shels-kpop-main · 5 years
Artemis & Athena: The Funeral Introduction (The Pantheon AU)
Here’s the beginning of Artie and Thena’s story! These two aren’t a couple (yet), but I thought I’d write a little something about how they met. I love these two so much, and I hope y’all will too. Let me know what you think!
Word Count: 1370
Warnings: Drinking, social anxiety, mentions of sex
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Prometheus always had an inkling that he would die young. Presumably, as a result of his work. He had toppled the regimes of several major crime bosses across Europe in order to create the empire that was the Pantheon.
Because of this notion, the original Titan spent an inordinate amount of time planning his own funeral. This was for two reasons. Firstly, Prometheus hated the idea of Hyperion having to plan his funeral. It seemed like a punishment on top of a tragedy. Secondly, Prometheus loved a good party. And boy, did he have ideas for this one.
The Titan sat down at his desk one day, years before he died, and wrote out the plan for his funeral. He called it The Ten Commandments.
Absolutely no crying. At all.
Cremate my body, and bury the ashes somewhere quiet. But do this before the funeral party itself.
Everyone shall plant flowers in the garden together in the morning. 
Celebrate my life. Remember me fondly.
No fighting. Play nicely, if only for a night.
Nails shall be painted black in my honor.
Everyone shall be dressed to look scandalous.
I want there to be fireworks. Lots of fireworks.
Drink, a lot.
After the funeral, I want all willing parties to get fucked. No exceptions.
Athena fidgeted with the ring on her finger. The knuckle under the ring was almost white from how tightly she was holding her glass. All around her, drunken funeral guests danced, sang, and talked. It seemed that Prometheus had gotten his wish of having a funeral that was more like a party.
An absolutely massive party.
Athena followed Prometheus’s decree, just like everyone else. Her nails were painted black, and the dress she wore was too tight for comfort. Athena always preferred a low ponytail or elegant bun, but she wore her hair down that night. She was trying her best to be relaxed and carefree, just like Prometheus wanted.
There were hundreds of outsiders at the funeral. Most of them, Athena didn’t know. Some, she faintly recognized from mugshots and criminal profiles. Athena knew all of the Olympians, but every one of them she’d seen so far was...unavailable for conversation.
Hera and Zeus were in the middle of the dancefloor, swaying slowly even though the music was upbeat. They were kissing, and laughing at Aphrodite and Poseidon next to them. The latter pair were dancing wildly and carelessly, visibly tipsy. Across the room, Hades and Persephone were all over each other, and appeared to be ready to leave. Each of the Muses had taken up with non-Olympian guests, and even Alastor and Hephaestus were taking part in the debauchery.
It appeared that everyone would follow Prometheus’s Commandments. Everyone except Athena. No matter how well she could adapt to different situations, the one thing she couldn’t do was alter her sexuality.
Athena felt no emotional or intellectual connection with anyone present. So how could she bring herself to sleep with someone in honor of the fallen Titan? It was a lot of pressure, and sometimes Athena wished she could be wired differently.
I’ll stay another hour, then slip away quietly, she thought to herself. And she crossed the hall to grab another drink.
Across the room, Artemis scanned the crowd over the edge of her glass. She wore a long, black dress with a plunging neckline and striking gold accents. Her hair was pulled back into a slick, high ponytail, with gold threads woven into it.
Goddess of the hunt, indeed.
Artemis locked eyes with one of the Muses near the bar. She was leaning against the wall with an arm slung lazily around the neck of a foreign emissary. But she gave Artemis a knowing look, which was all the invitation she needed.
The huntress downed the rest of her drink and set off in that direction. But as Artie walked in front of the doors that led to the balcony, something caught her eye.
I’ve seen her before. But she never wears her hair down.
Athena was leaning against the marble railing of the balcony, trying to center herself and pass the time. The gardens were lit up below, but the stars were still clearly visible above. Athena smiled absentmindedly, trying to pick out as many constellations as she could. “Hi there.”
Athena turned to find the source of the voice. It was Artemis, strolling up to her slowly. She wore a friendly smile, and her body language made it clear to Athena that she felt perfectly at home in a party like this.
“Mind if I join you for a moment? It’s quite hot in there,” Artemis gestured behind her. Athena gave a small smile and nodded. Artemis walked up to the railing next to Athena, and looked out at the quiet landscape in front of them.
“I’m Artemis,” she offered.
“Athena,” she replied. Artemis nodded, and looked her up and down.
“You’re Zeus’s secretary, right?”
“Yes,” Athena answered. She wasn’t one for small talk. Luckily, Artie wasn’t easily bored.
“Can I ask why you’re out here panicking, instead of enjoying the funeral?”
Athena frowned at her.
“What makes you think I’m panicking?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Artemis rolled her eyes. “Maybe it’s the frown. The shallow breathing. You’re holding that glass so tightly it might break.”
Athena sighed. Artemis watched her, confident in her assessment.
“Okay, I’m a little uneasy,” Athena admitted. It was Artie’s turn to frown.
“Why is that?”
“It’s nothing. I’ll join the party again in a moment.”
“Are you going home with someone tonight?” Artemis asked suddenly. Athena’s eyelids flickered, and she began to fidget with her ring. That was all the answer Artemis needed.
“You’re nervous because you don’t want to fuck anyone here, aren’t you?”
“That’s none of your business,” Athena snapped. But Artie was undeterred.
“You are! Well, there’s nothing wrong with that,” she reasoned. Athena looked at the other woman from the corner of her eye.
“But the Ten Commandments…” Athena trailed off.
“...are guidelines that our dear, departed Prometheus left, in order for us to celebrate his life,” Artemis finished for her, pointedly. Athena looked upset.
“I just hate being the only person that always goes home alone. And if I leave without someone tonight, someone might ask about it.”
Artemis thought to herself for a moment, then nudged Athena’s elbow with hers.
“We can go home alone, together!”
Athena stared at her.
“You’re into girls, right?” Artemis asked bluntly. Athena blinked in surprise, but nodded.
“Uh, yes, what--”
“So am I. Let’s just make everyone think we’re leaving together. Then no one will ask you about it.”
“You’re willing to leave the party for a fake hookup?”
“Absolutely,” Artie answered. “I don’t like mingling with non-Olympians anyway. So let’s just not, and say we did.”
Athena chuckled. It was certainly a better plan than what she had come up with. So she looked at Artemis, who was waiting with raised eyebrows.
“Alright. Yes.”
“Lovely. Follow my lead,” Artemis told her, and slung an arm around Athena’s shoulders. The taller woman led Athena through the party, saying hello to a few others along the way. Athena played the part by putting her arm around Artie’s waist, and holding the hand that sat atop her shoulder.
“Have fun, ladies!” Aphrodite called, as Poseidon littered kisses down her neck. Artemis laughed, musical and confident. Athena couldn’t help but smile as Aphrodite winked at her. Even Zeus and Hera exchanged glances as the two goddesses passed them on their way out.
Artemis held up the guise until she and Athena had crossed into the residential wing of Mount Olympus. Once they passed the grand staircase, her arm fell from Athena’s shoulder. Their rooms were on different floors, so Artemis walked her to the elevator, then took a step back.
“I believe this is where I leave you,” she commented. Athena, looking thoroughly relieved at having left the funeral, smiled widely.
“Thank you. I really appreciate this.”
“Any time. I like walking pretty girls home,” Artemis told her with a wink. She turned, and headed down the hallway toward her rooms. But not too quickly to notice the blush creeping across Athena’s cheeks.
Taglist: @deacytits, @anotheronebitesthedeaks, @rogers-sweatbands, @briarrose26, @lovehelpmewrite, @zodiacal-dust-and-curls, @lv7867, @dreamer821, @happy-at-home, @doyoudobroadway
23 notes · View notes
shels-kpop-main · 5 years
Artemis & Athena: Something New (The Pantheon AU)
Word Count: 1125
Warnings: Brief sexual content/dialogue, language, guns
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Artemis was strolling down the Eastern corridor when she happened upon Athena. The moment she saw the shorter goddess, a smile played on her lips.
“Hey, you,” she called. Athena looked over to see Artemis approaching, looking effortlessly perfect in high-waisted black pants and a white t-shirt. Athena tried her best to keep cool.
“Hi, Artemis. How can I help you?”
“You can’t,” Artemis replied matter-of-factly. “I was just on my way to get some range time. Although you can certainly watch.”
Artemis gave a cheeky smile and turned to the door of the firing range. But Athena stepped into her path, clearing her throat nervously. Artemis looked between her and the door.
“What, are the Majesties still in there? Poseidon was bitching about them hogging the range earlier, but I figured they’d be gone by now,” Artemis pouted. Athena struggled to explain the situation.
“They’re still using the room. So,” Athena trailed off, gesturing down the hallway. Artemis would have to entertain herself some other way. But the huntress frowned and didn’t move.
“Well, what are they doing in there?”
Athena blinked.
“They’re…um…” She looked between the door and Artemis, then settled for the only word that came to mind.
“Negotiating. They’re negotiating.”
Artemis raised an eyebrow just as sounds began to carry through the door. Hera was moaning loudly, and paired with Zeus’s groans, it was obvious what they were doing. It was unmistakable. Athena cringed internally as she and Artemis stood there, listening to their bosses have sex.
Artemis looked at the door in surprise.
“Oh,” was all she could think to say at first. But she looked at Athena again, and smirked.
“Well… Perhaps you and I should negotiate sometime,” Artemis suggested, her words thick with the implication as she stepped closer to Athena. Athena stuttered, having never gotten used to Artemis’s forwardness.
“I’m kidding, love,” Artemis soothed her, flashing a wide grin. But she leaned to whisper in Athena’s ear.
“I’d take you on a date first.”
And she walked off, smiling proudly. As Athena watched her go, she couldn’t help the heat rising in her cheeks.
Athena noticed two changes over the next couple of weeks. One, Artemis was spending a lot less time flirting with her, and a lot more time asking her about herself. Between meetings and missions, Artemis had managed to talk to Athena about every topic under the sun. Although Artie often asked Athena about personal details, Athena would often deflect in favor of something more casual.
Artie understood that some things were easier for Athena to talk about than others, so she never pushed any topic. And Athena, ever observant, took note of this and appreciated it. For the first time, it seemed like someone was trying to get to know her. And more than that, it was apparent that Artemis was trying to learn what made Athena tick.
The second thing Athena picked up on was the change in tone of Artemis’s interactions with others. Before, she might have said something to Alastor or Aphrodite with a wink or a suggestive smirk. But after some time, Artemis began to conduct herself differently. While she remained casually affectionate with all of her friends and colleagues, her mannerisms were less sexually-charged.
It was enough to concern Athena.
“Is everything alright with you?” The shorter goddess asked, standing with arms folded a few feet away from her taller counterpart. They were standing outside in the archery range on a mild afternoon. The partly cloudy skies and low wind speeds made for a perfect opportunity for Artemis to practice her favorite sport.
“Yeah,” Artemis muttered, fiddling with an arrow. She then placed the arrow on her bow, and drew it back.
“Why do you ask?”
“You don’t flirt as much as you used to,” Athena observed. Artemis raised an eyebrow at her from around the bow in her arms. Athena just looked at her with quiet curiosity. Artemis cocked her head in consideration, but turned her gaze back to the target.
“I suppose I don’t,” she answered. Athena thought to herself for a moment, debating if it was worth it to ask the following question.
“Why is that?”
“Well,” Artemis started, positioning her arrow. “It seemed to make you uncomfortable if I did it too much.”
“You don’t flirt with anyone any more, though,” Athena insisted, watching her. Artemis frowned, and Athena couldn’t tell if it was because she was concentrating or just irritated. But Artemis was more patient than anyone gave her credit for.
“No, I don’t,” she responded, and let go of the arrow. Athena watched as it pierced the middle circle of the target. Dead center.
Artemis lowered her bow and turned to face the other goddess.
“Do you want to know why?”
Athena nodded. Artemis set her bow down, and stepped closer.
“Because I like you. And I don’t want to flirt with anyone else.”
Artemis’s stare was unwavering. But her eyes were kind and soft. It was something Athena barely recognized.
“Is it okay that I said that?” Artemis asked quietly. Athena nodded.
“Then why do you look afraid?”
“I’m…I don’t think I can give you what you’re used to,” Athena admitted, feeling a rock fall into the pit of her stomach. Artemis didn’t blink.
“You mean sex?” She clarified. Athena, who was almost used to Artemis’s bluntness by now, just nodded again.
“I’m used to waking up alone. I’d rather wake up next to you—even if we’re both fully clothed,” she answered pointedly. Athena’s eyelids fluttered as she processed Artie’s words.
“Unless I’m mistaken,” Artemis said, “and you don’t want that.”
“No, I do,” Athena assured her, inching closer. She could smell the scent of citrus and peonies that stuck to Artie, seemingly regardless of how long she had been in the field.
“I’m just uncertain. Or confused, maybe?”
“What is there to be confused about?” Artemis tilted her head, causing a few strands of hair to fall into her face. Athena struggled to find the words.
“I don’t…you could chase anyone. Why am I so special?”
Artemis rolled her eyes, laughing.
“Because, you gorgeous idiot,” she chuckled, taking Athena’s hand and squeezing it gently for emphasis.
“You’re the smartest person I’ve ever met. You’re kind, clever, and beyond pretty… Is that enough?” She finished with a smile. Athena blushed, glancing down at her feet.
“And if you’ll entertain me, I’d like to get to know you.”
Athena looked up at Artemis. The taller goddess looked confident as ever, but something about the look on her face gave it away—she was nervous. Athena was floored; she had never seen Artie be anything but self-assured and easy-going.
Athena smiled for the first time that day.
“I’d love that.”
Taglist: @deacytits, @anotheronebitesthedeaks, @rogers-sweatbands, @briarrose26, @lovehelpmewrite, @zodiacal-dust-and-curls, @lv7867, @dreamer821, @happy-at-home, @doyoudobroadway
15 notes · View notes