itsideh · 1 year
Journal Entry #7
ARTGR #520
From the onset, there has been a strong connection between our design and cultural semiotics course and the ongoing women's protest in Iran. Every aspect of this event has been intertwined with our course.
Firstly, On the 16th of September 2022, a 29-year-old woman named Mahsa Amini was reportedly murdered in Tehran by security forces while she was in custody for having an inappropriate hijab. Amani’s death sparked outrage and protests across Iran in cities like Tehran, Isfahan, and Tabriz, later spreading worldwide, with demonstrators demanding justice for her and ending police brutality and violence against women. The designs of protest posters, banners, and other visual materials play a crucial role in conveying the message of the protests. Using symbols, colors, and imagery can communicate powerful messages and ideas and reflect the cultural and historical context of the protests. For example, the hijab as a symbol of oppression and resistance is a common motif in protest art and design. Iran also gained international attention from this protest, with human rights organizations and activists worldwide expressing solidarity with the protesters and condemning the Iranian government's response. Even the United Nations also called for an investigation into Amani’s death and urged the Iranian government to ensure accountability for the perpetrators. Many human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, condemned the Iranian government's response to the protests and called for an independent investigation into Amani’s death. These organizations also expressed concern about the broader issues of police violence and discrimination against women in Iran. Without the use of posters, animations, and prompts to spread the message to the world, none of these events would have occurred. Upon reading about the Madame Binh Graphics Collective (MBGC), I came to the realization of integrating graphic design into a larger ethical framework that encompasses concepts like allyship and privilege as a means to achieve revolutionary goals.
The protests in Iran also highlighted long-standing issues of police brutality and violence against women. Women in Iran have long faced discriminatory laws and practices, including mandatory hijab laws, which they have protested in the past. The protests after Amani’s death are part of a broader movement for greater gender equality and human rights in Iran.
Also, cultural semiotics did help me to understand the deeper cultural and social meanings behind the women's protests in Iran. The hijab, for example, is not just a piece of clothing but is also deeply embedded in Iranian culture and history. By protesting against the compulsory hijab, Iranian women challenge traditional cultural norms and assert their right to self-expression and individual freedom. Understanding the cultural and historical context of the hijab and its symbolic significance is essential for understanding the meaning and significance of the protests.
The international support for the protesters in Iran highlights the growing awareness of human rights issues in the country and the importance of solidarity and collective action in promoting greater freedom and justice for all.
Finally, design and cultural semiotics shed light on the power dynamics in the women's protests in Iran. By analyzing the visual language and symbolism of the protests, we can see how different groups and individuals are positioning themselves toward each other. For example, using the hijab as a symbol of resistance can be seen as a challenge to the authority of the Iranian government and the conservative clerical establishment. Understanding these power dynamics is essential for understanding the protests' broader social and political context.
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gage3000 · 5 months
Entry #10
This class was about sharpening our consciousness of the many meanings that images, symbols, and compositions have that can tell us more about why the visual content was made, what kind of impact it can have on people, and how we can identify with our media. 
We discussed the ideas of Marshal McLuhan and his philosophy of how our electronic environment has reshaped culture and continued to influence how we consume media. From McLuhan, we investigated the supposed encoded messages of media that each student brought to the class and discussed the objective and personal meanings.
Another key aspect of this course was the investigation of maps. Maps have a function to tell stories and inform viewers based on the experiences and intentions of those responsible for creating the content. In this way, maps are very performative, which I had never considered too deeply until this class. 
This class allowed me and my classmates to be creative in our critical analysis of the objects and images around us and there are many things that I will never look at the same without questioning the encoded messages. This class has equipped me with the verbiage and background knowledge to be more critical of the media I consume, which I believe makes us more involved people.
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artgr512vand · 1 year
week 10- visual essay
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huanjiao · 1 year
Journal Entry 10- Hannah
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esimbe · 1 year
Journal 10
Part 1: Map-Day
During our class discussion on maps, we participated in a fascinating activity where everyone created their own maps while breaking away from traditional cartographic conventions. What was particularly interesting to observe was the amount of time and effort each person put into their maps. Each map uniquely represented the individual's experiences and emotions, making it a powerful expression of their inner world. As I watched the maps being created, I could see the different feelings each person was pouring into their work, such as excitement, frustration, curiosity, and creativity. The maps I selected to share as a GIF captured feelings many in the class shared. They showed each person's journey as they explored new ways of mapping and breaking free from conventional norms. The different colours and shapes represented the diversity of experiences and emotions shared by everyone, making it a powerful reflection of the collective spirit of our class. This activity demonstrated how maps can be more than just functional tools for navigation and exploration. They can also be a means of creative expression and a reflection of our innermost thoughts and emotions. The maps displayed in my Gif are from My classmates, Ideh, Anka, Meagan, Julia, Nicole, Ugo and Mine.
Part 2: Iconography
Icons are symbols that represent ideas, concepts, or people. I did explore the cultural significance of soccer icons and their role in shaping broader social and cultural narratives and examined the media and marketing strategies that contribute to the creation and promotion of soccer icons and the impact of these icons on broader cultural and social trends. In soccer, icons are athletes who have achieved high success and recognition in their respective teams and have become cultural symbols of excellence, achievement, and perseverance. Soccer icons are widely recognised and celebrated, often transcending their sport to become cultural figures with significant influence. They are associated with specific accomplishments or records, such as breaking world records, leading their team to championship victories, or winning major individual awards. Soccer icons are frequently the focus of media attention, with their lives and achievements documented in biographies, documentaries, and news coverage. They also serve as powerful marketing and branding tools for sports teams, products, and events, and their image and likeness are often used to sell merchandise and promote soccer-related initiatives. Beyond their on-field achievements, soccer icons may be recognised for their contributions to society or culture. Some use their platform to advocate for social justice issues or to support charitable causes, becoming symbols of activism and change.
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ncho3 · 1 year
ArtGR 520 Journal Entry 8 - Nicole Cho
Facial Recognition
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Map of Ames
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jmartell · 1 year
520 Journal Entry 10
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gage3000 · 5 months
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gage3000 · 7 months
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The map given to me displays the title "Shakespeare's Britain" in the top right corner. The land mass depicted is England, Scotland, and Wales. Ireland also appears just before the edge of the map on the left side. This material is a researched map based on other representations of the landscape with a blend of literature with reality. The map was published in 1964 by The National Geographic Society for the magazine in the "Geographic Art Department" and is based on another map from 1611. Research for the map is credited to John D. Garst.
The overall style lends itself to mythological and storybook aesthetics. The use of type is historical, calligraphic, and reminiscent of printing methods and the design of printed material of the 1600s. The map is thematic, displaying a blend of history, literature, fantasy, and mythology, presenting a perspective on England's landscape during Shakespeare's works. It aims to tell a story in the past tense as a presentational map showcasing the relationship between the work of Shakespeare and actual historical figures, dates, and events that he wrote about, indicating its purpose as an educational or illustrative resource.
It showcases the relationship between Shakespearean literature and real historical contexts, possibly for academic or storytelling purposes. A banner even suggests this idea of presentation as it is written, "Performed by Lisa Biganzoli, N.G.S. staff." Including real and fictional names suggests a linguistic focus, highlighting the interplay between historical figures, Shakespearean characters, and those behind producing the material. This linguistic aspect is crucial in bridging the map's gap between reality and fiction.
Combined with Western mythology, the map parallels Shakespearean themes and broader Western cultural narratives. This might represent how Shakespeare's works contribute to or reflect upon Western mythology, cultural identity, and storytelling.
"Shakespeare's Britain" is not only a map but a narrative journey through time and imagination. Through its calligraphic style and mythological aesthetics, the map educates and captivates in its storytelling inherent in cartography and literature.
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gage3000 · 8 months
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Can you guess the song?
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gage3000 · 8 months
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The object I chose for this entry is the classic wooden case of art supplies. This object makes me think: basic/beginner/no knowledge of art, cheap materials, and inconsiderate.
This item comes in many styles and sometimes contains different materials, but the sentiment for me is always the same. This object reminds me of my childhood around Christmas time. I might have received the wooden case as a present probably three times in my life. That is the sentiment that I want to point out. Everyone who was ever considered the "artsy" child of the family or friend group seems to have some kind of relationship with this gift, distinct from someone who just picked it up from the general store because they needed a cheap kit to follow a Bob Ross painting video. It's like the air frier of gifts for a creative son or daughter.
It is interesting that the "art kid" is a stereotype that can be characterized by this one object. I also feel that this object also has a connotation connected to a specific social class: lower middle class.
Personally, I was raised in an area that lacked diversity both in population but also in career choices. Design wasn't something that seemed like a serious career to many people. The wooden case was always a safe bet as a gift for someone who was considered "artistic" since not a lot was known about the interests of said people, and it was seen as a good gift for a child.
Along with the stereotype of an "art kid," I think the wooden case of art supplies is also an object associated with the beginning of children's passion for art, which leads to their future careers in art and design. For this reason, the wooden case is an important piece of American pop culture.
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itsideh · 1 year
Journal Entry #10
Companies often change their logo and brand identity to adapt to new trends and technology. This is especially important in today's digital age and the use of internet, where having a modern and recognizable brand can make a big difference in attracting and retaining customers. By updating their logos and branding, companies can reflect their focus on innovation and creativity, appeal to a younger generation of consumers, stand out from the competition and have a long-lasting impression on customers and remain relevant in an ever-changing business landscape.
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Celebrities are often used in advertising to create emotional connections with consumers and to leverage their fame and influence to promote a product or brand. By using a celebrity, companies are tapping into the cultural associations and meanings that are attached to that person, such as status, beauty, or power. The benefits of using a celebrity in advertising include increased brand awareness, a positive association with the celebrity's image, and the potential to reach a wider audience. However, the downsides can include high costs, risks of negative publicity if the celebrity is involved in scandal or controversy, and the potential for the celebrity to overshadow the brand or product being promoted.
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jmartell · 1 year
520 Journal Entry 9
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huanjiao · 1 year
Journal Entry 9-Hannah
During my walking tour of campus, I saw several examples of our university's use of visual communication to promote sustainability here. Our campus has produced a series of icons advocating for eco-friendly measures like solar-powered trash and recylcing compactors. On the trash compactors graphic design concepts such as color, font, and layout were used to develop these garbage can graphics to ensure that they were both aesthetically pleasing and easy to read. The discipline of semiotics was also used to guarantee that the visuals' target audience.
On-campus navigational aids are another another use of this synthesis. Helping students and faculty find their way through a large and unfamiliar area, like a campus, is the primary goal of wayfinding systems. These wayfinding systems serve a dual purpose of promoting sustainability on campus and facilitating efficient travel around it via the use of eco-friendly materials and design concepts.
I also saw some green roofs on campus. Semiotically speaking, green roofs might stand for the concept of long-term sustainability and environmental consciousness. Incorporating them into a building's design is a public statement that its owners value sustainability and want to do their part to lessen their structure's effect on the environment. Green roofs can be considered as a way to show the public that a building's management is committed to environmental responsibility and is working to lessen its carbon footprint. Green roofs on campus may also have symbolic cultural and aesthetic significance. Some green roofs have been used for centuries and are closely linked to culturally significant architectural practices.
Graphic design, semiotics, and the promotion of sustainability on campus are three related themes that may be employed together to great advantage in the realm of visual communication. By fusing these ideas, campus environmental designers will be able to produce graphics, wayfinding systems, and other visual communication tools that are both aesthetically pleasing and effective in their promotion of sustainable habits and knowledge of environmental challenges.
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itsideh · 1 year
Journal Entry #9
As I walked along my regular path from the Student Innovation Center to the south, I couldn't help but notice several things that caught my attention. Firstly, the direction was of utmost importance, and I quickly looked up the route on Google Maps. I found myself reflecting on how much technology has advanced over the years, and how the younger generation has adapted effortlessly to modern technologies such as electronic maps and navigation systems. In contrast, the older generation, despite having spent more than two decades using computers, often struggles to learn and use such tools. I have tried to teach my mother how to use Google Maps on numerous occasions, but she still prefers to memorize addresses and ask for directions.
Once I had determined the direction, my groupmates and I started walking towards the south, making sure we were on the right track. Along the way, I noticed various landmarks on campus that I typically use to find my way around and to know my location. I took several pictures of these landmarks as they are the most significant elements in the landscape for me. I believe that landmarks can vary from person to person based on their experiences and backgrounds. While I may not remember street names easily, I can effortlessly navigate to any destination without using a map, thanks to my mental map of the campus marked by my personal landmarks. One such landmark for me is the US Bank ATM, which is not a significant landmark for everyone, but it serves as an important sign for me that I'm entering the campus area.
Another thing that caught my attention during my 30-minute walk was the beautiful blossoms and leaves on the trees, which sometimes obstructed my view, making it difficult to see beyond. I realized that in winter, the view would be more extensive, but with less beauty.
As I continued my walk, I noticed a significant difference in the Dunkin' store, which was situated in the middle of our route. The store had undergone a refurbishment, and the new look was refreshing to see. This difference, coupled with the arrival of spring, made the walk even more enjoyable.
Finally, as we walked out of the campus towards the city, I couldn't help but notice the change in the atmosphere. Although there was no physical fence or wall separating the campus from the city, you could sense the difference in the surroundings. We passed by all the dormitories, and most of the students were heading in the opposite direction to attend their classes. This experience highlighted to me the distinction between being on-campus and off-campus, even when there is no clear boundary. These pictures are of the landmarks that will serve as my memory cues for navigating my path in the future. They are like a visual representation of my mind map for this particular route.
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artgr512vand · 1 year
Post number 9- in class activity
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