#as someone from Florida and PR i definitely know how scary floods can be
bumblesimagines · 5 months
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart if you could wish positive energy…
It's hard to find words that describe exactly what I'm feeling right now. The state I live in, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil, is suffering from floods, thousands of people losing everything, their families, homes, EVERYTHING, some people only have the clothes left with them. Many animals, houses, cars and people being swept away by the current, people are stranded, this is the biggest natural disaster that has ever happened in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
The state capital: Porto Alegre, is practically under water, the Guaíba river has overflowed at a record level (about five meters) and there are cities where the water reaches the roofs of houses, in Canoas apparently there are reports of bodies floating, the Feliz city had 75% of its territory devastated by the rains, roads are blocked or collapsed.
The rains remained in my city throughout the week, except for yesterday on Sunday and according to the weather forecast today on Monday, however, the rest of the week has rain forecast, and if the rains return, everything starts again. I just hope that during Sunday the authorities were able to rescue as many people and animals as possible and that these people are now in a safe shelter.
In my city where my house is located, it is out of risk and I am so grateful for that, but places where friends, colleagues and relatives live are at great risk. There are colleagues and friends of my brothers with whom contact has been lost because they live in affected areas and no one knows what could have happened.
Brazil (my country) mobilized completely to help with the rescues and also to donate money and supplies such as food, clothes and blankets to the flood victims.
Therefore, I ask those who cannot help directly, to please send positive energies to us, for the recovery of these cities and these people and our planet. Please hope for the well-being of these people. May this tragedy end soon and may it not cause any more victims along the way. May we all be safe soon. My English is far from being decent so there are probably a lot of grammar errors. =)
There are news report in English for those who want to know more: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/02/world/americas/brazil-rain-floods.html
At least 75 killed, more than 100 others missing in Brazil floods | Climate Crisis News | Al Jazeera
!!! Share if you can, people, please.
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