galraxn · 5 years
" whatcha' gonna' do asshole? bore me to death? you think you fuckin' scare me? " // @ ki
    Kiat’re sneered, leaning against the shimmering purple barrier that barred Alphonse into the cell. “Don’t worry, you’re only here to serve as bait.” He flashed a sharp grin and pushed off the wall to properly stare down his prisoner. “See-- you’ve been sighted with the little rebel who sits at the very top of my hit list.” 
    Almost casually, he let himself pace along the barrier, tail swaying behind him. “And if you two are as close as my sources say you are; well--” Ki chuckled and tossed Al a smirk, “she’ll come running right to me as soon as she finds out where you are.” The commander halted his leisurely pacing and turned on his heel to grin down at Alphonse, a dangerous glint behind his eyes, “I’m not here to bore you to death. Oh no, you’re here to lead Elara to hers.”
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dcsidcrium · 5 years
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“’ey, Professor!”  The shifter calls, striding into his lab with her flock of pokemon in tow behind her.  Should she have a few of them in their balls so that they didn’t take up so much room?  Probably.  Is she going to return any of them?  Absolutely not.  Well, maybe her vaporeon.  Irial didn’t look too happy being surrounded by so many electric types.  
“You needin’ a hand with anythin’?  I was in the neighborhood, ‘nd I thought’d stop by.”
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atetoneee · 3 years
My take with @deehinataaa for our NH ArtxFic event (。・ω・。)ノ♡ this is my first fic so no hate guys i also cant stop cringing grrrrr
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infernosmelody · 5 years
also spoilers if you’ve been looking for me, my main character got a new blog. @hxpeful-dreams / @artxficer / @fallenmxthics . I might end up revising this blog and getting back to him because he’s actually ... a canon character now in my series && just ??? I need to develop him and what bards can do in my series as a whole. heck. 
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askandanswerbot · 4 years
Should i bring back TheBreastMovement ?
— OnlyFans Analyst 🇯🇲 🇬🇾 (@BujuBantzz) Mon Apr 06 15:03:24 +0000 2020
yes, you are.
— Andro. (@artxfice) Mon Apr 06 15:20:46 +0000 2020
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galraxn · 5 years
Perhaps he'd been too tired to care, rubbing eyes and drinking a little too hot of tea as he put his pistol back into one solid piece. A saber on the work bench, in pieces, awaiting him before he spun around in the chair. " so what if, theoretically, you join my crew? Or are ya'll the lone lioness type? "
She’d been sprawled across a chair behind him, typing away at the data pad in her hands. By now, Elara had grown comfortable aboard Alphonse’s ship and was content to make herself at home. It was unlike her, to spend so much time with someone else. Elara wasn’t usually the type to work as a partner. And yet— she’d stuck around.
When the question hit, she paused, shocked by the offer. “I—“ He really wanted her to stay? Slowly, shock melted away into a soft smile. “I’d love to join your crew.” Her ears pressed back sheepishly, a soft flush coloring her cheeks. “I’ve never really stuck around long enough to be a team, before. No one’s ever asked.”
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galraxn · 5 years
he was busy taking apart his pistol, head dipping every few minutes, tiredness calling his name yet he didn't allow it to stay. if it hadn't been the noise of the door sliding, he probably would've fell asleep. taking a moment he sipped his tea, looking back at the other. " what's that look for, mon chaton? "
    Elara was practically dragging her feet as she shuffled into the room, ears laid flat and tail nearly dragging the ground behind her. “Meetup with a potential client turned out to be an ambush.” She set her daggers aside before practically flopping into Alphonse’s lap. “Idiot sold me out to the empire, I had to make a quick escape.” With a whine, she pressed her head beneath his chin as she curled up atop his thighs, pouting. 
    She’d managed to escape mostly unhurt, aside from a few bruises and scrapes, and a cut along her cheek where one soldier had come at her with a knife. “Didn’t lead ‘em back here though.” Elara tilted her head to peer up at Al, “They’re long gone by now.”
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galraxn · 5 years
🎉 @ El
    They hadn’t planned to stop during the planet’s new years festival. It had just happened that way. So of course, Elara had pulled Alphonse from the ship to enjoy the festivities with her. The inhabitants of the planet (large, reptilian creatures) were welcoming and more than eager to show them how they celebrated. 
    Which was how Elara found herself wearing a crown of bright colored flowers and leaves, giggling into Al’s chest as the crowd around them counted down to the new year. As the clock reset and the planet’s new year began, the crowd erupted into cheers, glittering confetti raining down around them. Elara beamed and pulled back just enough to tug Alphonse down by the lapels of his coat. A few nearby aliens whooped at the display, causing El to giggle into the kiss. 
    Pulling back, the galra laughed and tugged the flower crown from her hair to place it on Alphonse’s head. “Happy new year, Alphonse.”
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galraxn · 5 years
❛ please do not forget me . ❜ // @ El.
    “Forget you?” Elara paused, turning to peer up at him, sorrow shooting through her chest at his words. Fully turning to face Alphonse, she tugged him down so she could cup his cheeks in her hands. “Alphonse...darling, I could never.” She rolled onto her tip toes to press into a gentle kiss as one hand slid into his hair to hold him close. 
    “I won’t be gone long. One week, and I’ll be back from this mission.” Forehead pressed to his, she grinned softly, “It’ll take a lot more than that to make me forget you, my love.” One last kiss before she pulled back and moved to board her cruiser. It pained her to be gone even that long on such a risky mission. But there wasn’t much else she could do except do everything she possibly could to return home safely. 
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galraxn · 5 years
▲ : leaning your head against their shoulder // @ Elara because we can never have enough bonding moments between these two.
    As soon as his head met her shoulder, Elara leaned her own head over to rest atop Alphonse’s. One arm slid around his shoulders to tug him closer just as her tail curled around his waist. “I think, after the day we’ve had, we deserve a nap.” She yawned, nuzzling into his hair with a sleepy purr, “Or maybe we should get some actual sleep.” Unless Alphonse protested, she was happy to fall asleep right then and there, cuddled against each other’s sides. 
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galraxn · 5 years
plops his long, fluffy trench coat onto the other. " want some warm coco? m' ship kinda' sucks at heatin' up quick, but it will soon 'nough. " // @Elara
    Elara squeaked, surprised by the sudden weight on her shoulders. Once she realized what had been dropped onto her, though, she was happy to pull the fabric close and cuddle up in it’s warmth with a pleased purr. “Some coco sounds perfect, thank you.” She grinned up at Alphonse, his coat now bundled tightly around her smaller form. “I hope you know your’e not getting this back anytime soon.”
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galraxn · 5 years
" if ya' really wanted to dance, you could've just asked. " his pistol was already in his hand before long, finger against the trigger. " maybe we should finish these /fine/ folk off first though. "
    Elara grinned sharply, draped against his side while a dagger twirled in one hand. “Oh, but where’s the fun in that?” The teasing lilt to her voice did little to betray the seriousness she perhaps should have had. Especially when faced with a group of dangerous criminals. But really, she was having too much fun to take them too seriously. They were easily no match for herself and Alphonse, so why not make things enjoyable?
    Finally straightening and pulling a second dagger from it’s sheath, Elara glanced over her shoulder to toss Alphonse a wink. 
    “I expect you to pay up on that dance when we’re finished here.”
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galraxn · 5 years
Self-Knowledge Questionnaire Below the surface everyone is pretty complicated. Based on your answers, we think the following three traits are important strands in your personality:
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You have a strong sense of potential and an intense drive to accomplish difficult things. The core of this is your ability to hold together the big goals and the daily efforts. Where other people’s hopes collapse when they encounter the tedium of the journey, you keep coming back. Oddly, it is actually your ability to endure feeling unheroic that counts. You know the power of working away solidly on what’s in front of you.
You don’t set out to be different for its own sake; you are more easily guided by what interests and moves you. You are more concerned about what is right for you than about the pressure to fit in. In sex you are more aware than others of impulses which are not entirely conventional. You know the value of selective irresponsibility, of forgetting occasionally about being ‘good’.
You have a tendency, after a setback, to turn your emotions towards restriving. What attracts you is the idea of wiping out a humiliation by resumed action – overcoming weakness, repressing your fear. Because part of your motive is pride, you can sometimes be unwilling to admit weakness or to receive aid. But at heart, tour insistence on coming back and never folding has taught you a valuable pessimism: you know that important journeys are never easy.
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You have a strong sense of potential and an intense drive to accomplish difficult things. The core of this is your ability to hold together the big goals and the daily efforts. Where other people’s hopes collapse when they encounter the tedium of the journey, you keep coming back. Oddly, it is actually your ability to endure feeling unheroic that counts. You know the power of working away solidly on what’s in front of you.
You have delicate, sensitive perceptions; you can be deeply moved by appearances – the right light in a room, or good food, or the texture of a piece of clothing. Expressive, intelligent language has a powerful hold on you; your mind works better when it is inspired and provoked by vivid imagery. It can be sad to live in a world which is often so ugly and not properly looked after. But you know that things can be otherwise, and you have the ability to appreciate the world at its best.
There’s a strand in your nature which loves making an impression – perhaps with your clothes, or conversation, or in a self-revealing blog or a novel. You like to dramatise yourself, to pose as a unique, perhaps mysterious person, to joke or exaggerate your part in adventures. Though you might more than once have been called a show off, it is actually a generous tendency: you want to please and entertain others. It could be the start of good teaching and leadership.
Tagged by: @fcrvidus​
Tagging: @hxpeful-dreams​ @artxficer​ @condomglitter​ @hyaciiintho​
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galraxn · 5 years
" we're together now, that's all that matters." / @ el
    Curled up against his chest, the sound of his heartbeat in her ear, Elara still couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. She knew he could handle plenty. Knew that he’d heal and wouldn’t feel the pain. But the idea of Alphonse being used as bait just to reel her into Kiat’re’s clutches-- it made her chest ache. 
    “Please-- be careful. I-I know you don’t feel pain and you want to protect me but, I can’t stand the thought of you being in danger. Just...be more careful, for me?” 
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galraxn · 5 years
❝ you’re not getting bailed out, not this time. ❞ // @ el
She had to hold back the petulant whine, ears flattening against her skull in a soft pout. Sure, she could escape on her own, but there was something dramatically romantic about letting Alphonse come save her.
“I suppose I can get myself out.” Elara sighed dramatically into the comm unit on her wrist. The idiot soldiers hadn’t thought to take it from her. “But when I get off this ship, I demand compensation in kisses.”
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galraxn · 5 years
🎄 // yes.
It was quiet. Calm. She was curled into Alphonse’s side as they silently watched the snow fall. They’d stopped on a wintery planet and Elara had been completely entranced by the snow. His warm, fur-trimmed coat was draped over her shoulders as she nestled beneath his arm— the little Galra perfectly content to press as close as possible
She tilted her gaze up to watch him, a soft smile curling at her lips. “Hey—“ Her shoulder nudged his ribcage, just enough to gain his attention. “C’mere,” With a gentle tug, Elara pulled Al down into a soft kiss, a purr rumbling in her chest. “Love you~”
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