#ash wtf is that one hashtag
vaguely-concerned · 5 years
more thoughts and spoilers under the cut!
- mr gaiman you did it you made it even gayer I never even believed it was possible what is this 6000 years pining slowburn nonsense 
*ahem* to be more serious about it I loved that the show takes the emotional throughlines from the book and somehow both heightens and deepens them. 
- it really is phenomenally faithful to the book and the stuff it adds is mostly a m a z i n g. it kept me perfectly engaged despite me knowing what like 75% of the dialogue was going to be
- david tennant doesn’t quite go for the same energy as how I imagine crowley in the book -- in my head he’s more... idk how to explain it but the vibe is more someone grinning a bright fixed ‘this is totally my suave face’ grin while clearly continually going ‘oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck’ internally haha, to me he’s slightly less... mercurial? trying to play his cards closer to the chest? but you know what show!crowley is fucking hilarious too and I do like what they’ve done with him being less of an optimist at the core and more enjoying the world through his connection with aziraphale -- the sense of underlying loneliness you get in some places in the book has really been dialed up, he just wants a friend :( (which incidentally seems to be part of the reason he fe -- sauntered vaguely downwards too; he mostly wanted to hang out with someone, and today he still doesn’t really fit in with either the angels or the demons) 
- I can’t believe they managed to capture the feeling of ‘Under the ash and soot that flaked his face, he looked very tired, and very pale, and very scared’ on screen; it’s one of the moments of the book that really stuck with me and it worked so well here too, especially since the fallout of the situation stays with him longer
- this version of aziraphale is just. so lovely. so so good, literal precious angel who almost got his head cut off for crepes, I totally see why crowley persevered through the ages and his own intimacy issues, good call my friend. thank you michael sheen, every time this character showed up on screen I was filled with joy and delight
- I’m completely undone by how incredibly mutual their friendship is in this -- despite crowley being the more active in asking for connection it’s obvious all the way through how much aziraphale genuinely adores him and enjoys his company (even though he knows he shouldn’t and so continually needs to give himself some plausible deniability)
when aziraphale’s voice breaks as he’s like ‘don’t go’ after they’ve argued in the park and he’s just tried to pretend they’re not even friends? hahahahahahaha ouch my fucking heart
- sister mary loquacious was the most endearing thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life, give that actress all the roles she’s got the charisma of the gods
- “not only a southern pansy, sergeant -- the southern pansy” got through and it was glorious (ditto shadwell’s naming schemes, I for sure thought that wouldn’t be mentioned but it’s so incredibly funny)
- crowley repeatedly and openly just... begging aziraphale to go off to the stars with him what the fick-freckedy-fuck
- Of the horsemen Pollution was my absolute fave (so cool and unsettling and nonbinary rep!!!!!!! also they feel like the youngest horseman in such a deep way, every credit to the actress that was great) and I really enjoyed the twist on Famine, making him seem more intense and hungry himself as part of his nature as opposed to in the book where he’s basically like... diet vetinari lol
- G A B R I E L  he was so perfectly awful... absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever he’s just a piece of shit all the way through and John Hamm was clearly having the time of his life with it and I too was living 
- crowley crying in the bar because he lost his best friend and there’s no point to even try to run away anymore if he’s alone, he’s just waiting for the end of the world ;____________________________________________________; what an addition, such a thoughtful way to steer his character arc, wonderful, spectacular
in the book it’s more about him finding his way through the fear and desperation and having lost everything back to his core ‘actually... fuck this there’s no situation I can’t snake my way out of let’s goooooooooo’ self, which is admittedly really cool and satisfying, but it feels like a shallower thing than finally reaching a point where he can no longer pretend he doesn’t care or doesn’t want things. (also... the way his will to live reignites the moment aziraphale needs him fjskadlfhaskdhfksldhfslkahdf “I’ll come find you” INDEED fjksdafhsdlfhsdalfh) 
- also a nice tiny change: the implication that reason he can drive the bentley through the flames is that he loves that car so fucking much, he’s invested so much of himself and his emotions in it over many years, like a sort of microcosm of how he feels about the actual world (and specifically humanity’s presence in it) that produced it
- the child actors were uniformly precious, and the kid who played adam got me right in the feelings. the sort of comedic sociopathy of kids thing going on in the book is downplayed, which means I was feeling all the more protective of this sweet sweet kid who just loves his dog and his friends and fjsdfklasjkh
- *sigh* my embarrassing crush on david tennant has been lying dormant these last few years, simply waiting for its chance to rise from the depths like a kraken yet again, and I am slightly unsettled that what really made it surface this time was him dressed up as evil Mary Poppins + the bathing suit, socks included. ah well the heart uh wants what it wants I guess 
- crowley is awfully quick to suggest child murder for someone who’s blatantly not willing to harm a hair on a kid’s head himself lawl the two of them just juggling the ‘but maybe you could like... quickly murder him so we could avoid all this???’ ball back and forth before madame tracy finally knocks some sense into them 
- the actress for madame tracy did such an amazing job that I literally forgot aziraphale wasn’t actually possessing her, ART
- fellas... is it gay to blow up a bunch of nazis for your ~*best friend*~ and save his books while actualfax romantic music swells in the background... asking for a friend 
- “anywhere you want to go” :):):):) oh no
- to be Sad at you for a second here... why the fuck did aziraphale immediately assume crowley wanted the holy water to use it on himself? is there like. a story here we don’t know. is this the fallout of going to check wtf the spanish inquisition was all about. I’m almost afraid to ask
- to be even Sadder: that ‘For Terry’ made me cry and I’m not ashamed to admit it
the awwww... okay I guess you can’t have EVERYTHINGs:
- the scene where crowley and aziraphale get wasted together after the antichrist is delivered is not quite as funny as it is in my head, but then I don’t think anything in the physical world could be as funny as the way I imagine them just like somberly leaning over the table at each other with little regard for personal space and drunkenly expounding on dolphins, so I’ll forgive it
- CGI satan was completely unnecessary and not even very well designed *shrug emoji* the whole point of that scene is that we never get to see him, just the mounting dread as he’s getting closer, and then the wordless reveal of who Adam considers to be his dad and that’s all that matters and even the devil is powerless against it... loved the ~*godfathers*~ giving a little literal angel/devil on my shoulder pep talk, tho, that was incredibly sweet
- ...the maggots huh neil. couldn’t leave them out huh. what a world it would be if we didn’t get to see a bunch of people get eaten by a writhing roomful of maggots huh. 
- ETA: actually one more: I refuse to accept this version of DEATH, hashtag not my reaper
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travllingbunny · 5 years
The 100 rewatch: 4x03 Four Horsemen
Another strong episode, which introduces an important element of world-building – the Second Dawn cult, features the return of Luna and sets up several important plot points that are going to play a big role in the rest of the season (the bunker, the list, Nightblood as the solution to Praimfaya, and the fact that the end of the world is coming sooner than anyone thought). It also has many great character and.or relationship moments – especially for Murphy, Clarke and Bellamy, Jaha, and Indra and her two ‘daughters’.
Not only is Luna – one of the most interesting Grounder characters –back, but so is Nyko, one of my favorite minor characters, who’s always been one of the nicest and most reasonable people in the show. He brings the Boat people to get the advanced medicine that the Sky people have. They seem to have been the first ones to get seriously infected by radiation because of their diet – (irradiated) fish. It’s heartbreaking that Luna first had to kill her husband and several other of her people last season, and now she has to watch her daughter and every single one of her people die right in front of her. At one point, she even wonders if the sickness is somehow a punishment for refusing to take the Flame (and save the human race from ALIE), before Bellamy tells her that it can’t be true, no one deserves to suffer. In the end, while her daughter died in spite of being given the medicine, Luna was the only one who got better, even though she had been given no treatment – which makes Clarke realize that the Nightblood protects people from radiation. This sets up a major plot about our protagonists trying to use Nightblood as a solution to save everyone, as well as Clarke’s eventual fate, with repercussions up to the current season.
But before Clarke came to this realization, it seemed that it would only be possible to save 100 people inside Arkadia – so Raven gives Clarke the task to make the list of 100 people from Arkadia to be saved. (Kind of funny that they always come up with those round numbers? How likely is it that it’s exactly 100 people that can survive in Arkadia? Isn’t it more likely that it’s, say, 97 or 105 people, or something like that?) And I know that Raven is very stressed out, but she again displays her biggest character flaw – tendency to be judgmental, self-righteous and hypocritical, especially in her interactions with Clarke. She says she’s in charge of rationing, but then “deciding who lives or dies” is Clarke’s specialty. Ouch. So she tells her that they must decide who lives or dies and makes that Clarke’s responsibility instead of her own, but at the same time she is making Clarke feel like crap about it? WTF, Raven?
Jaha proposes another solution: finding the bunker that was built by a doomsday cult, Second Dawn, which could sustain many more people.  This is something that Jaha has obviously done a lot of research on. The bunker they do find is a huge disappointment – it was never sealed and didn’t save anyone. However, this is just a setup for what happens later in the season, when Jaha finds another Second Dawn bunker.
We find out a lot about Second Dawn and especially their leader, Bill Cadogan. The actor cast in the role, John Pyper-Ferguson is a rather well known actor with lots of recurring guest starring roles in various shows – so it’s really unlikely that he was cast just for a 5 seconds speech. We’re probably going to see him again, but I don’t know if that will happen in flashbacks on The 100, or in a spinoff prequel. Two season 4 episodes are named after Second Dawn slogans – this one is named after the SD hashtag #fourhorsemen (of course the cult had an apocalyptic theme), and 4x06 is “We Will Rise”, after their motto “From the ashes, we will rise”.
The mission to find the bunker is an opportunity to Jaha to have some interactions with Bellamy and Clarke. He is very perceptive about the relationship between those two, pointing out to Bellamy: “Leadership is a lonely pursuit. She’s lucky to have you. You center her”. Bellamy thinks he got it backwards, but Jaha is right, as the rest of season 4 and subsequent seasons show. Yes, Clarke also centers Bellamy, but what Bellamy doesn’t realize is that it’s a two-way street: they bring out the best in each other when they are working together and moving in the same direction. But both Bellamy and Clarke tend to see each other in worse light and look up to the other.
Jaha’s line about leadership being a lonely pursuit probably reflects like he felt as a Chancellor – even though he had friends such as Abby or Kane and even Jake, he didn’t have someone he considered a partner the way Bellamy and Clarke are to each other. His advice to Bellamy about his guilt is very different from the advice Kane gave to Bellamy in 4x01. Both of them were trying to help Bellamy come to terms with his feelings of guilt over his actions in season 3, but they do it in very different ways, which reflect their different mindsets and approaches to their own guilt: Kane has accepted Abby’s view about needing to “deserve to survive”, and his advice to Bellamy was to try to do better every day, until he “deserves” to survive – which is obviously what Kane had been trying to do since the culling, back in season 1. Jaha, on the other hand, points out to Bellamy that everything he did, he did for “pure” reasons, trying to protect his people. He has always justified his own actions that way. However, Bellamy is not so easily forgiving of himself or others – he had previously told Raven and Clarke he wouldn’t be in the bunker, and now he says “if there is Hell, I’ll see you there”. He may be on good terms with Jaha now and have had an almost father/son relationship with Kane, but (as seen here and later in S4 when he makes a similar remark to Kane), that doesn’t mean he has forgotten that they were the oppressive regime on the Ark and that they executed his mother and many other people. Forgiveness is a complicated thing when it comes to Bellamy. Maybe he has forgiven, but he doesn’t forget.
Since the bunker solution seems to have failed, Clarke makes the list – and that scene is one of the famous moments that demonstrates the strength of feelings and devotion between her and Bellamy. She is doing something that is very “Head over Heart” – trying to be cold and rational and focus on the survival of the group, rather than any of the individual people (something she tries to do throughout season 4), so she doesn’t even put some of her closest friends on the list. I don’t think season 2 Clarke would have been able to leave Monty or Harper or any of the Delinquents from such a list. (Now, leaving Monty actually doesn’t make sense, but more about that later in 4x04.)  But she can’t ever make herself not listen to her heart when it comes to Bellamy. And I think this is one of the ways that he centers her – because it is a good thing for a person to not ignore their heart completely, even when they think they must.  Bellamy feels the same: “If I’m on that list, you’re on that list”. Clarke is unhappy about what she has to do, essentially condemning 400 people to death, so she really can’t make herself put her own name on the list – it would seem wrong, but Bellamy writes it instead of her. Those two don’t have that many interactions in season 4 – there’s a stretch of episodes (like almost every season) when they are physically separated (from 4x07 to the end of 4x10), but scenes like this are some of the most intimate between them, from the way Clarke watches Bellamy sleep, to the way he gives her comfort and support – and while the way he puts his hand on her back is something he was already doing in 1x07, before they were even exactly friends, the way she responds to it is much more intimate.
Murphy has a lot of focus and character development in this episode. For starters, I’m happy that there’s a serious conversation between him and Emori about Ontari, where Ontari gets jealous, but Murphy points out that he didn’t have a choice. I was less than impressed with how that plotline was treated in season 3, so it’s good to see the show somewhat rectifying that by treating the subject seriously and making sure the audience understands what was going on (even if they don’t use the word rape).
Murphy and Emori have been surviving as hunters, but he realizes he’s a better thief than hunter and goes back to Arkadia to steal food. He has some typical snark he has with Nate Miller, who’s guarding the entrance with his father, but when Murphy makes a joke about Bryan, thinking he and Nate are still together, Nate looks awkward, because Bryan left him in 4x02.
While stealing food, Murphy overhears Raven and Abby talk about Praimfaya and finds out the truth. Abby is asking for medicine to treat Luna’s daughter, Raven is trying to be rational and cold, a Big Picture thinker who uses Head over Heart, because it seems necessary, and insists that they can’t waste medicine on the Boat people without knowing it will even work. When Abby retorts that she should be aware that her she will be the one killing Luna’s daughter, Raven ends up in tears, even though she only shows them after Abby leaves.
But Murphy steals medicine for Luna’s daughter and brings it to Abby. As Jackson reminds Abby, the situation must have made Murphy think of his own history, the fact that his father stole medicine to cure him, and got executed for it. Abby says she always knew Murphy had it in him. Which surprises me a bit, because don’t remember those two having many interactions previously, except, to be fair, when Murphy saved her life in 3x15.  But later, after Luna’s daughter has unfortunately died anyway, Murphy goes back and tells Emori they need a shelter because of the upcoming disaster, and he’s ‘working” Abby already to prove how useful he is. This storyline is played ambiguously at this point – we are left to conclude on our own if Murphy was sincerely moved by the plight of Luna and her daughter, which reminded him of his own family, or if he was just being opportunistic. I think it was a combination of both, but this time more the former than the latter – but he is still not ready to admit to himself that he is anything but a ruthless survivor and that he actually has deeper feelings and wants respect, care and belonging.
The storyline in Polis revolves around the fact that Gaia has stolen the Flame, because she thinks it is a blasphemy that a secular ruler has it. Roan thinks that Flamekeepers are religious fanatics, and wants Gaia dead. Octavia has quickly become Roan’s right-hand person for dirty deeds (it’s interesting that he is not using Echo for that – probably because he doesn’t trust her to not be against Sky people). This is where we get the revelation that Gaia is Indra’s daughter, resulting in some family drama. As we learn from their conversation, Indra and Gaia are estranged because Indra wanted Gaia to be a warrior and leader, while Gaia was fully into their religious worship of the Flame and went around looking for Nightbloods. (She doesn’t seem to have find any – Madi’s people were determined to hide her from Flamekeepers.) There’s some pseudo-sibling rivalry between Gaia and Octavia, because Gaia realizes that Indra found the “daughter” she wanted in Octavia – which explains a lot. Indra being so quick to accept a complete novice and make her a favorite among other warriors and warriors in training, starts making more sense now.
At this point, Octavia and Gaia work together and their relationship is still not antagonistic, as Octavia comes up with the plan how to save both Gaia and the Flame: by tricking Ilian and the other looters, who are destroying every type of technology, into smashing the fake Flame, actually Gaia’s necklace. (Ilian really took Kane’s words from 4x02 way too literally – if it’s not Sky people who are to blame, but the chip, then he must “avenge” his mother by destroying technology.) But the show loves shocking moments, fake-outs and twists, so it fools the audience into thinking for a moment that the real Flame is really destroyed, before it’s revealed what the ruse was.
Octavia lies to Roan and uses one of the looters as a scapegoat to blame him for stealing and destroying the Flame. Roan’s response is to hire her as his assassin. He may not be a bad guy, but he’s a pretty ruthless and morally grey character: “One death to prevent thousands, that’s good politics”. Octavia has already become known for her sudden murders, and has a brand new nickname, “Skairipa” – death from above. Does any other character have as many nicknames as Octavia gets throughout the show?
Timeline: This probably takes place not long after 4x02, so it’s probably been about 10 days since Clarke shut down the City of Light. Raven realizes that they have only about two months of survivability, so the initial calculations were off by about 3 and a half months.
Body count:
Luna’s clan, the Boat people, had already lost 40 people before they came to Arkadia, and 6 more of their people die in this episode, including Luna’s daughter Adria, from acute radiation syndrome
Terro, one of the looters, killed by Octavia, who delivers his head to Roan to makes him a scapegoat.
Rating: 8.5/10
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lindawfowler101010 · 6 years
10 Things To Remember Going Into Deadpool 2 This Weekend (Spoiler Free)
With Deadpool 2 slated to hit theaters everywhere in just four days, we thought we'd catch up anyone who might've be living under a rock for the last several months when it comes to being in the know about all the awesome developments for the highly-anticipated sequel to the breakout Marvel Comics success of 2016, Deadpool.
1. Celine Dion has recorded a song for Deadpool 2.
For many fans of Deadpool, Celine Dion might be the last artist that anyone would expect would contribute a song to the soundtrack for the sequel; but she's done exactly that. "Ashes" is Dion's brand new single, and in true Deadpool fashion, the Grammy-winning singer--best know for her song "My Heart Will Go On" from the soundtrack of James Cameron's Titanic has even filmed a hilarious music video for the track with Deadpool himself taking part doing some intepretative dance in high heels!
Watch it here:
2. Ryan Reynolds had a hand in writing the screenplay for Deadpool 2.
Accompanying screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (Deadpool, Zombieland) this time around is the actor behind Wade Wilson, Ryan Reynolds. This is something that makes so much sense, as given Deadpool's uncanny ability to craft hilarious one-liners, seemingly, it might be obvious that some of these came from the mouth of Ryan Reynolds on set during improvisational moments during the shooting of the film in Vancouver, B.C.
3. Deadpool 2 is taking the pop culture references to the next level
There are more this time around than in a entire episode of Fox's Family Guy, although we're uncertain ithat they'll be included in the finished movie.
As 20th Century Fox has been rolling out their campaign to market the film leading up to this week we've seen a hilarious collection of pop culture references in support. First, there were as the Deadpool 2 poster which paid tribute to the 1983 film, Flashdance. In the poster, Deadpool is arched up and back on a chair just as actress Jennifer Beals does so famously in the 1983 blockbuster film which was about a steel worker who aspires to be a professional dancer in the ballet.
Then, there were some Deadpool / Ryan Reynolds references to the hit 1985 Steven Spielberg-produced The Goonies -- to unveil the casting of actor Josh Brolin in Deadpool 2 as "Cable." Reynolds took to Twitter on Feb. 12 to unveil Brolin's casting by posting this hilarious photo of Deadpool painting a portrait of Cable in the image of actor Josh Brolin's Goonies character, "Brandon" aka "Brand Walsh."
Let's not forgot the sneak peek poster in the spirit of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Then, there was the whole insane Bob Ross tribute to promote Deadpool 2. Dressing us as iconic PBS painter Bob Ross (with the wig), Fox released a teaser for the film with some first look footage to excite Deadpool and Marvel fans about the release.Watch the Bob Ross / Sneak Peek Here:
4. A stunt woman died on the set of the film during its shooting.
Stuntwoman Joi Harris, doubling actress Zazie Beetz as "Domino," was accidentally killed in a motorcycle accident during the shooting of the film. It was a tragedy as this was the stuntwoman's first movie shoot! The sequence as it was to appear in the film Deadpool 2 was being filmed at Jack Poole Plaza when the stuntwoman lost all control of her motorcycle and swerved off the set and went through a window at the close by Shaw Tower. The production of Deadpool 2 was shut down for two days as a result; many in the stunt community have said that the accident could have been avoided. The stunt required that the stuntwoman ride through two open doors before turning left; however her exit was onto a big safety ramp. The stuntwoman overshot the platform and was unable to stop the motorcycle, hitting a curb before flying into a massive glass window.
5. 20th Century Fox ordered re-shoots on Deadpool 2 after potential bad test screenings.
Sometimes, a studio ordering re-shoots on a film can mean trouble. It can mean that the movie stinks or that it needs a quick fixing. But, reports are saying that the sequel has won over test audiences. It's been reported that the re-shoots were not ordered to fix any problems with the film but to add in more footage of characters that tested better than anticipated with audiences; however this could just be spin. It is possible that audiences had too many expectations with Deadpool 2, and that the re-shoots were ordered to satisfy those expectations. We won't know until this Friday.
6. The secrey around Deadpool 2 has been epic; nearly as secret as the latest incarnations of Star Wars.
20th Century Fox, Ryan Reynolds have been very careful about what they've said in relationship to the sequel's storyline. It's been unveiled, natch, just hunted at over the last year; firstly, there's been Ryan Reynold's dropping bits and clues on Twitter, and then there's been the numerous sneak preview or trailers that have been slowing popping up in theaters and on television. The producers of Deadpool 2 even parodied the last Avengers or Star Wars films demands for secrey. The letter itself is a spoof of a similar one made by the crew behind Avengers: Infinity War. It even parodies the hashtag made for the Avengers film, #ThanosDemandsYourSilence, #WadeWilsonDemandsYourSisterSorryAutoCorrectSilence”
The funny letter was posted online on Twitter:
"We have embarked on the "Deadpool 2: This is Kind of Your Guys' Fault" World Tour. Almost everyone involved in the film has given Maximum Effort the past two years, maintaining the highest level of super secrets, like how David Blaine catches bullets in his mouth. A nd the secret blend of 11 herbs and spices in Colonel Sanders' delicious moustache.
Only a handful of people know the film's true plot. One of them is not Ryan Reynolds. We're asking that when you see Deadpool 2, you don't say a fucking word about the fun shit in the movie. Cause it'd be super lame to spoil the fact that Deadpool dies in this one. Kidding. Not kidding. Kidding?
The studio even leaked a fake plot in the spirit of Deadpool's sense of humor:
“After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry's hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste,” reads the synopsis. “Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the Yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor – finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World's Best Lover.”
The REAL, spoiler-free, basic plot for Deadpool 2:
Foul-mouthed mutant mercenary Wade Wilson (AKA. Deadpool), brings together a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy of supernatural abilities from the brutal, time-traveling mutant, Cable.
It is common knowledge now that Deadpool will be assembling X-Force (aka The New Mutants) and here are the actors that will be bringing them to life, although it's uncertain if the X-Force will be based on the original Rob Liefeld period at Marvel. What we know: Josh Brolin will be playing Nathan Summers aka Cable, Lewis Tan will be playing Shatterstar, Zazie Beetz will be playing Domino. That just leaves confirmations as to whom will be playing "Boom Boom," "Cannonball," "Feral, " and "Warpath." Actress Shioli Kutsuna had been announced to be playing a major role in Deadpool 2: would it be a stretch to speculate that she'll be playing Boom Boom in Deadpool 2?
7. What Ifs and Missed Deadpool 2 Opportunities
It's always fun to talk with fellow Marvel fans or those with a real passion for the world of Deadpool about the what ifs or could ofs.
Did you know: Actor Brad Pitt originally met with the director of Deadpool 2 David Leitch about playing Cable but was unable to commit to the role because of previous obligations; although actors like Dolph Lundgren, Michael Shannon, Mel Gibson, Kurt Russell, Bruce Willis, Alec Baldwin, Sly Stallone, Ron Perlman were also considered. Actor Russell Crowe was Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld's first choice for Cable. What would've happened if the director of the Deadpool (2016) had returned for Deadpool 2? Original director Tim Miller announced in 2016 that he would not be returning to the franchise due to creative differences with Ryan Reynolds. What would Deadpool 2 be like with Miller at the helm? A fan petition was made for Quentin Tarantino to direct the sequel -- what would that look like?
8. A slight difference from Deadpool the comic to Deadpool 2: the movie?
The comic books depict Domino as a longtime ally and former girlfriend of Cable, who hates Deadpool. In the film, she is introduced as an ally of Deadpool working against Cable. WTF?
9. Deadpool 2 will most likely spin off a X-Force blockbuster franchise for 20th Century Fox.
Seeing how things have been done in the past with Marvel characters popping in and out of various superhero movies as they've been released, it seems apropos that 20th Century Fox is already planning a X-Force movie, if not, franchise. Various undisclosed sources are reporting that the studio will be using the ending of Deadpool 2 to set up the rumored X-Force movie. Most likely, this will come during a scene that could be inserted during the films end credits, or in a moment post-credits. While Deadpool 2 screenwriter Reese has tried to nix the rumors about such on Twitter, it seems like just a obvious move -- especially since Ryan Reynolds already has been reported to be involved in the writing of the X-Force movie for the studio.
10. The love story between Wade Wilson and Vanessa will be amped up.
Duh, you probably already guessed that would happen.
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