#ask weaslebean
Hi, could you please write something fluffy with Charlie Weasley, maybe he and his partner have a day off and bake together? 🖤
aaahjuaksahjd this idea was so cute! I loved writing this and hope you’ll like it as well <3 
Pumpkin Pie | C.W.
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x y/n words: 1.038 a/n: I’m 100% sure that Charlie got some pet dragons, so  I had to include them! warnings: none
The smell of warm coffee woke y/n up from their dreams, followed by Charlies lips kissing their forehead softly: “Good morning, sunshine.” He brushed with his fingers through their hair before standing up again.
After slowly opening their eyes, y/n could see their boyfriend balancing two cups with hot liquid in one hand and a plate of fresh cut fruits in the other. “Harvey! You could move a bit a least, when I’m bringing breakfast.” The way the famous dragon caretaker Charlie Weasley tried to step around his dog-sized pet dragon made his boyfriend/girlfriend laugh out loud. He shot an acted pouting look at them, before they sat up, grabbed the cups and helped him get his balance back. “But be careful! That’s really hot.” His caring personality was one of them many things to make y/n fall in love with him everyday, again. Still, they started smirking and added: “Well that’s not the only hot thing in here.”, which made Charlie blush really hard. 
Y/n couldn’t help but giggle now, he was so cute when they made these kinds of innuendos.
While drinking coffee he couldn’t take his eyes of y/n. He just felt so lucky to have them by his side and couldn't believe they’re still there. He loved everything about them: Their bright laughter, the way their hair framed their face and their curiosity. He could tell them everything about his family and his job and his dragons and they would listen carefully. They support him on every occasion, even if he’s gone for a while due to his job. All in all they just make him the happiest man on earth. 
And he just wanted to show his boyfriend/girlfriend how thankful he was.
After breakfast and a quick shower y/n ambled downstairs to the kitchen, where their boyfriend was already working eagerly. “Eh..Charlie?”, they asked with an unsure-how-to-feel-about-this tone: “Why did you empty all of our cabinets?” He turned around with the biggest smile on his face, spreading out his arm in joy:”We’re baking!” - “Baking? Is your whole family coming over?” y/n asked laughing. “No, they’re not. But you know the children could eat for at least 2 whole Weasley families.” These said children were his pet dragons, which weren’t able to survive on their own in the wilderness: Harvey, who got only one wing; Poncho, who lost his scales on his torso, so y/n knitted a cloth for him and his little brother Pip who was just too small.
“And guess, what we’ll be baking?”, he grinned and grabbed a pumpkin from the counter, playing with it like a Quaffle. Y/n’s face brightened immediately and a huge smile appeared on their face:”Pumpkin Pies?!” He nodded and wanted to say something but his partner already threw themselves around his neck and pecked his freckled face with kisses. “You know how much I love these! They’re my favourite!” Charlie just laughed, grabbed their waist to whirl them around and kissed them softly, but with passion. “I know, Darling.”, he breathed against their lips.
Not even five minutes later the kitchen looked like a total mess. Y/n struggled with the pumpkin, better with cutting it open. But they refused Charlie's help since they are “a strong independent woman/man”, which he just commented with a raised eyebrow and a grin. So he decided to lay back and watch until his boyfriend/girlfriend took the biggest knife they could find to ram it into the pumpkin, trying to brutally slash it open. “Woah there, buddy! Easy! Let me handle this now.”, he put one hand on their arm to calm them down and the other one took the knife. Y/n shot him a dark look and huffed: “I am not one of your dragons, Charles.” He grinned and teased:” But you’ve got the temper of one.” They couldn’t argue that, relaxed and shrugged: “So you’ve got to tame me then, later, will you?” And suddenly his face turned almost the same colour as his hair. 
Making the dough for the pies was even more messier but at least not as dangerous as pumpkin cutting. Charlie tried to help his partner at first, but there wasn’t much to help with, so he just stood behind them, his strong arms wrapped around their body and watching their hands carefully. “Just in case your dragon temper rises again.” 
They needed hours to finish the dough and pumpkin filling. Mostly because either Charlie or y/n kissing the other one and forgetting to work, or because of hugging and cuddling each other so much that one couldn’t really work with their hands. But they never mind. 
Also both had a really sweet tooth, meaning most of the dough was nibbled before they could make a whole pie out of it.
When finally making the pies, they counted full 3 of them. They even got some help while decorating. Pip was so small he could trample on the pies and make some cute patterns with his tiny, washed feet. And Poncho was sitting on Charlie's shoulder, heating up the pans filled with sugar to make some caramel. 
“Just the caramel on top and voilà! We’re done!” With both hands on their hips, y/n smiled brightly at Charlie, who was trying to get some dough and flour out of his hair. When his boyfriend/girlfriend noticed, they laughed, but helped him get rid of it. “Fortunately we’re not in your mums kitchen. She’d lose it!”
“Totally agree!”, he laughed “and she’d also lose it when we’d eat this really delicious looking pie right now when it’s still warm” - “But we’re in our kitchen. and so she’s not here” - “And she’s not here”, he grinned.
Grabbing two forks and one pie, the couple went outside to have a nice afternoon picnic in their garden, accompanied by their dragon children. 
Everyone’s got something of the pie and everyone agreed it’s the most delicious one they’ve ever had.
“Thank you, Charlie...” y/n said, while leaning her head on his broad shoulder, holding his hand. 
“I’ve got to thank you, y/n. For making me the happiest man everyday.”
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