Satan "accidentally " turned IK into a cat. Everyone is just so sad about this
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good luck getting her away from satan because good god he is NOT letting that little cat out of his sight. also you'd better keep an eye on him because one teeny little meow from ik is enough to make him do anything
she hangs out on lucifer's desk while he does paperwork and does things like stick her entire upper body into his pencil pot, at which point lucifer has to take a break from work to carefully tug her out. he would be a little irritated, but it's nigh-impossible to get even a little bit mad at the little cat loafing on your shoulder and purring up a storm
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Can't wait for the new chapter!!!!
While I wait for the chapter however, I keep thinking of an IK who's actually a hybrid between and angel and a human (aka her mom was an angel and fell in love whit her dad and stuff and that's why she left in the first place)
I keep imagining that one day,as she's hanging out whit the bros and Solomon wings just suddenly pop out of her back and she's like "oh" while the brothers are FREAKING.OUT.
also if you could write some hcs abt this?? If you want to ofc ^^ ♡
one minute ik's having a perfectly nice day and the next she's on the floor because those wings are HEAVY
this is a super interesting concept!! i'd be happy to brainstorm some ideas ^^
there are Implications and Logistics of ik's mother being an angel, so let's imagine there's some kind of god barrier override that would let a low-level angel (i.e. one that god isn't paying much attention to) sneak out of the celestial realm without being noticed, and that's how that happens
(the idea that an angel snuck out of heaven, made it down to earth, then saw ik's dad and was immediately like 'oh but i must' is so funny)
(given how he fares in the ddvd au, this seems to just be the effect zhao has on demon and angelkind alike)
either she somehow sneaks back to the celestial realm or is still living in hiding on earth, but it doesn't really matter much for the purposes of ik being a hybrid
i imagine that being exposed to the magic of the devildom and other angels for a long time has 'awakened' her more angelic traits, so to speak?
anyway first things first
ik is panicking because she can't actually balance with these massive fucking wings on her back, so she literally can't stand up until simeon manages to get her to retract them
everyone else is panicking because shit this is really bad actually
like, if word gets out to the celestial realm - who knows what could happen?? the high council could very feasibly declare ik under their jurisdiction, being part angel, and then it'd just be free reign for whatever they wanted to do
there's solomon, who could claim guardianship since ik's still part human, but he's just one human - plus, with how autocratic the celestial realm is, it's very doubtful they'd listen to him
so, while diavolo, lucifer, solomon and simeon are deliberating how to handle the whole situation, ik's trying to figure out what the HELL just happened
they're fledgling wings, so they're covered in silvery down and can't actually be used to fly yet, but they're still so heavy
ik does not want this (no offence to her angel friends), and to be honest she'd be a lot happier if the wings disappeared and never came back
it kind of sucks for a while - whenever she gets stressed out, the wings unfold, and every single time they bring her straight down to the ground
sometimes it feels like she's suffocating in them and it just makes things worse
some of the brothers are more conflicted about this than others - but it's not like this changes the fact that one of their own is in distress, so ultimately they're still all focused on taking care of her
asmo knows what it's like to hate your wings, so he's extra careful to be there as soon as ik gets stressed. he very affectionately calls it 'going feathery', and he'll stay there for as long as ik needs until the wings go away. sometimes he'll brush the feathers
lucifer's mainly just worried about ik's safety, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy teaching her the ropes of having feathery wings. he promises to teach her to fly properly once her flight feathers come in, and the fact that he seems to be looking forward to it makes ik feel a little better
mammon's VERY insistent that this doesn't change anything. see, he can still pick ik up just fine, even with the extra weight of the wings! so don't be sad, because it's not as if this matters a jot to him!
there's a sort of identity crisis to be had here... ik doesn't know how to see herself anymore - human or angel? she's lived her whole life fully believing she was just human, but now that the wings are such an invasive part of her life, she can't just ignore the angel part
solomon does his best to reassure her - as far as he's concerned, she's still an essential example of humanity, and so will always be firmly under his protection
but luke does a better job, because his view of the matter is very simple: to him, there's no point in putting her in either camp exclusively. ik is his best friend, and that's the important part, whether human or angel
(though a part of him is kind of happy about the news - even if he feels really bad about it)
ultimately, this is the view the others decide on too
ik being part angel doesn't change anything about what she did - because you don't have to be an angel to keep choosing kindness the way she does
it's a bit of a weird situation overall, because there's not exactly been other well-known hybrids that they could seek out advice from; if they do exist, they have to have been lying very low to avoid the celestial realm's persecution
that's all i have for now!! sorry it was mostly more angsty things, but there's a lot to do with this prompt, so i'd be happy to talk more about it in future!!!
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
To the best writer I know! Love ya and keep going! ♡
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oh my goodness?? THANK YOU SO MUCH hhh
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Very important question...does IK like apples? Specifically the ones that are red and slightly green
she does! she's not fussy about types, but she does specifically have a disdain for pink ladies because she thinks they're overrated, and her favourite's braeburn (which are red with some green, so maybe that's the type you're thinking of)
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in hindsight if i'd known ao3 was being ddosed i probably would've delayed posting... i realise i didn't inflict but sorry all the same!! hopefully it'll be fixed soon ^^ (and hopefully it'll be worth the wait)
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Omg I love your silly lil headcannons and writing so much??? The way you wrote the characters and IK feels so natural and is so put togheter it's honestly hard sometimes to realise this is a fanfic and not something the actual creators of obey me made. I've read my fair share of fanfics but this one has stuck on to me the most.I don't even read uncompleted fanfics but for this masterpiece I have to make an exception.
I literally check your tumblr daily to see if you've announced a new chapter and whenever you so I start squealing and jumping from pure joy,excited to see what silly little IK will do this time.
You've easily become one of my favorite creators and I've only found out about for since April I believe (funny enough I was looking for OM! fabfics with a pre-teen reader and I saw a comment on a random post recommending jtta.) and I'm just so glad I found you since I've been struggling to find new obey me content
Thank you for genuinely existing and making this.I can't wait to see what else you come up with in the future and I know that whatever you'll come up with it's gonna be amazing and an absolute masterpiece. If I could I'd give you a massive hug but alas...I'll wait until you do a meet and greet lol (/j)
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i'm not sure what to say i just WAGH thank you so much <33333 it means so so much to me to know my work's made an impact on you and i hope you'll continue to enjoy it!!
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Can only imagine the absolute tears I'll shed when IK is gonna have to go back to the human realm.I can see myself sobbing uncontrollably on the floor.
(Seeing how good you are with angst, I'm scared to see what you'll write when the time comes...)
((love you tho <333))
if it's any consolation, at least you won't exceed mammon's tears once he remembers he won't be able to hang out with his little bestie forever (that doesn't help does it)
jokes aside, rest assured it won't be super sad!! more 'see you soon' than 'farewell', since it's not like they'll never see each other again (though it'll definitely be bittersweet)
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What fandoms do you think IK has been/is in? Personally I think she would have been in the gacha fandom at one point and creepypasta too but I wanna hear your opinion ^^
i'm not too sure about gacha, but she's definitely dabbled in creepypasta (that is to say, she looked at a picture of jeff the killer and got nightmares for a week, then two months later looked him up again out of morbid compulsion and got nightmares for a week again)
i reckon she'd have been a beast quest kid as a 7-10 year old (for those unfamiliar, it's an episodic fantasy book series for children), probably also very into the how to train your dragon (books once more, rather than the movies). as for things she'd have been involved in the whole fandom experience for, i have to include fnaf - even though she definitely also scared herself into having nightmares with that while younger
i can definitely see her having been into one of the animated lego series, probably ninjago, and she's a minecraft enjoyer as well! in terms of things she'd actively be into at jtta age - don't hug me i'm scared (probably more the tv show than the og web series), doctor who, ace attorney, and the spiderverse and knives out movies come to mind!
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Ngl,when I first started reading the new chapter I started sobbing bc of Asmos fight whit Satan and was like "HOW IS THIS FAMILY BONDING?????"
number one rule with these guys: they've got to duke it out a lil before they're capable of being nice
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Hellooooo,quick question,do you ever plan on adding popular ships such as Dia x Luci or Solomon x Asmo in JTTA?
ahhhh probably not? i haven't really spent any time in jtta developing those relationships enough that i'd be able to steer it in a romantic direction without feeling like it's coming out of left field
and, as i always say when ships are brought up, if i did, it wouldn't really be focused on at all - since found family shenanigans are the main draw of the whole fic aha
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