#as per usual for drawing lg1 and 2 together. incest shippers will be placed in a hyrdaulic press
t4t-lumpygrab · 2 years
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 Realised I didn’t colour them in erm. lg2 is on the left.
ID: a comic about lemongrab 1 and 2 from Adventure time. They are both sitting on the floor, lg2 has an unfinished drawing next to him and lg1 is turned away from him, reading a book. Lg2 excited shakes his brother’s shoulder and says “Hey” lg1 looks over his shoulder with an annoyed “ngh?” The second panel is Lg2 touching his cheek nervously and saying “Can I tell you a secret?” Lg1 looks immediately interested and shuts his book hurriedly. The next two panels show Lg2 whispering into his brother’s ear while blushing. Lg1 listens and then looks shocked, dropping his book in surprise. The next panel shows lg2 putting his hands on his knees and smiling fondly with his eyes closed while lg1 shouts “The duke of nuts!” in shock, there is a headbust of the duke of nuts in his speech bubble. the duke of nuts is a humanoid creature with a walnut for a head who wears a beret. The next panel is lg1 asking “why?” with a somewhat judgemental face, and lg2 replying “he’s nice to me!”. The next panel shows lg1 scratching his head in surprise and saying “To think... the duke of nuts and my own brother.” Lg2 is smiling with his eyes closed, blushing slightly. The final panel shows Lemongrab 1 poking his sibling’s chin and asking “are you a lesbian?” while Lg2 shrugs. ED.
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