#as a softball player who had teammates who would swing or run with their mouths open he is definitely not the only trooper to do this lol
lifeofclonewars · 1 year
Fun fact: if you watch Hevy closely during Clone Cadets, you can see that he tends to shoot with his mouth open
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Here are some screenshot examples
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and they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates)
(lots of sports jargon, sorry)
also tw for suicide (you-know-who) and brief vomit
stephanie meeks was a star golf player at henley
she was the best at the school and ranked tenth in the state
+29 to par, total score 100, average difference 25.23, and she looks good in the skirt
amelia anderson was the fastest runner on the junior varsity softball team at trinity school for girls
she had the most stolen bases, but no one ever ran when she caught behind the plate
.275 batting average, 10 stolen bases, 13 caught runners, and she looks good in the trousers
and welton academy doesn't have girls sports teams
it's funny, it took years to plan and prepare for girls to attend welton, to build extra dorms, hire more teachers, create guidelines specifically for girls
and yet, mr cameron couldn't get girls sports teams up and running
instead, they all took home etc
which was fun, they sewed holes in their tights, made cookies
but no boy was in home etc
it's just... funny
stephanie started playing golf in an attempt to get closer to her father
it didn't work, but now she has a better swing than him
amelia started softball after her mom died in order to blow off steam
she was too little for the outfield, let alone the infield, and she couldn't pitch fast enough
thus, putting her behind the plate
stephanie and amelia reminisced about their old schools a lot, especially pertaining to sports
they liked the community their sports brought, they always knew their teammates had their backs
stephanie was still friends with the henley golf girls (who were no longer golf girls) but didn't see them as often because they weren't practicing every day
amelia hadn't spoken to her teammates since she left trinity, leaving a social aspect unfilled for a while
"maybe we can find that again" stephanie suggests "with the dead poets society"
amelia shrugged
that was something her dad had
she had softball, that was her thing, amelia the catcher
'anderson' on the back of her jersey was for her, not her dad
the society honestly felt like stepping into her father's shadow even more
and she didn't like it
"i don't want to be the mini-girl version of todd anderson," she says "i'm amelia anderson... you know, i should really drop my last name, it's not mine, it's my father's"
"you could go by your mom's surname" stephanie suggests
"that was her father's surname, not her's... i could just be... just amelia, like madonna, or prince"
"okay just amelia, do you have the answer to number fourteen?"
"literally, i wasn't talking to you, richie"
anyway, all this to say
stephanie and amelia bonded very quickly, being roommates and all
weirdly, they didn't have many similar interests (stephanie was very sciencey and amelia was all humanities), but they liked hearing the other talk about their interests
amelia's eyes would glaze over when stephanie talked about constellations
stephanie would pretend to know who lord byron was
it's a great system
they do everything together
homework in the library, studying in the junior lounge, making fun of mr cameron
neither of them is particularly girly, nor tomboyish, they had the best of both worlds
stephanie has long hair that she would curl when going out and she liked makeup, but put her in a skirt or dress outside of school and she will s c r e a m
amelia has short hair just above her shoulders because she doesn't know how to do her hair, every time she's tried to apply mascara, she's stabbed herself in the eye, but she feels like a ~princess~ in a dress
they balance each other out nicely
anyhow, one day, they were going to the bathroom together (as girls do), and amelia stops in front of the portrait of the brunet boy outside mr dad's classroom
she could have sworn he was smiling when she first saw it
now, the corners of his mouth don't curl up anymore
"do you know who this is?" she asks, thinking maybe stephanie would have welton/henley insight that she doesn't
but stephanie shakes her head "no clue, i bet your dad would know"
"i get the feeling he wouldn't tell me"
"what's that mean?"
"i don't know, i just feel like he wouldn't"
"okay, then i'll ask him"
at the end of mr anderson's class, he says "okay, any questions before i let you all go?"
stephanie's hand goes up "um... who's that boy in the painting outside the classroom?"
mr anderson freezes, no expression crossing his face
his eyes fall to the floor, completely silent in the room, all his students watching him
he leans against his desk and crosses his arms, stroking his body as if to comfort himself
"he was a student here at welton," he says "he was here when i was here... so a long time ago"
the students force a laugh
"his name was neil perry" it looks as though it pains him to speak
amelia leans over to stephanie "N.P.?"
"he passed away while attending this school"
students gasp and their mouths drop open
"did you know him?" stephanie asks
todd purses his lips together, eyes still on the floor, he nods "we were roommates"
oh my god they were roommates
"um... you're all dismissed" and he disappears into his office
the students collect their things, worried for their teacher
that was fucking sad
all the new poets gather down the hall
"that's who N.P. is from the cave" amelia whispers
"never heard the name before," evan says, everyone else agreeing
"but your dad said he was here the same time neil was," pittsie says
"yeah so?" amelia asks
"so, if we know when mr anderson was here..."
"...then we'll know when neil was here," stephanie says
"there are annuals in the library," richie says, "when was your dad here, amelia?"
"well, he transferred high schools, i think he was here fifty-nine to sixty and sixty to sixty-one"
"on it"
so the search begins
and search means looking through literally the first annual they pick off the shelf
it doesn't take long before they find the memorial page for neil perry
"no shit," richie mutters under his breath
it doesn't say how he died, just that he was seventeen and will be missed and all that bullshit
while amelia looks through the annual, she notices something... odd
charles dalton wasn't in the annual
not mentioned or anything
"but his initials were carved into the wall" she says
"maybe they were carved in a different year" evan suggests
"no, they're eroded the same, definitely done at the same time" pittsie says
why wasn't mr dalton in the annual?
"did he kill neil perry?" richie says in a low voice
"he would be in prison, stupid" stephanie says
"maybe he didn't get caught"
"that doesn't explain why he's not in the annual"
"whatcha kids doing?" mr dalton comes out of nowhere
richie shoves the annual into his bag and the new poets pretend they were working on their homework
(or staring at the globe on the table if you're evan and don't have your homework out)
"homework" pittsie says
"good on ya, kids" he wanders away
"cold-blooded killer, i'm telling you"
evan elbows richie in the hip
amelia and stephanie are in their dorm, absolutely losing their minds over this mystery
from what we know, mr dalton and mr cameron were at welton at the same time, mr anderson and neil perry were at welton at the same time, mr cameron and neil perry were at welton at the same time, but according to the annuals, mr dalton and neil perry weren't at welton at the same time, and mr anderson and mr dalton weren't at welton at the same time
"forget this, i'm just gonna ask my dad"
"look, i don't think that's a good idea"
"why not?" amelia asks
"well, your dad seemed kinda broken up when i asked about neil"
amelia stares daggers at stephanie
she thinks about her father curled up on the floor of their living room, barely able to cry anymore
she thinks about her father being unable to get out of bed
she thinks about her father leaning over her mother's body dying body saying "you'll be okay, honey, you'll be fine"
"you don't know what my dad is like when he's broken up"
amelia marches down to her dad's apartment, stephanie trailing
"just stay out of sight, take notes or something"
stephanie stays behind a wall where mr anderson couldn't see her when amelia knocks
when her dad opens the door, she sees he's in his pajamas even though it's five in the afternoon, his eyes are swollen and red, and his glasses are off
"dad, have you been crying?"
"i... um..."
amelia sits her dad on the bed "what's going on?"
"nothing... i'm just..."
"is this about neil?"
he doesn't answer
"were you two close?"
stephanie doesn't know, but todd nods
"do you want talk about it?"
it's quiet again
"amelia, i just want you to know... i love you so much, it aches"
"yeah, i know"
"and i couldn't live with myself if you thought otherwise"
"trust me, i know"
"amelia, i'm serious"
"what happened to neil perry, dad?"
... well, you know what he says
amelia comes around the corner where stephanie is, eyes wide, stepping as though on a tightrope
she walks past stephanie...step...step...step...
once she knows her dad can't see her, she throws up onto the lawn
stephanie pulls her hair out of her face and rubs her back
amelia is typically good at keeping her Bad Emotions to herself, but the knowledge of a student's suicide, even from thirty years ago, crashed onto her with an insufferable weight
"he was just a kid, steph! he was just a kid!"
amelia and stephanie don't go to dinner that evening
they lay on the wooden floor of their dorm together in silence
stephanie wants to hug amelia
amelia wants stephanie to hug her
but neither move
and neither get what they want
"i think i would be messed up thirty years on if you killed yourself" stephanie whispers eventually
"luckily i have no plans to do so," amelia says
"neither do i"
"good... i don't think i can take another heartbreak"
they sleep on the floor
amelia dreams of neil's smile
stephanie dreams of neil sobbing in her lap
they still don't know why mr dalton wasn't in the annual
wow!!! wtf
i know this is kind of a crappy place to leave it, but i'm currently on a break, so i might not post for like a week as i'm w family
taglist!!! (please lmk if you want to be added or removed)
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Softball Pants
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Anon Requested: hello!! could u do an imagine w billy where the reader (fem) does a sport like softball or somethin and it catches billy’s eye? a lot of fluff too?
Warning: My very limited knowledge of any and all sports, tiny amount of blood
All in all, Hawkins, Indiana was a small town with very little to do. The youth of ’84 had only two options when it came to in-town entertainment: the bright, neon lights of the Hawkins arcade, filled to the brim with prepubescents with less than satisfactory hygiene, or the local theater where teens huddled in the back seats, using the feature as background noise to their make-out sessions. And even those activities, as fun as they made be, grew old, leading the towns younger residents to come up with more creative ways to entertain themselves.
One of these creative ways, founded by the male population of Hawkins High, was watching the softball players do warm ups before they started their practice. Every Tuesday and Thursday, an hour and a half after the final class let out, the Hawkins High Lady Tigers could be found on the small diamond behind the school clad in pristine white softball pants and shining emerald shirts preforming stretches before warm ups and drills began.
You were one of those girls, the eye candy on the field, standing sound in your cleats, the afternoon sun beating down on your high pony tail. From behind you could hear the obnoxious voice of Tommy H. leering at you and your teammates. Annoyed, you whipped your head around, E/C irises narrowing in annoyance at the view before you.
Tommy H. and his new found best friend and current King, Billy Hargrove, along with a few of their other cronies were leaning against the chain link fence, their fingers grasping the void spaces between the links as their hungry eyes flicked over you and your team mates, trying to decide which little bird they would be chasing after as soon of todays practice let out.
“Oi! Tommy, why don’t you do us all a favor and shut the fuck up?” you snapped heatedly after an obscene comment about the girl, April, standing beside you left his lips. April shifted uncomfortably in her place, ignoring the boys so they wouldn’t notice her strawberry red cheeks, lit with embarrassment.
“Oh, Y/L/N, I love it when you talk dirty me,” Tommy smirked, leaning his forearms against the chain link fence. Beside him Billy Hargrove smirked widely, his tongue rolled over his lips.
 “Blow me!” you called out, turning your eyes back to the field as the boys howled with laughter, “Bastard,” you grumbled under your breath as you fixed your gaze on the backs of their girls in front of you. You rolled your shoulders and leaned your neck from side to side, cracking it in a motion that sent your H/C locks swinging from side to side before your team caption called your attention back to practice.
Normally, the observing males hanging out on the side of the fence didn’t bother you. It usually just involved catcalls and chatter amongst the groups that came to watch and the occasional idiot attempting to pick you up afterwards. Today though, Tommy H. was being obscene, and you had a feeling it had something to do with Billy’s sudden interest in coming to the field. Billy, unlike the group of boys he hung around, usually didn’t frequent afternoon practices to watch you and the girls. You would like to say it was because of his good character and the fact that he didn’t want to objectify women, however, for Billy, it was simply that he always had a girl on his arm to keep him busy. They flocked to him, eager to get him naked against their bed sheets, Billy never had to do much to get a girl, which was why you were surprised to see him on the field today.
Billy’s presence distracted you all through practice, even now as you were pitching. From the corner of your eye you could see that the vast majority of the onlookers had dispersed, leaving only Billy and Tommy at the fence and a few scattered in the bleachers, puffing away on cheap cigarettes. Tommy’s misogynistic comments has slowly died down as Billy’s anger seemed to grow. You could tell by the look in his eye that Billy was annoyed with his companion, you just couldn’t place why. It couldn’t be the comments, knowing how Billy treated most women, but what else could be wrong? He and Tommy typically got on pretty well.
“Hey, Y/L/N,” Tommy H. called, a hand cupped around the corner of his mouth. You turned your head over slightly to look at him, “That’s a nice view you got going on, but it could use some improvement. Why don’t you just finish cutting the buttons loose?”
Your eyebrows knitted together out of confusion, wondering what the bastard was on about before your eyes slowly trailed down to your breasts. You cringed when you saw what the freckled boy was hinting at. The shirt you had grabbed in a rush as you left for school that morning happened to be the one that your mother had accidently shrunken in the dryer which had slowly started unbuttoning due to the movements practice had required of you.
Suddenly, Billy snapped. With cat like reflexes he shot out, snatching Tommy up by the collar of his shirt and then tossed him back a few feet. Billy jabbed a finger at Tommy, his voice was loud but not clear, making you miss the topic of the heated argument.
You watch as Tommy stormed off, your mind wondering to what they could possibly be arguing over, when you let the ball slip from your hand, sending it speeding towards Martha, the newest girl. She was very timid when it came to batting, especially if you were pitching. She let out a yelp as the ball soared towards her, Martha dropped the bat and ducked, tucking her hands over her helmet as she crouched down in the dirt. Unfortunately for a distracted Billy Hargrove the ball Martha failed to hit rapidly approached him before slipping through the jagged hole cut in the fence by Jenny Langley’s boyfriend (for the practical use of making out while she wasn’t busy during games) just as he turned his head to face their field again. The ball make contact with his eye immediately after that, sending the tall boy stumbling back a few steps out of shock.
“Oh my god, Billy!” you cried, panic taking over your being as you slung your helmet to the ground along with your glove before you raced over to the injured boy.
“I am so sorry,” Martha apologized in a shrill voice, “I didn’t think you were about to throw the ball.” You brushed Martha off with a wave of your hand, not blaming her for the situation at all.
“Billy!” you gasped as you reached the boy. His face was scrunched in pain, one of his large hands was placed over his eye, rubbing it as if that would erase the pain. The florescent soft ball rested beside his boots, nestled snugly in the long grass.
“I’m so sorry, I was doing a fake out on Martha like Constance wanted me to, I really didn’t mean to let the ball slip.”
Billy chuckled, causing a small gasp of surprise to leave your lips. You had expected him to be furious, to yell at you, maybe toss you up against the fence like anyone else who angered him, but instead, Billy Hargrove had just laughed at the fact that you had damaged his beautiful face. Billy took his hand away from his eye and met your E/C gaze, you could already see the bruising setting in from the force of your throw, yet they boys lips were still tilted upwards in a smirk.
“Well if that was you not indenting to hit me, I’d hate to be on the receiving end of a throw you meant, Kitten.” Billy Hargrove let his tongue run over his lips before allowing a charming smile to settle on his lips, though his blue eyes were the hue of ice, they surprisingly radiated warmth.
“Kitten?” Your cheeks flushed at the pet name. You hadn’t exchanged words with Billy outside of the causal answering of a question in class, you were curious as to where he picked up a pet name for you so fast.
“Yea,” Billy said as he shifted his body closer to yours, he picked up a lock of your H/C hair that had fallen out during practice and twirled it around his finger as he smirked down at you, “Cause your cute, like a kitten, but also feisty.”
“Hmm,” you hummed out slowly, batting your eyes up at the taller male, “I’m not quite sure where you got that impression,” you smiled cheekily.
Despite the fact that Billy a was notorious womanizer you couldn’t help but flirt; he was hot, what else could you say?
“Oh, I’m very observant.” Billy grinned as bit the corner of his bottom lip.
“So, you picked that up from watching me once on the softball field?” you tilted your head to the side, your voice was smooth and low.
“Who said I only watched you once on a softball field?” Billy’s grin only widened as your own eyes did; you quickly erased the evidence of shock from your face and Billy leaned up against the fence, it dipped slightly under his weight but if he noticed he didn’t seem to care.
“You stalking me or?” your voice drifted off playfully.
“Oh no, that would be creepy,” Billy smiled his breathtaking smile momentarily before wincing in pain at the crashing of his eye.
Your smile dropped suddenly in exchange for a frown. You brought your hand up to touch the wound you had accidently inflicted, “I’m sorry,” you apologized again, “Its going to leave a nasty bruise.”
“Don’t worry about it, kitten,” Billy chuckled and he grabbed your hand in his. He lowered your hands down but kept them intertwined, causing a pink to dust your cheeks. “I’ve already thought of a way you can make it up to me.”
“Oh yea?” you asked, although unlike your previous tones, this one lacked the flirtatious manor and teetered on the edge of nervous.
“Yea,” Billy smiled, and to you it seemed genuine, “Let me take you out for a milkshake, then afterwards you can teach me how to throw like a bad ass.”
A smirk lit up your features, “Interested in switching sports Hargrove?”
“No,” Billy smiled, moving closer to you, tucking his hand under your chin and letting his thumb rest just below your bottom lip.  Billy smiled gently down at you, his face inching closer to yours, “but I’m interested in everything about you. So, what do you say?
You smile was brilliant as you gazed into his blue irises and responded, “I say yes.”
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broadstreetmisfits · 6 years
Running Wild (Dylan Strome) - Chapter 1
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“Okay so why do you want me here?” I asked my dad as we pulled into a hotel parking spot.
“Because I want you to relax a bit and enjoy your summer Lauren!” My father, Rick Tocchet said
“But that requires me to come with you to the NHL draft? You know I don’t care about hockey.” I explained.
I rolled my eyes and we got out of the car. I was dragged along to Sunrise, Florida for the 2015 NHL Draft. We checked in and headed up to our floor.
“Okay well the team is in town and we’re meeting at Marlins Park. I’ll catch up with you later.” I told my dad and walked into my room.
I had just finished my freshman year at Arizona State University, where I play softball. Along with being a catcher at ASU, I am also honored to be a part of Team USA.
Anyway, I changed into some workout gear and drove to the nearby Miami Marlins Park. I parked the car and entered through the player’s entrance. I walked up the stairs and into the dugout where most of the team already was.
“What? We can’t find a softball diamond anywhere?” I asked as I put my gear down
The girls greeted me and then continued their warmup. I joined them and did some stretches on my own. Kelly Barnhill and I went to one of the bullpens to work on pitching and catching. After that, we joined the rest of the group and took batting practice.
I stepped up to the plate, my bat in hand. I took a few swings then got in my stance, ready for the pitch. One of our coaches tossed it, I swung and it went deep into left.
“That woulda been outta here if we were in a softball diamond.” I heard someone yell.
I took another practice swing before stepping back into the box. Another ball was tossed, it was clearly out of the strike zone so I didn’t even bother swinging.
“Good eye Laur!” One girl yelled
The next throw was right down the middle. It was too perfect to not hit. I swung, felt the ball hit my bat and watched it go through center. When I thought it was losing speed, it would only go farther. Before I knew it, the ball was in the stands. The team erupted in cheers. I tossed my bat, walked over to them and they congratulated me.
I went back down to the dugout to get some water and put my gear back on. We were planning on having a little scrimmage before the end of practice. I climbed back up the stairs and onto the field. The batting cage was taken down and everyone was ready to play. I took my spot behind the plate and the scrimmage began. When I returned to the dugout after the top of the first, I was told I was third in the lineup and so I stripped my gear off yet again. I guzzled down some water and popped a piece of gum in my mouth. Valerie was in the batter’s box and Kasey was on deck. Valerie pop flied out to right field. One out. As Kasey walked to the box, I took her spot on the on deck circle. Delanie was pitching and I knew her tendencies pretty well. She was one of the pitchers for ASU. I got my swing in sync with her pitching and watched Kasey. She hit a little dribbler in the hole between second and third. She reached first base and it was my turn to bat. I took a swing before stepping into the batter’s box. I got in my stance and prepared for the pitch. I fell behind 0-2 due to foul balls. I continued to fight back until I was ahead 3-2. The next pitch was right down the middle. I swung and hit the ball in the dead center. It launched over the outfielders and into the stands. My team erupted into cheers and I jogged around the bases. Our first and third base coaches congratulated me as I passed them. Kasey was waiting for me at home plate.
The scrimmage ended and our team ended up winning 3-2.
After my team’s little celebration, I packed up my bags and then drove back to the hotel. When I arrived, I found a coach bus in the front of the building. I parked the car and made my way towards the entrance where the bus was.
As I passed by the bus, the doors opened and well-dressed young men started to walk off. I ignored them as I made my way inside the hotel and to the elevator. When the elevator doors opened, I entered and hoped that none of them would follow me in.
Unfortunately, that was not the case. I pressed the button for the level my dad and I were staying on – three – and that’s when the boys flooded in.
“Three please” One of the guys said as he walked in. His short brown hair was well kept and his eyes were dark like a freshly brewed coffee.
“It’s already at three you dumbass” The guy following him whispered to him but it was loud enough for everyone, including myself to hear. The other guy had dirty blonde hair that was a little less well kept than the other guy’s and had bright blue eyes.
Instead of acknowledging their presence, I simply pulled out my phone and began to scroll through Twitter. Without even looking up from my phone, I could tell that all of the guys’ eyes were on me as I stood in uncomfortable silence.
Thankfully, the elevator reached the third floor before any of the guys could say anything. However, half of the guys followed me down the hall while the others went to go the other way. The hall was dead silent with the exception of the footsteps.
After what felt like forever, I finally reached my door. But of course, once I thought I was fine, I found the brunette from earlier going to the door next to mine.
“Hey” He smiled at me
“Hi” I awkwardly smiled back hoping I wouldn’t have to engage in a long conversation.
“I’m Dylan” the boy introduced himself
“Lauren” I replied
“How was your workout?” He asked
My eyebrows furrowed. How could he possibly have known where I was? That was when I looked down and realized I was still in my practice clothes and was all sweaty. “It was good.” I answered
He nodded in response. “Well I gotta get going. My friend and I are gonna go practice before they cover the ice. I hope to see you around.”
“Have fun, I guess. I’ll probably see you around.”
When I entered my room, I somehow found myself genuinely smiling. Fortunately, it quickly went away. I went to grab some clean clothes and hopped in the shower.
When I finished, I dried myself off, got dressed, and then walked back into my room where I found my phone ringing. It was my dad. Great. He’s probably gonna have me do some stupid errand because he forgot something.
“Hello?” I asked when I picked up
“Hey Laur, I need you to do me a favor.” Yup. Nailed it. “I need you to come over here and bring me my suit jacket.”
Even though he couldn’t see me through the phone, I rolled my eyes. “Really dad? You forgot your suit jacket again?”
“Yeah, I did. Please just bring it. I’m in the BB&T Center, office 179” He said and then hung up.
I groaned, but put on my shoes and got ready to go. I quickly made my way down the hall to my dad’s room where I grabbed his suit jacket. After exiting his room, I headed towards the elevator.
I saw it closing, so I yelled for whoever was in there to hold it. Fortunately, they were nice enough to do so. When I finally reached the doors, I found Dylan and his friend standing there.
“Thank you” I said quietly as I walked into the elevator with the boys.
“No problem” Dylan smiled
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before the other guy broke it. “You do know how to get to the BB&T Center, right?” He asked
“Yeah, it’s roughly a five minute walk” Dylan answered and then turned to me. “Do you wanna come?”
Before I could answer, the other guy butted in “Not to be rude, but do you know her?”
Dylan turned to his friend. “Connor, why would I invite random people to a very private facility?”
“Because you can be an idiot at times…” The guy who was obviously Connor said
“I’d love to come, but I actually have to go run some things to my dad.” I interjected before the two of them started arguing. “But thank you for the invitation”
The elevator reached the lobby level and the three of us got out. When we exited the building, we went our separate ways; I went to my car while the boys got on the sidewalk to go to BB&T.
After a few minutes of driving, I arrived at the BB&T Center. I saw no signs of the boys when I pulled into the back parking lot. I climbed out of the car with my dad’s suit jacket and made my way to the entrance. As I approached the doors, the security guards smiled and held the door open for me.
“Good afternoon Miss Tocchet” They said and I walked in
“Good afternoon” I smiled back
Once the doors closed, I groaned. I’m not gonna lie, I hated being associated with my father almost everywhere I go. The only place I can really be recognized as myself is the softball diamond. There, it’s just me, my teammates, my coaches, and all the fans cheering us on.
Anyway, I made my way to where are the meeting rooms were and began looking for room 179. After a few minutes of searching, I finally found it. I knocked three times and then the door opened to reveal my father.
“Thank you so much sweetie. I was looking like a complete idiot without it.” He said as he took the suit jacket from my hands
“Yeah, of course” I replied halfheartedly as he turned away and shut the door in my face, but it opened not even a second later
“Oh! I completely forgot” My dad said “There is a banquet tonight. You need to be there and make friends.”
I was about to protest, but he closed the door in my face yet again. Why should I have to go to some hockey banquet? I don’t even like the sport.
I turned away from the door and found my way out to the concourse to look around. Even though my dad was a professional hockey player, and now a coach, I’ve never payed attention to any of the arenas I’ve gone to – with the exception of Gila River Arena of course.
Eventually, after who knows how many minutes of searching, I found the concourse. I walked around for a little bit, when I heard the all too familiar sound of pucks and skates hitting the ice. I went to the first tunnel that lead out to the seats.
Most of the ice was fresh, with the small exception of all the marks the two guys who had to be Connor and Dylan were making. The boys began to shoot pucks at the net, most of them going in, but there were a few exceptions. I watched as Connor took a puck and shot it, but missed. That was when a female’s voice filled the arena.
“You missed” The girl said as she walked out onto the ice. The boys turned around to see who spoke.
“I’d like to see you do better, sweetheart” Connor smirked
I couldn’t tell you what the rest of the conversation was because I was too mesmerized by this girl talking to these big names like they’re nothing. She grabbed Connor’s stick and walked over to where the closest blue line was. I watched as she wound up and shot the puck right into the net. I had to restrain myself from applauding, this was easy for the guys – they play the sport.
I was about to turn around and go back to the concourse, when I heard footsteps nearby. I had no idea if I was in forbidden territory or anything so I dove to the nearest row of seats to hide. Even though the person, who was probably a security guard from what I could tell was standing right next to me, I could barely make out what he was saying. It was something about a Gretzky… the name sounded familiar but I couldn’t tell you who that was.
A few minutes after the security guard walked down the tunnel, I got up from the ground and went down the tunnel to the concourse as well. I somehow managed to find my way out of the massive arena and drove back to the hotel.
A/N: I really hope you like the first chapter! Pleeaaaseee give me some feedback of either this or one of my other writings. It can be positive or constructive, I just love hearing your guys’ opinions. 
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