#ask mod poi
As a heads up in the future, any posts which uses a lot of emojis and have emotionally manipulative wording tend to be extremely sus. Genuine people wanting to get out wouldn't do that they would just use plain text. Unforunately when wars break out you get criminals trying to make a quick buck.
Yeah, I do get that and honestly that is pretty damn scummy thing to do; I'll be sure to be careful in the future, again sorry about that...
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just gonna drop this here :3
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It’s the sheeee
//Awwww, it's heeeeer! I love how Mikan looks honestly so thank you for drawing this. ^^
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Father and daughter fr
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who is currently Ultimate Despair's figurehead? Like the actual leader with The dissapearances of The remnants?
//No one really, all the Ultimate Despairs (except for Class 77-B and Hajime) all killed themselves after Junko got executed, so there is no figurehead right now and if asking about Class 77-B; I honestly would say the leader was the Ultimate Imposter but even then everyone just went to do their own thing.
//I think what I'll say is that there are impersonators but they don't get very far. ^^;
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Cue 10,000 asks from that one Anon who likes to bug Mikado /jk
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//Yeah, it's rather odd if you ask me but hey - it happens. 8P
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*With utsuro divine luck I get mikado signal to work* soo mikado gonna start asking questions now
//Sorry, he can't answer right now and beside Utsuro is dead.
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//God life must be hell for Hitaru and Jiro, as Akemi got killed by Emina, Iroha is a wanted terrorist and their boss want their baby sister dead.
//Oh don't worry, Akemi didn't get killed by Emina, I'll confirm here is that Emina and Ayato are both dead at the start of the tragedy but sadly Akemi died during the tragedy so Hitaru isn't too depressed.
//So don't worry, while Hitaru and Jiro are working at the Kisaragi Foundation, having to deal with the fact Iroha is being targeted but I would say the 2 remaining siblings are doing a lot better. ^^
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I wouldn't say Chiaki is dumb maybe not some super genius A.I. But she still is clever after all if we go by Nagito trial. She was to find loopholes in her programing to help out herself to the rest of the group.
//Yeah, like I think Chiaki is one of those AI that has to process information and is slow but once she learns about it and continues meeting the subject matter , she was able to contribute and is more quicker.
//I even think that while she's smart in some areas she's lacking in others, plus remember putting Class 77-B and Hajime was a rash decision so they probably put Chiaki to fill a slot.
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Well at the very least Mod Freeze has decided to do the complete opposite and throw a non canon party over it where all the characters go bonkers.
//Yeah that was a blast it seem to write. 8P
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What is wrong with this fandom lately? This is the second time this week that someone's "snapped" on a roleplay blog. First, that Hiyoko fan came back and sent Freeze FOUR HUNDRED asks demanding that he delete his blog. And now some Kazuichi fan's gone off the deep end, accusing you of turning Kazuichi into a "rapist". What is it about Danganronpa that causes fans to lose all sense of self-control?
//I'm not sure dude, it seem to only be one and I'll say I've met people that say Kazuichi is their favorite character and won't deny some of his least favorite qualities like his stalking of Sonia can get really damn creepy, how he acted with his dick during trials and you frankly don't blame her for ignoring Kazuichi. ^^;
//As say, Kazuichi is one of my favorite characters in SDR2 but even I don't deny his least favorite qualities.
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//What are the Future Foundation Branches here?
//They are, mostly just made some changes to them and re-wrote them a bit.
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Something that I love with this blog is how the characters are given flaws that make sense with their backgrounds. And it's not pulled out of nowhere like some fanfics I read.
//Thank you very much, I really want to express those flaws without going towards demonizing them which can happen.
//I think a big issue with the Danganronpa fanbase (like other fanbases) is that they either woobify the crap out of a character to the point they are unrecognizable or demonize them - either extreme is bad, there's gotta be a balance; like one example is that I really founded Mahiru a lot more interesting in TSMC where she destroy evidence to protect Sato and even how she never told her about Natsumi, her bully - which honestly was interesting to me and made it so Mahiru was a more flawed character.
//It really does add a lot more to Mahiru as a character and expresses certain flaws she has and they fit the character pretty well which you can apply the same to the other characters.
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// I just realized that Tornado from the next generation of hope is that poster of the boy band in the girls locker room from the first game.
//Yep, they are along with the poster of Daimond Yuka too. 8P
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Mod how does it feel to write ocs that aren't yours?
//A bit weird, I feel I do need to communicate with the creator quite a bit to understand their characters so I don't make any mistakes with writing them. ^^;
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How do you decide what you wanna add on each episodes? Do they have some sort of common theme other past and future or is there more?
//Well... I guess it's mostly based on what is happening in the story and how things play out; mostly writing down the episodes and the general plot threads I want to hit and see if they fit with the episode.
//I did have some ideas for certain episodes but I felt were more fitting for much later so it doesn't get bloated. ^^;
//A recommendation for writers, save a note of writing for the line-up of episodes and see if they can work.
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I’m interested in the New Generation of Hope.
//Thank you, honestly I had fun writing them and even the general flaws of all the Foundations trying to combat Despair have, like yeah they are trying to put an end to the tragedy but all 3 have general issues going on that need to be resolve but don't have time to because again, the tragedy. ^^;
//But as say, change can happen...
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