#art is supposed to be enjoyable imo and who tf wants to just sit there and copy poses for no reason other than vague ''just practice''
dandyshucks · 8 months
just wanted to say that i think the sketches you post r really cool and you have the kind of grasp of human anatomy i could only have in my dreams
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THIS IS SO KIND !!! i really appreciate this !! so much !!
i do want to say though that YOU TOO can grasp human anatomy the amount I do - I honestly feel like half the time my drawings only come out lookin nice due to luck LOL I feel like I've got no clue what I'm doing most of the time FDSJKL
more helpful answer though is that it's just a lot of time and practice (DON'T SHY AWAY AT THE WORD PRACTICE, BEAR WITH ME HERE) and most importantly finding things you enjoy drawing !!! for me it's been a lot of fictional characters over the years (both OCs and pre-existing media characters) - if you find smth you love drawing then ur going to want to draw a lot of it, which is how you improve !!
if i can make one recommendation, i'd say go watch wrestling - it has improved my art a noticeable amount in a short time !! you can find AEW clips on youtube for free (and livestreams for free though less legally lmao) and you can find so many action shots around the internet to use as reference. it's super helpful for learning anatomy and how the human body MOVES !! ALSO learn to draw fat bodies, i swear to god that's taught me way more way faster than drawing skinny bodies ever did - once you learn about body fat placement, you're off to the races :]
draw things you enjoy!! stretch your skills!! i could give more advice but you didn't actually ask for any so i'll clamber down off my soapbox now, but !!! please trust me that you can learn !! i have often felt discouraged about my art but lately i've been seeing how much is possible when you just try things !!
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