speliviya · 2 years
Okay so walk with me,
Whether Spencer and Olivia break up or not, it doesn’t change the fact that Olivia still plans to expose Coach Garrett. So that is not the solution to the issue at hand. This is not an issue of loving each other or wanting to be or not to be with each other, this is about not sacrificing what’s important to you and your future just for the sake of maintaining the peace in your relationship? Ngl, not gonna pretend like I completely understand the statement they’re trying to make here but stay with me.
Let’s be real, Spelivia does need some space. Where their relationship is right now is not healthy for either of them. But I don’t think a break up is required to make the space thing work while Olivia still gets to pursue the Garrett story. They should distance themselves publicly; she not go to his games, they’re not seen with each other around campus anymore, not even sleeping over every night. They both should take the actual space that they need but still maintain contact. At the end of the day, they’re still family and best friends outside of their romantic relationship, it will be difficult and unnecessary to completely cut each other off. At first I wanted a full out sneaking around scenario until everything blows over but honestly I don’t think Spencer is the type to do that or even want to do that in a way that feels like lying and tricking people. Wade is one thing and because Liv hid the information from him it didn’t really matter until it did but I can’t picture Spencer being okay with sitting in his coach’s face knowing what he did or silently knowing that he’s about to be exposed without saying anything. That’s just not him. So in compromise of them both getting to pursue their respective careers without direct conflict, they need to keep a healthy distance but plan significant moments to be with each other and rebuild trust and communication. So this way, we get to kind’ve see a changed dynamic of their relationship just for now and it gives them a chance to restructure what their relationship will look like moving forward. So instead of scenes of just them waking up or getting ready for bed every episode, we’d get more phone calls, car dates, maybe another trip to the cabin etc. That probably means less scenes of them together every episode but it will give us more meaningful interactions and conversations that will be better for their development as a couple than what we’ve been seeing the last few episodes of season four.
Something has to eventually shift. We shouldn’t want them to stay the same forever; we want them to grow and progress while still getting more of their personal perspectives, especially Olivia’s. I want her to focus on herself for once, focus on college, and to have more fun outside of Spencer, work, and the Vortex. Even Spencer, as cute as weee think it is, it’s not actually healthy that he can’t focus on his game when Olivia is not there. He needs to be able to focus regardless of whether him and Liv are on good terms or not if he wants to be successful and make it to the NFL. He also needs to take a step back and gain some clarity because tbh he’s definitely fighting for this relationship more than she is at the moment so he needs the space so that he can reevaluate what he needs from her and have a tough conversation acknowledging this problem. Space is definitely necessary at this time but I also don’t want to see Spelivia alienated from one another either. I just want them to get back to a healthy place where they both can love on each other freely while still maintaining the personal boundaries that they need to establish their own careers and futures.
In my opinion, that’s the only scenario that I can think of that will be a win-win for both the characters themselves and Spelivia shippers without making their relationship even worse and damaging it even more than they left it in the finale.
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