#asmr jonas hyperfixates so hard on a show he rants about it on tumblr dot com
kingsteeth · 2 years
why i don't fuck with ford pines haters and you shouldn't either: a long post by me
hi yeah pull up a fuckin chair or something so the local ford pines apologist himself can tell you something. long post ahead red alert
so. there's too many posts out there just straight up beating the shit out of ford for not being nice, starting the apocalypse, all that bs that i don't like to see! did you even watch the same show i did?
im of the opinion that stanford pines is honestly doing the best he can. if you actually look at it you can see that he's not well adjusted to being "normal" and doing everyday life correctly. you can point to the 30 years spent surviving various dimensions and bill's impact on his psyche to back that up. also, sorry he's not nice i guess? dude gets back to his house and is immediately thrown into this new family dynamic with new people who are all over him (not faulting the kids for being excited, but still), his house doesn't look like he left it, and his brother, who he holds a grudge against, is there. obviously a lot going on.
side note: you don't have to agree with me when i say ford pines is autistic but i choose to interpret him in that way. being autistic myself im sure he resonates with other autistic people.
things probably woulda gone smoother if stan and ford had maybe decided to have a conversation about things instead of going at each other like a pair of rabid skunks, but their relationship isn't at that point yet. sorry that ford's not just gonna forget his life being thrown off track entirely after stan cost him a shot at that college. to stan's credit he did manage to look past that and focus on the present, but ford isn't on the same page for various reasons.
stan would like his brother to be thankful for getting him back, and you know what, ford might even HAVE said thank you. but like i said it's a lot to take in in a short amount of time, and he very obviously needed space.
he ends up getting into the basement and staying there for a while, and despite stan telling the kids not to go down there because HE'S mad, dipper ends up being the one to bring ford up out of there and get him to actually be social. w for dipper!
ford is very obviously preoccupied with keeping bill out of reality, given the rift and all caused by the portal's reactivation. honestly i cannot blame him because bill coming into reality and destroying life as you know it is a terrifying concept and he shouldn't be faulted for worrying about it given their history.
however that doesn't mean that ford deserved all that blame when weirdmageddon actually started! mabel didn't deserve the blame for handing over the rift, and ford didn't deserve the blame for opening up reality for bill to come into in the first place! weirdmageddon was plotted by bill. we are not going to blame the humans that he used and manipulated without their knowledge.
i was honestly? kinda shocked at stan's willingness to just leave ford in bill's captivity during the apocalypse. i get that he was pissed off, but the apocalypse is upon you and the only guy who knows anything about it, your BROTHER, who you dedicated 3 decades to find, is gone? and you're gonna leave him? it frustrated me.
tired of seeing the gravity falls fanbase paint one of the stans as the "good" twin and the other as the "bad" twin. this post is about ford mostly but they both have their faults and they both did shit that wasn't right. i still think they both developed nicely towards the end of the series, but my GOD the way some of you will immediately jump to hating ford because he wasn't nice to stan.
also gonna get into the argument that ford was somehow naive for not seeing bill for what he was. bill presented himself to ford as someone with answers to literally all of ford's problems, and more importantly as a friend and potential partner. that's a huge thing for ford, known for his lack of friends. bill got to ford through his weak points and laid out this future where ford was successful and more importantly, happy. that's not a stupid thing to want, especially not from a powerful being who you KNOW has the capability to make that happen.
ford took that deal thinking it was the smartest thing he had ever done. and honestly if not for bill being a jackass it would have been the best decision he ever made. he took it because he weighed out the information he knew and decided it would further his research and it would grant him knowledge no other human had ever had before. being someone whose entire worth was based around how smart he was, you can see why that would appeal to a person like ford.
during the apocalypse, ford handled it rather well for someone who went through the things he did. he tried to get it over with and done before it was too late, and it almost WAS too late thanks to stan. but like i said before, they both need to be on the same page for things to go well. stan was not where ford was at, and focused on the negatives about ford being back rather than what needed to be done, and almost killed the kids in the process.
essentially, neither of them are good or bad, and i hate the way the fanbase treats ford in specific. stan did his best, yes, and he should be congratulated for it, but ford also was doing his best.
if you watch the show, you can really see the way he behaves and how it relates back to the trauma he's had to go through for literally half of his life. he's stuck in survival mode, and has really had the TRUST NO ONE thing hammered in hard. i think that's a vital part of his character that shouldn't be overlooked.
it's really, really easy for the majority to misinterpret ford as this stuck up asshole who thinks he knows more than everyone, but he kinda DOES know more about bill than everyone. he and bill were close, and i don't really like the way he's boiled down to being an asshole. try to have a braincell or two firing when you watch the show.
this post reads very angrily, but it's moreso directed at the people i've spoken to who hate ford for the reasons i touched on above. nobody has to like him, but you really gotta look into why he does what he does and THEN tell me why you don't like him. cause if it comes down to "he was mean" i'm just gonna assume you don't realize how traumatized people or autistic people behave. (again, my personal interpretation of ford is that he's autistic.)
idk man i love the guy and i hate to see him being done so dirty by the fan base. take care and remember that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LIKE HIM! THESE ARE MY DEFENSES FOR ARGUMENTS I SEE AGAINST HIM! no one is gonna force you to like fictional character no. 300 on tumblr dot com! jesus christ. ily and hopefully this reaches the target audience
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