#artificial fruits for decoration
nutriups · 1 year
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Metal Wire Fruit Basket. To hoard the bit of sunshine.
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cellythefloshie · 10 months
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;; Nu är det jul igen written for @mp0625 the hockey girlies fic exchange
Summary: You spend your first Christmas with your boyfriend, Freddie Andersen. Word Count: 1.2k+
A/N: It's a miracle that I was able to get enough time to get this one done! I was worried I was going to run out of time! Thank you Mara or taking the time to coordinate the exchange! It was a pleasure writing for you this year. Happy Holidays to all, I hope enjoy!
The scent in the air could only really be defined as the holidays. It was a whimsical mixture of sugar cookies, pine needles, and the simmering pot of citrus and cinnamon that you had on the stove. It was just like how it smelt back home at Christmas every year, but this year, you weren't at home with your family. This year, you were spending Christmas with your boyfriend, Freddie. 
With the tight schedule, the National Hockey League kept, the holiday season could be lonely for some. Not every man on the roster had their family living in Carolina with them or could make one quick drive or flight out of state to see them for the few short days they had off. Freddie couldn’t fly home to Denmark. The 20+ hours of travel time made the trip unjustifiable. He would have to spend most of it in the air, losing precious time with his loved ones alone on a flight. And no one deserved to spend the holiday season alone. 
That was why, the moment you found out he was remaining state-side for the holidays, you canceled all of your plans. 
Your mother was more than understanding, although your father was wary as to why you didn’t just bring him home for the holidays. And you had half the mind to ask, but your relationship with Freddie was, well, in your mind, still new. The two of you had been together just over a year, but with his busy schedule, you found yourself apart more often than not. And while you were head over heels for him, and couldn’t wait to introduce him to your family, the last thing you wanted was to rush things. 
With little protest, home for the holidays became spending Christmas Eve in Freddie’s apartment. It didn’t have the same novelties of home, but the two of you had spent the day getting into the Christmas spirit. You had put on the simmering pot in the morning, letting its smell relax you as you decorated the apartment and put up a small artificial tree in the corner, complete with lights and ornaments. Then, the two of you made cookies together, and come sunset, the two of you snacked on a charcuterie board of cheeses, nuts, meat, and fruit while bingeing some of your favorite holiday movies. 
It was the last chance the two of you had to relax, because come Christmas Day, you would be conquering cooking Christmas dinner for yourselves for the first time. Which you didn’t even want to think about until morning. The giant turkey was all too intimidating for you as you sipped a glass of wine and watched the credits roll. A single hand fell to the remote, your thumb pressing the series of buttons to close the current movie and fall back into the holiday movie catalog on Netflix. Beside you, the couch shifted, Freddie getting up from his place beside you. And you didn't think much of it. Maybe he had to use the washroom or wanted to refill the bowl with some of the caramel popcorn you had made for your movie night. 
Freddie didn’t return with a bowl. No, in his hands he had a large box. It wasn’t something that came in the mail, none of those big brown packing boxes. It was nicely wrapped in bright red paper with a bow so large it spilled off the top of the box and hung down the sides. 
“I was going to wait until morning, but,” he started, his words perking you up with interest. 
If you didn’t have to wait, you weren’t going to say no. 
Opening your arms, you let Freddie settle the box in your lap. The sheer size of it left your heart racing. It wasn’t all that heavy, which gave you no clear indication of what may be inside. You hadn’t asked for anything too grand, either. Which made you all the more eager to open it. 
Fingers lipped the bow from the box, the sticker holding the ribbon to the box leaving a colorless mark behind where the adhesive tore away the color. Then, you tore at the wrapping, leaving it in large rips at your sides, removing just enough to open the box and see what was inside. 
The first thing you saw was a bouquet of daisies. Which made you smile. They were fresh, or as fresh as you could get them in the winter. Freddie must have just put the finishing touches on your gift before giving it to you. 
“These are gorgeous,” you smiled up at him. The two of you loved daisies. They reminded him of home, and it had quickly become one of your favorites because of it. 
“There’s more,” Freddie insisted, and you handed off the flowers to keep digging for more. Beneath the daisies was white green and red tissue paper and among it a series of other gifts. Your hands went to a smaller box fist. Inside, two crystal swans from Swarovski. Your eyes went wide as they rose to meet Freddie’s. 
He smiled and nodded toward the box. There was more. 
Then, unwrapped, a large bottle of akvavit and two glasses. And finally, an envelope. But as you reached for it, Freddie reached in with his goalie-fast reflexes and took it into his hold. 
“Hey!” you shouted playfully. 
“You will get it. But first, we drink. It’s tradition,” he explained with a grin, his hand wrapping around the bottle while he tucked the envelope beneath his thick thigh. 
The bottle opened with a satisfying sound, and he filled each glass halfway. Together, you raised your glasses, and each took one large gulp of the liquor that burned as it traveled down your throat. It was only when your face contorted from the burn of the alcohol that Freddie offered you the envelope again. 
Placing your drink down on the coffee table, you reached out and pinched the envelope between your fingers carefully. Whatever it was, he was just as excited for you to open it as you were to receive it. The gifts you already opened were just the precursor. In this envelope was the grand finale of gifts. 
It’s a beautiful card, with a snowscape. Green pine trees, and snow a glitter that left traces behind on your skin. But it was what was in the card that mattered, and they fell right into your lap as you opened the card. 
Two plane tickets to Denmark. 
You stared at them, your eyes wide and your jaw slacked. You weren’t expecting that, and he could see it all over your face. A laugh rumbled through him, and you could feel it as his hands found your hips to draw you into his lap. “I want you to come home with me when the season is done. Meet my family.”
A heavy breath shook you, his gaze raising to meet his warm stare. You had been on the same page the entire time but had always been too worried to ask. But he was telling you now. The two of you were serious. He wanted you to meet his family, and he could meet yours. It left you beaming, your smile reaching your eyes as you gave him an eager nod. Of course, you would go, and you sealed the agreement with a warm, simple kiss with both of his hands, cradling each of your cheeks as he drew you in. And as he held you there, he pulled back ever so slightly and muttered out a soft, Merry Christmas. 
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lateraniansweets · 1 year
Whether you write for this or not doesn’t matter much, I just really wanted to share this idea. Vash with a reader who knows he’s a plant and, seeing how this world has no wildlife, decides to make him a paper flower or flowers as a way of trying to connect with him.
awww thats so cute!!! i added embroidery flowers if that's okay with you!!
Plants like the flora kind do exist in No Man's Land but they're rare and mainly the rich own them. People would keep their plants under lock and key or spend their life savings buying a single one.
You could count on one hand the instances you've seen flora in your life.
All from a distance, of course.
At least until now.
Ship 3's biodome is in your eyes what paradise looks like. It's vast, with grass and all sorts of flora planted in sections, from vegetables, fruits, shrubs, trees and the decorative sort like roses.
It's the most flora you've seen your entire life.
Vash is two steps behind you, looking lovestruck as he watches you admire the flowers.
You stop in front of a group of violet flowers and turn to him. "What are these called?" you ask, gesturing to the flowers.
He hums, stepping closer and crouching down to get a better look, "They're campanula—bellflowers."
"Mhm," he tugs at your hand, gently urging you to crouch alongside him.
Happily, you oblige, shoulders brushing against his.
"They're called that because they look like bells," Vash explains, caressing one as you lean against his shoulder, "See?"
"I do," you answer following his example and caressing another flower.
Subtly, Vash wraps an arm around your shoulders, intertwining his hand with yours. You lean against his touch, breathing out a sigh. A comfortable silence envelops the geodome, the artificial wind blowing as the suns slowly set.
For a moment you could imagine that the two of you were on Earth taking an afternoon stroll at a park.
"I wish we could bring some flora with us," you mumble against his shoulder.
"Same. I bet they'd smell nice."
Bringing a plant along with you on your travels would be improbable. Flora, as you've learned from Luida tended to be sensitive. As nice as the idea would be, you knew neither of you would be able to take care of it.
Vash presses a kiss on your temple, "We should go now. I promised Brad I'd help him with some maintenance. "
"I see," With wobbly legs, you stand up. Leaning down on the still-crouched Vash you give him a quick kiss on the forehead and on the beauty mark under his left eye. "See you later at dinner then?"
You leave the geodome with an idea forming in your head, realising Vash left his coat in his room.
You and Vash leave Ship 3 with packs full of supplies provided by the Ship's residents and a freshly maintained arm.
Luida hugs you tightly, "I'm sure he'll love it." she assures, the smile lines on her face crinkling.
The older woman chuckles, "Yes, he definetly would. It's a thoughtful gift."
"Now," the older woman releases her hold you, "You two be safe out there alright."
"Alright." You walk away from the woman and down the sandswept metal ramp that leads out the SEEDS ship. Turning on your heelm you wave the woman goodbye before walking to Vash's side.
"What was that about?" asks Vash, taking your pack from you so he could carry it.
"Nothing..." Heat rushes up to your cheeks.
"It's definitely something!" He moves closer to you, "So..." Vash starts, curiosity in his voice as his hot breath fans in your in. "What is it?"
You stop in your tracks abruptly, making Vash bump into you.
"Check the inside of your coat."
"Just do it, okay!"
Vash methodically goes through his many coat pockets, feeling for whatever this something may be.
Excitement bubbles up inside him but it quickly dies down when he feels nothing other than a couple of his own bullets.
"Mayfly," He pouts, "there's nothing in he-OH!"
Turns out that 'something' wasn't inside his coat but in the coat itself.
There were flowers sewed in his coat, red and green threads standing out against the blue cloth of the inside of his coat.
Vash brushes his thumb against the red flowers embroidered on the inside of his coat, right over his heart.
"They're..." His breath is caught in his throat.
You step closer, avoiding his eyes as you inspect your work. It was an amateur's work at best but it turned out well enough considering your skill and the time you had.
"Geraniums, " you finish for him, placing a hand over his, the prosthetic a familiar metallic cool. Finally mustering the courage to do so, you look up at him. "They're your favorite right?"
They are, It goes unsaid.
Vash told you about Rem and his time on the SEEDS ship. A hundred fifty years into the past humanity roamed the stars searching for a new home and with them they took remnants of Earth.
It's all distant to you. All you've known are the endless dunes of No Man's Land.
"I-I know it looks a bit wonky. I'm not the best at embroidery and-and—"
The packs Vash was holding are dropped down on the ground as he suddenly wraps his arms around you, pulling you in a tight embrace.
"I love it. Thank you."
"You-you do?"
"Of course I do!" Vash pressed a kiss on your cheek, "It's beautiful, Mayfly. Thank you."
You hug him back, pulling your bodies closer together, heart swelling with joy.
okay I kinda didn't know how to end this so duandnwbs. it's currently 3am and I'm stress writing because I've got a policy paper proposal thingie in a few hours ajdjabreb I'm so nervous aaaa
also I just realised I should probably title some of my stuff fjsneb
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