#as a person who also lived a deeply trashy life that people react in horror to when i tell fun relatable stories keefe is very special to m
keefechambers · 1 year
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Your past as a Satan worshipper was washed away when you accepted Jesus Christ our savior into your life. Everybody knows that.
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b-rainlet · 5 years
Hmmm can I have lunya otp questions
This took very long because I lost it halfway through so I hope you love my Answers anyway (took my like, two hours).
Fun Fact: This is actually 2k.
Which one sexts like a straight white boy?
Not to be repetitive, but….look at Luther…...look at Vanya…...and now tell me who is more likely to channel their inner fuckboy. 
Vanya rarely does it though, because what good would come of texting like that? Luther has no idea how to respond in most cases. 
Vanya: ‘what would u do if i was there with u rn ;)’
Luther: ‘Probably cuddle with you? I miss you.’
Vanya, already on her way to the mansion, sending a dozen heart emojis: ‘Damnit, Luther.’
(Have I mentioned? Luther is fucking clingy. He’s the kind of guy to be in the middle of a conversation with someone and just randomly go ‘I miss my wife’ before he just. Gets up and leaves). 
Sometimes though, Vanya plays around with the fuckboy aesthetic and Luther is into that. 
Vanya, in a snapback and a button up, pants hanging low: ‘Hey Babe ;)’
Luther, hands twisted together: ‘Don’t get a boner, don’t get a boner, don’t get a-’
(Vanya notices anyway. Vanya is also kind enough to indulge him, fucking him still completely dressed, pants falling open around her hips and boxer shorts pushed down, murmuring into Luther’s  ear how cute he looks split open on her cock like that. 
Luther has never come harder in his life).
Which one cried during a fucking disney movie?
Again Luther. I can see Vanya not being as touched by fictional characters because ‘it’s a show/movie’ 
She doesn’t get how Luther can still cry at the same scenes in disney movies even though most of the time, both of them know that it will all work out in the end, they watched this movie twenty times already. 
Much like Ben, I can see Vanya having a hard time controlling her emotions, regulating them like everyone else seems to be able to do. But instead of feeling numb a lot, she just feels everything so much all the time, sometimes she feels like she’s drowning, all this anger and irritation washing over her and making her snappy and overwhelmed. 
It’s a bit like a switch. One second she’s fine and the next, she’s full of rage because the toothpaste fell down. 
One time, Luther woke up to Vanya crying because she realised pigs don’t have thumbs and just...broke down over that. 
Some people see her and call her cold because she doesn’t seem phased by gruesome stuff on tv or tearjerker scenes, she even feels weird around sad people, not sure how to react and mostly uncomfortable (trying not to let their sadness consume her, make her cry too and ending up way too clinical), but her siblings know that she just has a little harder time processing emotions. 
It’s also hard for her relationship because there are days where she’s really clingy and whiny, hanging off of Luther and prone to crying over little stuff, or talking herself into a frenzy over how she’s too ugly for Luther - Luther’s like ‘???? Have you seen me?????’ and that probably makes Vanya cry harder. 
The next, she cannot stand being touched for too long, everything suffocating, even the air around her. Everything’s too loud. 
Those days, she shuts herself in her room and doesn’t let Luther in, barely tolerates him in front of the door, talking to her in hushed whispers, trying to calm her down. 
(Vanya probably gets some noise cancelling headphones from Five as a present or something and they actually help some).
Sometimes she wonders. Wonders why Luther keeps up with all of this. Why he doesn’t just settle for someone easier, someone who doesn’t have a screaming fit when she has a bad day and Luther forgets to put the wet towels away after showering. Someone who would never make him doubt how deeply she feels for him by being icy and throwing ugly words at him, skin itching and blood running hot. 
Luther only shrugs when she asks him. “I love you.”
And that’s that.
Who put a goddamned fork in the microwave?
With this dynamic I can see Luther at least trying to keep himself in check. Like, ‘Vanya is a grown woman living alone and managing her life, she doesn’t need to feel like she has to baby me because I can’t keep myself from doing weird shit’
And then Vanya tells him - slightly drunk and all blushes and giggles - that she did the fork thing before and Luther has the sudden realization that his wife is just as much of a dumbass as he is
He’s even more in love (but also slightly jealous because he wanted to do the fork thing too).
Those two will also do so much weird shit with Vanya’s powers like, wow. 
“Maybe it’s not a good idea to throw around Mum’s good china-” - “Hush Diego, this is important training.” (They use the china like a frisbee, Luther throws it as hard as possible and Vanya tries to stop it before it crashes against the wall. It surprisingly doesn’t break btw. The wall has holes now though, Luther miscalculated his strength a little). 
I mean, what do you expect of the guy who rides a bicycle indoors and the girl who tried to evoke her powers by scrunching up her face and making superhero gestures?
Who does the silly hands-over-the-eyes “Guess who” thing?
Both would love to do it, but it just isn’t possible. 
Luther absolutely cannot sneak up on Vanya. Under no circumstances. Vanya always hears him from a mile away and as soon as he’s standing in the doorway, she’s already looking in his direction, smiling widely. 
It would be frustrating, if Vanya’s happy face wasn’t so adorable
“Do you smile at everyone approaching you like that?” - “Maybe.”
(Vanya doesn’t tell Luther that she only ever smiles wide for him, arms raised for a hug, doesn’t tell him that she’s tuned in on his heartbeat, knows exactly where he is in the house at all times). 
Vanya on the other hand could technically surprise Luther but how the fuck is she supposed to reach her tree of a husband? How could she ever cover his eyes with her hands, she can barely reach his neck. 
It’s annoying because they wanna be cute together but they still make it work. 
Like, when they meet up, when Luther is walking into the living room and Vanya’s sitting on the couch, she just has to lightly touch her cheek, head tilted, and Luther will lean down to give her a kiss. 
(How many times you wanna bet did Vanya turn her head last second to make him kiss her lips instead of her cheek? Because the answer is loads).
Also, if Vanya feels playful, she’ll help the process along a little. 
Luther is walking towards her and suddenly he will feel a pull, and before he knows it, he’s nose to nose with Vanya, her powers keeping him in place as she smirks and kisses his nose. 
I want Vanya to casually flaunt her powers in general and Luther is totally in awe. Vanya pulls Luther’s head down by simply tilting her head, watches as his eyes go dark before pushing him back lightly, just when he’s about to reach out to her. 
(They play a little game of tag that’s mostly Luther trying to get Vanya into his arms while Vanya playfully dodges him, meets his outstretched hands with an invisible wall, let’s him work for it, before pulling him into her arms. You know, the usual superhero shenanigans).
Who puts their cold hands/feet on their partner?
Vanya. I said it before and I say it again: Luther has bad circulation. That means he’s pretty much always cold so it would make sense for him to do so but I feel like with him, it’s more like Vanya deliberately takes his hands/cuddling up to him to keep him warm, while Vanya - who rarely ever gets really cold - likes just pushing her hands under Luther’s shirt and onto his stomach, snuggling up to him still in her jacket, just stepping into their little flat and immediately pressing her cold nose between Luther’s shoulder blades. He wears so many layers, when Vanya’s freezing to the bone, even Luther feels warm. 
Luther doesn’t complain, doesn’t feel how cold Vanya really is. His perception to temperatures is fucked
(One time he touched a hot plate and didn’t even notice until he saw the angry, red marks left on his hand).
Who had that embarassing Reality TV marathon?
I would like to say neither. Luther can get into Reality TV if his partner is into it and they occasionally end up watching it, but Vanya is very much a book person and if they watch anything trashy, she probably enjoys shitty horror movies (that still make Luther cuddle up to her in fear).
Other than that, Vanya loves really fucked up thrillers. Especially if they're chinese (there’s one where a girl gets killed and a bunch of other girls are so traumatized, they all grow up majorly fucked up). 
Those, Vanya watches alone though. Luther tried to watch with her but he got so scared, he couldn’t sleep anymore. For at least a week. 
(They had to keep a light on and Luther was fucking embarassed about it but Vanya didn’t complain). 
Also, when they do watch horror movies together, they always watch something funny after. Luther is a big fan of romantic comedies. Vanya not so much. 
(She thinks it’s cute when Luther gets overly invested though, loves it when he pulls her closer and kisses the top of her head when the couple on screen confesses how much they love each other. 
It may make Vanya blush. A lot).
Who laughs more during sex?
Neither laugh that much. I mean, smiling and happy giggling are a given - as I would like to believe in every relationship - but I guess they aren’t as much goofy as they are emotional during sex. 
Their sex is always intense because it’s always about crazy amounts of trust those two show each other, trust that had to slowly be rebuild after the apocalypse and it’s not unusual for them to cry, to let their emotions get the best of them, tears falling onto cheeks as both of them whisper love confession in the dark. 
Luego is awkward conversations and funny accidents and big fights that end in make out sessions.
Benther is soft kisses and love confessions and the feeling of fingers running through short hair. 
Lunya is- Lunya is Love.
Lunya is the warm feeling in your heart, looking in your partner’s eyes and thinking: ‘This. This is how it will be. This is forever.’
They switch. It depends on how they are feeling. 
Sometimes Vanya can’t bare the pressure of someone’s arm around her, holding her down, suffocating her. 
Sometimes she needs to feel in control, she needs to be able to pull Luther close, have him curl around her, trying to fit into her arms. This is hers, she won’t ever let him go. 
Luther is fine in either position. He lives for making Vanya happy, and if you’d ask the little selfish part of himself, he loves how safe he feels in Vanya’s arms. Vanya could keep him safe. Vanya will keep him safe.
(Luther wants to curl up in Vanya’s arms forever). 
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