#aside from the ultimately joke-ship of Misako and a Serpentine witch bandit who keeps flirting with her AS she tries to arrest her
Green Ninja & Jade Princess
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Among the Elemental Alliance, one member stands out for being "down to earth" and marketing herself to the people of Ninjago City. The Green Ninja, Master of Flora. This member's popularity would lead to a particular interest from Lloyd among his fascination with the Elemental Alliance, never knowing that the identity of his hero is his own mother.
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Rambunctious, cocky, and with the mouth of a sailor that she miraculously keeps out of her public image, Koko is the youngest member of the Elemental Alliance, and thus is treated almost exclusively like a rookie. Acronix, Left hand of Time, in particular often gets stuck with her, turning eventually into a begrudging friendship. While Acronix admits that Misako has grown close to him, he also says that Koko doesn't really know him.
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Around the same time-frame, Master Wu, Son of the First Spinjitzu Master, and leader of the Elemental Alliance, discovered a starving orphan girl who had broken into the Monastery of Spinjitzu desperately in search of something to placate her hunger. Motivated partly by kindness, partly by pity, and partly in envy of other child-bearing families across Ninjago city, the sensei adopted the young girl, and named her Harumi, treating her like Royalty and giving her the title "The Jade Princess" after her birth-stone.
Years would pass and the girl would grow increasingly close to Misako, almost seeing the Green Ninja as an older sister. (A bad influence that everyone else in the Elemental Alliance were eager to point out.) Desiring to imitate Koko and the others, and eager to help protect NInjago city, Harumi trained under Koko and believed herself to be ready to unlock her elemental power.
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Unfortunately, elemental powers do not come to everyone. And after many increasingly dangerous attempts at unlocking such a power, A tipping point was reached when Koko began to shut Harumi out, believing that she truly was a bad influence that would only hurt Harumi in the end. Hurt that her closest friend would abandon her like that, and even more angry that her adoptive father seemed to agree with such a course of action, Harumi ran away from the Monastery, vowing to achieve her elemental powers no matter what stands in her way.
Man, I really have been holding back on the content, haven't I?
I've been really busy for the last few months and as a result all of the development I've made hasn't even made it past the thought stage. (Although the Full Story Outline document was never any semblance of complete since I first made it.)
Initially I was going to wait way longer to reveal Harumi's role in the story, (Although only about a 4th of it has been revealed thus far,) but I had the idea of making Koko a previous Green Ninja based on how she was the Lady Iron Dragon in the Ninjago Movie, and I knew that was the kind of idea that should be got out of the way early, and one thing led to another, and in fleshing out Koko's doodles I ended up finally making a reference for Harumi, and figured this wasn't a bad time to do her official reveal.
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