#ash ttcc
st4rstudent · 5 months
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tooning it up call that toontown (ba dum tss)
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eggzwithfeetz · 3 months
Been playing ashes town recently, is cool i guess
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banaroo · 5 months
Most of my latest ttcc battles
Pig named Fumbled The Wumbled: do we have toon up
Deer named Dorito Lover Squarepantsington and me: Yes
Dorito Lover Squarepantsington: ok I’m nearly out you’re gonna have to do it
Bat named Gloopy McGiggleShart: im zapless
Me: Ok I got this
(More cogs strolling in)
(My hands get really sweaty and my vision gets blurry for no reason)
(Timer ticking)
Cat named Sergeant ItchyBalles: i need toon up too and can you zap the soaked cogs
Me: Ye;s
(In a fit of disassociation I pick zap first instead of the toon up)
(I don't realize until the turn starts)
Sergeant ItchyBalles: bro
Me: I am so sorry *splashes my slef in cold water in the game and in real life*
Gloopy McGiggleShart: Owww oowww *getting hit* please *Crying speedchat emote*
Head Hunter using Re-Org on my head: the sound of it snapping and breaking and getting put back and snapped again makes me estatic ntohing is better than this
Swindlers being turned to ashes: Brop broppbbrr broP Brop brpo? *explods*
Fumbled the Wumbled: I think we still have a chance
Dorito Lover Squarepantsington: do we have toon unites
Sergeant ItchyBalles: You there do you have toon unites
Me: No is that bad
Sergeant ItchyBalles: bro you literally try so hard at tyhe game
Me: Im so sorry *dunking my head in acid again*
Sergeant ItchyBalles: you have doomed us all
Fumbled the Wumbled: guys its fine i can carry
(timer is almost out)
Me shaking and trying to remember where i am: Im sos sorry *toon ups Sergeant ItchyBalles*
Sergeant ItchyBalles: you can toon me up all you want but can you toon up your failing relationship?
Me:Ijm so sorry
Gloopy McGiggleShart: *uses toon up on me*
Me: Oug im sorry i didnt see You had lower health than Sergeant ItchyBalles
Gloopy McGiggleShart: *chainsaw consultant sticker*
(Battle plays out)
Dorito Lover Squarepantsington: goodbye forever
Me: why *greens*
(Sent back to the playground im desperately trying to remember which street it was on i go on the wrong one then come back)
Sergeant ItchyBalles: why did you take the time to full heal youre Never supposed to do that.................
Me scared because i am Stuopid: it was myj internet
Dorito Lover Squarepantsington: wont fault you on that
Gloopy McGiggleShart: they could be lying to us *shivering*
Dorito Lover Squarepantsington: yaaaa man Gloopy is right
Me: im so sorry
Fumbled the Wumbled: guys chill although i wouldnt say to not eliminate the possibility that they lied and just wanted to full heal
Me: is there anytihng i can do
(other toons are silent and scared and pciking which cake to throw at the flunky)
Sergeant ItchyBalles: You are so worthless iu bet nobody showed up to your first birthday because ypu were one years old and stuipoid all you did was fart did you know when i was born the president shook my hand because i was just that good at everything becaus e i was born able to talk and use a calculator on a plane with my tiny intelligent infant fingers because they were smarter than all you combined have ypu ever played this game ever? disney is gay for letting their game become woke with their sensitive playerbase
Me with sweat going through ym shirt: Ok i might have a plan
Sergeant ItchyBalles: do you? in the nicest way possible you are so damn ugly it makes me sick
Dorito Lover Squarepantsington: guuys
toon named butthole who was watching this unfold:
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(Entire team is wiped out)
street manager we forgot to even attack: You toons crack me up!
Me: Ough
Fumbled the Wumbled: well
Gloopy McGiggleShart: Were we just created to do this forevver
Dorito Lover Squarepantsington: buuuhhhhLmaooooo
sagrent: itchyballes
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