#artsyalice: reviews
artsy-alice · 7 years
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TREMONTAINE Season 3, Episode 3 Reaction + Review
Episode 3 moved the plot faster than I expected, with well-placed surprises all over. Karen Lord's first Tremontaine episode was a pure treat. I was glad I was alone while I read it because, uh, lots of exclaiming and screaming happened.
Tremontaine S3 E3 is out NOW in the Serial Box website! New to the series? The pilot episode is available online for free!
FINALLY. I GOT ENOUGH TIME. TO DO THIS. As always, full review and spoilers under the cut!
I did my last two reviews by character, but this time I'm gonna divvy it up by groups, because it's the group dynamics that made this chapter shine for me.
Let me start this off by saying that I have loved Joshua from Season 1. He is my favorite minor character in this series and no one has yet to take his place, so it made me ecstatic when this episode opened with Rafe and Micah going to see him!
It made me a bit nostalgic to see Rafe and Micah back in the University district. Ah, simpler times. Even Florian's cynicism and general unpleasantness isn't enough to sour my mood because Joshua was in his A-game in this one, mediating and checking up on both Rafe and Micah.
I adore how he genuinely cares about both Rafe and Micah, and how he knows exactly how to handle them both.
He's 100% on Rafe's plan now, and really he is ESSENTIAL to this because while Rafe has drive and commitment to do what needs to be done, the guy's just not the one you'd trust with the details that will make the doing possible. Rafe comes up with the headlines and Joshua comes up with the bullet points under each. They make a great team this way and I hope they keep at it. Not to mention the pure trust they have between them, which is something Rafe really needs right now as he moves forward.
“And Rafe, though you do suffer prettily, we can’t waste this opportunity. Call up the older, wiser man that you will no doubt become ten years hence and put him to work today!"
Then there's Micah! And gosh, I've always loved Joshua and Micah's bond and this chapter reminded me of it. Joshua knows how to handle Micah, and how to explain things to her. I love that he sees Micah's stay at Tremontaine as potentially something other than the Duchess extending a generous hand to a brilliant mathematician.
“Diane Duchess Tremontaine is my friend.” Micah raised her voice a little. “Like you’re my friend and Rafe’s my friend.” She found herself hugging the bunched-up dress.
Cue me cooing "Babyyyyyy!!!" and crossing my fingers that if Joshua's worries ever do come true, maybe Diane will not be so cruel when Micah has to go? Maybe don't hurt her, don't hurt me so much...? PLEASE?
Seeing Micah realized that she was 'categorizing', looking for patterns and observing to learn more about other people? It was a joy. And in the end, Joshua managed to get her to reconsider always taking things at face value.
We all need a Joshua in our lives, tbh.
Kaab learning about Vincent's 'death' and her moment of mourning before composing herself and forcing a sort of 'closure' to her ties at Riverside then making up her mind to focus her full attention in the family? That was beautifully-written.
She would carry only her obsidian dagger, as befitted a first daughter of the Balam and a leader of the Kinwiinik.
You're got a long way to go, little bee. But you're trying your hardest and it will be interesting to watch your journey.
Also, kudos to the writers for keeping up this general air of melancholy and mourning in the Kinwiinik's scenes. Saabim was this subtle, lingering presence in these scenes and Chuleb's outburst, among others, really brought out how much she meant to her whole family.
And the reveal that she might have been murdered just put a new layer of tension and more pressure on Kaab. And with this new network of spies in her control, she is finally learning that she should balance style and substance.
No posturing. Only results.
I'm really looking forward to how she'll go from here, since it's a good shift of her role from Season 2's agent to this season's spymaster. Plus, there's the mysterious last mystery spy who is not yet satisfied… and I gotta admit their message gave me chills.
I wasn't expecting this plotline to be resolved this quickly! I was expecting Shade to reappear next episode, actually, but I guess we're going it now. Okay, then-
I do think Tess doesn't know how much of a force she is in Riverside. She might think she's just another business owner, but like she also said, they RUN Riverside. The place is pretty much owned by this network of ladies who keep things running and in place, and if you turn them against you, you're hopeless.
“See how fine you are when there’s no place for you to eat, sleep, or piss in peace throughout Riverside.”
-and Tess? Tess is a leader figure for these women, whether they all realize it or not. She leads the meeting, she takes the votes, she calls the shots. It's a chaotic sort of democracy with her in the lead.
And then the Salamander shows up and personally backs her up. With a friend like that, she has pretty much cemented herself as a power in Riverside you don't mess with.
Sure enough, the ladies got shit done. Thank you, ladies.
Plus Reza, I guess. My man finally got some chill and went with the flow, providing some necessary sword-related backup to Tess and the ladies. He recognized that they run the place and know what they're doing. Good job, my dude.
That 'emerging from the shadows with a sword drawn at the ready' is such a classic, and it's these tiny, vividly-described scenes are what makes me wish there's a movie or TV series I could watch to just SEE these visuals. G O D.
Tbh, I didn't think Shade loved Florian THAT MUCH. Between the two of them I thought Shade was the one who was in it for fun but oh shit okay maybe… he wasn't… oh my. RIP bro. You're a creepy dude but I guess surrendering yourself like that not for Riverside, not for yourself, but for Florian was… kinda sweet I guess?
That bit reminded me of something from Fall of The Kings. I'm not sure exactly what, or who, since it's been quite long since I last read it. I just… got a vague feeling about it. The mood, maybe? *helpless shrug*
I didn't expect the stoning that happened, though. Riversiders don't mess around.
I'm pretty sure this still has an aftermath, some sort of consequence. And I'm waiting to see it.
*fans self*
Okay, I'll try to calm down. So.
“I dislike weak men in positions of power that they do not merit.” 
Their whole conversation before… uh, the honey… it was so good? These are women who have precarious positions in society and have both used their cunning to maintain that.
I love that Esha tells Diane off for how she actually enjoys this dangerous game of 'flirting back' and Diane couldn't find it in herself to deny. It spoke volumes to how much Diane actually feels for Esha. And then, because that wasn't enough-
Diane's reaction to being potentially rejected? PRICELESS. When was the last time Diane was taken off guard about something personal-and-non-political and couldn't quite recover fast enough?
And then Diane spills the honey and-
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That’s it. I just really loved this episode okay.
My challenge entry is coming real soon! Still gotta read Episode 4 and finish up some stuff!
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artsy-alice · 7 years
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TREMONTAINE Season 3, Episode 2 Reaction + Review
Episode 2 gives us a new outlook on Riverside and its denizens, seen through the interesting perspectives of two very different characters. There’s a siege - and what a fitting word, because this episode did succeed in delivering the feel of tension and confinement, while still having a very emotional focus.
Oh, and the Duchess continues to be delightfully cunning in her side of things, of course. 
Tremontaine S3 E2 is out NOW in the Serial Box website! New to the series? The pilot episode is available online for free!
I’m adjusting to extra hours at work and commute so my TremonTEAM stuff got delayed :\ Will finish up on this week’s challenge soon!
Rest of the reaction/review under the cut - spoilers abound.
BOY. You guys know I’m a sucker for found families, right? So daaaamn this episode made me feel for Riverside and its sense of community hard. And then on top of that, Reza. Reza is making me cry. Maybe I cried. A bit. Sssshhhh.
Okay, let’s get to it. Woo boy. This is just gonna be a long vent about my feels for Reza though???
REZA, the crazy rich dramatic magical unicorn long-haired swordsman prince boyfriend of ur dreams the Ambassador from Chartil.
So, okay, Reza spent this episode alternating between mourning-ex-boyfriend and murder-avenger. Because apparently some people??? Kill other people??? To cope??? (jfc is this my contribution to this fandom. memes?)
But man, memes aside, I wanted to bundle him up and tell him it’s fine, Vincent just decided to fake his death and run off to God-knows-where. Vincent is fine. Vincent is being... Vincent, just without a sword and so he’s probably a lot more broody, away from Riverside. Dammit, Vincent.
Reza’s grief and anguish really set the tone for the episode. Here was this man, who basically admitted he followed his old lover in this foreign land. He just lost that lover, and was told that the way the man died wasn’t even the way he must have wanted to go.
He chose to die, over me. He chose to die. Why hadn’t Vincent come to Ambassador House? Why hadn’t he come for a real doctor, or just for help and succor? Why hadn’t he— 
The thing is though, Vincent chose to ‘die’ because he lost his sword arm. Tess was the one who called the shots then, to have the arm removed so he could survive the blood poison. But like the others said when it was happening, Vincent would rather have died than live without his sword arm. Yes, maybe Vincent didn’t have a choice in the matter to even consider going to Ambassador house for help, but really - this is Vincent - if he had a choice then, would he have gone to Reza or at least instructed Tess and the others to bring him there for aid? I doubt it.
And then he started walking around Riverside and thought of the what-if’s.
He had never been free to join at Vincent’s side, not in Chartil. [...] Here, in the fiery night, men and women in every configuration of couple and trio danced together, shared wine and cakes, and ducked into alleys to kiss and make merry. If Vincent were alive, would Reza have been brave enough to do the same with him, in Riverside?
Vincent/Reza is my ship, okay. The first time I read about these two I already thought “Don’t get attached, they’ll end in tragedy and you know it” and whoops there it is there’s my heart on the floor broken and shattered haha. Leave me alone with my painful feels.
Okay, venting aside, I loved his interactions with the rest of the characters, namely Tess and the Riversiders. Gosh, I didn’t realize how interesting he and Tess together could be until it happened. The guy is properly moping around the place but still trailed after Tess and the other ladies like a big sad bodyguard.
He saw that they were indeed in trouble, and then decided he should do something, or at least stay and help, in this place Vincent called home. Him going back to military commander mode might do him some good after all. His suggestions might have been pointless so far but it’s good to keep occupied, right?
TESS, my queen + The Riversiders
The image of fierce Tess the Hand, “fat and beautiful” walking through the streets with purpose, drawing a knife from her thigh as she approached a corner? YES. ALL THE YESES. We need a movie or a series just so I can see this visualized because I loved that little scene so much.
She found Reza, was unfazed by the fact that she arrived to a murder scene, took him in, and her heart broke to keep the truth from him. She hates that Vincent was making her keep up with the lie, but she refused to break a promise. I love her.
Tess has properly risen to be somewhat like a leader figure in this community this season. Of course, Riverside claims it has no leader, but they do have people who are looked up to and respected more than the others, I guess.
And in this invasion of her home, Tess is simply unyielding. No, they are not giving up one of their own, no matter how much they might hate him too. No, they are not going to surrender. What should they do? SIEGE PARTY. They should fucking party and show those City folks that Riverside doesn’t give a fuck.
“But bring us together. Remind Riverside what we are. Show them bastards they can’t put us down. We’ll fire up all the hearts, play music in the streets, drink what we like. Screw them.”
According to Reza’s analysis, they should give a fuck real soon, but not right now, the ladies said. Party first, apparently.
Reza asked that they explain how Riverside functioned, if there was no leader; the women stared at him. Did Riverside have no mayor or representative to the City?
No, Riverside did not.
It was anarchy, Reza had realized with dawning horror. 
Haha, oh Reza. Yes it is anarchy. But there’s some semblance of order there, I promise. Riverside is still a community and they didn’t even need a leader to organize the siege party. It’s one woman’s idea, a few others agreed, and they were able to get the word out and everyone contributed and they had their own little festival in the island. Instant potluck.
Riverside might be a dangerous, dreary place but damn the people know how to party.
*fans self* Can they. Stop this. Flirting. Oh gosh. I can’t.
Actually no, I can. Please proceed. Keep it up. These interactions are giving me life, clearing my skin, paying my bills, watering my crops, etc.
This episode, Diane gave Esha a little warning about Davenant possibly being on the hunt for her. Diane asked if she could protect herself, and Esha assured that yes, she does.
PLEASE TELL ME WE’LL GET MORE ESHA+SWORDS???? If there is an Esha ship I love more than Dianesha, it’s Swordsesha.
I only have this to say:
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I want Diane to fuck him up.
Well. We all want Diane to fuck him up... and we all know Diane will fuck him up so. *shrugs* I’ll just wait. Let’s believe. #TeamDuchess is ride or die, guys.
Oh yeah, there’s also Florian and Rafe. Florian is really upset. Like, ‘I will fuck Rafe Fenton in all corners and surfaces of the City to forget my ex’ type of upset. Let’s see where he goes this season, I guess? Hey, at least my boy Rafe is getting some quality time for the meantime. I’m still more invested in the Rafe-and-The-School thing than with the Florian thing for now.
Up Next: Diane has a new paramour
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artsy-alice · 7 years
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TREMONTAINE Season 3, Episode 5 Reaction + Review
We’re seeing more consequences and actions finally taken from most of the things set up from the last episode. Characters have made decisions and we see them pushing through with those decisions in this episode, and I can’t wait to see it all come together.
Tremontaine S3 E5 is out NOW in the Serial Box website! New to the series? The pilot episode is available online for free!
As always, spoilers under the cut!
From the relative peace from last episode, we’re speeding up again! So many happenings, so let’s go!
I admit that I joined Rafe and Joshua’s laughter upon finding out that the “new” potential school building recommended to them was the very same building they first scouted with Will. Huge kudos to Paul Witcover because those descriptions of the house’s design and decor gave me a good laugh. When I read “that monument of poor taste masquerading as a door”, I was just cackling. Ah, good times.
Anyways! Joshua and Micah finally both lost their patience and called Florian out. DRAG HIM, MY CHILDREN. Outnumbered, Florian walks out on them, and the trio continue on their quest to productivity. They’ve confirmed Goodell’s backing and Rafe is determined to just get the best and let Diane worry about the money. Congrats, Rafe. That’s progress. Now move on and don’t even think of looking for-
But he did. He tracked Florian down and whoops, there go the breakup. Or at least, I think it’s a breakup. Florian snaps at Rafe, upset, and he obviously knows about what happened with Shade.
And fine. As much as I love my trash son, I agree that Rafe can be self-absorbed and sometimes he does tend to have a one-track mind (specially about the school and Will). And yes it would be annoying to be told to celebrate something while you’re in mourning for your dead lover, but Florian really had this coming.
I mean. Florian. Dude. You just pop up and attach yourself to Rafe, and so far you’ve always been a jerk to his friends. You’ve been constantly and unapologetically rude about something they’re obviously very passionate and dedicated about. Now that things are going their way and they’re starting to celebrate, you hold it against them because they couldn’t be bothered to be sorry for you even though there’s no way they could have known what you were going through?
Like Rafe said, he didn’t know, and how could he, when Florian never said anything? So yep. I’m sorry for your loss, Florian, but you’re not earning any sympathy points for me, bro.
Now that my annoyance for Florian has been put out there, let’s move to the political battle that’s been steadily building up and we’re now witnessing more clearly.
Gotta admit that last episode I might have been blindsided by worry over Micah that I forgot that the intruders probably would’ve succeeded in finding the ledger. That, and I assumed they wouldn’t find it there because of course Diane would have hidden it elsewhere.
Whoops, seems like our Duchess made a miscalculation. It’s a rookie mistake, getting attached to her victory tokens. She had indulged too much in one win. It was a big win, but was not enough to fully bring down a man as powerful as Davenant.
Diane assessed the damage and decided that the ledger has already served its full purpose. But has it? I can’t help but think that it’s still a very major loss. It was her primary bargaining chip.
-and my suspicions were immediately proven because as soon as Davenant reacquired the ledger, he starts going on the offensive again! So he proceeds to go through a power trip. Because of course he does.
How did he know about the school in the first place? Sure, Rafe goes around bragging about it... but I didn’t think it would reach Davenant and make him think it’s something he can use to strike against Diane. But oh well. He’s probably got a really reliable info network.
As usual, reading through Davenant’s point of view still grosses me out. The guy is nasty. But it also serves as an interesting commentary on men and their sense of superiority and entitlement over women. Their inability to accept a simple two-letter word as a proper answer. NO IS NO, DUDE.
And when he took her in his arms again, and pressed his lips to hers, she would understand that surrendering to Gregory Davenant was no surrender at all but a submission as natural as that of moon to sun. She would shine the brighter for it.
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Pictured above: Diane Duchess Tremontaine, probably.
And GOD. It’s saddening that we all probably know a person like Davenant.
But yeah, this Diane vs. Davenant storyline is the one I’m most excited about so far!
I continue to love Diane and Esha. Diane is getting attached and is trying to withdraw because Attachment™ Is Weakness™. But Resistance™ Is Futile™. Her first thought on who to confide to is Esha. She eventually gives in and confides to Esha. And Esha is just as smitten. 
“You must think me an awful coward.”
At this, Esha laughed. “Must I? My lady, you have won an exalted place for yourself in a world of jealous men who are eager to wrest it from you by one means or another. I have some small idea what that is like! Your position depends upon trusting no one. Upon hoarding bits of knowledge and information to use as bargaining chips or even threats, if need be. Yet now you come to me with just such a secret. What advantage is there to you in telling me? None. Some other motivation has driven you. I do not call that cowardice.”
*dreamy sigh* they’re beautiful my crops have been watered my skin is clear and my debts have been paid
So I love this line:
She had no reason to expect trouble, other than the fact that she was a native-born Riversider. Which was reason enough, of course.
Because. It is. Very. Accurate.
I’m pretty sure it’s the first time this season that we are seeing Tess missing Kaab. She thought of Kaab back in the start of the siege but that was with resentment because of the circumstances, but now she’s allowed to lay low and wallow and feel the emptiness in her flat.
Let it bleed, she thought with a lash of guilty satisfaction. And meanwhile, her hand would not tremble as it traced another’s hand, nor would any crack appear in the mask of calm competence she showed the world. Even a face could be a forgery.
GOSH. I loved the the dynamic between Vincent, Kaab and Tess. THEY MADE MY OT3 DREAMS COME TRUE. It’s just sad to see them all separated now...
On another note, we continue to see Tess’s talent in dealing with her fellow Riversiders. And someone finally points this out. Madeline basically tells her that what Tess can do with their people is a kind of leadership. Tess rejects this, she doesn’t want the responsibility, or the burden.
And our Riverside queen finally, finally breaks down on someone. It’s okay baby let it out I’m not cryin’ with you no i’m not there’s just something in my eye, a branch or something.
Things haven’t quite sped up in Kaab’s side just yet, but I’m expecting it to happen anytime now.
It’s nice to see Kaab and her growing fondness and protectiveness over baby Peapem. And it’s heartbreaking to read about Chuleb being so broken up over Saabim’s death. Oh, Kaab, you better get someone else, even temporarily, to fill in for your uncle. He’s a good man with good intentions, but he’s really not doing any of you any favors right now, specially in such a critical time.
Ninja Kaab strikes back, and I expected some action, but I guess they’re taking their time for this.
I kinda expected this though - the inspector’s concern is more about Kaab’s age and experience than her legitimacy as leader. Better prove him wrong fast, Kaab.
As tension-filled as this particular story arc is, though, I want Kaab to interact with other characters. For me, she shines best when plotting and conspiring with her friends and allies.
We get a background on the Perry family via Dennis Perry, which I thought was nice. The only other Perry I could recall was Lucius Perry from TPotS. The background we get for his family here explained some things about Lucius, which is great because I love the guy.
Lionel is quickly becoming a wild card for me. He’s somewhat a double agent now, and things are much more risky. I’m quite convinced that his allegiance is still with Diane, but imo Diane oughtta keep a closer eye on him. Davenant has Plans and I never like his plans.
I’ve become quite busy this week so I might skip the challenge. But I’m looking forward to everyone else’s entries!
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artsy-alice · 7 years
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TREMONTAINE Season 3, Episode 4 Reaction + Review
This episode is mostly an episode to set up things to come, but that doesn’t mean that there was no tension present. The focus is more on our younger characters this time, and how they are starting to grow into their own roles and take charge of their actions. All in all, more good development stuff.
Tremontaine S3 E4 is out NOW in the Serial Box website! New to the series? The pilot episode is available online for free!
Spoilers under the cut!
It’s like yesterday I was reading about Rafe and Kaab getting stupid drunk together while Micah cringes at them... Now they’re all grown up: having normal conversations with a guy without seducing him... yelling at trespassers... and holding family meetings to plan on how to avoid the entire clan’s downfall... Yes, my children are grown.
Before delving into my usual character-focused reviews, I just gotta say it was interesting to see the Night of the Flames festival as some kind of Halloween thing in the Riverside universe. I think the “caught your ghost” thing is their version of Trick or Treat? I live in the Philippines where Trick or Treat has never really been a thing (until recently, and mostly exclusive for kids in the upper middle class and above who live in more well-off neighborhoods) so the vague idea for me was that.
I expected a bit more mayhem from this chapter because it IS the Night of the Flames so it was surprising that it was as... relatively peaceful as it turned out to be. The mayhem was still there, I suppose, but the focus turned to the more subdued moments and it’s still effective.
Let’s do RAFE first because consequence-wise I feel Rafe was the most chill this episode.
Our boy takes a stroll around the City lamenting about his school. Yes, he’s got a goal now but he still feels Will’s loss deeply. What is the point in his school, a dream he shared with Will, if Will was not there to witness it happen?
Luckily, he gets a distraction in the form of our favorite Chartil Ambassador, who entertains him with interesting conversation for the meantime. It was amusing to witness Rafe’s train of thought as they started engaging one another in pure friendly conversation and he realized that he didn’t want to jump the Beautiful Unicorn Prince Charming Ambassador in front of him.
There were “having an almost offensively civil conversation" hahahah RAFE MY BOY WE’RE PROUD OF YOU.
Then there’s Florian. Ugh go away, Florian. Rafe is making a nice friend. Go away, don’t flirt with Reza either. Ew.
Reza thinks Rafe is interesting too, and recognizes loss in him as well. And it’s like some recurring theme now that everyone but Rafe knows that Rafe can do better than Florian.
If the haunted young man didn’t have the sense to keep better company than the popinjay who had spirited him away, however, then no matter how much room he had in him, nothing of any worth would fill it.
Even Reza, who was just at most a passing acquaintance at this point, knows. I thought this would go on for a while, but as it turns out, Rafe does find that sense in him not long after!
I guess the promise of enlightening conversation is more enticing than whatever Florian had in mind (we all know what he had in mind).
Again. Proud of you, son. Keep it up!
Now, for TESS. I said in my previous episode review that the siege’s conclusion would have an aftermath and we see the beginnings of it here.
Tess feels the guilt of having made the decisions she (and her “council”) made last time. Which is... yeah, I guess she should. It was a pretty nasty thing. While Shade might have deserved it, it wasn’t the nicest message of solidarity, wasn’t it?
Yes, Riverside would stick with you, as long as you’re willing to die for Riverside too. Otherwise, you have no friends here. It’s all for Riverside in the end, even above your family or lover. It’s a pretty clear-cut but cruel ultimatum.
I also mentioned her reputation most probably getting a boost because of the Salamander openly displaying a form of allegiance with her, and we see that this episode too.
She prevents a gang of street urchins from getting them all in trouble, but still sends them off with a more ‘harmless’ plan, and puts a more responsible and sensible leader in charge. I want to see more of Charlotte! And they do succeed, and her message was received. Now they’ll have to wait for how the rest of the City replies.
While Tess’ loyalty to her home and her people is admirable, and it is one of the things I adore about her, I do think she is still being very extreme about her views here. It’s becoming clearer that for her, it’s almost a black-and-white situation. Riverside Against the World. She might have to reconsider this because I feel like this unchanging stance of hers might not be useful when she needs to make choices on the gray areas.
On a side-note, I live for Tess and Reza’s little friendship thing. Reza asking if he could visit from time to time is pure. <3
MICAH is still precious. She continues to be precious. That is why IF SOMEONE HURTS A HAIR ON THIS CHILD’S HEAD I WILL RIOT.
I love that Micah is simply happy to be herself. I loved that she admitted that she once wanted to be like everyone else, but then quickly thought what if that someone else didn’t love Math? Nope. Micah without Math is not Micah.
And again. I do truly love Diane and Micah’s relationship. Micah comes up with a revelation and she had to tell Diane. She goes to visit Diane’s bedroom, doesn’t find her there, and climbs up to Diane’s... room at the top of the house (what is it called again? HELP).
Diane sets aside her work to listen to Micah as she tells her about her latest project. I do think it speaks volumes about their relationship with the whole conversation about how nobles are always faking their interactions and yes, Diane knew it was horrible and yes, Diane doesn’t really always enjoy these parties as well. And Micah is now allowed to call her just Diane!
It was endearing, and reading from Diane’s bit near the end, she truly does think Micah is delightful company, so far.
And then someone breaks and enters and SCARES MICAH.
Finally, on KAAB’s side, the pressure is on.
I can only imagine how hard it was for Kaab to reel in her emotions while they held a Kinwiinik funeral ceremony for Saabim. And then, in the family meeting that followed, she is faced with more pressure with the tough decisions to be made.
Kaab, who has always made her decisions using her heart, now trying her best to evaluate her past actions and make the proper choices. She said it determinedly last time - No posturing. Only results. But what if posturing is needed for the results? What if the posturing needed for the results goes directly against age old tradition and the memory of your late mentor who you’re trying to do good by?
“If our little bee wants to destroy this family with her impetuous behavior, that is her right.”
In the end, I think Kaab still does follow her heart, but this time with a dignity and determination supported by logic, which showed much growth in her part.
“If this family is willing to pour out joy to welcome a man—whoever he is—while we still mourn the loss of our mother in this land,” she said, slowly, deliberately, “then perhaps it ought to be destroyed.” 
The choices were Impress The Batab With Our Family’s Strength vs. Show the Batab How Much We Value Tradition. And maybe she did, in her way, manage to choose both.
But that was only the beginning, and the inspector had said as much - he was still not satisfied. Kaab has to do her best now because more trials are coming, and I am rooting for our girl.
Okay, now off to make Challenge #4!
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artsy-alice · 7 years
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TREMONTAINE Season 3, Episode 1 Reaction + Review
‘Ambition’ is a strong opening that leaves much to look forward to in a season that’s already shaping up to give us a significant shift in character action, dynamics and motivations. All exciting things!
Tremontaine S3 E1 is out on Oct. 11 in the Serial Box website! Pilot episode is available online for free!
Quick note: THIS IS LATE. But whatever. Anyways - this is a thing now. As I mentioned in my start-of-October PSA, I’ll be doing weekly episode reviews of the Serial Box series Tremontaine, my contribution as part of its official street team. Both weekly reviews and challenges will be posted here in my art blog throughout the season and will be using the tag #tremonteam.
So! Rest of the review under the cut. Contains spoilers, duh.
So the short version of my reaction to this episode, as I posted a few days ago is this:
i finally read Tremontaine S3 episode 1 and I am screaming
Saw what the next episode will be about and I screamed louder
That’s it, really. The screaming? Yup. Because our characters are back with a vengeance (some more literal than others) and they got up to... things. Shenanigans. I will rant senselessly all day so I’ll try to give some sort of structure in this review by going by character.
DIANE, Duchess Tremontaine.
Ah, Diane is on Full Duchess Mode from her first scene here to her last. We saw her ascend to her own title last season and this time, from her internal musings to her spoken dialogue she’s proving herself a force of nature. It’s always a welcome sight to see the Duchess in her balcony and looking over her city, and I always love the way Tremontaine gives us a look on how the gears turn and work things out in her head. I MISSED DIANE’S PLOTTING, OKAY.
I specially love this line: ‘She was Duchess Tremontaine in her own right, now, and she must have the best of everything, if she wanted to keep her position and advance.’
Of course, some things don’t go according to plan. Diane may be Diane, but she is still a noble of the Hill and they all know the strength of security and protection is only as strong as their swordsman. Diane just lost her swordsman, and worse, she heard it from a third party in a formal dinner. It was a really fascinating scene to watch unfold. (RIP my bro Vincent, sometimes I can still hear your voice- Stop telling everyone he’s dead- Wait, he wants me to tell everyone he’s dead anyway, right?) If I was that servant girl watching Diane have a breakdown, I would also be terrified. In love, but terrified.
Diane’s interactions with other characters are satisfying, too. I love her scenes with Micah (more on that later), and with Lionel. Lionel is growing on me, oh my. Stop it, Lionel. I can only have one annoying trash son and that position has been taken by Rafe.
And Kaab! I’d like to think Diane’s sympathy over Ixsaabim’s death is genuine, and not for the sake of Duchess Plots - she did admit to adoring the other woman. (RIP Saabim, you will be missed, for real.) Diane advising Kaab and enjoying the chocolate with Grandma Balam’s spices left me shipping and wanting for more interactions please!!! I DIEEE. In speaking of-
KAAB, my favorite hopeless lesbian spy swordswoman.
MY GIRL. She’s thrust into this position she wasn’t entirely ready for, right after losing both Vincent and Tess. It huuuurts. But also she’s taking responsibility. Loved the insights and background info on Kinwiniik culture as always. I always liked the matriarchal tradition of their family and it’s really interesting to see her taking advice from other women in the family.
There’s much to look forward to now that Kaab’s new position has given her more visibility in the City’s merchant society. She can’t exactly go rogue on Riverside to go spying and gathering intel under the radar anymore - but she steps up and takes advantage of this visibility by using it to appeal to the merchant council, formally, not as a follower but a leader. GO GET ‘EM, KAAB. BUT DON’T GET ‘EM TOO MUCH OH MY GOD THINK OF TESS.
MICAH, genius farm girl mathematician, also my actual daughter.
The first scene with Micah and Diane talking about what happened to Diane? PRECIOUS. Taking a walk together? PRECIOUS. And this-
“I don’t usually like it when people touch me, but if I say you can it’s all right, and holding hands in the dark means I will protect you.”
“From scary bushes?”
I SQUEALED. Fine, I’m weak for the Diane-Micah stuff, okay? Catch me making a doodle of this scene as part of my Inktober in a few days.
Anyways, the real stuff though, is the school. Rafe has roped Micah in to be one of his school’s teachers. Dr. Goodell, bless his heart, has legit concerns. But Micah wants to teach, she wants people to love Math too. (I hate Math but I’ll study with Micah if she asked me to.) I’ll just... believe in Micah and pray that she succeeds in life. That’s my ship. Micah x Math x Success. Finally-
RAFE, a dude.
Kidding, I love Rafe - he’s a disaster. I know not many people are fond of him but I am, okay, I’ll fight for this trainwreck, let him rest and BUILD HIS SCHOOL.
Will’s been shipped off and Rafe can now focus on... trying to keep his father happy as he saves up and builds his school. Sounds neat, he already has a Math teacher in Micah, let’s go- Oops. Here comes Florian! Because Rafe is not Rafe without getting in trouble because of the guy he’s sleeping with. Classic Rafe. It will be very interesting to see - both the school building and the... Florian shenanigans.
Also then there’s this very blatant fact: ‘Shade was on a rampage.’
Rafe. My boy. RUN.
I’m really excited to see what happens next - specially with that Episode 2 teaser, oh myyy. TESS AND REZA? A combination I never knew I needed until now. As I said earlier - I screamed. Louder.
So I didn’t mean for this to turn out this long, but I really missed this series and I’m so glad it’s back - and even gladder that I’m in the TremonTEAM! I’m skipping for this week’s challenge - about a dinner menu and food, which I enjoy but I also suck at.
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artsy-alice · 2 years
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☕️ Ali's #MayKofiRun22 is live!
Y’all know the drill! Quick guidelines in the pic, then proceed to:
👉 https://ko-fi.com/artsyalice/commissions ✨
1 request per person only!
Price is fixed, but if you want to leave an additional tip, you can still do so in my ko-fi page.
Will draw: ✅ fanart, OCs, ships, AU’s, crossovers ❌ NSFW, gore, mecha, anything involving character/OC/fandom hate
IMPORTANT: Please note that these are art requests and not full commissions. That means there are no sketch reviews or revisions, and I will get back to you only with the full finished work.
Requests are now open - 10 SLOTS AVAILABLE If you don't get one, another 10 will be open later @ 11 PM.
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artsy-alice · 2 years
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☕️ Ali's #MayKofiRun22 - accepting more requests!
Grab your slot at:
👉 https://ko-fi.com/artsyalice/commissions ✨
1 request per person only!
Price is fixed, but if you want to leave an additional tip, you can still do so in my ko-fi page.
Will draw: ✅ fanart, OCs, ships, AU’s, crossovers ❌ NSFW, gore, mecha, anything involving character/OC/fandom hate
IMPORTANT: Please note that these are art requests and not full commissions. That means there are no sketch reviews or revisions, and I will get back to you only with the full finished work.
Requests are now open - LAST 10 SLOTS AVAILABLE
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artsy-alice · 3 years
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☕️ Ali's #OctoberKofiRun21 is live!
It's that time of the year 🎉 Let's go!
Quick guidelines below, then proceed to:
👉 https://ko-fi.com/artsyalice/commissions ✨
1 request per person only!
Price is fixed, but if you want to leave an additional tip, you can still do so in my ko-fi page.
Will draw: ✅ fanart, OCs, ships, AU’s, crossovers ❌ NSFW, gore, mecha, anything involving character/OC/fandom hate
IMPORTANT: Please note that these are art requests and not full commissions. That means there are no sketch reviews or revisions, and I will get back to you only with the full finished work.
Requests are now open - 10 SLOTS AVAILABLE If you don't get one, another 10 will be open later @ 11 PM.
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artsy-alice · 3 years
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☕️ Ali's #OctoberKofiRun21  
Last 10 slots are now up for grabs!
Quick guidelines below, then proceed to:
👉 https://ko-fi.com/artsyalice/commissions ✨
1 request per person only!
Price is fixed, but if you want to leave an additional tip, you can still do so in my ko-fi page.
Will draw: ✅ fanart, OCs, ships, AU’s, crossovers ❌ NSFW, gore, mecha, anything involving character/OC/fandom hate
IMPORTANT: Please note that these are art requests and not full commissions. That means there are no sketch reviews or revisions, and I will get back to you only with the full finished work.
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artsy-alice · 3 years
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☕️ Ali's #MayKofiRun21 is live!
I am currently taking art requests for super cheap for extra funds and just... fun, I guess?
Quick guidelines below, then proceed to:
👉 https://ko-fi.com/artsyalice/commissions ✨
Price is fixed this time around, but if you want to leave an additional tip, you can still do so in my ko-fi page
1 request per person only!
Will draw: ✅ fanart, OCs, ships, AU’s, crossovers ❌ NSFW, gore, mecha, anything involving character/OC/fandom hate
IMPORTANT: Please note that these are art requests and not full commissions. That means there are no sketch reviews or revisions, and I will get back to you only with the full finished work.
Requests are now open - 10 SLOTS AVAILABLE If you don't get one, don’t worry, another 10 will open tomorrow!
37 notes · View notes
artsy-alice · 3 years
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☕️ Last 10 slots are open for Ali's #MayKofiRun21!
Again, the quick guidelines are below, then proceed to:
👉 https://ko-fi.com/artsyalice/commissions ✨
Price is fixed this time around, but if you want to leave an additional tip, you can still do so in my ko-fi page
1 request per person only!
Will draw: ✅ fanart, OCs, ships, AU’s, crossovers ❌ NSFW, gore, mecha, anything involving character/OC/fandom hate
IMPORTANT: Please note that these are art requests and not full commissions. That means there are no sketch reviews or revisions, and I will get back to you only with the full finished work.
Last chance to grab those spots today! :)
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