#as the url suggests. a g.ravewalker
witchhaunts · 5 months
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there are many classifications of spellcasters in underworld which are based on their specialization. while there are technically more than those listed below , subclasses of these general types are not typically used unless it's very niche , or at the mage's discretion.
to start off , magic can be something you're born with or can learn. as a result , there are some witches who have limited abilities that force them into a classification. outside of that there is a basic level of magic all casters are generally capable of performing. sometimes the specific specialization is flexible &. can lead to developing skills a little more in line with another type of magic. however , even most learned spellcasters stick to a primary skillset. now onto the different types themselves :
WITCHES : technically a catchall term ( along with spellcaster or mage ) for magic users , which comes from the historical mundane world concept of witches. specifically though , they are elemental — based casters. rowena is classified as a witch because she was born with storm magic.
WARLOCKS : their skills are often dealing with curses , hexes , jinxes , poppets , &. the like. anything related to tokens or entopic magic is their wheelhouse. they are one of the most common casters.
NATURALISTS : they make magic potions that require some infusion of spells or mana &. often have overlap with earth — based witches when it comes to interaction with plants &. animals as a result. they are not to be confused with herbalists either , which are simply those that deal in or sell herbs or herbal based medicine.
HEALERS : as the name suggests , they do healing magic &. anything else to do with the body. as scientific advancements improve , many have incorporated doctoral medicine into their practice. technically blood mages fall into this category !
DIVINERS : their magic related to visions , prophecies , &. knowledge. they can see visions , whether it be from a natural prophecy gift ( however infrequent or vague the visions are ) or reading a fortune through various means. this includes things like tarot cards , rune casting , &. tea leaves. they are also skilled in tracking &. information gathering with scrying spells.
DREAMWEAVERS : the name is a little abstract but it relates to illusion — type magic. they trick the senses &. more powerful ones are capable of actual control of an individual's mind. of course , some are also able to influence dreams as well.
GRAVEWALKERS : a rarity among spellcasters , they can commune with &. summon the dead. this is notoriously a difficulty feat , more so than there being any taboo around the practice that causes the rarity. more often than not , gravewalkers ( also occasionally called necromancers ) are made through a magical accident or a brush with death. sometimes they can also be born with a natural talent for spiritual manipulation but this isn't very common either.
TRAVERSALS : these are your summoners , your conjurers , your teleporters , anything to do with spatial &. planar magic. they pull creatures from other planes &. create portals between &. across them. this sometimes includes other sorts of spatial &. even temporal manipulation with spells related to slowing a small pocket of gravity or speeding an element of time. banishment is also a useful skill , especially since they can be utilize for dispelling ghosts when gravewalkers are not available.
ENCHANTERS : sometimes called cursebreakers or runesmiths , enchanters use sigils &. runes to create magic items , glyphs , &. wards. they are ( perhaps incorrectly ) considered the opposite of warlocks due to the overlap on the other end of the spectrum , but they can be just as deadly.
SHAPERS : these spellcasters are able to manipulate all things physical , whether that be inorganic object transmutation or changes to physical bodies. this includes things such as shapeshifting into creatures or non — illusion magical disguises. they can d this to themselves or others. there's also a certain level of magical infusion they are capable of , similar to enchanters but without the use of runes or sigils.
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