#as he has hachijo blood and the devil gene in him
Isn't it possible that at beginning of Tekken 8 it's only Jin who wants to kill Kazuya but Kazuya only wants to reclaim his lost power? I mean yes Jin is has mishima blood and all but Kazuya can sympathize with Him. He'd be like "Jin...We don't need to fight against each other. It's the mankind we must despise."
Jin lost his mother,almost killed by a relative and went through suffering. Kazuya was living the same hell. In Kazuya's POV,Jin still deserves to live as inheritor of Hachijo clan's power. So he asks Jin to help him,none of them has to die just to please humanity.
Perhaps that's why Jun was attacking Jin? Because he was not sure if he should cling to his conscience or not. With jun's influence,Jin changes his mind.
Idk how Kazuya will react to Jun returning. I think he never truly believed she was dead as there was no sign of death so he investigated and found nothing.
But i think i will understand if Kazuya does pretend to be not caring about Jun at all because She sent Jin to Heihachi of all people. He probably feels betrayed as it was Heihachi who messed up his life and then Heihachi was responsible for awakening of Jin's devil gene after shotting him in head.
Tekken 8 Kazuya is gonna be the world conquering antagonist but still a broken man who you can sympathize with.
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angelfate · 2 years
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YEAHHH that’s why i said i don’t consider her canon - because nah, it doesn’t, even if you try to make sense of it. but that’s probs why they made the two games noncanon to the actual story, and more so a “what if” (to the point where most people stated that TTT2 is supposed to be nothing but a dream. which i don’t know if that’s actually true or not - but it would make sense given there’s a couple of endings where it turns out to all be a dream - jin’s ending, and lars’ endings in it.) because even tho a lotta things in tek doesn’t make sense or has been inconsistent - they probs realized this was going too far. since when developing the first tag, it was originally intended to be canon - and unknown was actually gonna be introduced as jun’s sister. but even as jun’s sister being possessed by something like this - it’ll make no sense, which i’ll elaborate below.
because like - the mishimas (err... hachijos, more accurately - as heihachi nor jinpachi possess the devil gene) are just born with it due to a deal with the devil - it’s the only reason why jin is affected by the devil gene. meanwhile, it doesn’t really make sense for jun to ever get possessed given that 1) she wasn’t born with the devil, and 2) her blood canonically repels the devil gene and i presume evil spirits. (and all kazamas seem to be this way - asuka, jun, and even jin to an extent - as he was able to reject devil kazuya in TK4, and DK was able to know his “kazama blood” was the reason why.) therefore - it’d seem like it’d be impossible for her (or a hypothetical sister) to ever get possessed by an evil spirit. even if something other than the devil gene attempted to possess her - i just don’t think it would work.
i always like my nifty little theory that tag 2 is a dream, and unknown is actually a creation of jin’s imagination - his own way to cope with what he’s struggling with by imagining his mother struggling with it, too - it makes him feel like he’s not as alone.
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demonsfate · 10 months
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What I want most is retcons. The series loves to retcon MAJOR shit, after all. Jinpachji, for example, was clearly meant to have the devil gene.
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As Heihachi even says he has Devil's blood. So it seems like originally, the Mishima line was gonna have the devil gene (with Heihachi being the ""unlucky"" one for some reason) but this was retconned for the Hachijo clan instead in Tek7. (Just how Tek7 also retconned other things concerning Heihachi's foundership of the Zaibatsu, as well as some Lee retcons). HELL. According to Alisa's Tek8 bio, they're already throwing out retcons. Now Alisa was apparently repaired by her father after her shutdown, and not Lee. I don't think her bio mentions anything about Lee, which is bizarre. Although technically not a retcon, it's clear that Claudio was supposed to have evil intentions with Xiao, but according to his Tek8 bio, they immediately backed out of that and now he's a good guy. Angel hasn't even been canonically mentioned since Tek2 I don't think, so she's likely been retconned out of existence unless Tek8 brings her up again.
So my point is... if Tek can do all these retcons... then the most obvious choice to get Jin to be a good guy as well as worthy of redemption is by retconning Tek6. Despite Jin's motives being a big part of the story, it's easier than it seems. Literally just go with either of my ideas: Jin was either completely taken over by Devil Jin who pretended to be Jin. As this was seen possible in Tek7... as clearly when Kazumi confronted Heihachi to kill him, it was actually Devil Kazumi despite not being in devil form. Some people try to say it was Kazumi and she can just control her devil - but I disagree. Why was she fainting and getting sick so often? That's because she was fighting against her devil - her devil wanted to kill Heihachi, but she didn't. In the end, her devil won. So, we can say the same thing happened with Jin and his Devil. Jin didn't want Devil to take over, therefore he joined the 5th tournament to find a way to get rid of Devil (which is practically canon) but in the end, Devil won. But since Jin wasn't killed like Kazumi, Jin was able to regain control eventually.
Or second possible retcon: Jin was brainwashed by Azazel. If Azazel can telepathically communicate with Jin, who's to say it can't do more? Azazel has a lot of bullshit powers, anyway. And of course, Azazel would want Jin to carry out this war in order to wake up from the prison humans put it in. But by making either Devil or Azazel in control, it does make Jin redeemable because he was in no control of his actions, nor did he actually start the war, and in a way, can even be seen as a victim as well. You can explain his guilt by saying... well, how is he not gonna feel guilty even if it's not his fault? Jin will feel guilty because he wasn't strong enough to fight back Azazel (or DJ) taking control, therefore his weakness is what lead to devastation. And either way, his body was used without his permission; somebody used his hands to slaughter many. He can't help but feel guilty about that. These retcons would also explain the sudden personality change in Jin. It will also explain why Lars is now friendlier with Jin. Because Lars understands what it's like when something takes control of you and makes you do something you'd never consciously do, he watched it happen to Alisa. Lars now understands, and sees Jin as a victim just as Alisa was.
Unfortunately, Tek writers are weird and it doesn't seem like they're gonna go with the obvious Retcons, but instead just go with Jin saying "I'm sowwy" and that's gonna be enough. Since the game isn't out yet, we don't know that for sure... but just from the looks of the very little content we've gotten so far...
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demonsfate · 2 years
Would anything negative happen as a result of possibly trying to separate Jin from Devil Jin?
Good question! I genuinely don't really know because frankly. I don't know the exact science of Jin and Devil Jin - especially in modern depictions (as I've discussed many times before on this blog, the Devil Gene is something that's been retconned to hell in the series because the writers also didn't know how it worked or how they wanted it to work initially.)
But interestingly enough, it's highly theorized this has happened in a noncanon, what if ending - which was Dragunov's ending from TEK5 Dark Resurrection. As well...
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Dragunov has DJ in a tank, and ordered for Evil Mad Scientist guy to pull the lever. After doing so, DJ starts screaming and thrashing in agony.
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and then in a separate tank that's connected to the one DJ is in, something suddenly appears. Due to all the bubbles, and blurriness of said tank, it's very difficult to see what it is other than it's glowing eyes. Many people theorize this is Dragunov separating Devil (Jin) from Jin. However, other people theorize it's him bringing Jinpachi back from the dead once more, or even resurrecting Ogre using the devil gene. Whatever it is. It's unknown.
Due to the ideas introduced in TEK7 particularly. I depict DJ as someone who was with Jin at birth (rather than the TEK3 explanation that DJ is just... half of Devil Kaz who possessed Jin - because I have a few reasons why that doesn't rly make much sense to me, especially with updated lore.) And I personally don't see DJ being able to survive without a host - he needs one, and I don't think he can just choose to possess willy - nilly. Jin is his host - especially because it seems that the Hachijo blood is what harbors these devils. Therefore, it can be very likely that only humans with the Hachijo blood can handle them. Likely due to a contract they made with Azazel hundreds of years ago, and they were originally fierce assassins.
Whilst it may be possible for DJ to take on another host if some mumbo jumbo science nonsense as above had happened. But I think it would be a very difficult process, and one that could end up killing both DJ and Jin. I feel it'd be like a complicated and risky surgery, practically.
And essentially, I don't think DJ can live without a host - unless someone was to genetically create his own body for him to be in control of. (Which I guess... given that there are technical zombies in this game, as well as very humanoid robots - that could be possible.)
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demonsfate · 2 years
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you can really tell that the writers just didn’t know what the fuck they wanted to do with the devil gene or how it even works. because i’m pretty sure the devil gene was indeed supposed to be a mishima thing only - to an extent. even though heihachi never had a devil, his moveset still had MANY moves that had the word “devil” or “demon” titled in them. i think jinpachi WAS supposed to possess the devil gene, however - because he abhorred fighting and conflict, he was just much, much better at controlling it and it didn’t activate until he awoken in TK5 after heihachi starved him to death (lmao) it not being a part of the mishimas was a later thing, likely thought of in TK7. (which i don’t mind completely, i actually love devil kazumi, and seeing a female devil. thouhgt it was a nice twist.) so, in order to fit this retcon, they have to say jinpachi wasn’t possessed by the devil. (which, btw - i don’t mind retcons, either - at least, it just depends on the retcon.)
just how DJ was originally the other half of kazuya’s devil... that left him for some reason when kazuya died, but for some reason, half stayed with kazuya? that kept him alive? dunno why it all didn’t just stay with him. but- i feel this is another idea they discarded in TK5 when DJ actually became a playable character, and suddenly DJ has his own very unique personality that makes him different from both kaz and jin. given how in TK4, “devil jin” just felt like regular jin, but angrier. whilst yeah, in TK5+ - DJ feels like a completely different character. also in TK4, in kaz’s (noncanon) ending, kaz needed jin’s devil gene in order to actually turn into his spyro the dragon persona again. when in later games, he can just turn into his devil form now without jin’s devil gene. which i feel shows is a retcon that DJ is not supposed to be the other half of kazuya’s devil anymore, but now instead just something jin was born with. also, jinpachi originally having the devil gene shows that it goes against the original theory/canon(?) that there was only one (1) devil and that’s with kaz.
so yeah! it’s quite funny how you can TELL the series just didn’t know wtf they wanted to do with the devil gene, or even how to properly explain it. with this whole hachijo retcon, it originating from jin’s grandmother’s side, then maybe they’ll have a more clear, linear explanation to what it is. which is why, for now, i’m also just gonna write what i want - and give my own explanation to it with my depiction of DJ. which my DJ is DEFINITELY not from kaz. he was “inherited” because kaz had the blood of the devil, same with kaz inheriting it from kazumi and so on. but DJ is something that always existed with jin since birth - so no ,,, no junnn nNO JUN FIGHTING OFF THE DEVIL FROM POSSESSING JIN FROM THE WOMB LMAOOOO. no, DJ was always with jin - he just remained dormant until jin died, then DJ activated and became “alive” to save his host’s life.
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demonsfate · 2 years
Does Jin consider his devil gene a curse or blessing?
Oh,  most  DEFINITELY  a   curse!  Yes,  it’s  TRUE  that  if  it  wasn’t  for  the  gene,  then  he’d  be  dead.  As,  well  -  no  one  can  survive  being  shot  in  the  head.  However...  surviving  that  didn’t  matter  much  to  him  later  on.  As  he  eventually  developed  this  idea  that  in  order  to  save  the  world,  he’d  have  to  kill  all  of  his  family,  and  then  himself  -  because  he  now  saw  himself  as  too  much  of  a  danger  to  live.  He  also  blames  the  gene  for  why  he  can’t  have  friends,  and  live  a  normal  life.
Even  let’s  say  currently  -  when  he  seems  to  apparently  have  control  over  the  powers  of  the  devil.  He  still  views  it  as  a  curse.  Many,  MANY  people  are  dead  because  of  the  devil’s  actions.  And  no  matter  how  many  times  he  saves  the  world,  even  thanks  to  the  powers  in  his  blood,  I  don’t  think  Jin  will  ever  not  feel  guilty  about  that.  It’s  something  that  will  forever  be  with  him  for  however  long  he  lives.
Although  there  are  times  when,  yes,  the  gene  can  be  considered  a  blessing  -  as  he  had  saved  the  world,  or  will  save  the  world  with  these  powers.  But  all  the  bad  it  has  done  outweighed  the  good.
ESPECIALLY  if  he  were  to  ever  find  out  that  the  devil  gene  doesn’t  come  from  the  Mishimas,  but  instead  of  Hachijos.  Because  had  the  gene  never  existed  -  had  Kazumi  remained  happily  married  to  Heihachi  and  not  succumb  to  the  devil,  then  maybe  Jin  wouldn’t  have  needed  the  devil  to  resurrect  him.  Maybe  Heihachi  would’ve  never  tried  to  kill  him.  And,  maybe  Kazuya  wouldn’t  have  grown  up  to  be  who  he  is  today.
So,  yes  -  to  Jin,  the  devil  gene  is  definitely  a  curse,  and  definitely  the  source  of  most  issues  in  his,  and  everyone  else  he  knows,  lives  -  in  one  way,  or   another.
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