, and maybe more than enough of a warning in and of itself. “I guess you could say that my adventure with death left me covered in Hive, not wrong, not entirely right either.” 
   They may seem oddly passive about the encounter for being a fiend almost literally dripping with the Darkness, but many things and thoughts are tossed about within their skull. Kill the Guardian? Let him go on? Catch and release? So many games but no way to pick just one.
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abscntwill-blog · 6 years
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     He always had trouble walking, just as much as he had trouble moving the rest of him. He walked with a limp and even sometimes a stumble. One would think he’d be use to it by now, but it still tired him. 
      His feet came to a stop, hands shaking at his sides only to settle little when he began to take in his surroundings. The open field at his side, the rays of sun that shined through the trees. Even if he had to avoid the light, it was still something divine in his eyes. 
     “ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ʜᴇʀᴇ ” His words to himself was simple, quick and to the point. Blinking ever so slightly when he could feel someone or something near. The feeling of being watched crept over him, causing yellow eyes to glow and scan the forests lines. “ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ꜰᴇᴇʟ ʏᴏᴜ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ. ᴡʜʏ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜɪᴅᴇ ? ”
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ofhivemagic-a · 6 years
"And what? You've come to taunt and tease an old man, exiled from the City? Fine, do your business but be warned; if the maw of a nightmare sinks its teeth into your dreamlike escape, do not come wallowing in agony to make it stop. For a curse can rarely be broken, even by its caster." / @arcstridxr liked for a closed starter.
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eliksniguardian · 6 years
Trips to the Tower had always been less than fun for Vipeks, more uncomfortable than anything, truth be told, but they had been visiting the Tower more often in an attempt to get used to it. They had to get used to the way other Guardians behaved, not to mention learn how to get along with other Guardians, difficult as it may be.
For now, they sit placed on a tack of supply crates in the Courtyard of the Tower, simply watching other Lightbearers mill to and fro. Rushing to the Eververse booth, the cryptarch, the Commander, the gunsmith, so on and so forth. Vipeks wonders how the others can be so comfortable here.
Speaking of comfort and lack thereof, Vipeks gets the feeling they’re being looked at, and they narrow their eyes a little. They look at the fellow Guardian, pulling off their helmet just to give a questioning look before idly waving one hand in a somewhat unamused greeting. They remind themself to be polite if a conversation starts up.
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soft-butch-cassidy · 6 years
i know that im logged into my rp blog for one of the ocs im gonna to talk about but i gotta share the story of my hunter keylime-3 finding a baby eliksni near a crashed skiff. he was sent to investigate the crash and when he found the lil dude he couldn't leave him there so he took him in and is scrambling to find ways to properly take care of his Sudden Child which often involves trips to the spider and hiding it all from the vanguard. he named the baby noodle
noodle,,,,,,,, and keylime oh my god youre a legend at character names i genuinely adore both of those omg. lil baby eliksni,,, bless,,,,,
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lordshaxx · 6 years
@arcstridxr // sc.
          something was off about one of the guardians during the match. a hunter, one that he’s never seen in the crucible before. he seemed terrified. and not the kinderguardian kind of terrified but something borderlining on genuine terror. the enemy team had taken advantage of that, nearly sweeping up the competition but despite the hunter’s reluctance to fight, his team had made an impossible comeback and ended the match twenty-five points ahead. an impressive achievement and one that he loudly commended.
          the hunter sticks out in his mind, however, and he takes a chance to leave arcite to the crucible a bit. waving away a few guardians, the titan makes his way to the crucible staging area further into the tower just in time to see the teams transmat in from the arena. he gives high-fives, fistbumps, and hugs alike as the guardians pass by him, trading compliments and praises among them all. they all disperse soon after that, however, having other bounties and activities to attend to, leaving the handler alone with the lone hunter on the transmat pad.
          his approach is soft and careful, not wanting to startle the hunter. for added measure, he removes his helmet, the mechanisms whirring as it folds away and removing the tint of his visor so he blinks into the harsh lights of the room. he stops a few feet away from the pads, standing at an angle so that if the hunter wished, he could leave without saying anything, without having to confront the titan unwillingly.
          “ hunter? ” shaxx keeps his voice quiet and gentle, putting the crucible on the backburner for the time being. shouting won’t help, not if he wants to gain trust. “ hunter, are you alright? ”
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luxdelumin · 6 years
arcstridxr replied to your post “gentle gurgling”
please...... how are you even Alive
(sniffles) i’m not
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rebooted44 · 6 years
@arcstridxr continued.
keylime-3, green sniper. the hunter with citrus kiss. how could he forget?
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“right,” banshee quietly rumbles with a slow nod, eyes moving over the counter, at the backs of his own hands. “... yeah. yeah, i remember you... welcome back.” he follows this up with a shake of his head. “sorry, i... haven't been able to keep it all together too good lately. don’t know what’s been goin’ on.”
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exbocs-1 · 6 years
@arcstridxr continued from here
A nervous smile comes across the Titan's face as he looks up at his friend. The ends of the arrow-point that make up his brows angle down to emphasize the expression, and his own cheeks light a brilliant green. Despite being a fairly anxious individual, Exbocs often found himself giving affection to those he was close to, platonic or otherwise.
Now that he's being looked in the eye, though, his momentary boldness is gone. "I uh- hi," he gives a soft, embarrassed laugh, glancing away before looking up at Keylime. He's not sure how to even begin to explain himself. "I like your face."
The second that leaves his mouth his cheeks light up brighter, causing him to look even further embarrassed. Why'd he blurt that? Who knows, certainly not him.
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dawnbrokcn-blog · 5 years
arcstridxr replied to your post: imagine guardians playing mario kart
bet :  just dance is hunters’ party night on fridays
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gunslingiing-blog · 6 years
arcstridxr replied to your post: " Cayde, how tall are you? asking for a friend. "
haha shorty
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arcdancing-blog · 6 years
@arcstridxr // s.c.
⸙ - “Whatcha drawing?”
Willow drops out of a tree onto the ground, next to the other Hunter.  She didn’t expect anyone to take residence under her perch while she was napping in the tree, but to her surprise, she’d seen the other Guardian resting against the trunk.  And here she’d thought this area of the EDZ was relatively deserted.
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She winces, realizing she may have scared the other.  “Sorry, hope I didn’t scare ya.  Name’s Willow, was sleeping in the tree.  Anyway, whatcha drawing?  Can I see?”
Her Ghost flashes into existence over her shoulder, giving a sigh.  [”Willow, stop being nosy.”]
“Can it, Fall.  Was just curious.”
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