#ashe becomes a poke champion after 3 items. which for a support usually means after the game is done
hejustcancelledit · 11 months
Okay so after watching game 2 today, and I have a hot take (coming from someone who peaked gold I and got put into losers queue)
People fundamentally misunderstand the point of support Ashe
I feel like people talk about Ashe as a poke champion in the context of lave when that's... Basically not true. Her W at level one has an 18s cooldown, you're not spamming that. What she does have, though, is auto attacks. Which due to her passive work best if hit one after the other, which for a poke champion doesn't really work that well. She is a lane bully, yes, but more in the sense that you simply can't outdamage Ashe + an adc in an extended battle, especially at levels 2-6
Which is why pairing her with Caitlyn is kind of pointless? They shove the lane and... That's it, really. The lane state with Caitlyn does not facilitate the conditions in which Ashe is most useful, which would be extended 2v2 fights. And this also doesn't help Caitlyn much, since she wants someone to help with the long range poke and also someone to set up traps (which champions like Lux can do)
And, additionally, you NEED a support who can power the team through the mid game if you have a Caitlyn. Caitlyn in mid game is so useless, unless she's incredibly ahead (which doesn't happen in pro play basically ever. Somehow pros learned how to dodge Lux abilities). And support Ashe in solo q might do that, since there are some builds that let you poke enemies to have a good impact, but in pro play, with negative gold? Ashe is a ward and stun bot at that point, so you're basically playing 3v5 until Cait gets to 3-4 items (5 if she builds RFC. Which is the biggest bait item on Caitlyn maybe ever. If Caitlyn's range isn't enough for you then you don't deserve to be playing professionally. Skill issue)
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