#argentine giant
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"GNN has reported several times over the last three years about large baleen whales returning to waters in which they haven’t been sighted for decades.
Now again, news from Argentina shows that the benefits of the 1946 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling are still compounding, with sei whales returning to the South American nation’s coastal waters for the first time in nearly a [century].
Overhunting during the 1920s and 1930s led these massive blue-grey giants to abandon their ancestral waters in Argentina.
“After nearly a century of being hunted to near extinction, sei whale populations are now bouncing back and returning to their former habitats,” said Mariano Coscarella, a biologist and marine ecosystem researcher at Argentina’s CONICET scientific agency, who added that the whales “reproduce every two or three years, so it nearly took 100 years for their population to reach a level where people could notice their presence.”
The third largest whale in the world, the sei can grow up to 64 feet (20 meters) in length and weigh up to 31 tons (28 tonnes). It’s also among the fastest whales in the world, and is certainly the fastest for its size group. It can swim 31 mph over short distances.
Despite being recognized on the IUCN Red List as Endangered, there are estimated to be 50,000 sei whales in a global population that is trending up.
Apart from sei whales and Argentina, a recent survey in the Seychelles sighted 10 groups of at least a few blue whales, the first such observations since 1966.
Back in March, a New England Aquarium aerial survey team sighted a gray whale off the New England coast last week, a species that has been extinct in the Atlantic for more than 200 years.
The largest animal on Earth, the blue whale, is returning to coastal Californian waters in numbers not seen since before the whaling industry, GNN reported in 2023 based on a 2014 survey.
And down in Antarctica, where many different whale species come to feed and breed, recent surveys have found the Southern Ocean is once again becoming a Sarengetti for whales, with an estimated 8,000 Southern fin whales found between 2018 and 2019."
-via Good News Network, May 16, 2024
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cryptid-quest · 19 days
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Cryptid of the Day: Patagonia Giant Bear
Description: In the 1890s, Argentine zoologist Francisco Moreno theorized, based on reports, that short-faced bears were still alive in Patagonia. One man even found massive tracks which he believed were left by a bear. 
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alphynix · 1 year
Spectember 2023 #06: Some Big Reptiles
An anonymous request asked for a "large ankylosaur-like herbivorous notosuchian":
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Mitafosuchus pachysomatus is descended from Simosuchus-like notosuchians in Madagascar that survived through the K-T extinction.
Highly convergent with the now-extinct ankylosaurs, it's a 5m long (~16'4") squat tank-like herbivore with hoof-like claws, and a wide short snout used for grazing on low vegetation. Heavy interlocking osteoderm amor covers most of its body, protecting it against the big carnivorous crocodyliformes that also still survive in this version of Cenozoic Madagascar.
Another anon wanted to see a "giant warm blooded lizard":
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Atopohippus zestamenus is a descendant of invasive Argentine giant tegu lizards that became established on an island archipelago. At 2m tall (~6'6") and around 6m long (~20') it's an example of island gigantism, and occupies a high-browsing-herbivore ecological niche similar to giant tortoises and prosauropods.
Its ancestors' seasonal endothermy has become full endothermy in this species, partly due to young individuals having a very rapid growth rate and metabolism – their main defense against the predators on their island home (primarily carnivorous tegu-descendants and large birds of prey) is to simply get to a big body size as fast as they possibly can.
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dragonbma · 4 months
🐟 Mercraft: Fish Mode! A (mostly) complete guide ^^
New Order of the Stone: (all are species found in Minecraft)
Jesse- cod
Lukas- dolphin
Petra- sockeye salmon
Axel- sea turtle
Olivia- squid
Reuben- sea pigckle /j clownfish
Dewey- pufferfish
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Blaze Rods:
Aiden- jaguar cichlid
Gill- he’s the only human /j snakehead probably
Maya- rainbow smelt
Old Order of the Stone:
Gabriel- North Atlantic swordfish
Ellegaard- Argentine shortfin squid
Magnus- dwarf sawfish
Soren- common cuttlefish
Ivor- blue-ringed octopus
Witherstorm- giant squid or kraken “Ichorstorm”
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Portal Arc:
Isa- rainbow darter
Milo- banana eel
Reginald- fantail darter
Benedict- oyster “Eversoyster”
Harper- East Pacific red octopus
PAMA- arapaima “AraPAMA”
Hadrian- shovelnose sturgeon
Otto- brook trout
Mevia- vampire squid
Cassie- brindled madtom
Nell- mahi-mahi
Em- bull shark
“Tim”- great white
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Champion City:
Radar- logperch
Stella- emperor angelfish
Lluna- narwhal
Sea Temple:
Jack- lemon shark
Vos- oarfish
Sammy- flying fish
Nurm- mirror carp
Prismarine Colossus- coelacanth
Elder Guardians- sacabambapsis
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Sunshine Institute + Underneath:
Warden- lamprey
Oxblood- goliath tigerfish
Carmine- goblin shark
Binta- whale shark
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Romeo- lionfish (+crab armor)
Fred- blue jellyfish (+clam armor)
Xara- pelagic stingray (+starfish armor)
“Vos”- anglerfish
Snowmeo- crocodile icefish
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I know there are characters I missed; if you want to ask about someone, please do! I’d be happy to assign them a fish! Also if you want to know the reasoning behind any of these choices, I’m happy to answer! I will discuss fish choices ALL DAY. (Ex. Most engineers or scientists were assigned species of octopus/squid because having more arms is useful.) :]
The Mercraft: Fish Mode tag just started out as the MC:SM equivalent of Mermay for me but y’all are free to use it even if you have differing fish ideas for the characters! Bonus: Aiden and Radar’s concepts can be found here!
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
Mesotherms in Trek
Mesotherms are an intermediary between ectothermy and endothermy, and I won't lie trying to research them is a pain in the ass because a lot of mesothermic species do not exist anymore (hi dinos) or are discussed primarily in terms of endothermy.
The characteristics of mesotherms are as such: they can raise their internal body temperature via metabolism, and they cannot exert particular metabolic control of a particular temperature. This means they have a greater range of internal temperatures they're subject to than most mammals (aka they're poikilothermic or heterothermic), and can keep their body temperature as much as 20 degrees higher than their environment in some species, but it and their metabolism will drop as ambient temperatures drop. They do not burn fat or shiver to warm up. They are more active than ectotherms, and require less food than endotherms.
Real life mesotherms include: hyraxes, naked mole rats, echidnas, leatherback sea turtles, tuna, certain sharks, and possibly the Argentine giant tegu (it's more accurately heterothermic).
Supposing ectothermy and endothermy are two poles on a spectrum, one could lay out these three species, from left to right, as such: Cardassians, Trill, then Bajorans.
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Bajorans evolutionarily descend from heterothermic mesotherm underground rodents. Their temperature tolerance range varies slightly depending on where on Bajor their ancestry is from, but the primary factor is where they and their parents grew up. Even with this variance, knitting and crochet are popular in Bajoran textile production for warmth.
Ideal temperature: 65f-80f accommodates most Bajorans even with the varying tolerance.
Treatments/concerns: their temperature range has overlap with the climate controls on many Federation vessels, so most Bajoran crew don't have to seek out accommodations when serving in Starfleet. If a Bajoran has temperature concerns, adjustments to quarters climate controls are usually sufficient. In emergencies, the first thing to do is move the patient to an area with a 10 degree temperature greater or lesser than the current one (depending on which issue it is). If not possible, employing temperature packs, dressing and undressing, and so on can usually alleviate the matter greatly.
Cardassians are the most visually obvious mesotherms. This owes not only to their reptilian appearance, but also to the fact that their skin lightens or darkens depending on temperature as a method of regulation: darker for cold temperatures, lighter for hotter. Different “base” colors cluster roughly to geographic heritage, however all Cardassians have more or less the same tolerance medically (some Cardassians train to function better in cold temperatures, but the health affects remain similar). Cardassians are poikilotherms.
Ideal temperature: 86f-95f, with a basking temperature of 110f minimum.
Treatments/concerns: as mesotherms are subject to environmental temperature, all three exhibit some degree of basking behavior, however Cardassians particularly have developed a culture around it (and often will partake in behavioural fever). Federation vessels are always about 10 degrees too cool and unless crewed by ectothermic species, have little or no basking opportunities. Cardassians are fine on Federation vessels for limited time frames without accommodation for this and other reasons, but long term residence requires accommodation to prevent serious health problems, such as malnutrition and gout. It is inadvisable for non-medical personnel to undress a Cardassian experiencing temperature issues as their clothing insulation helps keep temperature constant, not just warm.
There are two different major populations of Trill: those on the northern contenients who have protrusions on the face and those on the southern contenients who have spots. The North-South distinction can be seen in how Southern Trill like Jadzia wear thicker uniforms when avaliable, and that the dress of civilians is made of heavy fabrics like brocade. The Northern Trill’s face protrusions are sinus related. Trill are poikilotherms.
Ideal temperature: 60f-75f for Northern Trill, 70-85f for Southern Trill.
Treatments/concerns: joined Trill are even more sensitive to temperature shifts than unjoined Trill, as the internal temperature the symbiont can tolerate is a much narrower range (about 5~ degrees, much like humans). They also often run hotter than unjoined Trill, so Jadzia and Lenara need to try and keep their temperatures around 80-85f. Part of the concern of the joining process is making sure a symbiont and its host having matching internal temperature ranges; the populations of different pools have symbionts with different tolerances. This is a limiting factor to enabling symbionts a variety of experiences and is an area of research the symbiosis commission has flagged as of interest. Trill from one population with an abnormal temperature range are often more likely to be selected for joining, but aren't especially common.
Cardassians and Trill, in addition to temperature, generally need more humidity in their environment than is usual on Federation vessels not operated with such needs in mind, though for different reasons. Also like Cardassians, it is inadvisable to undress a Trill experiencing temperature regulation issues for the same reason previously stated.
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andromachos · 9 months
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Hi. There are far too many things going on at once. My shitty classmates didn't collaborate with paying the last assignment and had to pay $40k pesos out of my pocket, along with a refill of my medicine that was also a painful $40k pesos. Expressing this in dollars is painful because 100 dollars does not feel close to what the inflation has done to obliterate buying power. Along with this i lost my phone and official dollar went up the double, which will soon reflect on the rest of the prices. Industrial sectors have been halted since a week ago until parallel dollar is established again (gotta love speculation!) and thus i do not have work as they won't sell anything. I was waiting until this monday where supposedly we could restart sells
As the cherry on top, on the weekend a giant storm took over and the province woke up this sunday without power and trees cutting the cables or even breaking their houses
Thankfully we only lost non-essential roofing and nothing else. But power will clearly not be restored until at least a week, between the ongoing rain and the amount of infraestructural damage (these are down my street, rest of the neighborhood has more ripped lightposts). Entire zone is out of wifi and mobile data (am typing this from a gas station while waiting for a spot to charge my phone 🥲)
My biggest concern is the food, as the heat still is precent (today thankfully is colder) and our food will inevitably spoil as our family and friends don't have power either to save something at least. That's a loss that will be very expensive, as if the rest wasn't enough already
If you'd like to help me with a dollar or two, it'd be thoroughly appreciated. If you can't or don't want to, please check up on your argentine friends to see how they are managing. Last month's inflation registered at 12,8%, adding to the 160,9% yearly, and with no doubt the business that won't open this week will have to hike up prices to compensate
Paying pal: @malakartz / Kofi
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walterjenkel · 1 year
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©photography by Walter Jenkel 2023 Argentine giant tegu (Tupimambis merianae) WALTER JENKEL @WalterJenkel walter_jenkel
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primal-creations · 1 year
Updated the shop today!!
New species!
Ashen, Jade-Crested, Argentine Giant, and Dominion
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Okapi and Pebbled (One was also based on Joschua Knüppe's book too)
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Scrublands, Collared, Red River
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a-victorian-girl · 3 months
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Arlistan | Le Gató ("smooth & frothy") Argentine instant coffee ad + a cutie & giant cat ❤️
i know, I know it's not French. Why "Le Gató"? Don't ask. Why a giant cat? don't ask either 😁
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
A whale makes a comeback off Argentina's coast 100 years after vanishing. (Reuters)
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Giant blue-grey sei whales that vanished from Argentina's Patagonian coast a century ago due to hunting are starting to flourish once again, demonstrating how species can recover when measures to protect them are put in place.
In the 1920s and 1930s regular whaling ships along the shores of Argentina, and beyond, saw populations dwindle. In the last 50 years, global bans on commercial whaling have helped populations of sei and others revive.
"They disappeared because they were hunted, they did not become extinct but were so reduced that no one saw them," said Mariano Coscarella, biologist and researcher in marine ecosystems at the Argentine state science body CONICET.
Coscarella added that it had taken decades for numbers to recover enough that the whales had again been sighted, which only started to happen again in recent years.
"In this case it took over 80 years," Coscarella said. "They breed every 2 or 3 years and so it took almost 100 years for them to have appreciable numbers for people to realize they were there."
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milflewis · 2 years
okay heres the rosquez history™️ im fully copying this from dms i sent my bff so- do not judge how it looks. i am truly sorry for this monstrosity and that you have to read it
okay so vale dominated the mid-2000s, he has 9 world titles, 7 from motogp (or 500cc back then) marc is uhhh 14 years younger i think? and he looked up to vale. like a lot. (he mightve had a poster of vale in his bedroom growing up)
and then marc starts riding in moto3 and moto2 and its like ‘holy shit that kid is so good’ but also he’s insanely aggressive ?? like so aggressive that he essentially develops a new riding style. and around that time there are a bunch of riders in motogp, namely vale and jorge lorenzo (who marc DID ACTUALLY have a poster of i think) telling marc to calm down and ride cleaner.
in 2013 marc moves up to motogp and life is good for him!! so good!! he becomes the youngest race winner ever and then the youngest motogp champion ever and hes like in love with vale and keeps making heart eyes at him but thats ok!! bc vale makes heart eyes at marc all the time too.
so in 2013 and 2014 everything is great 🫶🫶 theyre in love, vale invites marc to the ranch, blablabla theyre gay whatever. but then 2015 it all goes to shit
marc has a bunch of retirements so it becomes pretty clear that hes not winning the title again. but vale is very much in title contention (hes fighting jorge) plus marc and vale have fought like a lot of times on track and uhhh… things arent that great between them? but whatever bc at least its still cordial. until sepang where they’re fighting again and marc crashes and oops!! it looks like vale kicked marcs bike. vale gets a back of the grid penalty for the crash and he cant recover from that so jorge wins the 2015 title! and from that point marc and vale hate. each other. vale thinks that marc fought him so hard bc he didnt want vale to be champion/wanted a spanish rider to be champion and obvi marc is mad about the kick/alleged crash.
in 2016 they seem to make peace for a lil while? but then in 2018 argentine theyre fighting again. and like i said marc is really aggressive so he kind of crashes vale out? ( im biased towards marc he can do no wring sorry) and after the race marc goes over to vales motorhome to apologize but uccio (vales bff/truck driver/idrk hes just always there) sends marc away. vale later says that he did it bc he knew it wasnt a genuine apology ?
yeah and from that point on they just dont talk. they hate each other for a while, sure, but that fades to a dislike, and dislike fades into indifference and they just do not. care anymore
also there are a lot of other moments like the infamous handshake press interview thing, but also they apparently shook hands in private later? and them in 2020 marc crashes, misses a season, comes back in 2021 for like half a season, then vale retired blablabla they just don’t interact anymore but motogp still liked making them sit awkwardly next to each other in press conferences. uhh yeah that’s basically it but marc did talk abt vale recently and he talked abt how vale had a giant impact on the sport and also he said that he wouldnt act differently in 2015 bc vale was the one who lost his temper 💀💀
omg they really are strangers to hero worship to friends to lovers to enemies to reluctant colleagues with history to enemies again to strangers what the fuck. what is in motorsport water that makes men act like this
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 30 - LATAM Airlines
I wasn't entirely forthright last time. About the correct response to my questionnaire, I mean. I didn't lie. I just left out the second half.
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Yes. It was a trick question. Brazil has four carriers that have, at one point or another, had solid claim to the title of flag carrier. And right now, the airline which represents them on the long-haul scale, their link to the world, their 'flag carrier'...is LATAM Airlines.
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Why doesn't LATAM count? Well, because LATAM is...something quite unusual, a conglomeration of different features which appear in isolation but have yet to rear their head together, creating an admixture which I fear casts a shadow over much, if not all, of Latin America.
LATAM's story doesn't start in Brazil. It starts in Chile. But it doesn't stay there.
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What do all these airlines have in common?
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Their planes look like this now.
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LAN-Chile was privatized in the 1990s. Until then, it had been the country's flag carrier. Now it was on the hunt to become something more. It was one thing to be the largest carrier in Chile, but there's more than just Chile out there. International carriers know this well, since they go outside of Chile.
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Around the same time as LAN-Chile was privatized, LAN Perú was created as an independent company. It was a rough time for Peruvian aviation. Its flag carrier, Aeroperú, had just gone under, and its other major airline, Faucett, had lead the way for it two years earlier. They needed a new national airline, and LAN was there, identical in branding to the Chilean carrier of the same name. Unsurprisingly, it was officially made a subsidiary of LAN in 2002. Even the livery was changed.
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Over 70% of the market share was now held by what was essentially a Chilean airline, without even the name of the country it served written on its livery.
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Also in 2002, LAN created another subsidiary - LAN Ecuador. It obviously looked the exact same as the other two LANs, so I have simply added another picture of a LAN Chile airplane. There is no reason I should care enough not to.
The LAN livery? Well, it's fine. I like the size of the wordmark and the way they committed to having half the fuselage covered, as should be the minimum, though other airlines do this exact shape far better; the layered light and dark blues are nice.
C. For Chile. Or maybe Peru. Or whatever else.
Another subsidiary was created, LAN Dominicana. Argentine airline Aero 2000 was acquired and became LAN Argentina. Both are now defunct.
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Colombia's second-largest airline, AIRES, also fell prey to the LAN infection which had now firmly planted its roots and its routes across the continent.
I actually more or less like the AIRES livery, which makes me sad. It's got a real sense of forward motion with those swooping lines and the high placement of the forward-leaning letters. It's...nothing special, but it's good enough.
It's at least worth a C+. I wish it still existed.
It could have been worse - Avianca, Colombia's flag carrier, held on, and is still in operation - one of the only challenges to LAN and what is now LATAM in South America. I'm sure they would have liked to have Avianca, and Panamanian flag carrier Copa, too, but even Copa draws the line here. But Copa and Avianca were small fry. There was only one carrier standing between them and utter domination - the largest airline in all of Latin America.
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In 2011, TAM and LAN finalized a binding agreement to merge. The two companies fused into one, by far the largest holding company in Latin America, though much like the many LANs it continued to operate as separate companies. TAM still wore its own livery, but time was catching up to it.
TAM isn't a hero here. Well, nobody is, these are giant corporations that paint different things on their airlines, but my point is that TAM had done nearly the exact same thing.
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LAP (Líneas Aéreas Paraguayas) was the flag carrier of Paraguay, until it wasn't. In 1994 it was privatized and sold to an Ecuadorian-Paraguayan consortium which also owned now-defunct Ecuatorean airline SAETA. (Their livery was boring.)
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It began operations again as LAPSA Air Paraguay. Much the reverse of the LANs, this was SAETA operating under Paraguayan branding. But this only lasted until 1996, when TAM's Paraguayan subsidiary ARPA (Aerolíneas Paraguayas) acquired it and it was merged into TAM, with...you guessed it...the same livery. (Their livery was boring, though I always appreciate a nice bisected wordmark.)
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This is TAM's livery from 2005 to 2008. What was now TAM Paraguay of course shared it.
This is the point where we stop and ask: why do I care? Doesn't this happen everywhere, all the time? Didn't like, thirty legacy carriers eventually merge into five in the US? Well, none of those were really a flag carrier, as much as certain brands like TWA were massive it just doesn't feel like it's quite the same. Not to mention that, unlike LATAM, which operates separate airlines in identical branding, when Delta absorbed Northwest or United swallowed Continental the entirety of their operations were merged into one company. It was what I'd call a 'true' operational merger rather than just occurring at the corporate level, like LATAM.
But aren't a lot of flag carriers owned by some combination of the same holding companies? The best-known example: doesn't Air France own KLM?
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Well, sort of, yes. The merger between Air France and KLM is actually quite similar to the LAN-TAM merger in the sense that it's officially a merger but it's quite clear who's absorbing who. The merged company which became LATAM, despite taking a new name (combining LAN and TAM to make the admittedly clever LATAM) kept LAN's CEO, membership in oneworld rather than Star Alliance, and airport slots. It's 60% owned by Banco de Chile. It also keeps LAN's use of literally identical liveries for its branches instead of just mostly identical ones. All of the airlines which are part of LATAM are still operating as if nothing happened despite the fact that, in the sense of branding and identity, they just don't exist anymore.
But KLM obviously exists. In fact, KLM is an upcoming post! Because what LATAM is doing is pretty unusual!
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Lufthansa owns Brussels Airlines, Austrian Airlines, and whatever the flag carrier of Switzerland is. The same company owns British Airways and Iberia. None of those brands have been retired. Is it because it would cause massive backlash and thus lose money? I mean, probably, but that's never stopped companies from doing anything. I wouldn't be surprised if it were written into merger agreements in all honesty. When Davey Neeleman and his investie acquired custody of TAP it was on the condition they keep their base in Lisbon. I wouldn't be surprised if Lufthansa's contract included "let Belgium keep its flag carrier, even if it's owned by a German company".
It is almost aggressively normal for one massive conglomerate to own multiple seemingly unrelated brands. Everyone knows the thing about Mars owning every major candy at this point. But that isn't the same thing. That's like if every Mars-owned candy was branded as CANDY YOU CAN BUY IN AMERICA. Not even HERSHEY'S BAR YOU CAN BUY IN AMERICA. Just CANDY YOU CAN BUY IN AMERICA.
It's not TAM, a member of the LATAM Group. It's not LAN Perú. It's LATAM.
Perhaps the strange legacy of Brazilian flag carriers contributes to this fate. Perhaps those of other countries would be less willing to go along with it. You might think that. But the answer is far more gruesome: this is normalized in Latin America.
Avianca is an old, tenured airline with its own history. The Avianca Group is the second-largest airline holding group in Latin America and unfortunately does the exact same thing, being the death knell to flag carriers: El Salvador's TACA (which occupies a similar nominal-partner status as the former TAM), Costa Rica's LACSA, and Guatemala's Aviateca (which I would call a flag carrier by process of elimination, much like TAM), which had fallen to TACA before its absorption.
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Believe it or not, Copa, which doesn't even have its own livery, is one of the largest bastions of brand identity freedom still clinging to life. Other competitively large flag carriers still operating in Latin America include Argentina's Aerolíneas Argentinas; Bolivia's Boliviana de Aviación; Cuba's Cubana de Aviación; and Mexico's Aeroméxico; though smaller flag carriers are scattered throughout it seems like basically the entirety of what could be called LATAM is now part of either LATAM or Avianca.
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The only way to tell LATAM planes' airline of origin is by looking at the flag near the front and/or the registration, if you happen to know the registration codes for its member countries off the dome.
LATAM operates across six (formerly nine, including a cargo branch in Mexico) countries. It is the dominant airline in Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Perú, and is the largest international airline in Brazil. Its branch in Colombia is outshone by Avianca, but that doesn't really matter, not to me. What matters is that five countries have no flag carrier, and isn't that weird and unnerving and sort of...bad?
This is a very baseless silly claim that means nothing, but it feels like LATAM (and Avianca, sort of) are trying to be the flag carrier of Latin America. And that's a terrible, worrying thing, given that this is an entire region of the world full of diverse countries which should have their own carrier, even if they're part of a larger international holding company. It's normal for airlines to purchase stakes or even majorities in other airlines when they're struggling financially, but it's almost the opposite of this. When Delta offered to buy a stake in JAL it felt like it was almost with the intent to preserve the JAL brand, and this is the norm. There's a reason we still have Brussels Airlines and Austrian Airlines and [whatever your guess on the questionnaire was] instead of Lufthansa Belgium, Lufthansa Austria, and Lufthansa Switzerland. Even Lufthansa gets to claim superiority over LATAM.
So when I discuss the Star Alliance Test, I am talking about something incredibly silly. It's already a little absurd when talking about carriers that are actually members of Star Alliance, and becomes moreso when talking about ones that aren't. But if I happen to discuss a carrier in Latin America, saying "I think it would be a mercy to their livery to be absorbed into LATAM" is possible. It's terrifying. The LATAM test is scarier than even the SmartLynx test by nature of what it represents.
...but is the livery bad, though?
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Yes it is!
To be clear, philosophically speaking LATAM deserves an F. This livery should not exist because of what it does to other carriers. But I'll be rating it neutrally of that, much like the alliance liveries. This is the point of my blog.
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This was introduced in 2015, which really seems to be the turning point from detached tail to minimally-attached tail. Sure, it was one of the earliest adopters of this, but that doesn't make me respect the bare minimum much more. It has the same problem nearly every implementation of this does, where it looks totally adequate on shorter planes but hilariously bad on longer ones.
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This livery in particular is begging for an extension because of this really pretty ribbon-wrapping effect. Why does everything just cut off abruptly at the same point? Why doesn't more of the grey bleed to the main fuselage? Why doesn't that nice blue ribbon keep going? Literally what is stopping you other than convention? Why is the entire underside white except for that tiny little logo, located weirdly high and small where nobody will ever see it?
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LATAM has this fantastic color scheme, a beautiful combination of fuchsia and midnight blue which looks stunning on the light cool grey they've chosen for the tail. And they blew it all on a tail-only livery with a mainly white body. They didn't even put it on the nacelles. I'm very exhausted.
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The entire livery is centered around this logo. It's approximately the shape of South America and admittedly very nice-looking. I like that the logo almost looks like a descender while the wordmark is above the windowline, but these sorts of little details are absolutely nothing when your plane is a big long white tube with a nice-looking tail transplanted on from a better livery.
LATAM's livery gets a D+.
And this is what we've lost so much to get. LAM, TAN, AIRES, SAETA...we are nearing a dark future where airports across Latin America are just lines of white planes, a thin line carved out by pretty tails cut off before their time.
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From my point of view, what's beautiful in the sport is that you don't need to know too much about tactics or anything to see. If you find something beautiful, you don't need to be an expert to know it. It's like ballet… The reason it was nicknamed 'ginga' was that normally, when we'd play against a European team…back then, the European teams were very tough and physical. They were big, and defensively solid... There were some in Brazil who thought we should make that our football culture. We would say, 'We want to dance. We want to ginga. Football is not about fighting to the death. You have to play beautifully.' And so we did, and that's the reason that Brazil created more of a show, more of a ballet… The ambition should always be to play an elegant game.
- Pelé (Edson Arantes do Nascimento)
Pelé was born on Oct. 23, 1940, his father was a professional soccer player in their native Brazil. Pelé — who was given his nickname by childhood friends because of the way he mispronounced his favourite soccer player goalkeeper Bilé  - honed his craft playing futsal (or indoor soccer) in Bauru, the region within São Paulo, where Pelé grew up.
In 1956, at only the age of 15, Pelé tried out for the Santos FC professional club near São Paulo. He soon signed a contract with the team and made his professional debut on Sept. 7, 1956. In the Brazilian press, Pelé was instantly hailed as a star, with the forward leading the league in scoring as a 16-year-old in 1957. The following year, Pelé joined the Brazilian national team for the 1958 World Cup, delivering a performance that would make him a global star and earn him the nickname “O Rei,” or “The King.”
Pelé’s dominance continued through the Sixties as his Santos team won six championships in the Brazilian league over the course of that decade, while Brazil also won the World Cup in 1962 and 1970, with Pelé winning the Golden Ball for best player at the latter tournament. In his 19 seasons at Santos, spanning from 1956 to 1974 and roughly 660 games, Pelé scored a record-shattering 643 goals.
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In 1975, Pelé helped ignite interest in “the Beautiful Game” - a phrase he in part popularised for the sport, inspired by his own majestic style of play — in the U.S., a country seemingly culturally impervious to soccer’s charms: The American team failed to even qualify for the World Cup between 1954 to 1986. Following nearly two decades at Santos and a brief retirement, Pelé signed with the New York Cosmos of the North American Soccer League.
Pelé’s mere presence helped the Cosmos reach record attendances, and the sport itself gained public awareness otherwise unheard of stateside. He spent three years with the Cosmos, culminating in a Soccer Bowl championship with the Cosmos in 1977. That same year, Pelé played his final game as a pro as the Cosmos hosted his former longtime team, Santos, for an exhibition match at a sold-out Giants Stadium, with Pelé playing for both teams during the game. In the near half-century following his retirement, Pelé became one of soccer’s greatest ambassadors, continuing his push to keep the “Beautiful Game” on the forefront of the world stage. He starred in soccer-related movies — 1981’s Escape to Victory and 1986’s Hotshot — and teamed with Brazilian musician Sergio Mendes on the soundtrack to a 1977 documentary about his life. He received an honorary knighthood from Queen Elizabeth as well as every other possible soccer-related accolade, from the FIFA Order of Merit to the FIFA Player of the Century to a spot on TIme’s 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century list.
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The debate over his status as the all-time No.1 is almost unresolvable, with Lionel Messi the only player to match him in Ballon d'Or awards, and the Argentine and Cristiano Ronaldo also leading him in the all-time goal race. But you can judge Pelé’s greatness by what his footballing peers - legendary players in their own time. “The best player ever? Pelé. (Lionel) Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are both great players with specific qualities, but Pelé was better.” said Alfredo Di Stefano, the late and great Argentine star for Real Madrid. Ferenc Puskas, the legendary Hungarian footballer disagreed, “The greatest player in history was Di Stefano. I refuse to classify Pelé as a player. He was above that.” For Franz Beckenbauer, he said of Pelé “He is the most complete player I ever saw.”Rarely do the Germans see eye to eye with the Dutch such is their footballing rivalry, but for the late great Johann Cruyff, “Pelé was the only footballer who surpassed the boundaries of logic.”.
Even Ronaldo, the only player on the same level as Lionel Messi in the modern game, put the debate to rest when he declared, “Pelé is the greatest player in football history, and there will only be one Pelé in the world.”
RIP King Pelé (1940-2022)
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rafefar · 1 year
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Spring time in the desert - Argentine Giant cactus flower
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zuzsenpai · 3 months
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Zuzu's bug-ventures, the final PA state park edition! As I said before, I took the 90 min drive back for a couple days to help my parents pack up the car. And in that time it's been unreal the amount of bugs I found. I'm home again now, so here's the last of them. IDs under cut
Elegant grass-veneer moth (I already found one last week, but this blurry photo is actually higher quality than the last one, and you can actually see the frowny-face)
Could not ID (possibly a rice leaf bug or a green lacewing, but to be honest it looks like neither)
Housefly (the rarest bug of all 😂 )
Red-crossed button slug moth (I like the color tbh)
Red admiral (after finding a billion white admirals last week, this is a breath of fresh air)
Green pug moth (First slugs now pugs??)
Vulgichneumon brevicinctor (it's a type of ichneumon wasp but I can't find a common name)
Could not ID (Either a giant black wasp or a mud dauber of some kind)
Black webspinner (dead) being carried by an Argentine ant (How cool is that!)
Eastern pondhawk dragonfly (Saving the best for last, this thing landed on the windowsill for a total of ten seconds)
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