#oc: pronine
tiefighter · 8 years
magic users au aaa aaaaa
1. He doesn’t bother pretending he does anything but kill people for a living. Long range magic, carefully measured and thought out. He casts like he was born to be nothing but a murderer. It fits him well. 2. Aly doesn’t die. Protection heaped upon protection and his wards are the strongest ones Pronine has EVER seen. It starts as a way to figure him out, to complete a contract.3. Aly’s magic tastes like fire and steel, like a warm summer’s day in the dead of winter. It thaws something around Pronine’s casting, makes him stronger. Tougher. 4. Aly’s father dies four weeks later. Complications, they say, and Pronine holds his hand to his heart and tells the truth when Aly looks at him, tears in his eyes. 5. Aly’s wards slam down just as pronine finishes casting and the man they were focused on never had a chance.
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chissmas · 10 years
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Pronine for Vernelli
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diaavolo-blog · 11 years
in that case, here's a prompt for you. foxoe plays with pronine's hair during a quality time together.
It was an accident, the very first time— Foxoe pulled the other chiss’ hair and got a strangled, uncharacteristically eager sort of groan in response and they both went positively still. Pronine’s eyes wide, lips parted in shock and Foxoe steeled himself, boots feeling rather like they were cemented to the floor so his knees didn’t go weak; so he didn’t end up in a pool at the older man’s feet because holy fuck, what just happened?
“Don’t do that,” Pronine’s voice was thick, deep and luscious and rich; made Foxoe’s spine straighten, his shoulders roll back and he’d heard the other agent’s bedroom voice before but never— never quite like that. Foxoe worried his lower lip, the taste of fruity gloss instantly coating his tongue as he did so— began to speak, an inquiry obvious in his tone, on his face— “Foxoe.” Pronine wasn’t fooling around, wasn’t playing and the boy swallowed, slender fingers still buried in the man’s hair. “I said don’t. End of discussion.” 
Pronine cupped Foxoe’s wrist before the younger chiss had a chance to give the full head of thick silver hair another yank, stood up, brushed himself off and left the boy with a rarely-heard too-responsive moan still reverberating between his ears.
It was an accident then and was entirely on purpose now, Foxoe’s legs on either side of Pronine’s hips, the older man meeting each and every thrust with a sort of determination he always gave the boy— like he had something to prove; like no matter how hard Foxoe could ride him, the old man could give back just as sweetly.
Enthusiasm versus experience and Foxoe had both in spades, hand on the back of Pronine’s neck for leverage. Up, down, up, down, up, down, “Aah, ah, yes, fuck, fuck me—”, Pronine’s arm coiled around the other agent’s waist, Foxoe’s fingers sliding up, long fingernails dragged across Pronine’s scalp, “Fox— Foxoe, nnn— no—”; didn’t stop, hand buried in silver hair, Pronine’s head tugged back, throat exposed so Foxoe traced every delicious line and curve with his tongue until he swore the older man was going to lose his mind beneath him. 
“I knew it,” another pull, hard and deliberate and if Foxoe didn’t know any better, he’d swear he could feel Pronine trembling beneath him with every stroke of his hair, “I knew even you had to have some sort of weakness.”
“Quiet, brat— oh—”
Not like that command ever worked, but Foxoe gave the man points for trying.
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tiefighter · 8 years
shapeshifter au??
Aly’s a lion. It’s not really a surprise; the kid has enough hair on his head to make a sweater from so it stands to reason but there’s a difference between seeing what’s on the register and then looking at this massive lion, black maned and dark furred, lounging on his father’s porch. Augustus gives Pronine that look that says he knows what he’s thinking a few weeks later, when Aly’s laughing at some dumb joke Pronine texted him ten minutes ago and hasn’t stopped. When pronine shifts, it’s all feathers and sharp objects. Mythical shifters are something to be-. Well. They’re not common. Claws, a beak, wings and the back end of a lion. Aly’s absolutely astounded, and Pronine lets him touch the feathers around his face. For a moment. It’s one thing to be sharing space with a lion the size of a small goddamn truck but it’s another to be sharing the space with someone who barely has a 2 in front of their age on their drivers license. Aly doesn’t say a word as Pronine gets up though, so he thinks maybe it’s okay. Sometimes Aly’s so jealous of Pronine’s wings that it aches.
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tiefighter · 8 years
murderfest pronine and aly with a cameo of augustus?? kick me in the heart
Pronine doesn’t bother looking up as he speaks, focused on pulling apart his rifle. It was habit, cleaning it after every job, even if he’d never fired it. 
Especially if he’d never fired it. Aly’s body is still in the bed behind him, blood pooled on and dripping through the mattress, his eyes wide, hands clenched around the shiv in his gut. 
Augustus doesn’t say anything, hand clenched on the doorframe so tight it makes the metal creak. He doesn’t look upset so much as blank, staring at his best friend, at the body of his son. 
“There wasn’t any other way?” He ground out eventually, the sound like a gut punch. Pronine had been avoiding facing what he’d done, abandoned the body like he’d abandoned each and every body before him. Faced with Aly’s father, faced with the face of a man he’d come to-
He pauses, the barrel in his hand shaking a little before he puts it down, deliberate and gentle. 
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tiefighter · 8 years
for the ship meme, Aly and Pronine
Gives nose/forehead kisses
Pronine, usually. Affection’s a hard thing for him, so when he finally manages it it’s mostly soft and gentle to start with. Aly doesn’t push, mostly b/c if he did it’d STOP.
Gets jealous the most
Also pronine, b/c he’s an old fart and he worries that aly’s gonna leave him all the goddamn time which is STUPID but also a valid concern when the person you’re with is over ten years younger than you.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
Aly, usually. He has this terrible habit of taking responsibility for EVERYTHING b/c he’s like if I dont do it nobody else will, so he’s there at three am picking Pronine up like stop moping about your ex wife drink this bottle of water. Goddamn it.
Takes care of on sick days
Pronine does that worried hover thing but pretends that he’s not hovering he just HAPPENS to be working down the hall okay he’s not checking on you you’re just coughing too loud.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
flat out Aly. He has to drag pronine to the beach, probably. Which goes well, because he’s like well SHIRTS ARE OPTIONAL? COME ON? And pronine’s like SIGH FINE THIS IS RIDICULOUS but he ends up having fun.
Gives unprompted massages
Aly. Pronine has shitty knees and Aly does his best to mitigate that with heat packs, warm hand massages and distracting kisses.
Drives/rides shotgun
Pronine does not ride shotgun unless he absolutely has to because he’s bleeding from a gut wound or has a knife in his pelvis or something that makes him unable to drive.
Brings the other lunch at work
Aly sneaks snacks into the break fridge for pronine no lie.
Has the better parental relationship
Aly, mostly b/c pronine is like the world’s BEST at alienating himself from people because he thinks they don’t want him around ::::|
Tries to start role-playing in bed
...I just thought about this and started LAUGHING
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
ALY oh man he gets cuddly when he’s drunk and he’s not like, it’s not TERRIBLE? But he drags pronine out to dance like COME ON. When aly’s not drunk and dancing it usually involves less clothes.
Still cries watching Titanic
Neither of them but Aly totally still sniffles at the lion king.
Firmly believes in couples costumes
If he’s going to be at this stupid event Pronine is NOT DOING IT ALONE. 
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
Pronine because he doesn’t understand how affection and healthy relationships work. 
Makes the other eat breakfast
 Aly makes Pronine eat breakfast because if he didn’t pronine would probably just live on COFFEE ALONE but really they’re as bad as each other Aly consumes so much coffee it’s terrifying.
Remembers anniversaries
They both do. It’s important to the both of them to acknowledge the little milestones.
Brings up having kids
Aly wants like twelve children give him an entire cricket team please. Pronine takes a little more convincing b/c he’s worried about his age and aly’s relative maturity level but don’t worry aly tells him right the fuck off.
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tiefighter · 8 years
gentle smooches with uh, i would say pronine as always but then i remembered that horrid little snippet i wrote three years ago and so YOU CAN PICK ANYONE
It takes some getting used to. Intimacy. It’s not that he’s never had it- it’s rare in their line of work, given that they spend far too much time blowing people up to be, well, in the business of blowing people. Pronine’s used to being woken up by explosions or frantic phonecalls, not gentle kisses along his jaw but he’ll take what he can get. 
“What?” He saks, keeping his eyes closed. It’s honestly just to hear him laugh; Aly’s laugh is warm and rough, just like the rest of him. 
“It’s one in the afternoon. You slept through half the Austen marathon.”
Cracking open an eye, finally, Pronine fixes the younger man with a lazy glare. 
“I guess we’ll just have to start again, won’t we, love?”
They don’t make it downstairs until at least three. 
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tiefighter · 8 years
let's mix it up this year. pronine kills aly with love
It’s just a simulation. He’s been telling himself that all along, letting himself believe it no matter how much blood he skids over, no matter what he does to anyone around him. There’s no way they feel this, there’s no way this is real but the kid’s strapped to the wall with barbed fucking wire, the lumbering idiot behind him dragging the sledgehammer like it’s a child he’s pulling by the hair. It’s a mercy, really, to slide the knife up into his ribs and watch the betrayal bleed across his face because Aly had betrayed him once, it’s almost cathartic. It’s not real.  It’s a kindness to take him out of his hell quickly instead of making him relive the bruises and the aches, the weeks of physical therapy, the way he’d look down at his scars and hate himself and how he’d cover up with anything he could find whenever Pronine looked his way.The simulation ends, he walks out of it and when they go to where the kid’s supposed to be there’s a body, instead, sitting on the energy coils. Naked. Sizzling. It’s not real. It’s not.
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tiefighter · 10 years
28, pronine and any one of your babs because why not
There's a heavy knock on his door at three in the morning, a metallic thud that startles him out of sleep. Bleary and annoyed, Pronine stumbles upwards, creaking softly as he goes. There's more ache than bone now, for all he's barely forty three, his hair flopping lazily into his face as he palms the door open and just-blinks."Oh, uh."The mirialan looking up at him looks trapped somewhere between awe and terror, bat slung over his shoulder, hat tipping back and sliding behind his ears. He looks like a cartoon avenger, dark red hair a strange contrast against green skin, freckles splashed across his nose. He can't be more than sixteen. "I guess this isn't the bachelor party then, huh," he asks, sheepish and a little awkward."Evidently not.""..I'm Danny. Also leaving.  But uhm, if you're bored or feel like yelling at your-" he pauses, looking at the number on the door. "downstairs neighbours, feel free to come along."Was that a wink? It's too late at night for this bullshit.
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tiefighter · 10 years
chaformbintrano replied to your post:i want to write but don’t know what or who to...
/throws paramedic p9 at u
"There's probably like, case studies and shit about wanting to climb on the dick of the dude who saved your life." "Not helping, Vellk," Aly mutters, stirring the shitty coffee he'd gotten from the machine in the hallway, legs propped up on the chair opposite. Pronine's been avoiding him and fair enough; Aly'd said he wanted to date him and Pronine said no and that's perfectly okay. He's got the power of veto here, that's totally a thing and Aly's definitely got it in him (hah) to be the bigger man. It's just that-. Pronine eats alone. He looks sort of sad, sitting there by himself, not talking to anyone, not even trying to interact. He barely talks to his own son, Pravon busy as fuck with the pediatric ward at the best of times and Aly eyes the sandwich he'd bought at the decent store down the road and ignores Vellk trying to be 'helpful', given his brand of helpful is suggesting putting Aly in Pronine's lap and walking off.  He doesn't show, but that's normal. He's busy, works far too much so Aly leaves the sandwich in the fridge with a note attached and when he checks the next day it's gone. It's totally progress. 
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tiefighter · 10 years
Pronine and Aly saints row because I'm a bad person
The flashlight blinds the bastard, gives him a couple of seconds reprieve, enough to get his rifle up and shoot it in the throat. Sidestepping turns out to be an issue, considering he can’t get his knees to work properly so he gets a shoulder to the chest, breath knocked out as they both go down. He shoots again for good measure. Maybe once more. Getting to his feet hurts, he’s creaking in places he shouldn’t. Intellectually, he knows it’s all in his head. He’s not actually in his body, this shouldn’t actually hurt. If he dies, he’ll just respawn somewhere else. It’s hard to think about that when his legs are on fire, when he can feel the heavy weight of blood under his palm as he pushes himself up. He’s fucked up his suit. Motherfuckers. “Well, that’s dead.” Hearing Kinzie laugh over the comms is sort of comforting so he talks to her as he makes his way down the hallway, following the blood smears. “I don’t know why you keep sending me such lovely places.” “I think he’s a little further down where you’re headed. Don’t break him getting him out.” They’re friends, of sorts. Kinzie intimidates the fuck out of Aly and he doesn’t take her shit. She’s not going to let him get distracted. “I’ll do my utmost not to.”
He might have to. Aly’s buck ass naked, bloody and strapped to a wall with steel strong enough to look intimidating. What the fuck is he thinking? Does he think about this that often? That he wouldn’t- “Why are you here?” It’s not so much a dull question as the tone is somewhere around where his shoes would be, if he was wearing any. The kid’s not even looking at him, eyes somewhere around his knees (if kid’s even fair, Aly’s in his late twenties by now, it’s not- he’s not-) and Pronine yanks the metal at his feet open first so he doesn’t fall flat on his face when he lets go of his arms. Dropping the rifle is easy. Lifting Aly is easier. Getting his arms around his waist, he hauls him up against his chest and waits for a long, heavy moment until Aly clings on, like he can’t believe it’s him, like he’s barely breathing for the wonder of it. “Lets get you out of here, yeah?” “Yeah.” Neither of them move for a while, just holding on. He’s not sure when he forgave Aly, or even if he had to at all given it wasn’t his fucking fault but all he wants is to hold him back outside, away from data and projections and false blood and tears.
When they pick him up Aly doesn’t say much but he does sleep in Pronine’s bed for a while so he figures it’s progress.
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tiefighter · 10 years
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tiefighter · 10 years
the first time he hurt himself with the hilt of his lightsaber
He's bleeding in three seconds, crystal slicing into his hand as he loses concentration. Metal pings into the wall, his fingers bleeding an awful red as he yelps and pulls himself back, the smoking hole in the wall where the blade had flared, momentarily, to life a glaring smile with the metal winking at him from sullen eyesockets."Try again," his master says and Aly's done this a hundred times before, he should be getting it."Put a shirt on first, please?" He leaves the 'Master' out of it and Pronine looks down at himself, blinks and flushes a deep purple around the ears. 
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tiefighter · 11 years
To be honest, Aly cheats. He works two jobs, one at the bakery and the other teaching Piano to kids and bored housewives so he brings in boxes of fresh bread and bribes the front desk staff enough that they start to look forward to him turning up. It's underhanded but necessary; with two jobs going it's hard enough to get time off so he comes in when he knows Pronine's going to be on break, brings him lunch (dinner, for him) and just sits with him, talking occasionally but mostly letting him read the paper and just being there.
"You probably have somewhere else you'd rather be," he says, like he's not said this every single time Aly's plonked himself down at the table. He knows half the doctors by name now, and the other half know him by sight so he just smiles as they come in and shrugs, leaning his elbows on the table.
"No, not really."
If it was just because he wanted to date the man, it'd be different matter. He's not someone who keeps pushing, usually. Aly doesn't ask him out again. He's pretty sure the man needs a friend first, given how he's just so /difficult/ to get to know. He does, however, keep him stocked up in baked goods and makes sure he knows he's welcome around whenever.
Pronine hasn't taken him up on it yet, but Aly's pretty sure it's just a matter of time.
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tiefighter · 11 years
aly and turian p9 try to coordinate in the bedroom, how does that turn out
Pronine's all hard edges and jerky movements and Aly's soft at the sides and not so soft in the head. They fight, they always fight and wrestle and push and Aly ends up on the bottom every time, not as strong, not as fast and his goddamn leg clanks when it hits the side of the bed and neither of them care. "For fucks sake, move your-""Shut up." A bite to his jaw and Aly arches, something about being held down and touched making his spine twist in on itself and there's pushing and shoving and biting and laughing and that's the best thing, the important thing. Shit doesn't work, they try so many things that never work and they laugh about it afterwards, Aly making some stupid half-racist remark and getting bitten for it, Pronine saying something back that's just as bad and sliding off the bed with the blankets, hauling Aly with him until they can stretch out on the floor. He's too old for this, Aly's too broken for this and neither of them give a shit. 
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tiefighter · 11 years
how did aly come to like turian p9 anyways?
He doesn't, at first. Guy's an asshole and Aly's a racist son of a bitch; his dad was first contact, he knows his shit and Turians are smug motherfuckers. Only he's got a new leg and a new lung thanks to one. He's made to turn around and look at himself because fuck, how the hell is he supposed to deal with this shit on his own, he's always letting everyone down and he wants to make it up to the Turian that literally and figuratively pulled him out of the fire.So he thinks, hey. This can be my one Turian friend. Only getting to know Pronine is difficult. He's so closed off he's practically a wall and Aly pushes and shoves until he's made crack after crack and finds that he's actually feeling something here, something terrifying and brilliant and fuckit, his dad's dead anyway, what would he care?Now all that's left is convincing Pronine. 
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