#as a film it's a very rough start and i don't understand why the mc has a southern accent
fictionadventurer · 1 year
It's been a couple of weeks since I watched The Perfect Game, but I'm still reeling from the fact that one of the best Catholic priest portrayals I've ever seen onscreen was played by Cheech Marin.
Can't wrap my head around it. Actual Cheech (of 'and Chong' fame) playing a kindly, lovable, devout Catholic priest who serves as mentor and friend and role model to this team of baseball-playing boys who take their faith seriously. He blesses the boys before every game. Teaches them doctrine while still encouraging their love of baseball. The faith is just part of their very human lives. I didn't think we could see it on-screen and especially never would have expected that casting.
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Hi there, I really love your blog and I was wondering if you could write a senerio where the rfa plus saran ad mc ar hving a horror movies night at mc's apartment. You don't have to if you don't feel like it.
Thank you so much! I hope this turned out ok, I’m very sorry this took so long but I’ve been having a bit of a rough time lately……Anyways, I wasn’t sure if you meant these to be separate, let me know if you’d like me to write them all together and I will gladly do so
Yoosung- He makes the suggestion to see the movie, because he wants to seem tough and more “manly”- But he’s a soft boi and of course he’ll get scared- So he watches it in advance to make a mental list of the jumpscares- He makes popcorn and sits on the couch with you snuggled under a blanket- He seems nervous when you turn off the lights, so you set up a little lamp on the table next to him - When you two start watching, you notice that he tenses up and holds his breath right before something really scary and surprising happens - You probably guess that he’s already seen it even though he specifically told you he didn’t - Turns out the scary parts are still scary the second time through- You can tell his strength is crumbling, he’s practically closing his eyes- So you end up stopping the movie and binge-watching Disney movies into the early hours of the morning- The next day, Saeyoung teases him about it- That little shit was watching through the CCTV cameras
Zen- Ultimate show of manliness- Wants to impress you - Probably makes you a nice dinner and lights some candles- He wants to keep the atmosphere fluffy and romantic so you’re not as scared- Definitely puts his arm around you after the first scare - “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you” - Makes comments about the makeup, set, acting, etc. to make you feel less afraid - Takes every opportunity to touch you and comfort you - By the end, you’re practically sitting in his lap - You tease him about jumping a little at a few scenes, but he adamantly denies it - If you have nightmares, he’ll stay up and talk to you or sing you to sleep
Jaehee- She really didn’t want this- “Mc, really? A horror movie? Can’t we watch something nice?” - Insists you keep all the lights on - Screams often, and very loudly- Poor gal is terrified - Cuddles into you and presses her face against your arm - Frequently asks how much time is left in the movie - “This would be so much better if Zen was acting in it…”- Breathes really heavily, and grips you very tightly during the suspenseful parts- After the movie, she’s really jumpy- Won’t admit how much it scared her- You don’t tease her, you can see how embarrassed she is - You let her put on one of Zen’s films afterwards
Jumin- He really doesn’t understand the appeal- “Why would you watch something that gives you unpleasant feelings?” - You explain how the adrenaline from the jumpscares is thrilling - He sits on the couch with you and watches it as casually as if it were the news- This man is like stone, nothing seems to startle him - Though he does shift uncomfortably during suspenseful parts- Seems a little surprised when you cuddle up to him when scared- After the movie, he tells you he still doesn’t understand the appeal- But it wasn’t so bad, and he’d be happy to do this again if you want to- He even offers to have you over next time so you two can watch on his big fancy tv with surround sound speakers - You’re a little on edge, and don’t expect to sleep much- But you end up falling asleep in the comfort and security of his arms- You just feel so safe with him
Saeyoung- He loveS horror movies omg- So excited- Insists on turning off all the lights- Provides a running commentary the whole movie- “No, don’t go into the basement you idiot” - “Oh, you’re totally fucked”- “Oh shit, here comes the murderer”- Laughs a little when you jump and hide your face against him- But a few minutes later he jumps and it’s your turn to laugh- He throws Honey Buddha chips at you- You guys discuss the movie afterwards- He gives you recommendations on other ones he likes- When you get up to go to the bathroom he says “watch out mc, the killer might be waiting for you”- “whY did you have to say that, Saeyoung?!”- And now you can’t sleep- You guys probably end up playing video games all night- Or just talking about random stuff
Saeran- He likes watching horror movies, but they scare the heck out of him- You two make a little blanket fort that you watch from- He brings ice cream and lots of candy- Doesn’t understand why you snuggle up to him during the scary parts- You expected him to be a rock, like Jumin, but he jumps most times that you do- You enjoy teasing him about it - “Saeran, you totally just jumped!”- “Shut up no I didn’t”- After the movie, neither of you can sleep- He seems really uncomfortable - Then he says “hey, uh, mc, maybe you’d feel less scared if you came closer to me?” - You move right up next to him - And tentatively embrace him- He stiffens for a moment but quickly relaxes into your touch- You fall asleep on top of him with your arms around him- Poor boy must have been so scared by the movie
V (after eye surgery so he can actually see)- He really doesn’t want to- But this sweet man would do anything for you- The movie starts, and he’s immediately terrified- He finds any opportunity to get away from the t.v. - Which obviously involves doing nice things for you - He gets some lotion and gives you a foot massage - Then he goes and makes you hot chocolate - You offer to put on a different movie- But he denies any issues and sits through the rest of the movie tense as heck- He looks relieved when it’s over - You tell him you can’t sleep- And he suggests you guys watch a nature documentary to calm down - You fall asleep with your head in his lap, his fingers combing through your hair
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