#as a treat i picked Moorehead and Benson
lonespektr ยท 8 months
Something in the dirt (2022)
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This is Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead if you haven't heard of these guys strap the frack in.
I have never fully understood any one of their films without at least a second watch
... maybe synchronic
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Already on tilt
Looks like a morel mushroom but with spikes??
Do not expect an explanation
Ok well guy apparent derelict no furniture sleeping on floor daylight
No subs are
Oh they are okay
The two have been lead actors in their films more than once
Neighbor meet and greet
Divorcee tells him that the apt had been vacant for a decade
Told a big bloody fib about a death
Doesn't explain the vacancy like that's even creepier man
Said something else weird and drove off on a scoot scoot
It was a squirrel omg
Shot of the electricity meters
And a bunch of other things in quick sucession power lines etc then chimes
Ok interview suddenly
Meta about their films lolz
Somebody died
Guy friendship makes me seeth with envy and wrench my clothing
They are best friends now,?!!! U movin furniture??
How??? U just met??? That could be a serial killer an asshole! That's a literal stranger
I hate men
They are chatting like they have known each other for years (they do)
Fish story
They both at each time appeared wary of the other at least
sharing wifi??
That is a STRANG-ER
Behold the promise LAN
First uh tension
Kinda told him after he helped gotta kick u out
Except rolled right into compassion AA convo
Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ till he said ok cool
Lol housewarming plant dude why would u think he brought a rando plant to a new place obviously
His grandma runs a nursery
Already talking weird, cult vibes
The prism crystal piece he found on the ground just started floating and prisiming
Divorcee saw it and honestly told the new move in guy who was already trying to kick him out but graciously instead of doing the whole wait until it happens later bs as divorcee is leaving it happens again
And unlike the white men they are the bolt out of the apartment
They are literal shots of the text of what is being said randomly interspersed cut into the dialogue
Fights keep passing over head
Three birds just hit the divorcee guys door , dead
They agree that they have to document legitimate supernatural stuff and get rich/ successful
Youth shelter person comes to pick him up
Dude pretty sure that's his PO and he's court mandated
Back to interviews
New guy had stashed the birds in a cardboard box just to make sure they weren't just knocked out
One bird was gone when he went back to check
Lord of heat coming from the closet
Anti title drop??? Cute
This is very meta
Debate about titles they are both rejection sensative like prickly about critiques
He said i guess it waits for you (new guy) but the first time we saw it it was only the divorcee
This is very nope at this juncture
They are tooling up, my Internet is very slow
The chimes are Russian nesting Dolls
Address the obvious P.O.
He said he's on the sex offender registry for peeing in public
The thing is actually moving ( i should clarify it looks like the og big ass crystal ash trashs
Although it's obvious cut in half orb and prismy
They have digital and film cameras
They may have a shot
The geometry of magnetism - rando book that divorcee knows
Lol why was it written in esperanto i mean obvs why but ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Oh the weird shape that prsim makes is on the cover
Lol divorcee just asked do i sound unhinged and new guys like oh no nono psychologic breaks are totally different ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Lol he just yelled at the paper weight if you are a ghost do something
Now they are like??? Not a ghost
Coulda told you that boys it's very scientific
It's scientific because this is your film and you always do science shit ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
The guy says he has seeing the symbol all over town now
Most of the shots were of old buildings that symbol would have been there for years
Lol new guy said u goin dan brown on me
He's like no man it's just a math thing like the fibbinocci sequence
When a rectangle expressed as a ratio
(how the fuck does one do that #dyscalculia)
It is that irrational number
Lol he said this better not be about Stonehenge ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
This dude is smoking inside like a fucking 1950's film JEEBUS
the whole time there's s discordant plunk in the sound track
(They do this)
This is the third time he has crossed the threshold out of the room and it drops the new guy im googling their names cause im getting irritated
John and levi
The city scape looms large
Planes sirens
They are both a hot mess
Door knob to hot closet that never shits is shaking
Pause for the cause
(the cause being my bedtime)
Gonna switch to something with a better signal and finish that first
OMG wtf the light refractor is floating why was it in the closet?
Omg plot point i couldn't hear
Soil samples (documentary)
High chromium
Wait is the inside of the closet glowing
Now the light is communicating with them
Quartz deposit
More meta
Why did you play youselves reenactment
I love that's is just a series of conspiracy theories
I read this ted talk, i saw this reddit post
Cyotes again
Pulling random unexplainable things weaving them together
Snake skin
Just random things
Found an old ass recorder like old ass
With sacred number tape on it
The rose croutons?
Dream logic
Numerology crystals
City planner 1908
Like full ideas of reference
Literally just picked up a rock at 1908 coordinates that had a strip of paper with w website in it
The guy with hx of mental illness ace is uh keeps trying to back out - John new guy
Crystal resonates with sound
There's the symphony conspiracy theory
The crystal almost fell on his head when he was asleep but did why do you sleep in that room with it
Let alone the apartment at all
Not they are full on literally every single idea of reference
Now they are talking about simulations after seeing a glitch in the stop crosswalk
Mind control cat parasites - which i just heard about
This month
The phenomenon is dried up
John wants to leave as planned
The levi guy made up a bunch of shit and broke in somewhere told john some kies starting to fabric stuff
Lol this tablet was used to design the city
Now my plant is alien in nature ,(from my own grandmas nursery)
Eat the cactus fruit
Inside the cactus fruit is morse code!!!!!!
Here they are
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Lol he's been lying from the jump even about the book
Old ass radio on a loop
Redacted script
Very convenient
John tried to do another idea of reference but lim? Levi shut him down
About his spearfishing
Old ass raio
Levi in an effort to fabricate more stuff erased the original stuff
Melted the hard drive
Just when john wanted to go again
The phenomenon started back up
And the guy keeps digging into his criminal history
Even then he wants him to stay
They are fully fighting and dragging each other
Oo literally dragged his sister into it then when he broke he smiled
Like a sicko
It's a full scale read fest very intense
and they are ignoring it fighting each other
There's an earthquake and not they are drawing a truce
Levi is floating the crystal went high and cracked
John ? Was floating too?
But off the balcony???
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