#asoiaf especulation
befooremoonrisee · 3 months
i just realized that probably in twow as soon as euron approaches oldtown the hightower flame will burn in green
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lucyskywalker · 4 years
Is there any chance for Arya become queen in the books?
Yes, there are plentiful.
Lady StoneHeart with Robb's crown, the Brotherhood without Banners, all of them in the Riverlands, and the most important piece, Nymeria with her pack carring all her meaning of leadership and queenship to parallel her "owner" is also in the Riverlands.
Another hint: Robb's will. Since Rickon, Bran and Jon are presumed dead(the last one is actually really dead by all we know), Sansa being the last in line because of Robb's Will(again, is not because Robb dislike Sansa, or didn't want her. It's about politics. Sansa IS Lady Lannister, and Robb is a king fighting against the Lannisters, he cant let the enemy have the right of his kigdom when/if he dies) there is only Arya left.
The North is fighting for Arya's name not Jeyne's , during her time as a kid in Winterfell, she loved to sit with her father and hear her people, the northmen knows her, her connection with the smallfolk, her connection with the north, the old gods talking to her, she fits perfectly in Varys description of what a ruler should be, she parallels a lot of Targaryens in some way. In the law of Westeros, Arya is the currect Lady of Winterfell, (or do you really think the North would recognize and fight for the Poole's name? That Ned's Precious little girl is someone called Jeyne?) You can actually see that "Lady of Winterfell" is in Arya's profile page, into the ASOIAF wiki, together with the princess one. If there is nothing related to Arya, why this title would be in her page?
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The pieces are there, Arya is not going to be in Braavos for much longer, I guess she will come back to Westeros right when she hears that Jon Snow is dead.
There are some holes, I know, but this is not a meta. I dont see Sansa becoming queen, especially when Petyr is trying to make her Lady of the Vale, and her lack of leadership foreshadows. Anyway, this is just a especulation, in a meta I would use the passages from the books, and the links for the parallels I mentioned, and as you can see, this is not the case.
Good night.
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itsediadmlove · 5 years
I’ve never believed I had any right to be angry at GRRMartin for the endgame he was going to provide us, nor about the time he took on writting, I’ve always believed ASOIAF to be his creation and should be so until the very end, and I still do. I’m neither writting to put any blame on the Ds about such a thing as the endgame. Yet, despite of the direction the story finally took I believe I can put some blame on them, again not for the outcome but for the shit they have made beyond that.
D&D: There are several things I’m more than willing to blame them about.
1- The way they spent HBO money and OUR time. Again this is not about the story itself but the way they organized this season. We all knew there were only 6 episodes left and a full lot of shit to do, so things being rushed coud be anticipated. Apparently (cause I don’t know) they were given the chance to make a 10 episodes season and they choosed not to because they thought it wasn’t needed, and they were maybe right and still what they did was absolutely unsatisfying. Why? For me it’s pretty simple, they didn’t gave themselves enough time to build up things the right way. But the truth being said, even if they had 10 fucking episodes they would have messed up. The problem was not the amount of minutes this season but how they used it, at some point they missed the concept of the show they were running. GOT/ASOIAF can be setted in a medieval fantastic world, it can be an epic story, but what it has always been is a political thriller. Yet those dickheads choosed to spend 1/3 of the remaining onscreen time (and probably 2/3 of the budget they were trusted with) in fucking long battles (if KL destruction can even be called a battle). As far as I remember, the longest battle that have taken place in the books was when Stannis attacked KL, in the books I remember it took like 6 chapters (3 of them were Sansa’s who wasn’t even in the battle), readers felt disappointed about how shitty the battle of the blackwater was back in season 2, yet we understood the show’s timetable needed to be done with it quickly and the budget was the one of a TV show with a huge amount of characters so we wern’t very bothered by it. GOT/ASOIAF have never been about battles,  those are things that just happen and it’s awful yes, but have never been the main core of the story and yet they spent such a huge amount of time on them when the show had so little time to get a closure,I REPEAT MYSELF 1/3 of our time, I believe the most of the money for what? Two fucking long battles which were not amazing at all (Drogon blowing up KL was beautiful yes, but never worth 45 minutes of my time). SO NO, IT’S NOT THINGS WERE RUSHED BECAUSE OF THE TIME LEFT, THEY WERE RUSHED BECAUSE THEY BETRAYED THE ESSENCE OF THE SHOW THEY WERE RUNNING BY SPENDING TOO MANY TIME IN SOMETHING THAT DOESN’T MOVE THE STORY LINE FURTHER AND EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER ARC PAID FOR IT.
2- The broken trust. This 2 morrons were given the chance by the very GRRMartin to be the first to deliver the endgame of the most intriguing and complex story I’ve ever watched or read. They had a responsability toward him and again they failed. THE FUCKING FINALE WAS ACTUALLY LEAKED. I mean, this on itself is an insult to the kind of show they were supposed to do, a treason to all the time GRRMartin spent on writting his books. It’s not what the endgame was, to be frustrated about how life works it’s granted on GOT/ASOIAF. But letting it to be leaked, not just one episode, but all of them... Letting the more discussed, argued, especulated show in history end to be leaked is something I can’t forgive them for.
3- Setting things up that never paid off: I just felt that every single camera focus, political conflict... Was set for nothing... GOT has never been like that, the truth was hidden by the scrypt but told on how the show was actually plaid. Never got a Sansa/Cersei/Dany display and, no matter who of them you stand, just that was frustrating. Non epic dialogues, instead we got 10 minutes of council unimportant small talk (not even about politics) and brothel joking (THE FUCK???). Even if someone tries to say something of the like that it was all to subvert expectations all of that was ruined because they let the fucking endgame to be spoiled. It felt that it was all for nothing but fuck us, and if it was that way well, then it was all for fan disservice which is even wworse than fan service because no one gets satisfied about it. Tenth of minutes of threats, angsty looks, anticipation, political moves, drama, plot, build up made garbage which actually means that the most true moments to the show were battles which is just..................................................................................... ehem. This season battles became what were never meant to be and the rest of it was just nothing at all.
Now, enough with the D&D criticism, I don’t want to go any further and the cast was amazing: Emilia really got me this season, she is way better of what I ever thought her to be, magnificient work for you, Sophie as good as always, Kit you did all that could be done with just as little as they gave you (your BoW sequence while running in the courtyard was amazing and never expected less since the BoB), Lena my only complaint is that I missed you as much as Jaime missed Cersei (Cersei may be the one character that was better in the show than in the books; the scripts plaid their part but so you did)... And so on. You did amazingly all along and YOU can be proud; you all were the best part of it.
Let’s go to GRRMartin. As I said above I’m ok with the ending being such, not the one I would have picked but well, I dont get to chose, isn’t it? I’ve always been amazed by just how realistic the story was, how cynical you are yourself, how complex every character you designed has been and how you brought it together to make a story that made sense, a story that was always able to make you expect things that never happen and yet, with the given time, would reveal to go in a far more logical way making you understand, accept and keep going with it... Maybe I am wondering because I know I would never get a further explanation, clue or hope, but for someone who have always remained true to pracmatism, realism and individualism of his characters there are a few things I actually can’t understand, not as a reader/watcher, nor as a political scientist.
Things I can understand:
-Jon going to the wall: I guess Grey Worm demanding it was true to Grey Worm’s character, he did bullshit for 2 seasons, and actually doing the very same mistake as Robb or even worse (he fell in love with a dangerous and unstable mass murderer who was ready to burn his family alive, or at least, that is what the show told us). He deserves it for knowing nothing and yet managing to forget the half of it. Yet, if Grey WWorm leaves with the unsullied... Why would he carry on his sentence... This is GOT but well, as the show putted it, it makes some sense for him to carry his sentence to the end, but George, book Jon is not this kind of honorable man who goes for honor but a dutifull bastard able to betray every single oath he once took for the greater good. Good luck pulling that off.
- Dany dying: Again, Dany falling to her extremely dark side has been very foreshadowed in both the books and the show, she has done horrendous things, a lot of people has, my personal problem with her is that, half of the times, such cruelty was absolutely unnecessary. Yet Dany stans do have a point; Dany suddenly falling for that side of her coin just because a few persons that were close to her died and people not cheering for her was extremely poor. That woman who (unwillingly) killed her husband and unborn baby, led a bunch of ill, old people as well as children through a dessert while watching them die... Going nuts for such childish reasons is pittysome for her character. Most of your character have always been grey, even the ones we perceived as evil were given the chance to prove their humanity, even while doing terrible things, they had the chance to be sympathetic to us, and we were given the chance to know the most of them and agree even with some of their worst accomplishments. This season Daenerys (who I repeat I haven’t liked for 4 seasons already) was definitely going to go dark, but she was deshumanized while doing it, in a way that was impossible to understand and yet hard to call madness. I hope you do better about her because I want to think that it was all Ds’ fault (I’ve had a hard time deciding who to blame about this) giving her to much screen time and yet being unable to make us understand wtf was going on with her so suddenly (there is a huge difference between being sad or angry and burning small folks from a dragon for 45 minutes, maybe 5 mins of it until realizing what she is doing, 5 mins on a dragon back is more than enough time to burn a huge amount of people, and that is reason enough not to support her as a queen). The problem is not that build up, anticipation, foreshadowing, that was done, but just how much of a villain she became to just not give a frikking damn about all this innocents life, or not expressing a single regret (what she did in the books after randomly eviscerating and crucifying alive 163 defeated persons in the main square of Meereen in front of their families until the rot enough to fall apart, yes mates, it was just that cruel).
- Grey Worm: all in him made sense; leaving (why would he stay???) wanting  some punishment for his queen’s traitors... But the fact he was actually believing one of those traitors to actually carry out his sentence because said traitor promised? Because his family promised not to give him any shelter?
- Bran being king; well... I understand and I don’t. The truth being said he knows how to fucking play the game without getting his hands any dirty, when he told Tyrion that this was the main reason he went down south I just thought that he actually could do a nice job there, that is Bran for us all people.
- Democracy... bullshit: I didn’t like how it was pushed away as an option, it was almost like a joke which makes sense from a feudal lord perspective but the actual truth is quite different. Democracy never works in a non posmaterialist society; desinformation, lack of stability or knowledge, extreme supersticion... Who would believe the people from the bread riot were worthy of having a vote that would decide the future of the realm, such people are extremely manipulable as it happenned with the high sparrow, or how it is remembered Baelor the Saint, one of the worst kings the seven kingdoms ever had.
Things I can’t understand:
- Northern independence... and Bran as a King: Why would the north be independent? I come from the Jonsa fandom to all of you and they were a huge amount of people there wanting it but it made no sense. It has been the very first fucking time in seasons that I’ve felt like beating Sansa. One king is peace, and in future generations, moreso with the crown working as it does now, wars between the north and the suth will start again, leading to more disasters, come on George... Does the north really deserve independence? Have they suffered more than anyone else? Some people seem to believe so but it’s not true. During Aegon conquest the north was the part of the 7kingdoms which suffered the less because Torrhen Stark kneeled on time before any battle took place. There have been 2 cultural groups that have suffered Targaryens far more than northerners and just as culturally differentiated from the andals as northerners are. Those are Dornish (Rhoynars), who are famous for resisting Targaryen rule for centuries until Daeron the good succeeded in diplomacy by marrying a dornish princess and giving princess Daenerys in marriage to the prince of Dorne. They have their own succession system (far more advanced that the rest of Westeros). Have they recently suffered less George? Because, if you are going to go with some random prince of Dorne which was never introduced (I expect you not to) that would mean that all prince Doran, Arianne, Quentyn (already happenned), Trystan, Oberyn and Sandsnakes would all be dead by then. And finally the Ironborns: they are first men, they have their own religion and culture, they suffered the first attack from Aegon the conqueror (King Harren the Black was the king of the Iron Islands) remained independent even longer than Dorne (the hedge knight short stories and their mention to Dagon Greyjoy prove me right) and their family has recently fought 2 wars in order to get it back (Balon rebellion and the five kings war). In such wars both of Balon’s oldest son died and Theon was taken as a hostage for his whole life, and in the second, castrated and tortured because of it. So George... And Sansa, why should the north remain independent while the rest doesn’t? Sansa is Bran fucking sister, she is related to him in a closer way than any other fucking lord and yet she is the only one not to accept him as King? THE ACTUAL FUCK? I mean why would anyone else remain in the 7 Kingdoms if the north doesn’t? How can any lord accept such bullshit when they are not related to him and his bloody sister doesn’t? How can anyone defend Bran as a King when he accept such a thing and still say he is unbiased or fair? His actually best lordship support comes from the fucking north! How can Bran first act as a King be accepting his authority to be jeopardize in such a way? I need you to explain it way better on the books George, I really do, because right know it feels like an experiment that would last 2 days and end with Bran and his council heads on spikes.
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lucyskywalker · 4 years
Right, what if Arya goes to White Harbor first? Idk if it is gonna happen, but if the trigger for her coming back to Westeros is Jon's death, wouldn't it be more plausible if she sails North first, and then, after Ramsay be *uhum*,gently killed and his soul be tortured for eternity in the seven hells, they go to the Riverlands? Bran would be in Winterfell with Rickon, because there should always be a Stark in Winterfell, and who is better to take care of the situation than the three eyed raven? After a few months to recover the army from Ramsay's battle and a bit of the shit winterfell folk had passed, yada, yada, they can go south. Sansa being in the Vale, possibly already killed Petyr and married to Harwin, would she probably meet them? Or maybe, she would try to contact Bran first? It is more plausible, since Sansa do not have the best relationship with Jon and Arya in the books.
It makes more sense, right?
And by Robb's will, Jon is his heir, and will probably be crowned king. And where the crown is ? In the Riverlands.
So, the Vale is helping the North with supriments, the Riverlands serve only the North.
F!Aegon is already trying to conquer the Seven Kingdoms, the Stormlands and Dragonstone is his, while the Lannisters sit with Casterly Rock, Red Keep and the High Garden.
Possibly the realm will be divided during a long time till Dany comes to Westeros with Dragons, what can take a year, or two. We know that she will join forces with the North.
Where to put Dorne, tho? What will happen when they find out F!Aegon is not Elia's son? Treason? Is this what will kill f!aegon? It makes kind of sense, since I do not see neither Doran or the Sand Snakes be happy with someone playing be a part of the family, much less Elia's supposed dead son. What will happen with Dorne?
Would be interesting to see Dorne joining force with the North, because would be like Cercei being trapped in her own game.
Her view that all people out of the Lannister put her in this situation. She made enemies out of everyone, till all she has is the Red Keep.(Because if Tyrion join forces with Dany, I can totally see him coming for Casterly Rock)
I do not see Dorne joining force neither with the North, for obvious reasons(Lyanna/Rhaegar/Jon) or Dany(Quentyn Martell, and I know it wasn't Dany's fault or wish, but it happend, and the Dornish actually do not forget), if F!Aegon be killed/eliminated from the Great Game. Dorne is a Joker card in all of it.
Where the others come? Before or after Cercei is eliminated? In wich side Highgarden will be seeing all of it? Will they betray Cercei, or will Cercei kill Margaery as she did in the show?
I really want everyone against Cercei. Because she always tought to be so smart, but all the time, she was making her own grave.
Im anxious.
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