asayuriofficial · 8 months
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mygioos · 5 months
extraño asayuri
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bushina · 3 years
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in which the n/arukami weapon materials are analyzed & compared to my own findings.
in the past, the ancients would climb the peak now known as mt. yougou and bend wood that had been charred by lightning into a hook to offer as an effigy unto the thundering force that lit up the skies and shook the earth.  this shape would eventually become the  “ electro mitsudomoe ”  symbol,  symbolizing the favor,  wisdom,  and might of electro,  and also the people who represent these values.
--- n/arukami’s wisdom
this one isn’t necessarily all that deep --- it simply implies that the concept of the electro mitsudomoe predates b/aal & then became synonymous with who she is because of her embodiments of the values of favor,  wisdom,  &  the might of electro.  it could even suggest that b/aal was one such person before ascending to celestia / created with these values in mind.
those who belong to the s/hogunate commissions are those who administer and exercise power.  in the monster - filled tales of the ancient past,  those who were deeply trusted by the shogun would bear talismans with this hooked design on their person,  and just as the word  “  commission  ”  means to  “  joyfully serve  ”  in the old tongue,  those who received her favor would return it with love and loyalty.  yet,  after a certain point in time,  nothing would be as it was before.
--- n/arukami’s joy
this reinforces the idea that the electro mitsudomoe has become synonymous with the shogun &,  thus,  the s/hogunate.  it also reiterates that something occurred for b/aal to no longer express her favor,  possibly an event that’s consequences then escalated into the vision hunt decree.
all demons who wander in the wilderness or live amongst mortals will be attracted by the sight of the a/lmighty n/arukami o/gosho, represented by the electro mitsudomoe.  though their lives may be longer than any creature, they will at last come to their end.  if those with limited lifespans hanker after eternity,  then they can only pray that  “  eternity  ”  remembers them.  and she did indeed answer their prayers,  remembering them all,  friend and foe alike,  in her heart.  no matter whether it was the demon owls who resided amidst the fog and ripped through the skies,  the bake-danuki who dared to trespass her imperial gardens,  or that female oni,  lovely as the moon and mighty in battle,  yet who would eventually come to blows with her ... whether it was the tengu who soared on dark wings or the kitsune saiguu who once walked by her side,  but who eventually disappeared forever ...
these countless tales have come to rest within her heart,  and someday,  they will surely shine again in the eternal paradise of her dreams.
--- n/arukami’s affection
i believe this one & the next one are the most important insights into b/aal’s character.  b/aal has something about her that draws yokai to her during their long lives.  but,  most importantly,  b/aal has promised to remember them,  answering their prayers.  many of these beings are friends she’s lost --- s/asayuri,  c/hiyo,  k/itsune s/aiguu foremost among them.  she loves them so deeply that she longs to create a paradise where they will live once more.  or,  perhaps,  this is why she chases after eternity,  that eternal euthymia.  she no longer wants her or anyone else to suffer.  b/aal denies the transience (  mono no aware / sensitivity to ephemera  ) cherry blossoms & her own lightning symbolize for the sake of a blissful eternity.
the treasure of the lord of thunder is her majesty,  and that majesty is embodied in her valor and wrath.  her wrath comes from the love that persists in her heart,  and her valor supports that anger.  thus,  whomsoever should block the path towards eternity or lay a finger on i/nazuma's people shall become her foe.
they say that there were four great spirits,  three divine foxes,  and two great swords — but that the symbol of her excellency,  the almighty narukami ogosho,  could only be a single strike,  unsurpassed and brilliant as a meteor.
--- narukami’s valor
b/aal is a valorous individual,  just as the electro mitsudomoe represents,  and because of that valor,  she is a being that carries much anger within her along with love --- the latter for her people & old friends,  the former for those that have wronged both.  anyone that stands between her and eternity --- that paradise --- or harms her people will face that love - spurred wrath.  only one thing could dare symbolize her majesty,  a single bolt.  but,  given that valor she’s supposed to possess,  why does she strip her people of their ambitions ? i could only wager that it has something to do with the fate that befell khaenri’ah & perhaps she only learned the truth more recently.  though,  it’s made obvious by the circumstances of kitsune saiguu’s death that b/aal existed before the calamity and possibly had a part in it as it’s stated by the traveler’s sibling that the seven & the gods in celestia destroyed khaenri’ah,  so it had to be something else entirely.  maybe --- the reason that celestia targeted khaenri’ah like so many other civilizations in the past ?  it had grown too advanced.  so,  b/aal is taking away the visions the people had been granted.  in limiting people’s powers,  celestia still contributed to their advancement,  innovation that will only end in i/nazuma’s demise.  additionally,  it could simply be that people are misusing their visions,  hence b/aal deeming them unworthy & taking them away ... but that still leaves the statue.
could it be that by collecting visions,  b/aal is attempting to bring her people to that eternal paradise they’d been promised ?  a world free of suffering ?  of this cycle of death and rebirth, saṃsāra,  like the goddess kannon* in buddhism who prolonged her own enlightenment & remained in this world to ease others of their pain.  b/aal has not yet died or given up her power for this reason as well,  i believe.  not to mention,  kannon is depicted with thousands of arms (  to represent the powers of all the gods,  to reach out to help those in need,  etc  ) & this could’ve influenced the thousand - armed, hundred eyed god.  thousands of arms to aid others or quell foes,  hundreds of eyes --- visions.  the statue of the omnipresent god represents b/aal’s ideal (  which could be a reference to the statue constructed during the sword hunts by t/oyotomi h/ideyoshi, a statue crafted of confiscated weapons !  ),  not necessarily her.  for an ideal that seems so pure at a glance,  b/aal sure leaves a large amount of suffering along her warpath.**
of all that’s presented,  i believe that b/aal is trying to free her people of celestia’s  “  saṃsāra  ” --- not in the true sense of the word,  mind you. human beings aren’t being killed and reborn,  civilizations are***.  b/aal,  like the t/saritsa,  is waging a war against celestia’s imposed ideals & is trying to free her people from their hold.  remove visions from the equation & you’ve got rid of half the problem.  use them,  &  achieve eternal paradise.  eternal euthymia.
* note that i am using the japanese reading of g/uanyin / name of a/valokiteśvara !
** i’m not the first to suggest the parallels to k/annon,  the goddess of mercy,  but i can’t for the life of my find the original reddit post
*** an alternate idea is that b/aal herself would like to achieve  “  nirvana  ”  but she doesn’t have the ability to because she is already a god.  that would implode my entire argument of b/aal refusing to die and move on for the sake of her people,  though.  kinda implodes the entire  “  valorous  ”  character i laid out at the beginning of this post, too.
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pandadoughdoodles · 6 years
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Did an art trade with Asayuri on dA (https://asayuri.deviantart.com/). I had a lot of fun working on his adorable OC
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asayuriofficial · 8 months
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asayuriofficial · 4 years
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I followed a palette for this one. was a lot of fun and i like how cozy the whole mood is
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asayuriofficial · 6 years
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Heavy referenced, but not taking profit for this so eh.
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asayuriofficial · 6 years
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asayuriofficial · 9 years
Hey! Guys! I got a new account!
As the title says!
I had some accounts here before which I’ve been having problem logging into... So I’m starting fresh again!
This time I might actually use the account!!! Ok... let’s just hope I do...
I’m going to upload sketches, VIP’s and teasers!! (and finished art ofc höhö~)
Sorry for all the mess and shit, but i will have my page/everything in tumblr all fixed and comfy soon enough >wo
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