#article origin:china
writtenaboutshinee · 5 years
SHINee for COOL, September 2008
Repost from shineeinterviews who originally reposted it from shineee.net
20 facts of ONEW
1. Nicknamed “tofu”. “Pure tofu”, “ondubu”, they all refer to him. Uses the introduction “I am only~you~ Onew” taught to him by Leeteuk and at times, switches to “Hello, my name is Michael Jackson(sincerely)!”
2. Feels shy about presenting himself to people, and because of it, he did not dare to participate in auditions. When he was a trainee, everyone else seems to be improving everyday, while he seems to be staying stagnant and not improving, that to him is the saddest period of his life up till now.
3. When performing on stage for the first time, he could not see anything in front of him, and even forgot the lyrics before going up on stage. But he thought of his parents who were sitting in front of the stage, he thought “Yes, I must look for them”, and thus calmed down gradually.
4. The Leader who commits the most mistakes during practices; the Leader who feels respoonsible for the group and solves problem, the Leader who will just zone out from time to time, the Leader who still stays strong despite sporting swollen, red eyes under the glaring lights, the Leader who cries in the car secretly after getting injured.
5. “Rather than saying that I use certain methods to make the sunbaes like me, I am just working hard to be respectful.” It is this thought that accompanies the 90 degree bow everytime.
6. Infamous NG King. “You just cannot not NG can’t you!” (KEY)
7. “Honestly, amongst all of the SHINee members, in the terms of looks, physique, expression…and everything is charismatic and the only phrase to describe the person is ‘near perfection’, that member is – ME!”
8. Good in studying, was second in the entire school before. To him, it’s nothing to be very proud of, because everyone has their own strengths that is irreplaceable by others, isn’t it more important to discover that strength and make use of it?
9. Because he got curious after hearing that “if there is something heavy on your chest, your thoughts will become heavy too, and you will experience illusions”, so he went went to sleep hugging a box, hoping to enter a land of illusions but nothing happened…
10. Looks gentle and quiet, but is very ambitious at attempting to be humourous, is always very enthusiastic about trying various methods to hype up the atmosphere behind the scenes. Also possesses the ability to freeze the atmosphere with whatever he says, but there are just once or twice a year when people do feel that he is funny.
11. 'What should you do if you are a victim of the SHINee poison?’ “ …Go to the hospital for cure! (innocently, seriously)
12. Can be quite blur at times. "Our album will be released in May (firmly) …. It’s already August now?! ….Oh then it should be in September…Ah (manager glares at him) No no, it’s in August, end of August…”
13. His idea type is something who has character, good personality, is responsible, knows how to cook, looks good in appearance, the hands must be especially pretty, and the most important aspect – it must be a noona!
14. If met with unbearable situations, changes mindset from “I have to do ____ before its fine?” to “It’s just doing _____ then it will be alright” and it will work. Be it heaven or hell, what matters is how you view it.
15. Tied his hair with the filigree(the golden strip thing) used to package bread, that was when he was really young, and had really long hair…
16. Strong at adapting, when dressing up as a girl for the first time, he felt fascinated and awkward, but after awhile he was able to start dancing sexy dances. If he does changes into a girl? He would probably date Key. Unique, strong personality, very interesting, just like his cup of tea.
17. Does not hide his worry about the possibility of him commiting mistakes because he is does not feel capable of it. “Can I do it well?”, “Will it be safe?”, “Will I get into trouble?”, whatever comes to mind he will voice it out, and after that, will feel more daring to continue on.
18. Suffers from the “Floudering about” syndrome, will sink into a state of baffling nervousness whenever he does not know how to answer something. When it comes to handling the direction of a conversation, it will be fine if he is not nevous, but once he ends up panicking, he will want to shout “umma”.
19. Will wake up early to make roast meat for Taemin, but sleep is also very important, must have a good sleep, eat well and abstain from unhealthy snacks – how else to maintain such a good complexion?
20. The most memorable present. the most treasured present, the happiest present received: Everyone’s love. How about using this year’s Newcomer Award to repay that? That is a precious gift that can only received once in a lifetime, want to receive it, and then…Hehe, not telling you! …Did I say that?…Eh….
Matters needing attention: Onew condition: Turning quiet suddenly, not talking to anyone, just sitting there in a daze; committing mistakes in most unlikely and unexpected situations, it is fine that others are baffled and fascinated by it but the main thing is that he does not even know why, muddles up from time to time, for details refer to point 12 above. If any of the above mentioned is committed, it is termed the “Onew condition”.
The X catalyst: Forcefully trying to bring him back into the reality world; questions why he commits such a baffling mistake; and reasoning with him.
The O catalyst: Wait for him to return to earth; laugh along with him. If he falls or trips, silently observe if he is trying to conceal his pain and divert other’s attention from his injury with his smile; take what he says as the final say, do not take it too seriously, since most of the time he commits blunders on what everyone else already know, even if he does not correct it, you will already know the right answer…
20 facts of TAEMIN
1. Must never forget to smile.
2. Carries a bag containing a lot of sweets around, all with a SHINee logo attached on it. Will give out these sweets whenever he sees noonas.
3. Has been said by many that he is good at aegyo, but will in actualy face, use half aegyo and half forcing to get what he wants, for example, mumbles “I want to be a director too” constantly while using his butt to push others.
4. Has been said that he is cute too many times, but “does not want others to say that I am cute”.
5. When first debuted, is used to blinking a lot when speaking, it is a lot better now, but somehow it has become a hot topic after Key umma has imitated it.
6. Will run around the practise room with a bottle/packet of milk in his mouth, spends a lot of time in the waiting room studying and rushing his holiday assignments and preparing for exams.
7. Being on stage is something to be enjoyed, and dance is the what makes him derives the most joy from. The title is just to attraction people to watch, you should only believe in what you see.
8. His dancing ability has been widely recognised, but do you know that his rap is pretty MAN too? Go listen to “Love should go on”.
9.Do not think that he is a child with a huge generation gap between the two of you, he idolises “MJ” and also likes to imitate Seo Taiji – “I don’t know anything!”
10. “I really don’t know anything!” (catchphrase)
11. Can transform an ardent swordsman into a kawaii youth, and can change the action of pulling out a sword to just raising a fire torch.
12. “When I first saw Taemin, I thought he was really pretty. At that time there was a trainee noona in front of him, and Taemin was even prettier than her.” (EUNHYUK)
13. Does not feel that he has a talent that can matches up to Onew, but if he were to do it(Onew’s talent)…he can do it too!
14. A very obedient child, even if he is asked to sit on someone’s lap, or getting hugged or being lifted up on someone’s shoulder, he does not object. He’s so young that the sunbaes find it hard to see him as a rising artiste who is catching up with them, but he is beginning to present a star’s disposition.
15. Knows how to play, and will play. A finger and a camera. that’s his best friend.
16. “Hyung, do you know what is love?” (to the rest of members)
17. “If I am a girl, I will choose to date Minho, because he is Flaming Charisma!”
18. “In the show, Yunhanam, the person who is the best at making a girl happy is Taemin.” (KEY) But he is still at a stage when he is more enthusiastic of dogs than girls.
19. If there is true love involved, how can age be limiting, isn’t there a guy who married a really old grandmother?
20. Has the care and concern of the hyungs, the love and care of the noonas, it’s really nice. If only he can see his family more…Hyung, saranghae…
Matters needing attention: Competitve: You can treat him as a exclusive young man but in front of him, you better see him as a man at heart.
The X catalyst: “Taemin ah, you go and do _____ k – You are the youngest!”
The O catalyst: Chant silently “He is a man! Do not be charmed by his smile! Do not be fooled by his baby face!” Hypnosis, the effect is threefold.
20 facts about MINHO
1. “Hello everyone, I am SHINee’s Flaming Charisma Minho. I have to talk for more than a minute? What can I say? One minute is too long!”
2. “Minho looks like a main character of a manga” (ONEW) “He is a living existence of selfishness!” (KEY) “When I first saw him, I thought "Ah! So handsome! Especially the eyes!” (JONGHYUN)
3. Has no concept about money, no concept about taking care of his health, has no concept about maintaining handsome or not – Why waste so much energy thinking about this kind of things?
4. If he were to pick the most handsome pose, it would be just to stand there properly. What he is most confident of: not blinking for 3 minutes!
5. “I will buy our album this time too, and keep it as a personal collection.”
6. Feels happiest when he is on stage singing and dancing, really. When singing, he will persevere on to the very end, and when singing, he will imeerse himself into the song until the last note ends. If it is not his song, it is even easier for him to get involved, like “Rokkugo”.
7. An inquisitve baby, is curious about everything. If he doesn’t do anything then it is fine, but if he goes about doing something, he must do it to his best capacity, a perfectionist.
8. Does not talk usually, but hopes that the members can become closer amongst each other, to become “forever SHINee”.
9. “The album is really manly and wild, Minho!” “They said we are manly and wild…(looks at other members) Is that good?”
10. His ideal type just need to be of an average height, must definitely be kind at heart, have long hair, wears dresses frequently – Ah, will just secretly laugh when thinking about it.
11. When singing “Love like oxygen”, he thinks of his fantasy girl (embarassed)
12. Sits upright and listens attentively on screen, but plays crazily off screen, occassionally will trip over the stairs and will turn back and glare at the stairs.
13. “Honestly, if I am a girl, the member from SHINee that I will definitely date is Taemin.”
14. Is good at doing everything, and is able to understand and analzye matters effectively – in reality, he is very aware if the people around him are comfortable or not – except when he is the camera PD: he still does not understand how to make the people in the scene stand properly.
15. “I have never seen a ghost, but I would like to see one.”
16. According to Taemin, Minho’s sleeping pyjamas is the cutest, but what is the pattern then? Flowers and grass? Animals? Hearts? It is unanswered.
17. “It shall be it then.” (catchphrase)
18. Does not have a personal talent. Does playing soccer counts? I am good at playing soccer, do you want to have a match someday?
19. Does not want to be hypocritical, refuses to be half hearted and insincere, if very straightforward in personality.
20. It’s not that he cannot be crazy, it’s not that he cannot lead, it’s not that he is not attracted to girls, you just to get hold of the that one single point that makes him interested and wait for him to give you a suprise.
Matters needing attention: Fretting: The most boring part about him is when he is bored, but when the most exciting thing is when he starts to fret. If all his frettings show themselves, then this world would be very much interesting.
The X catalyst: Uses a lot of effort to try to extend the topic and directing the atmoshpere.
The O catalsyst: Bring a puppy to him and wait for him to say stuff like “It’s so cute, looking at it makes me feel happy”, when that happens, he will naturally talk more.
20 fact about JONGHYUN
1. Has been said that the first line of “Love like oxygen” sounds like Michael Jackson’s style. “It does sound like it a bit.”, he admits it himself, but Usher is still irreplaceble, definitely!
2. “Bling Bling Jonghyun”, does it sound weird? He uses it all the time, be it during messaging or talking, he uses it. Because he loves R&B and Hip-hop too much, he wishes that he can shine forever (like bling bling). If you want it difficult to call that, “Hey Bling” can be used, thats what the members call him.
3. Will tend to talk at a really fast speed when he gets nervous, but because he talks a lot usually, nobody ever notices that habit of his.
4. There is no shortcut to acheiving perfection, just hard work and more hard work, if he is unable to take it, he will hide in the toilet for a cry, and then continue to work even harder during practice.
5. Has a lot of charisma on stage, but is very endearing and fun to be with off stage, before debut, he chats with Taemin everyday when returning home, is the member who is the most unanimous with his relaxation and lifestyle.
6. “If I meet an alien, I will definitely be scared at first, but after awhile when I get to know it, I will consider how to send it back home.”
7. Regardless of anything, no matter how many times he had performed on stage, whenever he hears his own song he will still get exceptionally excited, will lipsynch along, dance along, fidget around in his seat, even when he chokes on water he will still remain engrossed.
8. A very lively student in high school, able to digest English and Korean songs very well. Formed a band, composed music during that time, believes that if you truly like something, it is not difficult to persevere on.
9. Understands the importance of heath, so does not eat stuff like instant noodles even when he is very hungry. To practise on an empty stomach is definitely tough, but in comparison, won’t it feel really good to finally eat a full meal during breakfast? – After tolerating for so long, it’s finally time to enjoy.
10. Is not scared of the camera at all, a 180 degree display or 360 degree all show? Just state it.
11. Feels that he is a good hyung, and a good dongseng to the members, if not for the fact that they always interrupt him which makes him flares up at them shouting “Keep quiet!” at times, his image is pretty perfect.
12. Makes total and absolute preparation for everything, will even stay up overnight without sleep to prepare. If his progress does not meet his own expectations, he will feel restless and a little short tempered.
13. Likes girls who seek novelty at times, is willing to accept the age gap of up to 6 years…What about 7 years?….8 years?
14. Why cover up if you make a mistake, just admit it truthfully won’t it be good?
15. Taemin is very good, but too young. If he were to become a girl, it will be better to let Key be his boyfriend, setting aside the good personality, Key is very honest, which fits his view in life, refer to point 14.
16. Has a lot of notices, will show off to his members after returning to the dorm. Will also miss his members whom he don’t know what they are doing while he is at certain shows/programs, if there is a chance, he will like to bring all his members along.
17. The only secret to maintaining a good complexion despite a very hectic schedule is to simply maintain a positive mindset. 18. Is very proficient in the guitar, bass and piano.
19. Wakes up the earliest in the dorm, will wake up Key after he is done with washing up, Key will then wake Onew up, then Taemin and lastly, Minho – “I am the one who wakes up the earliest! I am most confident about it!”
20. “How do I wash the rice? Why doesn’t Key umma know?! …So you have to wash it like this, Taemin? Wow!”
Matters needing attention: Rebellious: A common puberty failing, it’s a phase that all teenagers will experience.
The X catalyst: Commanding orders, such as “You want me to do this?”, “You have to settle this.”
The O catalyst: Be more natural at it, as long as you don’t make him feel suppressed, he will always come to you, and is willing to endure hardship gladly.
20 facts about KEY
1. Will go to the CD shop and ask, “Where are the SHINee CDs? Are they selling well?” Cares about his welfare in outlook in life.
2. “Right from when we are trainees till now, the one who sings really well, dances superbly, gets angry only when it is an occasion to be angry about, makes people feel that "this guy is really amazing!”, that person is Key.“ (JONGHYUN)
3. Has a love-hate relationship with horror movies and horror stories, he yearns for them but he is also scared of them, he likes them but he also dislikes them. He lost his composure/image in the cinema many times because of that, he is only able to rent horror movies/dramas to watch at home to continue scaring himself.
4. "I don’t want a fantasy romance like those in the movies, I look towards a realistic and truthful relationship.” Honest, straighforward and open minded girls are OK, but girls who are soft on the outside but really fierce on the insides are a NO. Must have an opinion, not be too girly, and must like to freely express what she likes.
5. In terms of dressing up as girls, Taemin is the most suitable, but the prettiest is still the one who is looking into the mirror (ie. Key), if he really wants to do it, even a true woman will not be able to match up to him. (Proudly)
6. Is confident that he can be a gourmet chef, nobody can escape his dumplings trap.
7. “To be an idol, it’s not enough to just put in effort in the front appearance, your back appearance is important too.”
8. Good at saying honeyed words, but hearing lines like “Are you hurt? I am hurting too.” makes him burst out in laughter.
9. “If I were to become Yunhanam’s director, the viewing rates ought to be able to rise.” (smug)
10. His personal talent is imitating a robotic character from a cartoon show, the classic line being “Woah! Money! With money anything can be done!!”
11. Good at preparing, good at analyzing, belongs to the kind who is able to work out a plan from scratch with just a single detail.
12. “You cannot avoid me, you must look at me in the eyes.”
13. It’s his nature to take care of people? At first he was just Taemin’s umma, after that his nagging extends to include all of the members, and now it is becoming that he nags at whoever he sees.
14. Still nagging. Because he has been too naggy, Taemin really wants to change his umma now…
15. Become a girl? Then he would date all the other members once and see how it is. Does not know how it is like when they are in front of a girl, he is really curious about it.
16. “The person who is able to meet an ET who has come to earth and not feel scared but instead in able to converse naturally with it is Key…Even if he is left on an abadoned island, he will still be able to find a way to survive.” (JONGHYUN)
17. As long as he is being sincerely asked to do something, he will do it no matter how unwilling he is, even if he does not like to do it.
18. Sentimental and sensitive, even if it just a piece of paper from someone who he cares about, he will take really good care of it.
19. The group’s No.1 in fashion. Red, white, blue, it is normal for him to carry off these colours which are easy to carry off, but for colours like pink and grass green which are more difficult to pull off, he is still able to do it.
20. “I hope that this album can receive a lot of love from everyone, and, if only our friends all know SHINee’s songs, they only know 'Noona is so pretty’ …”
Matters needing attention: Height phobia: Will feeling giddy, disgusted, off balanced when standing on high grounds, feels very dangerous if he is suspended in midair.
The X catalyst: Rollercoaster or bungee jump or water slide…
The O catalyst: Standing with both foot on the ground.
Translations by atlantis-x @ soompi/shineee.net / re-post from (x)(x)(Both links are broken now but they led to SHINee’s thread on the old Soompi forums)
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jin801680 · 2 years
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jin801680 · 2 years
Round Body Countersunk Head Rivet Nut
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Macverin W-002 fast charging wireless charger
Who we are? Macverin is a leading original factory about Wireless Charger and Type c hub. Why us ? Original Design and Manufacturing ; Products with Design Patents; Strong OEM/ODM Ability with Considerated MOQ; CE, FCC, ROHS Approved Certification; 100% QC Inspection before Delivery; 24/7 Available Service; Macverin W-002 MINI AIRPOWER adopts wireless charging standard of WPC-Qi1.2 and Apple watch i-Watch protocol. It is suitable for wireless charging of mobile phones, digital, communication, GPRS, automobile, furniture, fire protection and waterproof products. Used for battery wireless charging or wireless power supply. Support for the latest Apple mobile phones and Samsung mobile wireless charger specifications. Basic Information Model No. W-002                Type: 7.5W fast charging 2 in 1 wireless charger Trademark: MACVERIN      Body Materials: Aluminum Alloy Chassis Place of Origin:China          Colors:White Warranty: 1 year                 Certification: CE, FCC, ROHS Transmitter Output Performance Support for Apple and Samsung wireless charging, if needs to experience fast charge 7.5W for Iphone and 10W for Samsung functions please connect QC2.0 and QC3.0 chargers which approved with QC standard protocol. Non-fast charging phone only work with QI 5W mode. A.For IPHONE  Item Specification Min Type Max Output Voltage Input Voltage Range 4.5v DC 9v 9.75v DC Output Current Input Voltage Range / 1.3A 1.7A Output power All Voltage range & output at full load / 10w 13w Output Over Current CC mode load to increase the output off / / 2A B.For Apple Watch  Item Specification Min Type Max Output Voltage Input Voltage Range 4.5v DC / 5.25v DC Output Current Input Voltage Range / 0.3A 0.7A Output power All Voltage range & output at full load / 2w 3.5w Output Over Current CC mode load to increase the output off 0.5A / 1.2A C.Energy Efficiency Characteristics Item Specification Min Type Max Average efficiency Normal input & output at25%,50%,75%,100%load 70% 75% /  D.Reliability Item Specification Acceptance criteria ESD Reference standard IEC61000-4-2:Contact discharge:±4Kv,Air discharge: ±8Kv Class A or B  E.Environmental Item Specification Min Type Max Operation temperature Environmental temperature  that product normal working -10℃ / 50℃ Storage Temperature 3 Month   1 years -20℃ / 25℃ 3 month -20℃ / 45℃ 1 month -20℃ / 50℃ Operating humidity Operation humidity that product normal work. 10% / 90% Storage humidity Storage humidity that product doesn’t work 5% / 90%  F.Charging with 9V Adapters Phone No. Phone Temperature. Total Charging time Battery Capacity IPHONE X 32.2℃ 2 Hours and 58 mins 2716mAh IPHONE 8 PLUS 30.2℃ 2 Hours and 41 mins 2675mAh IPHONE 8 29.8℃ 2 Hours and 21 mins 1821mAh NOTE 8 33.8℃ 3 Hours and 24 mins 3300mAh S8 PLUS 37℃ 2 Hours and 56 mins 3500mAh S8 36.8℃ 2 Hours and 48 mins 3000mAh S7 EDGE 37.2℃ 3 Hours and 03 mins 3600mAh
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Package Size: 181(L)*90(W)*30(H)mm, G.W.200g; Get FREE QUOTATION by following contact form now. Read the full article
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Best Selling USB C hub on Amazon. Type c USB 3.1 Adapter male to USB 3.0, HDMI with power delivery.
Basic Informations  Model No. U33 Type: Type-C to U3.0+U2.0+HDMI+PD3.0 hub Trademark: MACVERIN Body Materials: Aluminum Alloy Chassis Place of Origin:China Colors:Glod.Rose Glod,Silver,Space Grey. Warranty: 1 year Certification: CE, FCC, ROHS OEM/ODM Service is available.  Specifications Mechanical Body Length:78(L)*12(W)*36(H)mm,Net weight:47g; Cable length:82mm, OD Width: 4.5mm; White Thermoplastic Elastomer TPE materials;
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  Functions Type c ports:Power delivery charging . USB 2.0/3.0 Ports:Connect with USB Disk, HDD ,keyboard and mouse and some other USB ports devices. HDMI ports: Screen mirroring between Phone/Ipads/Computer withTVs or Monitors.
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Package & Size  Package Size: 170(L)*80(W)*15(H)mm, G.W.61g; ESD bag package or customized color box. 
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Smart USB 3.0 Type C Hub for MacBook Air Pro USBC USB-C Type-C USB 3.0 3.1 Hub Adapter with power delivery charging
BASIC INFORMATION  Model No. U32                       Type: Type C to  USB 3.0 3 Ports  hub Trademark: MACVERIN         Body Materials: Aluminum Alloy Chassis Place of Origin:China             Colors:Glod, Silver, Dark Grey ,Red and Black Warranty: 1 year                     Certification: CE, FCC, ROHS
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SPECIFICATIONS Hot-swappable USB 3.0 ports with 5G bps for videos transferring, up to 3A current, WIFI NON-STOP while operated. Mechanical Body Length:78(L)*12(W)*36(H)mm,  3.07(L)*047(W)*1.41(H) inch. Net weight:43.5g; Cable length:82mm=3.23 inch, OD Width: 4.5mm=0.18 inch; White Thermoplastic Elastomer TPE materials;
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    Functions Type c ports: Power delivery for Mac Book. USB Ports:Connect with USB Disk, HDD ,keyboard, mouse and some other USB ports devices. Type-C Connectors Type C Female :30U Glod plating, Support hot-plug 10000 times; TYPE-C Male:30U Gold plating,Support hot-plug10000 times; Type A Female: 30U Glod plating,Support hot-plug10000 times; COMPATIBLE DEVICES Macbook,IMac Pro; Nintendo switch; HUAWEI, XIAOMI type c laptops; Samsung S8,LG5; HUAWEI M10 etc; Compatible with 5V/3A;9V/2A;14.5V/2A various voltages and currents
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PACKAGE& SHIPMENT Package Size: 170(L)*80(W)*15(H)mm, G.W.61g; Lead time:1-3 workday with forcasting. Package and Logo OEM service & Customized Design service is Available. CUSTOMER REVIEWS
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USB-C to HDMI, Cable factory Macverin,1.8mType C to HDMI 4K 60MHZ male to male Cable for MacBook/ MacBook Pro/ iMac 2017/ Chromebook Pixel/ Yoga 910/ XPS 13
Factory OEM/ODM  1.8M(6 ft) USB Type-C to HDMI 4K*2K @60HZ Cable.It has newest USB3.1 Type-C ports, used for Phone/Computer large screen extension display&Mirroring . Support audio and video output and compatible with all Type -C ports laptops. Such as Macbook,Macbook pro, Google, ASUS,HUAWEI Matebook,Lenovo YOGA 5 PRO,  Microsoft 950,950XL,LG G5 G6 ,HTC ULTRA and Samsung S8 etc.
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Mirroring:Mirroring  PC/phone image to TV with HDMI Cable.  Display Extension: Surfing internet with PC and Extend other display to TV.  ABOUT US  Business Type: Manufacturer/Factory & Trading Company Main Products:Wireless Charger, Type C HUB, USB C adapter, Type C cables. Number of Employees: 50-100 Year of Establishment: 2013 Management System Certification: ISO 9000 Location: Shenzhen, China (Mainland) BASIC INFORMATION Model No. H001                       Type: Type C to HDMI 4K*2K@60MHZ Cable. Trademark: MACVERIN         Body Materials: Aluminum Alloy Chassis Place of Origin:China             Colors:Gold, Silver, Rose gold and Dark space Grey. Warranty: 1 year                    Certification: CE, FCC, ROHS SPECIFICATIONS This cable design is according to USB3.1 and HDMI2.0 standards, data transmission rate can reach to USB3.1 10Gbps, support 4K*2K@60HZ high-definition signal, support hot-plug and no hot-spots needed when data transferring.
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Mechanical Nilon packaged line,Color:Red with Black .Cable length:1.8m, OD Width: 4mm,Net weight 62.5g; Functions Type c ports:connect with Type-c Macbook, Matebook ; HDMI Port :Projector, Display and monitor This Type C to HDMI cable supports audio and video synchronization transmission, plug and play in real time, mobile and tablet mirroring wif HDTV in real time no delay wifout Carton, Support to check photo, video,surfing Internet ,playing game and video calls etc. COMPATABILITY Macbook,Macbook Pro,Google &ASUS,HUAWEI Mate book; Lenovo YOGA 5 PRO,Microsoft 950,950XL,LG G5 G6 ,HTC ULTRA,Samsung S8.
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Macverin Type C HUB facotry, USB C Adapter wholesale, USB C 3.1 Dongle with HDMI ,Power Delivery Charging for Apple Macbook Pro , Google Chromebook, Dell XPS 13
U33 is a WIFI NON-STOP working USB type-C male to USB 3.0+USB 2.0+HDMI 4K*2K 30Hz display+PD3.0 female ports Adapter which with in-housing manufacturing by Macverin . It is compatible with  Macbook,Nintendo switch IMac Pro,HUAWEI, XIAOMI PCs, Samsung S8, LG5, HUAWEI M10 etc.  
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ABOUT US Business Type: Manufacturer/Factory & Trading Company Main Products:Wireless Charger, Type C HUB, USB C adapter.Type C cables Number of Employees: 50-100 Year of Establishment: 2013 Management System Certification: ISO 9000 Location: Shenzhen , China (Mainland) BASIC INFORMATION Model No. U33 Type: Type-C to U3.0+U2.0+HDMI+PD3.0 hub Trademark: MACVERIN Body Materials: Aluminum Alloy Chassis Place of Origin:China Colors:Glod.Rose Glod,Silver,Space Grey. Warranty: 1 year Certification: CE, FCC, ROHS SPECIFICATIONS Mechanical Body Length:78(L)*12(W)*36(H)mm,Net weight:47g; Cable length:82mm, OD Width: 4.5mm; White Thermoplastic Elastomer TPE materials; Functions Type c ports:Power delivery charging . USB 2.0/3.0 Ports:Connect wif USB Disk, HDD ,keyboard and mouse and some other USB ports devices. HDMI ports: Screen mirroring between Phone/Ipads/Computer withTVs or Monitors.
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Type-C Connectors DP Female :30U Gold plating, Support hot-plug 10000 times; TYPE-C Male:30U Gold plating,Support hot-plug10000 times; Type A Female:30U Gold plating,Support hot-plug10000 times; HDMI Female PACKAGE& SHIPMENT Package Size: 170(L)*80(W)*15(H)mm, G.W.61g; Color Box package. Warranty: 12 Months  ODM/OEM Customized service is available of Type C Adapter design or Logo Printed. 
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USB C Hub, 8-in-1 Multi Port Adapter with Type C Charging Port HDMI Port SD/TF Card Reader USB 3.0 Ports Aluminum Design for Mac Book, Samsung, Chromebook and various Type C Device in Gold.Rose Gold,Silver,Space Grey.
MACVERIN U34 is a WIFI NON-STOP working 8-in-1 Multi Ports Design  type c hub with USB 3.0/2.0 ports+ 1 power delivery Type-C charging port +1 HDMI 4K port+ one SD card port and 1 TF card port+Ethernet.Features: Instant Expansion: 5-in-1 USB C Hub equipped with 2*USB 3.0, HDMI 4K port, Micro SD/TF card reader slot, SD card slot. Easily expand usb c devices and fulfill your daily use. Increase HDMI Port:Mirror or extend screen with USB C Hub HDMI port and directly stream 4K UHD or Full HD 1080p video to HDTV LED 4K monitor or projector. Stylish Aluminum Design: Slot and device plug fit tightly without wobbles to ensure stable connection. Ultra-compact aluminum design perfectly matches the new MacBook and many other devices.  Easily access files from SD and TF card readers. COMPATIBLE with all new MacBook/MacBook Pro with USB-C ports, DELL XPS15, HP Spectre X360, Google Chromebook Pixel, Lenovo Yoga 900 / 910, Samsung Tablet, Microsoft 910, Huawei Matebook, HP Elite x 2 1012, DELL XPS13-93, ASUS ZENBOOK 3, HP TPN-Q178, Samsung Galaxy S8, S8+, LG G5 G6, Lumia 950 and many more. CE, FCC, ROHS certification approved. 12 months warranty.
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ABOUT US  Business Type: Manufacturer/Factory & Trading Company Main Products:Wireless Charger, Type C HUB, USB C adapter Number of Employees: 50-100 Year of Establishment: 2013 Management System Certification: ISO 9000 Location: Shenzhen , China (Mainland)  BASIC INFORMATION  Model No. U34                       Type: Type-C to U3.0+U2.0+HDMI+PD3.0+Ethernet  female adapter Trademark: MACVERIN         Body Materials: Aluminum Alloy Chassis Place of Origin:China             Colors:Gold.Rose Gold,Silver,Space Grey. Warranty: 1 year                    Certification: CE, FCC, ROHS SPECIFICATIONS. Mechanical Body Length:87(L)*53(W)*15.8(H)mm,Net weight:66.5g; Cable length:90mm, OD Width: 4.7mm; White Thermoplastic Elastomer TPE materials; Functions TYPE-C Ports:Charging for Mac book; HDMI Ports:Connect with TV or Monitor for mirroring; USB2.0 Ports: Connector with K&M,USB fans etc.; USB3.0 Ports: Connector with K&M,USB fans etc.; SD2.0 Ports/TF2.0 Ports:Card Reader; Ethernet Ports:Internet connection; Type-C Connectors HDMI Female:30U Gold plating, Support hot-plug 10000 times; TYPE-C Male: 30U Gold plating, Support hot-plug 10000 times;  
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