#asdgfk I... it turned very long
housebaylor · 5 years
Some Sapphire Flames thoughts, beware big spoilers under the cut
Where to start?
I regret never making a list of my actual preditions for the book, I would have won many MANY many bets.
Rogan who? - In books most of the time I never feel atration for the male protagonist, my mind and heart always stays with the female protagonist, (even with IA books, only Arland, Hugh and Roman have my heart). BUT this time Alessandro won me completely he felt very different from other male protagonists, yes I got a little bit annoyed with his multiple tries to leave Catalina behind… but aside for that I really liked him! His flirting made me laugh a lot, I love how cheesy it was.
And Catalina wow, I love so much the fact she is not a combat character, I think this is the main reason Ilona is worried about the book, and in my opinion all this factors gave the books a breath of fresh air. I cannot wait to see Catalina grow in a manipulative (and cunning 👀) but also compasionate Head of the House, I really really want her to be the female version of Augustine.
That promise she did with Victoria is going to be a PAIN, and I’m gonna enjoy it so much. Some months ago I was talking with @/Lemon_Cookie (in tw) of how I wanted to see Catalina with someone else before finally ending with Alessandro, and yes! it seems it is really gonna happen (and Linus also mentioned there were other mages interested in her 👀)
ohhh that kiss scene, shtt, when a book author said that it was “hotter than other sex scenes” I got very high expectations about it. When they first kissed I was like “okayy…” but then… wow, really wow. 
I didn’t know I need it but I’m loving and thankfull for the hinted romance between Mom and Heart!! Also there is also the hint between Bern and Runa, I’m still not sure what to think about it tbh.
I love Bug’s part in the book, kinda sad he didn’t appeared a lot in the second half of it. AND NOOOO NAPOLEOON!!!! I’m gonna go a give him a new puppy.
I loved Runa in DF, so seeing her in pain in this book made me really sad, cannot wait to see her back in the next book with her sister and werewolf brother lol. And I cannot have enough of the friendship between her and Arabella! I had a lot of fun with those two!
Also Leon and Alessandro feud was really entertaining, and L&B overprotectiveness was sooo cute, ohhh in the next books they are probably gonna be more!
About the villains, I love it, I never expected for IA to go the club of assasins route, and honestly I thought the serum plot was going to be saved for Arabella’s trilogy.
And Arabella… that girl is gonna get in BIG trouble… she asks Catalina to not to do her a “Nevada” but that is what she is doing, and she is also hiding her magic to the family, I hope, and I expectd for to Leon be suspicious of her and be with her in the bad times.
With the Warden thing, I have my doubts of Linus being Caesar, but I do believe this new serum thing is somehow connected to the past conspiration. And with Alessandro’s hints, Linus may be really the girls grandad, or family. And well none of the girls has manifest his weapon magic so :/ idk.
Talking about weapons, Alessandro cloning magic is so cool! I wonder if that ability can do more.
And back to Linus, he is actually a good grandad, that small talk with him and Lina was so real, and love ever piece of it. But ughhh I’m afraid, If he is Caesar  he is gonna manipulate Catalina to be at “his side”. Also are there more people in his House?? Does he have Kids?? a heir?? Was this one of the reasons Victoria made Catalina make that promise? If I can’t have them under my foot neither you Linus??.
A favorite scene? I cannot chose right now, the habanero made me laught A LOT, the last battle part with Benedict was very good, Catalina and Alessandro in the highway was also *chef kisses*, Sandro in Lina’s bed (the first scene) was also very very funny, the bathroom make out is also a strong contender)
** and  👀👀👀 Alessandro’s family, ohhh can’t wait to learn more about them.
*** I found the Nevada thing childish, but very in character, I can see Nevada fans getting angry about it, but eh, it is Catalina’s time
*** The Baylor humor is rubbing on Matilda
Anyway in my first reading I ended with 64 highlights, time for the second re-read. I have more things in my head, but I’m gonna cut it there :D
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