#arohawe as a hogwarts au where she and sanha are sorted into slytherin togehter
astrofireworks · 7 years
if you could assign your mutuals/non mutuals with fanfic AUs what would they be (ex soulmate au, flowershop au, etc)
thank you for the ask omg hOOOO boy here we go this is a long post
soft lanna with gold, round glasses and a sunflower tattoo on the inside of her wrist
mostly she’s busy behind the coffee machine but sometimes she sits by the window of the cafe she runs when there aren’t any customers
but at five minutes past four o’clock every day she sees the door of the bookstore across the road swing open and a boy with silver-gold hair and the sweetest smile exit
wait if i do it like this this is gon be too fuckn long i’m gon
he pauses the moment before he enters the cafe and wonders if she might think him weird for getting coffee every day at the same time, but he goes with eunwoo’s advice anyway and swings the door open
and she’s sitting there, brown apron neatly tied around her waist and chin in her hands, looking at him like she’s wondering what a boy like him is doing in her cafe 
and he knows he should be feeling more self-conscious about the way she’s looking at him but her face is lit up by the afternoon glow of the sun off the pavement and he isn’t sure if his heart might last the visit
“i always come here for coffee and um, i always see you and uh, this book kind of reminded me of you and i think i’d like you to have it.” 
seal the history buff !!! 
it’s nice that the old newspaper archives are always empty, she thinks
this way she can read the microfilms in peace, details on the black and white strip of film appearing slightly blurry against the wall but painting clear scenes in her imagination
until he started coming down to the archives, bright smile and loud laugh and all, backpack hitched high on his back and pencil behind his ear
she doesn’t really mind - he’s cute and he always has a smile ready whenever they bump into each other and all in all, he isn’t that bad a companion to talk to 
it’s a cold and windy day outside when he sweeps into the archive room, bringing traces of a light drizzle in with his boots and the electric smell of an oncoming storm in his hair and a story about a dog he met on the way on the tip of his tongue
and he sees her, head pillowed in her arms on the table in the middle of the room and fast asleep
slowly, he shrugs off his jacket and swings it softly over her shoulders - there might not be any conversation today but at least this way, when she wakes up, she’ll be as warm as he feels on the inside 
let’s be real if aroha all went to school together mare would be the queen of the Popular Kids
he doesn’t really enjoy group projects; the time it takes to get to know his partner and to organise meeting times is time that could have gone into writing the report or brainstorming a way to tackle the requirements
also you can never really tell what your partner is going to be like or if they’d do any work, so it’s always a wild card he’s not entirely happy with, especially after the time he had to work with moonbin
he nudges his glasses further up his nose and looks quietly on as the teacher reads out names of the partners
and when his name is called in conjunction with hers, all eyes swing to him and back to her, brains no doubt calculating the probability of the class president and resident popular girl getting along and working well together 
she takes a seat next to him and he immediately turns to her, ready to discuss times during which he’s free to meet 
but he’s stunned into silence as he takes in the notes scribbled along the margin of her project brief, most of which correspond to his own ideas, and her free times neatly pencilled in at the bottom of the page
perhaps this group project might go smoothly after all
ok but dasha LOOK FLOWER SHOP AU
there are seasons when she sits in her flower shop, snipping tips off the stems of roses in relative peace
and it’s nice and quiet, most of the time, unless it’s when sanha screeches and accidentally knocks a thankfully plastic vase over 
and then there are seasons during which people scramble to get flowers for some reason or another and she’s on her feet nearly all day arranging nearly the same bouquets for those who forgot to get presents for their mothers or significant others
and so when he comes in, looking vaguely confused and panicked at the end of the day she delivers two curt questions without looking up: “significant other or parent? apology or thanks?” 
and he stands there, gaping like a fish, because while he definitely knows how to respond (“sister, apology for missing a recital!”) all he can see is her and her hands deftly picking flowers and pressing them into place and the way strands of hair has escaped her ponytail and frame her face in just the right way and the way she’s focussed on folding the tissue paper at the right angles 
and when sanha’s ringing him up he keeps sneaking glances at her until sanha snorts and charges him for an extra rose and tells him to give it to her and ask her on a date already 
best friends to lovers for sure mary you’re so soft sdjhlfajk
also so many of my mutuals are jinjin stans im laughing
when she suggests meeting at their usual spot, he doesn’t question it
it’s nearly sunset by the time he gets there, settling down on the rocks beside her - she has her sweater sleeves pulled over her palms, arms wrapped around her knees and gaze panning out over the waves
it’s peaceful like this, companionable silence settling over their shoulders like pink-gold spun clouds resting on the horizon
and it’s weird, he thinks, but there’s something about the way she looks when he glances over, with her hair spilled over her shoulders and coloured orange by the sun; he thinks he’s never met someone this soft, this close to his heart 
he glances away as she moves her head to look at him - one day, he’ll gather the courage to let her know how much she means to him but for now, he’ll enjoy the way his arm bumps against her and the way her eyes shine and the way his heart revolves around her
listen buddy you’re a space pirate i know you are stop hiding it!! 
they both aren’t sure why it was that they ran away the first time- he just turned up one day with the keys to one of his dad’s many spaceships and yelled to them to pack their damn bags, we gotta go right now
it’s five years on, but they still aren’t sure if he was being chased by the police or the mafia or if he was even being chased at all, but to get to see this? 
to get to see the entirety of space sprawled out before them, stars sprinkled into the fabric of the universe and planets lumbering their way into the void? to get to wander around and see the stars without the heavy mass of responsibilities?
it’s worth everything, they think, even with the occasional bank heists they have to pull off and having their names on the intergalactic most wanted list
it’s worth everything to have someone like him by their side, fingers drumming against the steering console and singing at the top of his lungs with a smile brighter than both the suns in their universe combined 
also they occasionally visit lanna’s cafe on earth because she’s cute and jordan likes coffee 
@nataliekaytbh @izwing
I know this was supposed to be an AU but consider this: internet friends AU turned roommates AU in which the three of us stop being physically separated by sea / land masses and actually live in the same house
iz hides the cereal boxes in all the top cupboards and i have to climb to get them while nat cackles in the background
nat makes pancakes in the morning but i don’t actually wake up until dinner time and iz has eaten all my pancakes
nat and i cry together during comebacks as iz looks on in exasperation
unless it’s seventeen, in which case i will silently pat iz on the back as she tracks jun across the screen with very fierce eyes 
nat and i also wallpaper the living room with bts posters when iz is out and iz tears our heads off when she gets home
we go out to get groceries then realise only after we arrive home that we forgot to buy the most important thing on the list
we sit in soft soft soft oversized hoodies and glasses and have hot tea on rainy days and listen to iz read harry potter out loud in an aggressive british whisper because that’s the only proper way to listen to harry potter
a good concept!!!!
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