#arijit's voice is what love sounds like btw
beheworthy · 6 months
do you have any songs that remind you of fosterson?
i have many songs that i associate with them but they're all in my language. there's so much gifset-worthy beautiful hindi/urdu poetry in them that i. just. can't. share. with y'all!!!! :/
i don't listen to english songs that much. but the title of one of my fics comes from taylor swift's song 'exile'.
here are 3 songs from my collection. all vids have english translation, tho i don't think hindi/urdu poetry can be aptly translated.
1. Laal Ishq, meaning 'red love' (red symbolising passion here) - i think i've shared this before but this is the most important thorjane song for me. i'll just copy paste what i said to Vi (@uniiiquehecrt ) when i shared it with her:
It starts with the sound of bells in a temple, giving it a spiritual touch. The man talks about how he collided with the woman (their separate worlds collided) and now he's changed forever. She changed his old ways. But since they are from different opposing worlds, no one will let them be together. He will do whatever he can to be with her/sneak moments with her. Run away, hide, destroy everything.
This song is based on Romeo Juliet, hence the ref to the line 'call me but love'. Patty Jenkins saw Thor Jane as Romeo Juliet. So, there's that connection. And the singer's vocals are simply out of this world, even if you don't understand the language.
2. O Bedardeya, meaning calling the other person 'heartless/merciless':
(not the best translation)
the breakup song where the guy says how much she hurt him, how heartless she is, how it ruined him. he asks her to hurt him some more. and demands her to do him justice this one time if she ever did love him.
really cathartic. here's the vid, btw, because it's worth looking at how angry the guy is at her. this doesn't have the extended verse where he says she should tell everyone how horrible he was because he wants to hear it and hate himself some more.
3. Hasi, meaning 'smile' - the female pov song:
she talks abt having nothing and no one and how he gave her everything. the line of the song for me roughly translates to - he gave her everything by giving everything of his up in his mad love for her.
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