#as far as I remember jimin wasnt in the comments of jungkooks last live
jmdbjk · 2 years
That little shit ...
“I wanted to tell you something important today <big sigh> And that’s why I came over here today...I was pondering whether I should be talking about this <taking measured pauses><nervous, exasperated sounds> What I want to tell you guys is <searches the ceiling for the right words><very long awkward pause> Actually...I didn’t wash my hair today aarrghhh kekeke...”
Jimin... honey... pookie-pie... that was wrong. On many levels. But sometimes I think we deserve it.
HAHAHAHAHAHA That little shit had us going for a moment, didn’t he?
Hobi in comments: “how dirty”   Sassy Jimin: “these days are you confident?” 
Army: "Show us your moon tattoo”  Sassy Jimin: “I’m sorry, I don’t want to, I told you to wait didnt I?”
Opens his phone to show us his Instagram video he posted... “hey guys you saw this right?” (duh it has over 38 million views) as he proceeds to crack himself up over his cleverness.
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All the while giggling, being polite BUT STILL! 
Army be askin’ them straaaaynge questions like “Do you like blood?” ... eh?
Is it just me or did anyone else want to pluck out that plastic grass and throw it across the room for giving Jimin such a difficult time?
BTS out of context...
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[he sneezed]
Army’s being obtuse...Jimin being sassy.
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Several times he implied water had something to do with the album...the concept of the album or something... maybe we’ll get a wet Jimin? ... my god yes please one can only hope...
On visiting Jin: the way Jimin explained it... it sounded like he had a couple days off and it so happened Hobi had some time off too but the others were busy with their schedules so that’s why he and Hobi were the only ones to go visit Jin. I KNOW if Jungkook had a chance to go see Jin he WOULD have. You can’t convince me otherwise. 
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Jin looks different to me. Jimin said he was adjusting well.
Army: “I like Jimin’s bald head”   Jimin: “I don’t have a bald head??”
Overall, he was happy, teasing, excited for all the things he was going to show us. I love seeing an upbeat and happy Jimin. It makes my heart sing.
This was the best thing though:
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