#as a fellow level 90 dancer main i owe you my entire life
14dayswithyou · 2 years
I would play FFXIV endlessly with Violet, as a loyal level 80 white mage, I just wanna know when Renren is going to anonymously sneak their way into the group and what kinda of character they would main.
Also would he wanna get married in game? Maybe buy a cute little home?
✦゜ANSWERED: Nonnie you have just activated my trap card.... I will literally never shut up about the critically acclaimed MMORPG FFXIV that has a free trial and lets y⁠—
Violet would honestly have all of her jobs maxed out, and would spend all of her time either fishing in Il Mheg (for the ambience) or hardcore raiding (because I adore the gap moe between her appearance and her interests)
Ren, without a single doubt, would play as a pink-haired viera who mains all of the support jobs. He'll only heal your character though, and would probably get kicked from the party for trolling or for constantly /doting you during a fight.
He would absolutely try to convince you to get married in the game as well, and is willing to pay for the highest wedding tier if you agree. He'll even screen-record the entire thing, just so that he can look back on it whenever he starts feeling lonely or sentimental. (He'd also be like "Haha, I can't wait until we get married in real life as well!" "What?" "...W-What?")
Good luck and godspeed to that man if ever tries to buy a house for the both of you though :') The housing market is literally the worst on my server right now, so I'd love to see him buy a plot without resorting to using hacks jdfskfds
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