#asaki yamahana
autodiscipline · 1 year
55 Questions with Guniw Tools (Eng. translation)
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This is an interview with Full & Asaki published to Vicious magazine in September of 1998. The internet is severely lacking in english translations for Guniw Tools content so i thought i'd post one^^
Part 2 of the interview under the cut | Part 1
23. if you were to compare yourself to an animal, what would it be? Why? Tomo: Orca, scary but friendlier than you think. Asaki: I'm like a dog… 24. If you were to get married, what kind of wedding would you like? Tomo: That's a stupid question! Asaki: Avant-garde, like contemporary radicalism. 25. Do you want to have children in the future? If so, how many? Tomo: 2 animals Asaki: √3 26. What does love mean to you? Tomo: To remember as many memories as possible for as long as possible. Asaki: MOTHER FUCKER note: it actually says this in english 27. Where would you like to live other than Tokyo or Hokkaido? Why? Tomo: Germany, Denmark, Scotland, Canada. Asaki: Anywhere as long as life is good. 28. When and what is the worst injury you ever had? Tomo: Dislocated shoulder, when I was about 2 years old, my father and I were holding hands and he was swinging me around Asaki: 3 days of a dislocated neck.  29. If you had a previous life, what do you think you were?  Tomo: A snake or an okera* *type of fruit fly Asaki: A grasshopper, nothing special... 30. If your partner had a previous life what would they be (Asaki what is Tomo or Tomo what is Asaki)? Tomo: Asaki says he's a grasshopper, but his previous life was a platypus. Asaki: He was a mole. note: blunt but incredibly true 31. When do you feel most at home doing when you are working? Tomo: When I'm making something that's not work. Asaki: Making a good cup of coffee and putting on my favorite background music. 32. What type of woman do you think is unforgivable? What is the type of woman you can't stand? Tomo: A woman who changes her voice to thin and high when in front of a man. Asaki: The ones who are still worried about their problems after talking to others about them. I don't really care about that. 33. Who do you resemble more, your mother or your father? What do they look like? Tomo: detailed like my father and rough like my mother. Asaki: My father i’m sure. in many ways… 34. What type of man do you think is cool? Give an example. Tomo: Takao Kataoka from Nemuri Kyōshirō, right? Asaki: Katsudo.* *though this translates to literally ‘cutlet man,’ he may be referring to ‘katsudō-benshi’ or katsuben, a type of performer during the silent film era who provided live narration for silent films, they were considered masterful storytellers & artists 35. At what moment do you feel you are cool? Tomo: When I can do a sakaagari* (once in the past, around June of ’95). *a gymnastics move that involves flipping your body around a bar Asaki: The moment when someone brought me an ashtray even though I was smoking in a non-smoking area!
36. What kind of grandfather/old man do you think you will be? Tomo: A tricky old man who knows a lot of things. Asaki: Katsudo. 37. What artists have you been listening to recently?  Tomo: [empty] Asaki: I listen to all kinds of things.  38. I was washed up on a deserted island. If you were allowed to take one thing with you, what would it be? Tomo: A survival knife Asaki: A door to anywhere. 39. Have you ever seen a ghost? If so, please describe the encounter. Tomo: I can't write it in such a small space. Asaki: While driving... I felt a presence. 40. What has made you laugh recently? Tomo: Something happened, but what was it? Asaki: Everything. 41. What would you like to try if you had more time? Tomo: What more do i have to try? Asaki: Every day is a case of crisis [007]. 42. What kind of part-time jobs have you had? Tomo: inscribing names on rings, drawing on a canvas. Asaki: I used to drill holes in the earth. 43. Are there moments where you feel pressure? When is it? Tomo: In the very beginning Asaki: I put up a barrier, so I'm fine.  44. How do you feel whenever you see yourself in makeup? Tomo: A spectre. Asaki: ikareponchi* *theres no word for this in english, it basically means an insane/silly person, think ‘a nut’ 45. What do you find sexy in a woman♡? Tomo: a fine neck and her hips. Asaki: I love those lines~ 46. How do you feel about the album "DAZZLE" now that it's finished? Tomo: Well, I'm looking forward to the video! Asaki: Praise me!! 47. What is the theme of this album? (For example, please write each one in your own words.) Tomo: Revenge/Fresh start Asaki: The latest music, latest rhythms, new guitars, & much more 48. If you had to pick one favorite song on this album, which song would it be and why? And why? Tomo: Picture of Utopia Asaki: All my lovely children, I love you all. 49. Is there anything on this album that you used that is not a musical instrument? What is it? And why did you use them? Or what would you like to use in the future? Tomo: I used a lot of different instruments. Asaki: I did a lot of things like hitting my body, and I'm sure I'll do something else in the future...!  50. If you had to describe this album in one word, how would you describe it? (For example, please write each in your own words) Tomo: Lake (湖) Asaki: If I had to guess, I'd say "Spirit (気)"... it’s not easy, I didn't make something simple that can be summed up in one word... Do you think something you worked so hard on for half a year could be summed up in just one word?  51. Why did you choose "Hush and…" for a single cut? (For example, please write it in your own words, even if they are the same)  Tomo: Revenge Asaki: There was a certain process that goes along with it... But what do you think? It's good, right?  52. Which song was the most difficult for you to record?  Tomo: "Border of Taboo” Asaki: Picture of Utopia. How about that one, isn’t it a great song? 53. Is there any game you were addicted to playing while recording? What is it? Tomo: [empty] Asaki: Playing billiards in memory of ????* *i couldn’t translate this, here is the raw text incase anyone knows: いなごのつくだ煮記念ビリヤード大会 54. Please promote the album in your own way! Tomo: I counted down to three and said "Listen to it" Asaki: Pay attention to the five senses! 55. (From Tomo to Asaki, from Asaki to Tomo) What would you like to say about the achievement of this album?  Tomo: What in the world have you been doing all this time?  Asaki: “…isn’t it great!?” ←今井風* *'in the style of' something, though i’m unsure
Please feel free to share this as you'd like, i want their art to be as accessible as possible :)
You can see the full HQ interview scan here & the rest of photoshoot here
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abybweisse · 7 years
Are there any videos of people singing the songs Taisou Gikyoku and Youkoso Sougiya E, in English?
I really don’t know. I’d just have to search for them, too.
Oddly enough(?), I’ve never really gotten into the songs for the anime, the musicals, or the character song CD’s…. I’ve never heard any of it sung in English (it would probably have to be altered some to still fit the tunes), and if I’m in the mood for Japanese music, then my automatic go-to is Guniw Tools (or some other project by “Full”/Tomo Furukawa, “Jake Cloudchair”, or Asaki Yamahana).
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taiyonikorosareta · 5 years
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daisuke-asakura · 6 years
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tabigarasu-kun · 9 years
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someguysinhats · 9 years
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autodiscipline · 1 year
55 Questions with Guniw Tools (Eng. translation)
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This is an interview with Full & Asaki published to Vicious magazine in September of 1998. The internet is severely lacking in english translations for Guniw Tools so i thought i'd post one^^
Part 1 of the interview under the cut | Part 2
1. What is your earliest memory of being born? Tomo: When I was walking with a wheelbarrow, the noise was so loud that I had to hold the wheelbarrow with my right hand to stop it from making noise. Asaki: What do you mean? 2. What was your nickname in junior high school and high school?  Tomo: I didn't have one. Asaki: Dokyuuseishokun (Classmate)! You know what I mean, don't you? 3. Is there any TV drama (or anime) that you were absorbed in watching without fail? If so, what was the title and why? Tomo: Tom and Jerry. no reason Asaki: I miss it. note: watching tv i presume 4. Do you have a favorite movie? If so, what is it and why?  Tomo: Nothing in particular Asaki: 007 series. I feel close to him.* *like saying ‘he gets me’ 5. Who do you admire the most? Tomo: There is no ‘most’ / No one in particular Asaki: I admire all the people who inspire me. 6. What is the best gift you have ever received Tomo: I've received a lot of handmade clothes. Asaki: A lot of problems… 7. A magic lamp genie will grant you three wishes. What 3 wishes do you wish for? Tomo: The ability to control my physical form at will, to be European, and to become king. Asaki: To buy me cigarettes, beer and snacks. note: same 8. Is there anything you wish for now? What is it? Tomo: Telling a rude person he was ugly and forcing him to recognize it. note: i think he means get used to speaking his mind? Asaki: There are so many things that bother me. 9. What do you like about your partner? (Tomo to Asaki, Asaki to Tomo) Tomo: His presence Asaki: I'm so embarrassed I don't even want to write it down. (Laughs) note: o( ˃ ᵕ ˂)o 10. What do you want your partner to fix now? (If you are Tomo, please ask Asaki. If you are Asaki, please ask Tomo)  Tomo: He likes to smoke. Asaki: You should get your bones mended. (??) 11. Have you ever cursed your partner to go away? What for? Tomo: Caterpillar* *though Full literally says 毛虫 or ‘caterpillar’ he’s calling Asaki a pest, lol Asaki: I have! Lightly. 12. Is there anything you can't do without at least once a week? (excluding alcohol) Tomo: The blood of a virgin. Asaki: Not drinking.* *he says 酒をのぞいちゃだめだめ or something like 'not drinking.. no it’s useless' 13. What animal would you like to own? (Elephants, giraffes, any animal is OK) Tomo: An anteater Asaki: It doesn't seem realistic. 14. Is there a jinx you absolutely believe in? What is it? Tomo: The Furukawa Zashiki-warashi* theory. When you start interacting with me, your life tends to go up, and when you stop interacting with me, it tends to go down. *zakishi-warashi are friendly little ghosts that are said bring good luck & prosperity when they’re in your home Asaki: Smoke (a cigarette) first!
15. Suddenly you win a 100 million lottery ticket! What do you do now? Tomo: I'm a workaholic who can only think of building a workspace Asaki: I'm going to buy cigarettes for now.  16. This is the one thing i cannot lose to others! What is the one thing you can't lose?  Tomo: I'm fine with losing. I'm not a little boy anymore. Asaki: Styling eyebrows!! note: looking at pictures now i’m noticing he really does have perfect eyebrows 17. If you had a friend from Tokyo in Hokkaido, where would you take him or her? Tomo: Maruyama Saryo (sweet shop) and Goto Orthopedic Clinic Asaki: Noodle shop 18. If you weren't a musician, what do you think you would be doing now? Tomo: I don't know, too many things Asaki: I'd probably be sniffing. 19. What type of woman do you like, using a famous person as an example? Tomo: Mariko Kaga about 20 years ago, or Sayuri Ishikawa at the time of her debut. Asaki: Hiroshi Kume* (Sorry! I was aiming for the wrong person…) *Hiroshi Kume is a famous radio host & journalist from the 70’s, & a man 20. Do you have any celebrity friends? If so, who are they? Tomo: It doesn't matter to me who they are... Asaki: First I want to see if I'm in the "celebrity" category...  21. What is the best prank you have ever pulled? Tomo: When I was a company employee, I went to an izakaya* with the general manager of the head office and he asked “what kind of food is this zangi* thing?” “Oh, that,” i said, “is a fish similar to the puffer fish found in the Okhotsk Sea, full of spines, but when you cook it in oil, the spines melt away and it becomes easy to eat” he said “oh true, it’s just like meat” I was so pleased that when I told him, "It's just chicken meat, it's just chicken meat.” he got angry & scolded me. *an izakaya is a type of bar in which a variety of small dishes and snacks are served with alcoholic drinks *zangi is in fact just fried chicken Asaki: I have many great works. 22. A fun thing you will never forget. When and what was it like? Tomo: I caught a 63cm rainbow trout, but my father and I were fighting over the fish so we couldn't tell whose fish it was. Asaki: I'm forgetful.
Please feel free to share this as you'd like, i'd like for their art to be as accessible as possible
You can see the full HQ interview scan here & the rest of photoshoot here
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urkraft · 13 years
Guniw Tools - 香風積
Appropriately autumnal and nostalgic . . .
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tabigarasu-kun · 11 years
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someguysinhats · 10 years
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poisonbiscuit-blog · 13 years
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