#as far as i’m concerned. GENOCIDE is the greatest evil and the president that i fucking voted for in 2020 is helping one happen right now
silicon-based-life · 9 months
i don’t think this matters to any of my mutuals but for real i will unfollow anyone who puts “vote blue no matter who” bullshit on my dash. just saw a take about how not voting for Biden is antisemitic because Trump is a Netanyahu supporter. buddy you’re not gonna believe this, but you know who ELSE is a Netanyahu supporter? you know who’s been giving him money and weapons to commit unspeakable atrocities??? yeah it’s the FUCKO in the white house Right Now.
and obviously Netanyahu is horrible and needs to be kicked out but this will not magically happen if Biden gets a second term, as “preserving democracy” is only a value of the US if the countries in question can be exploited. but more importantly, this is more than just a “Netanyahu bad” issue. The Palestinians have been systematically oppressed and marginalized in their own homeland since before the first Nakba (right now being the second one), and the apartheid in Israel is systemic, institutional, and a widespread ideological issue. there is no Israeli political party that isn’t aligned with Israel’s current (and historic) program of violence against the Palestinian people and their right to self determination. Getting rid of Netanyahu will *maybe* make things marginally better in Israeli politics by not having an all out fascist in charge, but there’s no guarantee (especially now) that an even further right PM wouldn’t be his replacement, and even if he was replaced by someone more left wing, that doesn’t mean things will improve for the Palestinians and in fact they probably won’t, because Israel is a state founded on the oppression and erasure of Palestine. Palestinian liberation is not a stance Israeli politicians have.
a vote for Biden is not a vote for getting rid of Netanyahu. a vote for Biden is an acknowledgement of what he has done in this conflict, an acknowledgement of Biden’s dedication to funding Israeli war crimes and the US bombs that have taken the lives of thousands of innocents, and saying that it’s not only okay for Biden to have done it but it’s okay for him to continue. No. Fuck no. I live a very comfortable life in America, a fact for which I am incredibly lucky and grateful, but that comfort is not worth the lives of innocent people in other countries. Joe Biden is not owed my vote, and I’m not going to fucking give it to him if he’s going to continue to aid Israel in a genocide. It truly is that fucking simple.
Palestine will be free in our lifetimes, and it will be because of an international struggle for Palestinian liberation, not because of Joe Biden.
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