#ask game; selfship alphabet.❣
cherrykamado · 2 years
Hi Cherry!!! How about letters F, G, N, & T for the self-ship alphabet? You and Tanji are so perfect for each other, I wanna hear all the adorable details of your romance!! 💕💕
Since you suggested we answer the questions too, I'll do my best to answer them below for me & Vi (I'm still new to writing about selfships, so hopefully this sounds okay)!
F (flirt) - Flirting is a competition between the two of us! We're both flirty people so it's like a fun game.
G (greeting) - We met one evening when Vi helped me toss out a couple unruly customers at the shop were I work. After that she hung around till closing just in case they came back for more trouble. I thought she was gorgeous, even with paper towel shoved up her nose to keep it from bleeding <3
N (nickname) - Usually we just call one another by our normal names, though Vi likes to call me 'sweetheart' (usually while being sarcastic). I sometimes call her 'darling' just because it makes her blush.
T (touchy) - While I'm not used to pda, Vi very much is, so I've gotten a lot more fond of it over time! She definitely expresses her affection through actions, even if it's just bumping our knees together under the dinner table or resting her head on my shoulder. Vi loves cuddling (even more so when she's tired). Tends to just flop over and crush me on the couch after a long day (at which point I will somehow find the strength to move her to our bed for some proper sleep).
I hope this was interesting to read!! Have a lovely day/night, Cherry!! 💕✨🌸
TRAG BBY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG BUT I CANT GET ENOUGH OF U N VI, youre so cute my heart melts 🥺❣
send me a letter from the selfship alfabet<3 you can also answer it with your selfship!! (im nosy hehe) --> yeah we still doing this bc its wholesome n bc selfships rock 🙌
FLIRT — oh, we flirt. i am the one who does the flirting (and sometimes it's cringy as hell, but i manage to make him laugh.) when he flirts, however, help. it's not the sweet and kind tanchi, it's the please drop ripple thrust curve me daddy tanjiro. he's still sweet when he does, assertive and playful, but holy shit does he make me fold so easily 🥵
GREETING — our first meeting happened by chance once we hung out with the rest! we immediately clicked: we talked n giggled all the afternoon and, after that, he even walked me home, n i gave him my number 🥺
NICKNAMES — king & queen of nicknames. usually i call him my boo, baby, but recently i started calling him tanchi because 🥺 it's so cute!! and he always calls me his bunny, his honey bunny.♥ he also calls me angel, love, and pretty girl 🥺 i melt when he does ♥♥
TOUCHING — YES YES YES!! PDA 100%. i'm clingy as hell and, while he's not as much as i am, he likes to hold my hand all the time, or pat my head. he would even run his fingers through my hair because he knows just how much it relaxes me. when we cuddle, if it's on the couch, i'll rest my head on his lap or literally climb on his lap and bury my head in the crook of his neck. if we're in bed, he likes to be the big spoon and keep me close to him. however, he's not against being the little spoon every once in a while or rest his head on my chest as i stroke his hair so that he falls asleep.♥
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cherrykamado · 2 years
Hiiii cherry 💜 for the ask game I’m curious about S for u!!!!
The answer for zoro and I is……no 🧡 he has a professional nice portrait of the two of us from some town where we look really nice and serious and fancy up in his gym room but I just have a crumpled up wanted poster of him for a zillion years ago that I keep forgetting to take out of my pocket when u do laundry 😇
send me a letter from the selfship alfabet<3 you can also answer it with your selfship!! (im nosy hehe)
HI BBY !! omg you two are so cute :((
S - Selfies do they like taking pictures together? Do they keep pictures of the other?
yes we do!!! im not much of a fan of selfies but sometimes i'll be vibing so i'll pull tanji w me and take selfies/film for instagram stories<3 he doesn't get boomerangs at all so he stays still and smiling even tho i try to explain that's not how it works 😭 tanji also keeps a pic of us in his wallet, it's a pic of us where i tackled him to the ground, bit his cheek and managed to capture the moment lol and we both were surprisingly n unexpectedly cute<3
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