itisweselton · 10 months
(Hi read the rules. Just telling you I did.)
*a ship was sailing by some ports. It wasn't from a kingdom that was on maps as there was a odd..presence. the crows being around the ship's helm didn't help.*
Meanwhile at his manor, Edgar was notified of a strange ship that had arrived at Weselton's port with inexplicable crows about its helm. Responding to the news with a sigh, he arrived at the docks shortly after.
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(Okay! I have a demon slayer muse and other muses so first I'll drop him first)
*a man is wandering around in some kind of leather uniform with a large checkered cloak with a straw rice farmer hat on.*
*the man stopped and stared in on direction.*
*he knew someone was there.*
(You choose!)
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...okay, in hindsight, maybe he should've been a little more quiet. Naruto stayed as still as he could, half-hoping the guy would think it was the wind, or an animal, or something.
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@ask-paradox-and-friends liked for a starter!
Lifting her head up from the freshly-made corpse they were eating, Nezuko slowly turns around, looking at the stranger.
“Why are you here?”
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deisbookofdemons · 8 months
*Peaks head in*
Any new muses?
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Here comes a certain tiny star shaped creature rolling a pretty large Katamari.
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spxcemuses · 8 months
@ask-paradox-and-friends asked: Hey Jack how come you didn't tell anyone you can rap? (https://youtu.be/PoF1vnGvTtI?si=3s0XpsvtVqb1NOvb)
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[ Random Ask ] | Always Accepting
Thank you for the ask! Please ask me before continuing it into a thread.
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" I can what now? "
Jack raises a brow in indifference, acting like he hadn't heard you properly. However, he had; he was simply trying to think about what nonsense you were talking about this time. He has had a bunch of enemies and rivals he's encountered, so him not remembering about that was justified in his opinion. After a moment of thought, the memory comes back and part of him is both humored and embarrassed. Oh yeah, he does remember having a back-and-forth with the human equivalent of an egg!
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" Oh yea, that. Well, guess I'm just full of surprises, huh? "
He interjects with sarcasm in his tone, feeling apathetic about it for the most part.
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" Too bad I lost. Had to give that egg-head something for his dumb machine or whatever-it-was in exchange for an artifact I was after. I could've scrambled him in the end, as much as I wanted to, but I didn't. Just... don't tell anyone that I do more than make pies, got it? Otherwise I'll have to kill ya. "
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puppy-boy-toby · 7 months
*Steals Toby*
Mine now.
///Hey! Come back here!///
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frogprinceus · 2 years
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@ask-paradox-and-friends​ said: *A ninja is stareing at the sage tilting their head*
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“What are you looking at?“
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cloudysmusesnocs · 2 years
(To a random EXE)
*A small device turns on playing a game. Looks like pokemon*
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"Well... what is this...?"
-(OMR) Sonic.EXE looked at the device-
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uppermoonkoku · 6 months
*suprise visit from Paradox!*
*a large man? Beast? Demon? Was sitting on a rock with a odd looking fruit in his hand as he looked over at Kokushibo and blinked then back at a paper he pulled out of his bag into his hands.*
"...yeah don't see it."
Unprompted Ask | Always Accepting | @ask-paradox-and-friends
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The former uppermoon blinked. Not understanding what the other was saying or doing.
In truth, he wasn't caring. He was trying to get some forgeing done.
So, he just shrugs.
"Ok, then."
0 notes
"Who'll be there?"
”I don’t know the exact list at the moment, sorry.”
0 notes
jumpscaregoose · 8 months
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screenshot redraws because I'm feeling very normal about them
original screenshots + nonsense under cut
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for some reason the clip I yoinked these from was cropped to an approximation of a 4:3 aspect ratio and munched by compression and that spoke to me. so mine are in 4:3. fuck it we ball
and then when I was working on allen I went to lock transparent pixels and somehow wound up pasting the yugioh reference from jjk 240 onto there and thought it was hilarious so
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[Hold up! The Emeralds can do that?!] Metal sat up in shock at the devastating beam, his scanners glitching for a moment as they tried to figure out just how much energy was in that beam.
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I ment what if Inosuke looked like Nezuko?
What if it was Tanjiro?
“No! No way- thats still a no! Even if he’d be as cute as Nezuko- and he has a nice face as her now, he’d still be a bitch!”
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“And if it were Tanjiro… no, he doesn’t look nice. He’s wonderfully kind, but no thank you. Also- he kind of scares me.”
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deisbookofdemons · 11 months
*peaks head in.*
(Rp with Toppats? Or ace attorney?)
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spxcemuses · 7 months
@ask-paradox-and-friends asked: *thinks and shrugs* I mean you seem to be able to control yourself. So if possible what will you do once you get the chance to…travel?
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[ Random Ask ] | Always Accepting
Fred looks back towards them this time, his smile widening and making direct (and rather eerie) eye contact. He was able to control his urges most of the time, but if the opportunity was too great, then…
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" To travel? Oh, I would go wherever my heart desires! Explore the world if I can. Or even the country, I am not picky… Take photos, do some journaling... May even see my lovely aunt again. "
He sighs, seeming a little dispirited at the premise of traveling again. Fred was still stuck in the Home for Freaky Barbers for however long the superintendents - which he nicknamed “the landlords” - saw fit.
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" But alas, I am stuck here for now. The landlords do not trust me enough to leave the Home. I have been on good behavior as of late, so maybe they will let me go on another little 'holiday' if I act my best and have no... 'naughty incidents'. "
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i-tzi · 5 months
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Another year, another Pokeddexy!! 🎉
I honestly don't know how much I'll be able to combine because objectively January is kind of a shitty month for me lol
But WHO CARES, enjoy my boys, see you again at the end of the challenge if I'm still alive lol o|-<
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