alonerwolf · 3 years
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Farewell but not Forever
Months had passed since Ash joined the herd. Seeing how far Ash had come, from being a worn out war horse, to the proud stallion standing by her side, Comet was sure he was strong enough to leave the herd. With that thought, she too decided it was time for her to leave and start her own herd alongside Ash. Observing how the two young mustangs bonded, Spirit and Rain happily approved of their decision, and gave their blessings.
Knowing they had a long journey ahead, Ash and Comet both looked over the land they came to love one last time before they made their first steps towards a new future. Dont worry! This wont be the last time we see these two! Just wanted to make them officially on their own! Decided to add a couple more (spirit x rain) kids to the herd for funsies. Below you'll see Soul (who I flipped and that's why his leg is colored wrong 😖) and Stormy who belong to @juno_foxx and Brisa who belongs to @mint_dolphin27 Clouds belong to Dreamworks
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