#arne is a cuddle creature
ronkoza · 1 year
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Them ✨
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Greek Myth Asks
          Since no one ever Asks me anything, I’ll just take the liberty of filling this thing out myself. Have fun reading the whole thing!! *waves*
by @wonderbreadwoman and @spidcrsman
GODS: Life
Zeus: What’s your name or nickname? Sarah
Hera: Where are you from?  Missouri
Athena: How old are you?  almost 30
Hephaestus: When is your birthday?  In June
Aphrodite: What’s your relationship status?  Single
Poseidon: What are your pronouns?  Do what? WTF does that even mean?
Dionysus: Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Introvert
Demeter: Do you have any pets?  4
Apollo: What kind of music are you into? Everything except Rap
Artemis: What do you first notice about new people?  Color of their eyes
Hades: What’s a big fear of yours? Fear itself
Ares: What’s a big pet peeve of yours?  Having someone read over my shoulder
Hestia: Where do you consider home? Where my home is...?
Pegasus: Last movie you watched? Warcraft
Mermaid: Last tv show you finished? Psych
Centaur: Last book you read? A WoW one I don’t remember the name of
Siren: Last song you listened to? Warrior by Anilah
Gorgon: Last thing you ate? a cupcake
Cyclops: Last time you cried? Really cried or acting?
Minotaur: Last time you were truly happy? I don’t know
Sphynx: Last text you sent? Er...that was a long time ago
Chimera: Last call you made? To my brother
Griffin: Last thing you did before going to sleep last night? Shift uncomfortably
Nymph: Last dream you remember? Kyuubi was chasing a kitten and couldn’t fit into the hole it ran into. I woke up laughing
Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing? Today
HEROES: Experiences
Heracles: Have you ever had a dream come true? No
Theseus: What is your worst regret? Not being brave enough
Perseus: Have you ever been arrested? Almost
Cadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken? Yep
Achilles: Have you ever had to be hospitalized? Yep
Actaeon: Tell about a memory you wish to forget. Don’t really have any that stand out
Bellerophon: Have you ever passed out? Yes
Agamemnon: What is an achievement you’re proud of? Not dying
Oedipus: Have you ever been in love? I honestly don’t know
Jason: Have you ever traveled abroad? Where? Nope
Atlanta: Have you ever stood up for someone else? Yes
Hippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget.  Busting my head wide open when I was 5 and had to get 10 staples. I don’t recommend it.
MAGICAL ITEMS: Favorites  
Trident: Who are your favorite people? Ones that aren’t stupid or sucky
Lightning Bolt: What are your top three favorite movies? FFVII Advent Children, How To Train Your Dragon, and Rise of the Guardians
Sun Chariot: What is your favorite mythological creature? Pegasus
Lyre: What are your top three favorite songs? Blackheart by Two Steps From Hell, Kodama by Death & Rebirth, and Dawn by Arn Andersson
Caduceus: What is your favorite color? Black
Aegis: What is your favorite book or series? Harry Potter
Scythe: What is your favorite tv show? Psych
Bident: What is your favorite way to spend free time? Reading, writing fanfiction, playing video games
Harpe: What are your top 3 favorite places? Cheyenne Mountains in Wyoming, my bed, and my room
Cornucopia: What is your favorite place to eat? At a Chinese restaurant that serves sushi
Winged Sandals: What is your favorite thing to do when you hangout with your friends? Drinks and shopping. Or vice versa
Golden Fleece: What is your favorite animal? Black panther
PLACES: Goals and Wishes
Olympus: Describe your dream job. A job where I can be myself, have flexible hours, do what I love instead of stuck in a job I despise, and have a good environment where people are friendly and warm and there’s no dumbass drama
Tartarus: What’s a short term goal you hope to achieve? Learn to get along with my anxiety
Underworld: Describe your dream vacation. It would start in Florida where I would get to see the ocean for the first time. Then, it would go to Italy, so I could travel around the ancient cities and marvel at the architecture, then it would take us to the Virgin Islands where I could dig my toes into the sand and sip martini’s.
Styx: How would you like your life to look like in 10 years? Together
Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be? Not here
Sparta: Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it? All sorts of stupid shit I wrote when I was drunk, but never bothered to change
Elysium: If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Flying
Ogygia: Describe your dream husband/wife/life partner? Someone who is caring, but opinionated. Someone who is proud of their accomplishments but still humble and still learning. Someone who can make me laugh but knows when to be serious. Someone who can take me and all my insecurities and bad days and still want to be with me. Someone I could wake up to and cuddle with. Someone I could have an intelligent conversation with, but also someone who enjoys the silence.
Troja: What is the craziest thing you wanna do before you die? Live
The Labyrinth: Have you ever died and came back to life as a vampire? It didn’t work sadly.
Delphi: Are you currently doing anything to pursue your dreams? I’m getting there
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