#aria's book creation ~ au posts
starlitfunkster · 9 months
BFDI Demon AU (Part 2): BFDI Cast
It's.. well it's almost done.
Only have to complete Leafy and Firey, and then Season 1 is finished. Below is basically every contestant on Season 1.
New Facts: -Demons are what the Eliminated Constestants become. If they rejoin or have yet to be eliminated on a new Season, they become Half-Demons until they are Eliminated once more. -1st and 2nd place usually become Angels by a Seasons end. If an Angel gets Eliminated, they Fall. Gelatin is the only acception to this (but we'll get to him when we get to him). -This AU is a Humanization AU, btw. Will I draw designs? Probably not. Will I let you guys make your own interpretations to their designs? Sure!
TW: Suicide (Eraser, Blocky, Pen, Tennis Ball, Firey (maybe)), Death (Everyone)
Flower - Goddess of Spring - Buried Alive - When she first arrived, she was quite cruel and mean. But deep down, there was a hurt teenager who was buried alive by her own boyfriend. Eventually, she started to realize that being mean was what got her into this Purgatory.. so she tried to change for the better. And it all worked out! She became the winner of BFB, and even ascended at some point. However, she made a deal with Gelatin that during Autumn and Winter she would stay with Gelatin in Hell, and during Spring and Summer she would be with the others in Purgatory.
Woody - Demon - Wood-Chipper (Murder) - Woody's death may seem cartoony at first glance. Oh, he fell in? No.. it's much more sinister. It's what makes him so afraid. Someone he thought he could trust ended up taking his life that day. And after being eliminated fourth, and not being able to come back? Truly sad.
Pin - Half-Demon - Murdered - Pin was apart of a group of murders happening in her area. And now stuck here in Purgatory? After being eliminated on BFDI, she became a demon. For a while, she stayed that way until BFB (and subsequently TPOT) came along. Now she can look human, and not have those obnoxious horns in the way of her sleep.
Needle - Half-Demon - Stabbed to Death - She used to be quite the needy girl when she was alive. After being murdered by a loved one, she saw that as a sign. A sign that she needed to change. This is why she hates being called 'Needy', because she doesn't want to be like she was back then. She's at least shown that she's grown past her previous self.
Teardrop - Changeling - Teardrop was born to a colony with the same name as her. But she defected from that colony, and has gone on to become the most recurring contestant. It would be wise not to touch her toxin-induced tongue. Least you want to die a very painful and long death.
Golf Ball - Half-Demon - Ran Over (Accident) - GB died in what could be called an 'accident'. It won't stop her from saying someone in her family did it on purpose. That's because she knows her family didn't like how smart she was becoming. She was becoming too smart too fast. Oh well.
Coiny - Half-Demon - Zinc Toxicity - This is why you don't eat coins, kids. He ate multiple of them like a stupid idiot, and died. He considers it very stupid, and hates when people make fun of him for it. Low-key wants to be eliminated again so he can go back to eating the tasty demon-food that he can no longer eat in his half-demon state.
Snowball - Half-Demon - Fatal Frostbite - He, Blocky, and Eraser drove to Pen's house to keep a close eye on him. However, Blocky told him to stay in the car. And he did. And he stayed in the car even as the temperature got fatal. He would die in that car, because he didn't want to seem weak in front of his friends. And now his form is ironic, and he hates it. He's still just as strong as he was before he died.
Match - Demon - ??? (we don't talk about her and Pencil's death - She and Pencil in this universe were sisters. They played with each other, and they also died with each other. We don't talk about their death though, because it was very fucked up. As a demon, she can create fires whenever she feels her alliance is threatened.. but very rarely will she actually do this. It's probably cause she has PTSD from her death, but only her and her sister know for sure what it is.
Eraser - Half-Demon - Bled Out (multiple eraser-made wounds were seen, supposedly being deep enough to show blood.) - The pessimist who tends to get hungry at the worst possible times! He actually caused his own death, but not because he was suicidal. He admits it was caused by the stress from being a witness to one of the Liy Murders. This apparently is the real reason why he and Blocky died (which Blocky would never talk about). Anyways, he's wanting to go back to being a demon so he can eat the demon-foods, because they are apparently more filling than the foods on Purgatory.
Pen - Half-Demon - Ink Poisoning (Liy Murders) - He was the last victim that Liy hunted down. He earlier drank a vial of what he thought was 'soda' (it wasn't, it was ink), and was slowly dying from that. He went into a closet to hide from Liy, and texted Eraser, Blocky, and Snowball for help. It would be too late, and he would be pulled out of the closet. Before Liy could stab him with a pen, he began throwing up blood. He, in the end, got the last laugh. And now he and his fellow victims are in Purgatory away from Liy, and can help prevent death once and for all.
Blocky - Demon - Prank Gone Wrong - He died from being too stressed out about Pen's death.. which ended up in his prank going wrong. What was supposed to cause laughs around him and with him, instead turned into a tragedy that killed him and many nameless victims. He's a loner in Hell, usually making pranks on the living that would (normally) harm them, but since their all immortal (by the virtue of already being dead), its in the end funny for the people watching. He would cease pranking once he started dating Pencil, upon realizing that these pranks were not helping him move on from his death.
Tennis Ball - Half-Demon - Suicide by Car (He witnessed Golf Ball's death and took it very hard (since they were dating at that time)) - Tennis Ball hasn't been known to be the best when handling stress. So his peers say at least. Although he knows why Golf Ball loved him, and that's cause he was smart and didn't judge Golf Ball for who she was. That's how nice and caring he was. And that's why his death was so.. tragic.
Pencil - Demon - ??? (we don't talk about her and Match's death) - She and Match were sisters, dying together in a horribly gross and gruesome way. Aaaaand that's all the context you'd get out of her or Match. They don't like talking about it. Her tail is made of graphite, and it's sharp enough to slash and harm anyone who threatens her alliance. She would soon start dating Blocky, which was enough to mend the broken heart she had since her death (apparently her boyfriend broke up with her, the same day she would die).
David - Demon (maybe pureblood?) - This demon, alongside it's sister Dora, were observing the Algebraemons making their shows. It joined one of them because Two realized they needed 1 more contestant. Since they could mimic a humans appearance so perfectly, they assumed their dead identity.
Ice Cube - Half-Demon - Crushed (by a huge ice block) - The only reason she died was because she was spelunking with a few friends. One was Bracelety, and another was [REDACTED]. Supposedly, as the tale went, [REDACTED] found a gap and told Ice Cube to stand under it. [REDACTED] then got into an argument over safety with Bracelety, resulting in Ice Cube's death. She's very vengeful, and wants revenge on [REDACTED].
Rocky - Half-Demon - Choked on Vomit - The youngest of the first gen, and.. yikes. Their parents weren't attentive enough, and they died by their sickness. All because their parents wouldn't vaccinate them. Anyways, they are still sick until BFDIA. They just don't like vomiting as much, and prefer not being sick. And then Balloony comes along and messes that up..
Spongy - Demon - Drowned - He was bullied a lot in school, and supposedly those kids tossed him into the waters underneath the bridge. It was deep enough (and cold enough) for him to drown. Instead of holding resentment towards everyone else, he just keeps to himself. He can take pain like a champ, but doesn't like it when people betray him. He's also buoyant now! How ironic…
Bubble - Demon - Implosion - Nobody really knows how she imploded. Rumors say she ate a bomb, but others say someone hid one in her food at school. If that were the case, everyone would've been evacuated that day. But either way, this lovable chubby girl can create bubbles at will. Her hair and tail-tip are even made from bubbles! And look! She's made new friends with Pencil, Match, and Ruby!
Leafy - Fallen Angel - Unknown (went missing in a deep forest) - TBA
Firey - Fallen Angel - Burned to Death - TBA
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oldguardians · 5 years
Hi! First I wanted to say that I *loved* your Good Omens fic. I liked it so much I read it twice. In particular, I loved how well-written, on tone and in character it was. Please write more? I want to see more of your Aziraphale and Crowley! Secondly, I was wondering if you had any fic recs? I find a lot of fanfics fairly cringey due off characterization and mediocre writing, but you seem like you know what you're doing.
Ahhhhh wow thank you!!! Rereading is such a huge compliment, and I obviously LOVE it when people think the characterization and tone fits. 
I did actually start writing another Good Omens fic (working title: Apocalypse?? Now????), but I’m in the middle of reading Terry Pratchett’s Equal Rites and I’m going to reread Good Omens next, so I was gonna finish those books as inspiration first before posting anything more. 
There’s a ton of great Good Omens fic out there right now, so I’ll link a few of my favorites under the cut. 
All of these focus on Azi/Crowley. Some of them have them as an ace couple, some of them definitely do not have them as an ace couple. I listed them in order of explicit-ness. Take your pick at your comfort level. 
I would generally recommend anything by TheLadyZephyr, who has a series of lovely gen-rated ficlets, and thehoyden, who writes some lovely nsfw stuff. 
The Nuances of ‘Together’ by mirawonderfulstar, rating: G, words: 2863
summary:  Everybody in the whole world can tell Aziraphale and Crowley are a couple. Everyone except, apparently, Crowley.
Better Than a Win by Aria, rating: G, words: 1200
summary: Aziraphale would have missed (or perhaps deliberately ignored) the nuance of together, but Crowley was a man-shaped being of the world, and knew what was being asked. “We’ve been around since – for a while,” he said. “But it’s not like that.”
Show/Tell by walkalittleline, rating: M, words: 3373
summary:  It took Aziraphale approximately five thousand nine hundred and forty-five years—give or take a few months—to fall in love. It didn’t take Crowley nearly as long.
come as you are by punkfaery, rating: M, words: 10,072
summary:  Aziraphale visits a modern art gallery, goes on a diet, and submits to the mortifying ordeal of being known. Not necessarily in that order. 
and oh, my heart was flawed by jamestkirk, rating: M, words: 6666 (heh)
summary: “It doesn’t make sense, does it? Why create something only to make them suffer? She says they’re Her chosen creations,” Lucifer snorted. Raphael looked up. Lucifer’s golden eyes were fixed beyond the two of them. They’d always had the same eyes and the haunted look in Lucifer’s was mirrored in his own. It was only years later that he’d learn how well Lucifer could lie. “Shouldn’t life be about happiness?”Not then, not yet, but it was the beginning of it.
Raphael fell.
All he ever did was ask questions.
the deft, sweet gesture of your hand by deadgreeks, rating: E, words: 12,126
summary: Crowley arrives injured at Aziraphale’s door. He takes care of him, reads him an awful lot of Mary Oliver, and knits elaborate metaphors for his insecurities (literally).
Anthophilia by FortinbrasFTW, rating: E, words: 49,446
summary: Anthony J. Crowley’s life seems like it’s finally falling into place: his floral shop has begun to gain an undercurrent of appreciation in the design elite of London, and he might have even finally found a boyfriend who looks just right lounging on his Tenreiro sofa. Things seem almost perfect, until one day the empty shop across the street is leased to frumpy fellow Oxford alumni, who doesn’t seem to remember Crowley nearly as well as he remembers him, which really shouldn’t bother him as much as it does - it was ten years ago after all, and it wasn’t even that good of a kiss.
note: this is a human AU based solely on book canon and it is lovely
You, Soft and Only by thehoyden, rating: E, words: 9400
summary: He hadn’t expected a sudden lapful of angel. “Very sorry about this,” Aziraphale said, and kissed him.
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starlitfunkster · 9 months
HEY! What happened to SBR: Demon AU Re-Bombed?!
Don't worry! I haven't forgotten about it! ...On DA, that is.
I've been updating it more on DA than on Tumblr.
It's over here. It has:
-All the main 8
-Most of the Dastardly Bombers
-Team Charm! ...That's something new, and has the only 2 OC's, since their leader is technically not an OC.
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starlitfunkster · 9 months
BFDI Demon AU (Part 3): The BFDIA Cast
Somehow, this took longer to do than the original cast. And I think part of it was caused by procrastination.
The only reason this got done was because of BFDIA 6 being made. Which properly eliminated Puffball.. and inspiring the first official design of the AU!
New Facts: -Impersonate an angel? Say goodbye to your spot in Heaven! This was inspired by a joke in BFB, shush. -Puffball was originally a Human before I remembered that she was eliminated in BFDIA. That memory coming up was because of BFDIA 6, so thank you J&J! -Machines don't become demons. That's it, were moving on.
TW: Tentacles (Gelatin) (Get your mind out of the gutter they aren't used for those purposes-), Death (Everyone)
Donut - Half-Demon - Boiled Alive - He got shoved into a frier that he was working at, and was boiled alive. The batch was shut down, thankfully (unlike Cake's). He is that moral compass that started out grumpy, but mellowed out a little. Also, he refuses to ignite Bomby (which is why he stops anyone else from doing so). Even in his human form, he has the burn patches that smell of donuts, and his blood is also jelly. Though you'd have to be weird to try and get his blood…
Dora - Demon (maybe a pureblood like David?) - Dora is another watcher, alongside their 'brother' David. She would join the following season, mostly because the Algebraemons had to gain her trust first. She can also mimic a humans appearance perfectly, but they still had to consume islands in their spare times.
Puffball - Half-Demon - Choked to Death (on a speaker she wasn't even supposed to eat-) - Don't eat things you see that look tasty. Puffball knows better now, but she's also dead. Has that sweet nature that got somewhat corrupted when she became beloved by the 'fans'. Which led to her first elimination. And now she's trying her best not to let the fame get to her head. Has probably the most colorful demon design of all the cast.
Bomby - Human - Blown Up (accident) - Let this man's death be a lesson. Don't do bomb training unless your certified for it. He wasn't, and ended up very dead. On his head is a fuse, which when lit basically turns Bomby into an actual bomb (just with more blood). He hates it, which is why he's grateful that people like Donut and Black Hole exist.
Book - Human - Bled-Out (bear trap) - She was supposed to die on the train tracks she was wandering about in, but ended up straying far from her original death spot. She ended up bleeding out from a bear trap that wasn't disarmed. Because of her death, in BFDIA she had a limp to her steps, but in BFB it healed (even after revives). Her hairs made out of paper, which scares her when fire gets involved in a challenge.
Fries - Demon - Workplace Accident (supposedly) - Apparently his boss got that angry of Fries when he quit his job. He was working there for a whole year now, and wanted to find a new job. So his boss instead shoved his head in the fryer until he was dead. The boss was arrested and the business shut down, which is all Fries cared about. Because of his death, his hair is made from fries, and so is his tail and wings. He can and will swipe at people who try to eat his hair, tail, or wings (such as Gelatin).
Gelatin - Demon - Stupid (to the point that he doesn't even remember sometimes!) - Guys.. never impersonate an angel. He did this when he was alive, and got smited for it. Which one? sigh It had to be a famous one, that's for sure. So even though he did get 2nd place in BFB, he still became a Demon for impersonating an angel when he was alive. He can manifest tentacles from 'stains' that he leaves behind on walls. This is where he can appear, since he can enter homes through the stains, especially of victims.
Nickel - Human - Zinc Toxicity - He and Coiny died the same way? Who knew! He's actually curious about what demon food is, and if it tastes better than how he died. It's low-key confirmed from just.. talking to him, that he died by accident. He had five nickels in his mouth, and accidentally swallowed them because he got startled by something. Rumors say he lived in the area where Remote lived, and he had heard Remote's screams.
Ruby - Demon - Murdered (by an Ex) - The sweetest girl you'd ever know.. and also a ditz. She managed to get a boyfriend, and that lasted for 2 years. Why only two? Because her boyfriend was cheating on her, and she broke up with him easily. A bit too easily, she might add. And then he murdered her when she was asleep, with the ring he was going to propose to her with. Her wings are the prettiest to look at.. and her horns.. okay, her demonic form is just the jewel of Hell itself!
Yellow Face - Human - Murdered (by Purple Face) - An advertiser who worked at a company before his death. He was supposed to inherit that company, and now he never will! Oh well, he has a new company that he made and advertises for in the afterlife. And look! It's popular enough to get its own competitors!
TV - Machine - It was made to host BFDIA briefly. And now it's a contestant on TPOT? Strange. Apparently the AI that runs it is aware that it's alive. Sometimes they are seen nearby man-made shrines for the Eliminated Contestants, having apparently 'spawned' them.
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starlitfunkster · 9 months
BFDI Demon AU (Part 1): The Hosts + Algebraemons
The Algebraemons are a species of demons birthed from a powerful dark god of knowledge. Representing various numbers, and symbols, they are a smart race with various powers!
The Hosts were made by the Algebraemons to help run 'the show'! They were mostly made by One, aside from Puffball Speaker Box (which was made by Eight).
The Zeroes - Algebraemon - Lower ranks created by One to help keep everything running in the background. They proceeded to turn against everyone, and most have all been executed for their hostile show takeover.
One - Algebraemon - The first-born child of an unknown dark god. They can create multiple limbs for themselves, and they are gifted at making so much machinery. It's the reason why they made BFDI, because without One.. there'd be no show! It helps that Two can make dimensions, like the 'Purgatory' and their home.
Two - Algebraemon - The second-born child of an unknown dark god. At one point, he was Gamey.. but that was just another of One's inventions! He enjoys hosting his show TPOT, but feels guilty for strong-arming most of Four's contestants. It's alright in the end, since the two make ammends at some point during the gaps between episodes! He's the second-most important child, being the one who made the 'Hellscape', and is trying to help make it hospitable for the new demons.
Three - Algebraemon - The third-born child of an unknown dark god. They can start fires if they are angry for too long. They are the one that write scripts for the episodes.. but lately they have been experiencing burn-out.
Four - Algebraemon - The fourth-born child of an unknown dark god. He has a loud screech, the ability to mutilate objects, and reviving whenever people die. Oh and the lasers! He LOVES the show that he watched form around him in his youth. And now he's a host?? Cool! Not so cool when the Zeroes try to usurp your own show.
Five - Algebraemon - The fifth-born child of an unknown dark god. They are quite sarcastic, but help get the job done. Because of his abrasiveness towards the others, though, he has been made the janitor. That'll teach you to be nicer to your family!
Six - Algebraemon - The sixth-born child of an unknown dark god. She's a bit of a fiend, but she means well! She has a good relationship with Nine, despite their clashing personalities. She's also a computer-wiz, and helps with researching the contestants and other things they find.
Seven - Algebraemon - The seventh-born child of an unknown dark god. She's vain, but pretty pleasant to be around. She's the main one to transform the Elminated Contestants into Demons. And also uh.. became the tour guide of the Hell they are living in. She's afraid of flying because her wings were clipped at a young age, apparently from a rogue bolt of lightening? Who knows.
Eight - Algebraemon - The eigth-born child of an unknown dark god. He's the 'normal' one of the siblings. As such, he's usually put in charge of being the cook. And also tends to help with knowledge related stuff. And also morale (alongside X)!
Nine - Algebraemon - The ninth-born child of an unknown dark god. He's that radical dude who surfs on lava and does some tubular tricks, yo! …Cringe aside, yeah they tend to not know that they don't have to try too hard to be cool. I think trying to be cool is his way of coping about him also not having his powers yet.
X - Algebraemon - The youngest child of the unknown dark god. He's very polite and kind, but is quite shy. He also has the best flight powers of all of them. However.. he doesn't have any powers of his own yet! The others are trying to help X find his powers.
Announcer - Machine - The first host, built by One and controlled by the other Algebraemons aside from Four, X, and Two. The more crueler actions done by Announcer is because they still have their job to do. After the accidental creation of 3 more speaker boxes, the Zeroes mainly control the main Announcer.
Firey Speaker Box - Machine - The second host, sharing the spot (unfortunately) with Flower Speaker Box. Nine and Six control this host, with Six often having to remind Nine not to be radical because 'Firey is not that radical'. Eventually after being shelved before BFB, they breathed a sigh of relief. They even celebrated when the machine was chopped up into pieces by Donut! It's actually because this particular Speaker Box was starting to develop its own identity, thanks to a rouge virus.
Flower Speaker Box - Machine - The second host, sharing the spot (unfortunately) with Firey Speaker Box. Seven controls this host, using the knowledge about Flower from Two's book. She didn't even have to try too much to act like Flower. Oh, and then the speakerbox broke, and she was sad.
Puffball Speaker Box - Machine - The third host, being controlled by Eight and Five. Since the books were already wide-spread for the new contestants, Eight made the Puffball Speaker Box as a gift for Puffball if she ever won the prize. Even if she didn't, he'd still give it to her! Five's the main speaker of the two, whilst Eight is the researcher. Although many tears were shed when the Speaker Box was slain.
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