#asd'flaisjdt;'lsakhdf I LOVE HIM OK
tiefighter · 12 years
how did aly come to like turian p9 anyways?
He doesn't, at first. Guy's an asshole and Aly's a racist son of a bitch; his dad was first contact, he knows his shit and Turians are smug motherfuckers. Only he's got a new leg and a new lung thanks to one. He's made to turn around and look at himself because fuck, how the hell is he supposed to deal with this shit on his own, he's always letting everyone down and he wants to make it up to the Turian that literally and figuratively pulled him out of the fire.So he thinks, hey. This can be my one Turian friend. Only getting to know Pronine is difficult. He's so closed off he's practically a wall and Aly pushes and shoves until he's made crack after crack and finds that he's actually feeling something here, something terrifying and brilliant and fuckit, his dad's dead anyway, what would he care?Now all that's left is convincing Pronine. 
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