#artficial space
tfgadgets · 2 days
NASA's artificial star all set to unravel mysteries of the Universe
Representative Image: Artficial Star in space (Generated with Canva) NASA is launching an artificial star into space to aid scientists in answering some of the universe’s most profound mysteries. Led by researchers at George Mason University, the $19.5 million mission will enable scientists to calibrate telescopes and measure the brightness of stars much more precisely–stars ranging from those…
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neuzboyx24net0 · 2 days
NASA's artificial star all set to unravel mysteries of the Universe
Representative Image: Artficial Star in space (Generated with Canva) NASA is launching an artificial star into space to aid scientists in answering some of the universe’s most profound mysteries. Led by researchers at George Mason University, the $19.5 million mission will enable scientists to calibrate telescopes and measure the brightness of stars much more precisely–stars ranging from those…
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Snippet Sunday
“Is that your father?” Maral asked, back still ramrod straight despite it being two hours into the post ceremony mingling with no end in sight.
Aster sighed. “Yes.”
“You’ll have to introduce me once he’s finished up there.”
Aster had spent the last three years doing everything in her power to avoid precisely that. Much like her father, Maral was aggressively friendly and Aster had been concerned that if they were ever in the same room for too long it might just be the end of reality as they knew it.
Maral was her second roommate. The first met Mr Kobor once at the end of orientation week and had been so overwhelmed that they’d transferred back to Lunar Two. Maral, however, was Mongolian and made of the sternest stuff Earth could offer. In their second year she had once eaten Liridian gel for a dare and hadn’t been phased by either the taste or the mild toxicity.
Across the hall, Aster caught sight of her father making his apologies with an excessive amounts of handshakes and – Sol save her – a single hug for their astrophysics instructor.
Mrs Kobor, thankfully, was busy integrating herself with the other parents and guardians and had blended into the crowd so completely it took Aster several scans to spot her in spite of the bright yellow sari. But it wasn’t her mother who was filling her attention at the moment, it was the rapid approach of her father with the crowd parting before him like the red sea before Moses.
“No need,” she told Maral. “Brace yourself.”
“Aster my little starlight,” Mr Kobor wrapped her in a bear hug and lifted her straight off the ground. Growing up on Titan didn’t come with many advantages but the lower-than-Earth gravity and regular space trips had prepared Aster for life aboard the Fleet station in orbit with its artficial Earth-standard gravity better than those who had never been to the planet.
There was a reason orientation week was also known as barf week.
It also meant that when her father heaved her up, he didn’t get nearly as high as normal, saving her uniform from becoming too badly ruffled.
“Major Daws was just telling me about all the exciting new projects the Fleet has planned,” Mr Kobor said as he finally put her down. “Did you know that - ”
“Baba,” Aster pitched her voice low so as to not have it carry, and to prevent her father from accidentally announcing what was probably Fleet secrets to the entire room. “This is Maral.”
Mr Kobor’s gaze turned to her roommate and it was like two magnets coming together.
“Maral! How wonderful to meet you, we’ve heard so much about you.” The words came with a pointed look that Aster equally pointedly ignored.
“Thank you Mr Kobor.”
“Oh please, call me Vikram.”
“Vikram, the pleasure is mine.”
Aster was quietly impressed that Maral wasn’t bouncing with the force of the handshake.
“You are an engineer, correct?”
As the conversation devolved into discussions around the technical construction of carbon dioxide absorption plates and artificial gravity circulation without the universe imploding Aster gave herself a mental pat on the back.
One more disaster averted.
@televisionjester @pb-dot
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fogeyeview · 4 years
low house by Adrienne Johnson
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ridiculous-concepts · 3 years
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“The experimental monsters are on a rampage! Please, Shadow! You’re the only one who can protect the ARK!”
Day 6 of #30daysofSonic
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rajinedgeofdarkness · 4 years
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Last set of layouts for now......the third floor and the specifics of eveyrone’s bedrooms, pods, and the third main floor are still getting figured out.   Rajin is powered by elemental magic.....forcefields and mechanics are used to keep this magic under control so it doesn’t cause the entire ship to blow up.   FACTS ABOUT THESE SECTIONS: The light and sun gems go hand in hand to help power the ship’s thrusters (which expand out towards the back) along with smaller thrusters on hidden fins for extra maneuverability.  Solar sails that come out at the top and sides in mass collect power from the actual sun(s) to passively push the ship ahead either by the momentum of photons or just regular wind when within a planet’s atmosphere.  This energy can be directed to the thrusters right away or stored in the light gem for later use.  Sun gem fragments are used to provide a sense of artficially produced day and night cycles when in the darkness of space.  They are located near the ceilings of the pods and the ship’s main body
The dark gem is used to fold space around Rajin and allow for it to enter and maintain warp drive.  Because dark magic is very volatile,....the light gem is used to maintain the balance.  The forcefield and mechanical gates rotate around each of them to control when they are allowed to release their own energy or interact with one another.  The dark gem is never used by itself unless its field is connected with that of the light gem.   The other smaller elemental gems are used to power a lot of Rajin’s internal functions.  The magi collectors take this surplus energy up to the transistor where it is than amplified and distributed to where it is needed at any given time.  Rajin doesn’t use any kind of plumbing or wiring, but this circuit board like array is used to distribute each main elemental type.  This makes Rajin more cutomizable too.  Put a shower near any of these circuit lines and tell the ship to deliver just water magic to it and you are good to go.  Each gem serves a unique purpose......the water gem creates and filters/recycles dirty/used water......the lightning gem powers parts of the ship that do depend on electricity (i.e. hologram projectors, lights, electromagnetic doors...etc.),.....the fire gem provides central heating,.....the ice gem provides central cooling as well as chilled spaces for cold storage......the air gem provides fresh air as well as constantly circulating it throughout the ship.....carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the garden and nature pods......the earth gem keeps plants alive and healthy and significantly shortens growth time, sustaining the, soily, rocky foundation it relies upon as well.
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nightinghoul · 3 years
Dream: I move into an apartment building where everyone there is friends, and use it like a huge house that they share where everyone just loosely has a space.
People are being kind of secretive. There's an agent wondering around asking questions. My new friends are politely trying to get rid of her.
In the back of the building I find a portal. It looks like a wall of clear water with a city behind it. I see one of the tenants of the apartment go in, and figure it's there for all of us, so I walk through.
It's this huge high tech city, like the places in the movie Artficial Intelligence, or the new Bladerunner with holographic images everywhere, but it is also my understanding that magic exists in this world. A big difference, however, is that it's is a really clean and cheerful place.
In order to go in, I need to register as a member, and show an ID proving that I live in a building with a portal. I'm waiting in the registry line, and there are a bunch of snacks to grab and buy on the way in. Mostly colorful flavored popcorn, though, and I don't care for popcorn. I'm excited to pick up a registry form, because everyone there has colorful hair, and fun clothing, and they are all nice to each other.
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The Moon is a artficial space station
Ooh yes. It’s mostly true.
We have been given the same reaction like you. WHAT!? But after deep research we are recognised that it’s mostly true. In out researchers we also came a cross with many intelligent minds who claim and explain that the Moon is not a Earth’s satellite not even close!
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Lunarism. We are the supreme intellectic beings. The gods in a lower state. Not yet, can we realise. But when we create life from something that has not lived before. We will then on our path, once we learn we can harness the power of nature and space. We can create planets, galaxys. We will learn to create artficial organs, then a become immortal. Finding more ways to survive. Once we are that smart we will be superhumans, we will learn to understand the multiverse, and travel through it. Forming our own universe. And what does this sound like? Like you are god, we all become gods… And Wil this become chaos? Or course. But then what happens? Well the power becomes to great, our multiverse collapses, and the particles from the other universes then explode, which is the creation of the new multiverse chain. And the Main Verse. Our energy lives on, and by a chance it will make it back as it floats through the verses.
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marcosoropoet · 8 years
Seeds of fire and light, crackling logs, quasars, confusions of candy-colored raindrops and black moss fingernails make it something fiery in your eyes unknown in this world most heightened, sentient candle light haze november fuschia century.alone in this world — one sentient circuit. Feather on skin, droplets of rain flashing wet glowing amber blinkers. Glasses ping in the sea-tang background of a hallucinatory black shadow puppet eyelash. Radio: ...day and night I sit at home and I cry, (1234), wonderin' maybe if this is all just a lie...babybaby I — ((( grit silt undergroundcomix city street laces tied tight, rainstorm soundtrack ))) ...well, maybe u know if u had been around some: as some would say, and then stand around, looking down we are stretching out into two outward directions on the outskirts of night city deluge regression looking down onto the vision path of the distant glittering vine city that makes one or two cry tonight. solo bassiest sitar floated out from the open window, curtains flapping softly in time. you & i process time differently today. i here, u there. without the filmic boundary of universe knife-edge time, timelessness evolves into the new desired seasonal color, the new magazine cover rolled up to hit a rat — meandering mass malfunction tremor gaping swallows. vacuum. blackhole. microcosm. more rapid imagery. helicopter. red propeller hard-flung repetitive sound, blue siren screeching fast, flying fists, siezure of vehicle & chocolate-yes time machine — I went to the show instead of sitting around, Joe The Kug kicked out an alright rocknroll show that was alright sonic loud retro rocked on over and over, around and around, whistled spilt a bucket of harmonica, amplified the blues guitar warped bent heavy s o u n d: up here on the fourth floor the wind is awhippin' up & ahollerin loud rain and deep fresh thunder matrix outburst: crowd. Black and white storm drain gush, widens e x p a n s i o n x perfect disaster movie (((still))) behind frosted glass — the sky clouds mountains luminous, suffused planetary trickery — space opera e x p a n s i o n z — you spent an ominous delusional deep eye-unravel, a walk through the clear stilled cut stone gazebo of timely caricatures. Of cut stone time. No time behind bars. Handling blurred black polka dot conveyor vertigo screams; official institutional business paranoia office politics are veering out to you, girl / girl / girl girlyouknowthat busdriver he KRAY-ZEEgirl? he just say: "i'm a po' boy hmmm lost run up into the wind a while fly up hmmm to the moon fixin' to go anywhere's I pleases, sistah yezhmmm...mmm" nawnawnaw don'tcomewiththat it takeone to know one blasé blasé He is actually fuckinG de-fucking-ranged ominous delusional deep eye-unravel, i am a very practiced, precise, dark sycophant; thus having left many with a deep amazement, and such an addiction to the elaborations of my highly esteeming fizzing fervor over such sloppy sorry dupe fucks; No! Well just retract renege whatever the fuck! day or time, but mostly distracted, celebratory and important in the q u a n t u m i l l u s i o n of filmic derivatives in elitist lingo, craving for some peripheral excitement tonight. some feral excitement. Choppers swoop down low with a searing spotlight blasting white rays of simple pure technology propeller hums loud yes, i think "being hard on yourself" is a staged fake-out very quietly not making too much noise. too much white noise. too much scratch selfhelpbook many please yes 451...451...451 the siren shuffled its screech around the rusty tectonics of the foggy rainy city. M: Can't you see? I can't think straight with your graphics splattered all over the kitchen, I'm sorry but they are too wild and stark, I — M: — well myself for a long time now. I ((( uh ))) actualize myself in the artistic endeavor program you see. "I" feel more genuinely human. Having the same thoughts come clear to me, as well. This delicate skill is rather enhancing, I find. Distracting oneself from the quantum illusion, you are an illusion, so I will display all of my pieces in the livingroom instead of the chocolate crunch time machine. I am a very technique-heavy practiced, precise, dark sycophant; thus having left many with amazement, and an addiction to the perfect "interviewee", "media-ready", "mindless"... yeah so the rock show's on then? we gonna do the Nutley gig eh? yeah next week right? ok straight off somethingweirdiswrongwith the phone. no no problem. no problem...no es problemático. The Artist as Servant to the Taskmaster: Art or, "Up in Here" - location finder of the psyche. AS SEEN ON TV. you are talking to yourself constantly, and everyone else as well is speeding up, this is too telling of the Pomegranate Program bank...uh real parchment documents...written up legal cases, dark crates of bristling oily tarantulas, these comments/moments.repeating fruit reds ...would you like the egg soft boiled? The spy motions with his long 24K pinky nail. Dry constraining skills, of bad mother persona place bitch's shelter, don't gimme no mama. Noir : That's place-fight risk forged ahead very practiced, celebratory and enjoy "quicksand" sure. Sure, the neon prickly cactus place (zone) is quiet "media-ready" and I of course just flipped out! No more clowns and vagrants on TV. Get it? — ...these comments are under smoky lasered scrutiny in the tricked-out surveillance clown center of the sociopathic sheltered elite urban mutation basement sector composite. Do not find me there please tonight no. Not ever! Cigar touting clowns, in formal barbed wire attire, and fiberglass Bow-Ties. Entire walls and windows covered in aluminum foil glaring eye of metallic skin; a searing metallic light, that is seen as it pours out smoke from whole gaps and cracks; from afar the prolonged vibrato of one syllable — A distant gaurantee of otherwordly nano-visions. donuts dunked in a coffee pool. Sauntering in, vivid pristine holograms of nocturnal mutagen beasts lumbering, climbing down to sleep in their warm centered world something is very odd and ((( off ))) the sky clouds mountains luminous, suffused the old lake with warm light: i'm a po' boy hmmm-hmmm lost run into the wind a while fly up hmmmyezmmm to the moon the immediate earth artificial gelatin intelligence resists rendering my Möbius Loophole, is contiguous manic nihilism perpetrating plagiarism. Time loophole escapee loot party gone way wrong, man. The turmoil of the money-craving zombie industry brand, with its truly myriad iterations, a million jealous flashbulb moneyshots of dry-ice frozen three dimensional strobes pulsating on grinding grin trashcan collage alley moneyshot font/color graffiti to boot grind down to grey ash, silt slides off of the cracking inset lines around the zombie's gluey opening eye. Who wants a birthday cake to be a conceptual unraveling inversion of rampant unrelenting candleflames? Flashing a quartz stilleto badge, running through artficial fiery ebbing mobs of protesting automatons. Yanking out drawers filled with heavy coins, and throwing slinging them all over pillow fight showering flecked thick coins (cracked a window with a corner of the flung drawer)...jagged glass made our room now seem much more serious, unfinished. Distracting, disturbing. No blood though... This is the very same earth of eyes blurring out of the picture into vivid blades of green country grass under brown cattle sinew, focus bright white razor-sharp clouds entitled gradually to the false artifice of data vicinity night — The quintessence of mile-down mountain valley drop is catching quick down my attention Running on auto pilot as projection of sparkling dust motes, in bright beams of day: no no I've ate already officer — did you know I'll read them, yeah, red passing laden glare of a red light beam splash head on into the please remember that I never lied crosshair eyes of execution squad giggles.
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thegloober · 6 years
While India's IT managers get the axe, old world coders get a lifeline
Cool today, forgotten tomorrow. That’s certainly the arc that technology seems to take when it comes to products and even professionals, consigning the stars of today to the memory bins of yesteryear. And yet, every now and then something happens to demonstrate that these arcs are not always consistent. Indeed, India’s IT landscape has emerged as a total head-scratcher when it comes to figuring out what’s hot and what’s not when it comes to skills that will help you survive.
There’s a gigantic shift taking place in IT services as the old-era practice of housing mainframes on premises with flocks of in-house or outsourced techies maintaining this infrastructure and devising applications to cater to these businesses empires has died almost overnight. Today, the digital world and cloud businesses are taking care of much of that. IT services today have to be more agile, customer facing and be able to not only stitch platforms together but offer ‘design think’ consulting capabilities using data analytics, machine learning and other new-era skill sets.
Consequently, it’s no surprise to hear that India shed nearly 55,000 such jobs this last year, mainly those of IT workers who were unable to re-skill themselves. While the absolute lower rungs in the IT armies may have been culled by robotic process automation, it is the senior project manager hired and promoted for her or his role in being the interface between management and coding teams who were the other significant casualties.
Head of Capgemini Srinivas Kandula in India famously said not so long ago that he believes “that 60-65 per cent of them are just not trainable…Probably, India will witness the largest unemployment in the middle level to senior level.” Consequently, Cognizant for instance, jettisoned 200 senior employees at the director level and above this year, with a severance payout of three to four months.
Many of these kinds of casualties are people who have held senior administrative functions but no ongoing hands-on engagement with problem solving. In their forties or fifties, now saddled with unaffordable housing and car loans which were once mere after-thoughts in an industry that seemed to offer lifetime employment, these senior employees are often the first to be culled and there is no more ironic or bleak reality than to read about them seeking counselling or help on chatbots.
Of course, none of this is deeply surprising. Young faces are prized because they are almost automatically digital natives having emerged into adulthood armed with what must seem to middle or senior managers at IT firms an almost preternatural way of arriving at solutions in this new digital world. There is a reason that Tata Consultancy Services recently showered 1,000 new hires fresh out of university with a starting salary that was double of what these grads generally received after passing a test designed specifically to gauge digital competence.
So what if you were told that another subset of sought after skills were those who had proficiency in computer languages seemingly from the medieval age — namely, Cobol, Fortran, C++, and Sybase to work alongside their cohorts in artficial intelligence and machine learning?
You may be forgiven for thinking that this is some weird, steam-punk inspired story of technology gone awry but the fact is, many large global businesses have arrived willy-nilly into this digital world urgently requiring that their applications devised for desktops need to now be accessed over the mini-computers of today–the smartphone.
“Globally, some of our large clients run on mainframes, and Cobol is not something we would say is a legacy skill. It is a skill we will continue to need,” said Chaitanya N Sreenivas, head of human resources at IBM India in The Economic Times.
In fact what is urgently needed according to industry experts is the ability to have skills in both the old world and the new. After all, those Cobol and Fortran-based applications need to be grafted onto those sculpted by HTML5, Google’s Android operating system and Apple’s iOS. Anyway, there is consensus that learning the new stuff such as machine learning and data analytics is not really possible without a strong foundation in the old stuff. Kamal Karanth, founder of HR consulting firm Xpheno thinks that the blend of old versus new is still very much in favour of old skills with a 70 percent to 30 percent ratio.
“While newer skills can give more colour to a resume, fundamental knowledge of older skills is almost mandatory,” he says.
So, while the senior IT manager is almost certainly a continuing casualty of upheaval in the industry, the coder of yesteryear is almost certainly an asset. As long as they are able to ‘up skill’ to new languages, they should find employment for a decade to come while their managerial counterparts try and figure out how they can re-invent themselves.
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Source: https://bloghyped.com/while-indias-it-managers-get-the-axe-old-world-coders-get-a-lifeline/
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