#are there canonically coyotes in BG3? probably not
rhysintherain · 4 months
I can't remember if I've specifically seen you post about your Tav and/or Durge? But a great way for me to get to know them! 35, 37, and 39 for a Tav/Durge of your choosing. c: (And heck, also for Rikka the Bhaalspawn you told me about, if she was a companion. :D )
Thank you! The only Tav I've put a ton of effort into lately (the one I occasionally write about) is Skye: druid, non-binary disaster, dating Shadowheart canonically. Guild artisan background. A bit more chaotic than most druids would like. Has a lot of history with the legacy companions, since they're Jaheira's protege.
Greeting a player character at different approval levels:
Low: don't you have something to be doing? ANYTHING to be doing, besides this conversation? Because I sure do.
Usually I don't bite, but I'll make an exception for you.
Neutral: need something? I have *sorts through pockets for stray stuff* an empty bottle... Some string... Where did all these gremisha tails come from? Oh, I have cheese! Let me know if any of that sounds useful.
If you're hoping I'll say something druidic and wise I'll give it a go, but it'll probably just sound sarcastic.
High: need a giant feral cat to smack someone for you? Please tell me it's Lae'zel.
You know what my favorite thing about the city is? The conspicuous lack of ankhegs.
Romance: here, I made you something *hands player some little thing made out of odds and ends collected on their travels*
You know, I used to doubt leaving Cloakwood, but with you here I'm sure it was the right choice.
If a player asks them "tell me about yourself":
Born and raised in the Gate, which was... Interesting when I learned to wild shape into a coyote as a kid. Fortunately Jaheira took pity on me and taught me some shapes that get fewer rocks thrown at them.
Spent some time at the Cloakwood circle - the REAL Cloakwood circle, mind you, shadow druids don't count - but there's only so much bug control and giving directions to lost city folks you can do before you'd rather be anywhere else.
Not much more to say, honestly? You already know I can turn into an assortment of creatures and can't stand Ashaba Dusk.
(spoiler alert: there's plenty more to say. Like the last name they refuse to use. And the fact that they learned most of what they know from a handful of legendary heroes. But they're not going to say any of that until The Plot forces them to)
When a player character asks for a kiss: have I ever said no before? Actually, if I ever do just assume I've been dopplegangered.
Of course, I wasn't working on anything important at the moment *que the sound of something falling over/a hiss of a potion eating through the workbench/the growl of a possibly dangerous animal off camera* well, not more important than this...
And for Rikka, the half-orc shaman Bhaalspawn from BG1 and 2. Neutral good, insufferable ray of sunshine, romanced Rasaad.
Greeting a player at different approval levels:
Low: Can I help you? *Under her breath* I mean, can anyone, really?
Oh hey, I've been meaning to talk to you about your questionable decisions lately.
Neutral: whatever you need, I'm on it like ugly on an orc! (This was actually one of the in-game dialogues in BG1 for the voice I chose for her. Didn't know that when I picked the voice, but it was very in character that she'd think it was funny)
We shouldn't linger here, the ghosts of this land are restless... Gods, you should see the look on your face! Admit it, I had you going, didn't I?
High: Minsc just asked me if he'd hurt that tree's feelings... I swear, I've known that man for over a century and he still manages to surprise me.
Need a summoning? An exorcism? I'm pretty sure I know a couple dead dragons who owe me favors, just say the word.
Romance: if it isn't my favorite person, wading through the mud and blood of the adventuring life to come see me.
You know I'd walk straight into the hells for you, right? And I'm not just saying that because I've done it so many times I could justify buying a summer home there, either!
If a player asks them "tell me about yourself":
Oh you know, I'm pretty normal. Daughter of a murder god, raised in the finest library in the realms - which I made much better use of than my sister, for the record - got my soul stolen by an evil wizard, but then who hasn't? They offered me my father's throne at one point, but the family business just sounded like an awful lot of work, you know? I have 15 - no wait, I think it's 16 now - beautiful grandchildren. Okay, maybe my life hasn't been the textbook definition of normal, but I'm surprisingly normal about it!
When a player character asks for a kiss: pretty please?
Oh, my day is getting better already!
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