#are there still weird brendon stans in 2023???
fly-rye · 1 year
yeah im a fan of idkhow. yeah my favorite panic albums are v&v and twtltrtd. how did you guess
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ryan ross iceberg (tier 7)
tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5, tier 6, tier 8
deep waters:
light up skechers fancam:
this is a fancam made by twitter user fleetwood_wac. the background song is skechers by dripreport, and i think it was a tiktok song? (i don’t have tiktok) in 2020/2021, it became famous on ryan ross stan twitter. i don’t think the original tweet is still up, but aryn has it in this reply.
side note, if you weren’t on ryan ross stan twitter in 2020, you were sorely missing out.
go figure. to late honey:
this is a quote from one of ryan’s livejournal posts from july 3, 2005. it’s SO iconic.
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this refers to ryan/z berg/alex greenwald. i think it’s meant to refer more to their friendship; the golden trio, if you will. however, i’m sure there are people who genuinely ship them all together, just like rydan.
they have been a tight group for a while, as z and alex both played with the young veins some. also, ryan and alex made appearances at z’s prom events.
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eta: as i suspected, this is definitely a real ship.
here's a tumblr post explaining the ship dynamics a bit more. this blog has a lot of zrosswald content if you're interested!
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on thanksgiving of 2011, ryan tweeted this:
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in 2021, it became a meme in the ryan stan twitter community, and people tagged gordan ramsay in the tweet, asking his opinion on ryan’s cooking.
first male model for mac:
the story goes that in the fever era, the makeup company mac offered ryan a spot to be their first male model. unfortunately, he declined. according to the comments on a livejournal post i found, ryan discussed this in a 2006 spin magazine interview [i]. there were scans of the interview, but sadly, they’re not available, like most pictures on lj. it hasn’t been archived either.
the same commenter says that article doesn’t specifically mention mac, though. mac did offer ryan free products, but he doesn’t say if he accepted them [i].
so, it’s unsure if ryan was offered to be mac’s male model (unless there’s another source i’ve missed) or another brand’s. either way he turned it down. my guess is that the mac idea came from the fact that he used mac’s products back then.
beef with pete wentz:
after the split, brendon got pete in the divorce.
in a MTV interview that ryan did in 2009, it says “…he wishes Urie and Smith well and still considers them both to be his friends…The same cannot be said, however, about his former boss -- Decaydance Records honcho/ Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz -- who seems to have clearly aligned himself with the Urie/Smith camp following the split" [ii].
in the same interview, ryan specifically says:
"I haven't spoken to him in a while, since this happened. I guess I've been meaning to call him back. He called me, but I've missed a lot of phone calls this week," Ross said. "We're not sure [whether Ross' and Walker's new band will be on Wentz's Decaydance Records]. I'll have to talk to him, but obviously from what's happening online, I think he's ... he's written a lot about them. I don't know if they're working together on their stuff. I'm not really sure, but it's been awhile since we've spoken. It's strange. It's kind of weird" [ii].
the author of the article speculates that ryan and pete’s friendship is over [ii]. i can’t find the source for this, nor can i remember what the specific comments were, but i swear that pete did make some shady comments about ryan at one point.
however, it does seem that their relationship is not on negative terms currently. in 2016, pete tweeted this and this about ryan [iii] [iv]. also, this year (2023), pete mentioned ryan in a video fall out boy posted of pete reviewing his old fashion! you can watch it here:
i’m also going to link an article i found that chronicles ryan and pete’s entire relationship, which is an interesting read (although i get the feeling they’re a little biased against ryan…).
ryan’s pet turtles:
i can’t find the post or comment, but on a lj post, ryan commented “this reminds me of when my dad ran over my pet turtles with the lawn mower. thanks.”
“i went to high school with ryan:”
i have two sources for this, and i’m not sure of which one is the original. however, this one is the one i remember seeing first (around 2014).
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on tumblr, someone sent in an ask saying essentially the same thing, also in 2014.
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i know that both are referring to the same thing; i’m just not sure if the first pic is based on the ask, or if the ask is based on the image. either way, the sentiment is the same.
honestly, i don’t think this story is true. still funny nonetheless
hot girls eating pizza:
this is another one i cannot find a source for anywhere (not even a tweet mentioning it), even though i was able to in the past. i apologize.
but i’m pretty sure that what this is about is a tweet/social media post in which he referred to hot girls eating pizza.
if anyone has a source or more information on this one though, please let me know!!
(i was going to dm the creator of one of the icebergs i referenced to ask her, but twitter won’t allow me to send dms to someone who doesn’t follow me unless i pay for twitter blue. i’m committed to explaining this iceberg but not enough to give elon musk my money i fear)
sent to an island:
in an alternative press interview from 2018, z said that on christmas eve, she shipped ryan off to an island to clear his head. ryan says, “true story” [v].
kate moss playboy:
in the following picture from ryan’s instagram, you can see a kate moss playboy on the table.
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in the fever era, panic did interviews for a japanese magazine. someone ran ryan’s portion through an image translation, and it brought back something about hentai.
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eta: update, twitter user givememallce bought the actual magazine from japan and provided us with translations of this image and the questions the band was answering! they also included the answers from the rest of the band if you're curious about those [vi]. so the biggest shoutout to them and their service.
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fake wedding with z:
in 2009, ryan and z pretended to be married. ryan tweeted a picture of z with a wedding ring, called her his wife, and also tweeted a quote of her calling him “the best husband ever” [vii].
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later, he tweeted that his wife left in the middle of the night. he then had a revelation:
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the best part is that all of these events took place within a single day.
here’s the masterpost with all the details:
not actually 5’11:
this is a conspiracy that ryan is lying about his height.
one piece of evidence was that brendon is 5’9, meaning ryan would be 2 inches taller than him. however, in a lot of photos they look to be relatively the same height.
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the other piece is that multiple fans who have met ryan said that compared to their own heights, he can’t be 5’11. i don’t have specific sources of people saying that, but i know it was discourse on twitter at one point.
next is the final entry in the iceberg, where we get into the most obscure stuff the iceberg has to offer and finish this thing up.
tier 8
[i] https://bandfandom-ref.livejournal.com/133181.html
[ii] https://www.mtv.com/news/1fedpk/exclusive-ryan-ross-talks-about-leaving-panic-at-the-disco
[iii] https://twitter.com/petewentz/status/794988164901261312
[iv] https://twitter.com/petewentz/status/795025751930114048
[v] https://www.altpress.com/ryan-ross-z-berg-the-bad-list/
[vi] https://twitter.com/GIVEMEMALlCE/status/1695649402663363028
[vii] https://pathetic-at-the-disco.tumblr.com/post/180912208431/ryan-ross-and-z-bergs-wedding-masterpost
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