alicenthightowerrp · 2 months
Gathering Delicacies
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--- starter with @rideroftheredqueen
It had not been her first choice to begin such a secretive mission; one that she had even kept her children from being privy to. A large part of her desired to fall back on the plan she and the Queen who never was had formed but she could not do such a thing; a moment of weakness was not something the Dowager Queen could afford. It had brought her a small amount of comfort to bring one of the esteemed King's guard; Ser Rickard Thorne with her. Delicately, Alicent reached for the parchment that had made itself at home on her large, wooden desk that held many trinkets. The list of ingredients as well as other delicacies, such as flowers and silk were listed in her sweet, looped handwriting.
A soft sigh escaped her as Alicent began to fold the piece of paper before placing it in her cloak. It was not something the Queen often worn and had only done so once in the past when Helaena had not settled but the cold evening air seemed to do the trick. A smile tugged on her lips at those memories as she buttoned the cloak with ease; the hood falling down her back for now. The soft lilac colour of the Queen's dress followed her as she gracefully moved towards her bed. The gold, seven pointed star laid in the setting sun light as her fingers itched to take it. Alas, just as the green was removed from her attire; as were the religious markings the Queen was known for. Alicent did not understand the slow wave of near peace as she gently placed the jewel - her mother's jewel away for safe keeping.
"Your grace - the Princess Rhaenys." Rickard's deep, familiar voice came into her chambers and Alicent realised she had been staring out of the window longer than she thought. "Yes, let her in." Alicent ordered as her hands slowly brushed down her sides as if the non-existent wrinkles would return. The Queen placed her hands behind her back as she stepped forward to the middle of the room to greet her guest.
Alicent had allowed herself one comfort for the trip; her mother's gold ring that she began to play with as the large, wooden door etched with Targaryen history opened.
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rhaenaspearls · 3 months
The Taste of Your Lips is My Idea of Luxury
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(Closed starter for @aemond-one-eyed)
His voice echoed in her mind for five days straight.
"No thanks needed Princess, I am glad I could be of help to you." "Because you were busy putting others first, as you always do." “My father is dead…and I fucked up.” "And you're twice as pretty as most people claim." "Thank you, your Highness."
It began the night of the ball to welcome Lady Jeyne's host. Rhaena must've stood dumbfounded in her doorway for a solid thirty seconds, stunned by Aemond's presence, by the gown in his hands, by the fact he had mended it, and even more so that it looked perfect. "I don't know how to begin to thank you," She finally managed to stutter out, taking the black lace and pink pearl gown out of his hands, staring at the garment as if he'd presented her with the same made of solid gold. He had simply smiled, "Promise to wear it...and promise you'll dance with me at least once tonight." "You have my word," she responded breathlessly. Then he left and she slid down the back of the door with the gown still in her hands.
Rhaena lied to her twin and her Muna about how the dress got fixed, telling both her lady-in-waiting and closest friend since the age of six, Lacey Vance, had fixed it that morning. Hours passed the way any typical day would when a ball was to be held that evening, she helped all her siblings get ready, did Baela's cosmetics, and her own hair while her sister repaid the favor, before spending a long while entertaining young heirs, knights, and lordlings all seeking to win her favor, but not searching to know her.
“I was right to want to see you in that dress.” Aemond spoke in barely more than a whisper when he took her next dance with little more than a look towards the heir to House Webber. "You look lovely," She told him, and she meant it, he'd changed into similarly all-black but significantly more formal clothes. After thinking about it for a moment, Rhaena realized this was perhaps the first time she'd ever seen the Prince dressed for an occasion, and it briefly made her breath catch in her throat, just briefly. He stayed with her for two dances, anything else would seem improper, they gossiped lightly about the guests, but mostly passed the time celebrating how perfectly their plans had come to fruition. "I shall see you soon." The tone of his voice made the response to Rhaena pointing out they had reached the end of the time they could properly spend together that night sound like a promise. "I would like that very much, my Prince." Her heart quickened as she used the title, she had said the phrase more times than she could count, but it meant something it never had before; something that no longer meant my liege, but veered closer to my love. Then she walked off to go find Joffrey before Aemond could see her blush.
His voice echoed in her mind for five days straight.
"I'm quite interested in seeing you in it." "If it upsets you, then it does matter." "I think I would trip over your sister again trying to get to our room." "And I'd still rather look a fool than a would-be traitor!" "Then it'll be a pleasure to see you again when you are."
Rhaena did not see Aemond the following day, nor had she expected to, and the following was the same, despite a small, quiet part of her secretly hoping that against both odds and logic, she might. That night, however, when her world was fracturing, reforming, and shifting into something entirely new, faster than she could ever even hope to keep up, was the last moment she was anticipating his presence. Yet, in the hours between dusk and daylight, something solidified between the two of them, something she could hold onto as the ground was shifting under her feet faster than quick sand, something that scared her more than she had ever felt before. How terrifying, Rhaena mused in the silence of her room as she dressed to attend The Queen for the first time, To have something that is not mine...and yet...I am desperate to keep.
She found herself willing him to speak to her, longing for it, though she would not admit such a thing even to herself, as she stood beside her father, siblings, and their new Queen in the long hours of Lords renewing their oaths. Rhaena almost called for Aemond as the Throne Room began to clear of it's final occupants to swear their loyalty, but she could not form the words, she could not risk making herself so known in a hall still filled with over a hundred people. Two more days passed and she did not see him, she'd dared to hope they would run into each other when she went to the Dragon Pit to ride with Silverwing, only to silently curse herself that it was a foolish wish to begin with, because Vhagar had been too large to nest in the pit even before her mother had ridden the Queen of Dragons. That was another thing Rhaena could not express, or admit, even to herself; the thought of Vhagar, her mother's dragon, his dragon...he spoke of her the same, begrudgingly fawned over the beast in the way her Lady-Mother had in her youth...Gods his clothes even smelled the same. It was infuriating, intoxicating, and unreasonably, horribly inticing.
Speaking to Rhaenyra about Aemond the night before the funeral was a relief that nearly brought her to tears, and once her Muna offered the advice she believed her mother would've given in the situation, she did cry from the weight of it all. The following day was the funeral, the first public appearance of the new Queen, the beginning of the end of the long, winding road of mourning for the old King...the first time she and Aemond would be in the same place at the same time since the first morning with Viserys gone from the world, and all the implications that came with that. Her mind was made up before she'd even gotten out of bed the following morning, she was going to find Aemond, to speak with him, to come to some sort of understanding, to simply even begin the process of where they were to go from here when his voice has been occupying every corner of her mind for the past five days.
After the procession, the procedure, and propriety of the funeral ceremony, the proceedings had not even officially come to a close, much less had Rhaena gotten the chance to seek out Aemond, when suddenly she heard the sneering voices of several Lords not much older than herself. They were gossiping, and it was with a skip of her heart, that quickly caused a pit to form in her stomach, with which she realized the Lordlings' snide voices were speaking about her. "Have you seen the girl since this last time the King took ill? With Princess Helaena running her own court now and the new Queen too occupied doing two jobs both meant for a man it's no wonder she believes she's holding this place together, I think she actually may be doing so more than anybody'd like to admit. I mean, her Ladyship is clearly used to doing her stepmother's duty, more of a mother to those children her highness seems so determined to continue popping out while dressing like a whore and acting like a man; at least Rhaena seems to have developed the makings of a proper Princess, if only she'd stop to listen to all those people trying to teach her to keep her mouth shut."
His voice had been echoing in her mind for five days straight, so when she turned to confront the Lord who had the audacity to snicker gossip in her earshot, only to hear the Prince's voice, piping up to defend her, her heart nearly stopped. Suddenly his arm was around her waist as the Prince said words she could barely understand, and for the first time in five days, Rhaena was glad to hear Aemond's voice.
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helaenasdreamfyres · 3 months
Moving In
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Character challenge for @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
Challenge: Write a post about your characters apartments/living chambers/bedroom.
(Collaboration with @goldaegontargaryen)
💛🌙 💛
It had only been a few days since Princess Helaena and Prince Aegon arrived on Dragonstone, so the two were still in the process of shaping it up to be their perfect new home. At the current moment, they were focused on their shared chambers, redecorating it to their liking. Their liking included lots of gold, sun and moon patterns, and dragon themed things around the room.
Helaena walked all around the room, studying everything, searching for things she thought might need changing. She felt strange in their new chambers, as it was so different from their old room. The walls were stone, as all the walls were on Dragonstone. She had already taken the time to place some of her own decorations on the walls, which were thin cases of dead bugs that she had collected over the years. A strange thing to display, others had commented, but she knew Aegon did not care, so she kept them up.
She’d already paced around their living area, a luxury to their room they had not had back in Kings Landing. The largeness of their new chambers was almost intimidating to Helaena, as she was so unused to having so much space, she did not know what to do with it.
She knew it was better for the children now, as their bedrooms had doors that led directly to her own. They were free to come and go as they pleased, and they were happy about that. They could spend lots of time in the living area, Helaena thought, and it would be fine. She would eventually warm to everything, is what she kept telling herself. Though, she did truly believe herself, and was optimistic about their new home.
Her examining around the room eventually took her over to their new bed, which seemed bigger than their last bed, at least to her. It was gold, with a gold bed frame, gold pillows, and even gold curtains. She ran her hands across the curtains, pulling on them. They were… gold, which was clear for anyone to see. But they felt as though they were missing something. Helaena looked behind her shoulder, scanning the room for her husband. When her eyes found him, she held the curtains tight.
“Husband, I think I want to make patterns on these, if that is okay with you. Would you please help me get them down?”
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goldaegontargaryen · 3 months
Fear and Accusation: with @alicenthightowerrp
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Barging into his mother’s chambers was a move that lacked subtly, but Aegon was desperate.  Once the shock from realizing his elder sister had been poisoned dissipated, the first thing his mind had turned to, as had many others he assumed, had been to who the perpetrator had been.  Aegon’s personal list of suspects was short and his mother’s name was at the top of the list.  He’d thought she had been acting oddly during the conversation they’d had in the Sept.  She’d been speaking of her own imminent death and had seemed evasive to some of his questions.  He had assumed it was simply his father’s death that had made her seem introspective and nervous, but it could have been something more sinister occupying her thoughts.  Hells, Aegon had even offered her wine.  Had she thought up the plan as Aegon handed over the wine goblet?
Aegon knew he did not look well.  The funeral had taken its toll on him and the stress after the poisoning had already compounded his strained emotions.  He slammed the door shut behind him, already speaking before his mother could say a word.  “Tell me it was not you.  Because if it was, nobody will believe I knew nothing of the plan.  Please mother,” Aegon practically begged.  Deep down, he didn’t truly believe his mother could have done such a thing, but he feared that was a remnant of childhood naivety, the part of himself that would forever be a small boy thinking his mother was the most perfect person in the world.  
Aegon started to pace the floors of his mother’s chambers, thoughts racing and speaking almost as quickly as they came into his head.  “If you did it, they will find out soon enough.  You were a fool not to try and poison Daemon as well.  He will tear this castle apart to find the culprit.  You’ve doomed us all.”  Aegon knew there was no mercy where Daemon was concerned.  If he believed there was even a chance Aegon had known and allowed Rhaenyra to be poisoned, the best he could hope for was to be sent to the Wall.  The reality was likely to be much less pleasant.  Gods and if Rhaenyra died?  Aegon was fairly sure the last bit of Daemon’s humanity would die with her.    Aegon resisted the urge to shudder and forced his mind away from the topic.  It would do him no good to think about right now.  
“I can get all of us out through the tunnels.  You’ll have to ride with either Helaena and I, which I know you won’t like but it’s our only option.  We’ll have to get to Dragonstone as quickly as possible.  Hells, I do not even know where all of my siblings are.”  Rhaenya was likely to be in her chambers, but Daeron and Aemond could be anywhere.  His siblings were less likely to be targets than his own family, but Aegon didn’t plan to leave them to Daemon’s mercy.  Getting their support also helped to guarantee their safety.  Between Vhagar, Dreamfyre, Tessarion, and Sunfyre they would be able to adequately defend Dragonstone until they could perhaps organize an escape attempt to Essos.  
Finally, Aegon paused to take a breath only realizing as he did so that his hands were shaking.  It was like his worst nightmare was coming true.  Even though he was far from next in line to the throne and Rhaenyra’s entire army of children stood between him and kingship, it wouldn’t matter.  Everyone would judge him guilty before he could even open his mouth and defend himself.  There was every chance that the poisoner, if it wasn’t his own mother, was someone who desired his ascension over Rhaenyra’s, which would only make things worse for him when they were caught.  Aegon’s very existence would be causing trouble as it always had.  Though anyone who knew him should have known he wasn’t guilty because Aegon would have never only poisoned Rhaenyra and left Daemon alive and well.  Anyone with a bit of sense would have attempted to assassinate them both instead of leaving Daemon alive to seek vengeance. 
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aemond-one-eyed · 2 months
But Daddy I Love Him
(A scene for the #conflictchallenge within @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood )
Aemond did not have many fears. He hadn’t been afraid when he claimed Vhagar. Hadn’t been afraid when the managled remains of his eye were pulled from his socket. Certainly didn’t have fear when he stole Blackfyre for himself. His Uncle Daemon though… he feared him, and his blood ran cold when a note appeared summoning him to meet the man in the dragonpit. Why did it have to be there? Was it an intimidation tactic? If so, it was working. He considers stalling on his ride to the pit but figures making Daemon impatient in addition to whatever anger he held was worse.
Once at the pit the dragonkeepers are no where to be found, just Daemon and Caraxes in the main area. The blood wyrm spots him before his Uncle does, the unusual looking beast letting out a whistle like growl that sends a chill down Aemond’s spine. Daemon turns to face him.
“Don’t mind him, he’s like you; blind in one eye, you came up on his bad side,” his uncle says as way of greeting as if his dragon wasn’t one of the most terrifying ones alive.
“I’m assuming you didn’t ask me here to go on a ride together, as Vhagar doesn’t even fit in the pit,”
“So they didn’t remove your brain when they took your eye? Could have fooled me with how you’ve behaved over the years,”
“You called me down here to insult me? Is Caraxes a test audience before you perform the full show in front of court?” he retorts and is met with a puff of smoke blown in his face.
“Insulting you is just a benefit I get from conversing with you, but no that isn’t the reason. My wife seems to believe in you for some unknown reason… and she doesn’t seem to be the only one who does. Isn’t that right?”
Aemond narrows his eye, trying to assess what Daemon knew. He can only assume word of his courting gift had made its way to Rhaena’s father as much as he had wanted to avoid that.
“Rhaena is a grown woman who can make her own decisions, and she accepted my gift and with it my intentions to court her. Gods know I probably don’t deserve the chance but she has granted it to me,” Aemond says, trying to stand straight and appear calmer than he felt.
“Yes, it is exactly those intentions I’m concerned about. You’ve never shown interest in any of the eligible ladies in court, except for now when you’re wanting for a position in the Queen’s council. Then you suddenly set your sights on the only eligible step daughter she raised as her own. As her father can’t you see my concern?”
“I didn’t expect it either to be honest… I was sent to work with her as punishment for my behavior towards Luke and instead found myself enjoying each day. I would actually look forward to my mornings with her and I don’t ever enjoy mornings,”
Daemon seems to consider this, head cocking to the side and hands resting on the pommel of Dark Sister, “if your intentions are pure as you seem to be claiming, why did I find you asleep next to her in her rooms,”
“I was attempting to guard her and the other ladies after her Grace was poisoned,”
“falling asleep on the job… excellent skills you have then,”
“Oh really? Well at least our clothing was on, everyone in King’s Landing knows the story of you being found in Rhaenyra’s bed causing her to be married off to Laenor—“ his sentence is cut off by Daemon’s hands gripping into the fabric of his tunic and Caraxes head moving so close he could feel the heat radiating off the dragon.
“I’ll suggest you hold your tongue before I find myself removing it,” Daemon sneers and Aemond can only gulp. Okay, maybe he had gone to far in his bravado.
“She is my daughter, I love all my children but my girls hold a special place in my heart. I will NOT see her heart be broken by a poppy addicted, eye patch wearing, sad excuse of a man,”
Aemond’s gaze casts downward before he looks back up to meet Daemon’s, “I’m cutting back on the poppy. I’m trying to be better… I want to be better FOR her,” he replies. His earnestness must come through in his voice because his Uncle’s eyes widen slightly, his hands releasing his tunic and smoothing out the fabric. He gives him a pat on the shoulder, “Keep trying then. Thats what matters, that’s all I needed to know. Ask the Maester for willow bark tea, will help you with your pain especially while you’re adjusting to taking normal doses of poppy,”
He nods his head, “I’ll do that, thank you,”
“Off you go now, before I change my mind and have you roasted,” Daemon says and Aemond nearly sprints out of the dragonpit and back to the Keep. Not the morning he had expected, but at least he had all his body parts still attached and his life intact.
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thedaringprince · 2 months
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starter for @rideroftheredqueen
“Thank you, for stepping up,”
Daeron Targaryen was always kinder than most of his brothers. He was well-mannered and was seen to enjoy the idea training with his nephews.
When he was in King’s Landing, he had seen the famous black-haired princess Rhaenys always watching them train.
She was his aunt and from time to time he always watched her looking over at them. He always was intrigued by his aunt’s hair.
And he one day had the courage to ask her to do his hair. From then on, Daeron had started to get his hair braided from the Princess.
Now Daeron was older… he was taught to do braids in his own hair, but he had seen his Aunt Princess Rhaenys around the corner.
“Auntie Rhaenys!” He called out… as he gently sprinted to see her. the boy now in his 20s smiled at her, happy to see her.
The joy of the person who constantly did his hair, taught him to do his hair, made him happy. He approached her and giving his Aunt a kiss on the cheek.
“Just like old times… would you have the honors of doing my hair again…?” the prince asked looking at his aunt.
He liked it, he actually loved it, and he only let her touch his hair. Rhaenys was the mother who somewhat felt like she cared for him.
Though they never saw each other as often as they liked, when they did…. the prince always had his request from his aunt.
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Wanted Character Connection
Abigail Tully
Oscar Tully is searching for his sister Abigail Tully for @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
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The youngest child and only daughter of Lord Elmo and Lady Jenny Tully, Abigail is 16. She is known to be a talented poet and singer, charming, adept in her courtesies, and very fond of dogs, of which she has four; two mid-sized hounds named Monty and Jaunty, a pug, Thistle, and a long-bodied, rat-catcher dog called Bread. As she has recently come of age, she has been sent to accompany Ser Kyle to the capital and the upcoming coronation of the new Queen in hopes she may find a similarly high-stationed marriage match. Though sociable and good-natured, Abigail is known to have an overtly nervous nature, and prefers the company of her dogs and her mother to any peers her own age.
(Suggested faceclaim is Maria Merryweather in The Secret of Moon Acre)
Abigail is also wanted by @callmekyledamnit
To learn more about House Tully, click here!
We are a No-Dance!AU and politics, family, and court-drama focused RP. To join, check out our main site, DM us with any questions, then send us a raven app, and join our Discord!
Feel free to DM this blog or my main blog @goldaegontargaryen if you have any additional questions or if you want to talk about the RP!
Note: Character name, traits, and faceclaim are suggestions and can be reworked to a certain extent if discussed with the current members of the RP!
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calla-celtigar · 4 months
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creatures of the sea
a dialogue within @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood, a closed starter with @daltongreyjoy-asoiaf-rp
The crab and the kraken. Lady Calla Celtigar did not miss the irony of her meeting in the beauty of the Red Keep’s lush gardens, the season leading to the bloom of intricate red and yellow flowers. Calla had been fond of the gardens since the day she arrived in King’s Landing many years ago. There were few flowers on Claw Isle, more stone and moss than flower and wood. However, King’s Landing tamed beasts in these gardens, both man and animal. Calla Celtigar was curious to see if it would do the same to Lord Greyjoy, the infamous Red Kraken. 
Her small fleet of trading ships had sent word-filled trepidation over the arrival of some of the Greyjoy fleet. Dalton Greyjoy had made an impression across Westeros, even to her Celtigar men who solely traveled the Narrow Sea. She heard the omens of ships with black and gold squids. But Calla did not fear Dalton Greyjoy due to his purpose of travel. The lords of Westeros had come to swear loyalty before to the dragon. Perhaps the kraken could not be tamed, but he could be made to bow.
Calla pondered these thoughts as she winded through the rows of shrubbery and curated flowers, politely nodding to the other ladies of the court who walked past. It had been some time since she had the moment to enjoy the space due to her duties to Princess Rhaenyra, and it was clear that her absence had been noted. However, the ladies kept their distance in the path due to the hunting hound that padded beside her. Her maids had tended to Moddey as best they could, but her old hound preferred her company in such places as this. His grey fur had been soft under her fingertips as she walked, and the dog instinctively leaned on the folds of her velvet dress as she turned a corner. Moddey had always been quiet as a shadow, but he made his presence known by physical touch. She had wondered how Moddey had ever been a trained wolf hound until she looked at the scars that marred his muzzle. Many of the pelts Lord Bartimos displayed in his court Moddey had a part in her grandsire's travels to Crackclaw Point and beyond.
The hound was a predator in the garden and not the only one as Calla set her eyes upon the Lord of the Iron Islands. He looked all the parts of the Greyjoys she had both heard and read about. He was hewn out of dark sea stone, unyielding and weathered. She looked over him, memorizing the details she could only imagine before this encounter.
“Lord Greyjoy.” Calla stepped forward to him with a deep incline of her head, her ringed hands wrung behind her back. There was no smile on her face but neutral respect for one of the realm's most powerful lords. Rarely had a Celtigar interacted with a Greyjoy in history.
“I appreciate the time you have taken to meet with me today.” She waved a hand forward, beckoning him forward as she began to walk down an alternate path, Moddey trailing behind her now with dark eyes. She turned her head to Dalton, pearls swaying in her hair as she did so. Two creatures of the sea, walking on land because of duty.
“I hope the city and the Red Keep are treating you and your family well.” Calla had done her research before preparing this meeting with him, learning the number of his wives and his children. The Red Keep would be crawling with krakens in the coming days. She had already heard the whispers in the halls of the castle. The children were uncouth and illborn, and their father a vicious heathen. Calla was curious about what Lord Greyjoy would do when the words came to his ear. But those were words of the future and in no way the purpose of her arranged meeting.
“Do you enjoy history, Lord Greyjoy?” Calla let the question hang in the air as they walked, the stone clicking under their feet as they slowly moved forward. Perhaps he would appreciate a blunt offer, but she sensed otherwise when treating with the man who paid the Iron Price.
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rideroftheredqueen · 2 months
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“Our Queen to be,” Rhaenys remembered the tenderness in which her grandmother had said the words. Not only once, but repeatedly all through her childhood. The Red Keep had been as much of a home as Dragon Stone had. The halls had been her playground. The Throne Room had been her school room, where she had learned of all the lords and strongholds.
Her footsteps echoed as she stepped into the Throne Room. Empty, quiet. It no longer felt quite as free as it had when she was young and sitting on her grandfather’s knee. A soft chuckle rose to from her throat, what a distraction she must have been. Rhaenys stepped closer to the Iron Throne. Her father hadn’t lived long enough to ascend to the throne. Would her place in court be different if he had? Rhaenys wasn’t sure, wasn’t sure she even wanted it to be different.
Rhaenys turned to look at the pillar depicting her beloved grandfather. She was the oldest descendent and now she and Corlys were the only ones left. She grabbed her gloves from her belt, her intend to go down to Meleys and take her out, however her feet had carried her to the Throne Room, as her mind had wandered off.
Starter for @black-queen-rising
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Greetings and a very happy weekend to everyone in our lovely, incredible, spectacular court! There have been some changes in the line up of our court so here are all our latest updates 💜
Due to player choice, inactivity, or other unforseen circumstances please wish farewell and unfollow: @wardenofeast @ladyregallioness @cassandrabaratheons @thegoldenlionc
The following roles and faceclaims are now open:
Lady Paramount Jeyne Arryn Lady Johanna Westerling-Lannister Lady Cassandra Baratheon (Eldest daughter of Lord Borros and Lady Elenda) Lady Cerissa Lannister (Third daughter of Lord Jason and Lady Johanna)
Ecem Sena Bayir Phoebe Fox Bruna Marquenzie Maria Valverde
New members have joined our court! Please give them a warm welcome and follow:
@johxnnxshusbxnd @payapreciouspenny @effie-bracken @theprincessofd0rne @little-griffin-jocie-connington
The following roles and faceclaims are now taken:
Lord Jason Lannister Lady Penny Greyjoy (Youngest daughter of Lord Dalton Greyjoy) Lady Emphyria "Effie" Bracken (Youngest daughter of Lord Humphrey Bracken) Ruling-Princess Aliandra Martell Lady Jocelyn Connington (Daughter of Lady Daisy Connington (neé Wylde) and the Late Ser Robin Connington)
Max Brown Brooke Carter Lily James Anya Chalotra Robyn Betterbridge *Nettles' faceclaim was changed from Sennia Nanua to Abbie Hern
Full blog roll under the cut! ~ With Love, Mod Ivory 💜💜
@black-queen-rising - Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen @rogueprincedaemontarg - King-Consort Daemon Targaryen @aegontheyoungprince - Prince Aegon III Targaryen @princeviserystargaryen00 - Prince Viserys II Targaryen @visenyatargaryen-ii - Princess Visenya Targaryen
@alicenthightowerrp - Dowager-Queen Alicent Hightower @goldaegontargaryen - Prince Aegon Targaryen of Dragonstone @helaenasdreamfyres - Princess Helaena Targaryen of Dragonstone @shrxkxs - Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen of Dragonstone @jaeheratargaryen - Princess Jaehaera Targaryen of Dragonstone
@moondancer-rp - Princess Baela Targaryen @rhaenaspearls - Princess Rhaena Targaryen @notatargaryenbastard - Crown-Prince Jacaerys Velaryon @princeluce - Prince Lucerys Velaryon (On-Hiatus) @princejoffreyvelaryon - Prince Joffrey Velaryon
@aemond-one-eyed - Prince Aemond Targaryen @thefallenprincesss - Princess Rhaenya Targaryen @thedaringprince - Prince Daeron Targaryen
@rideroftheredqueen - Princess Rhaenys Targaryen-Velaryon @lordhusband - Lord Corlys Velaryon @calla-celtigar - Lady Calla Celtigar @sersteffondarklyn - Lord-Commander Steffon Darklyn @femme-piquante - Nettles
@bloodybenjicot - Ser Benjicot Blackwood @oscartullyofriverrun - Ser Oscar Tully @roslinstrong - Lady Roslin Frey @sabithafrey-rp - Lady Sabitha Frey @alyofraventree - Lady Alysanne "Aly" Blackwood (On-Hiatus)
@goldenclarice - Lady-Regent Clarice Tyrell @stunningladysam - Lady Samantha "Sam" Hightower @sweetleilarowan - Lady Leila Rowan
@daltongreyjoy-rp - Lord Dalton Greyjoy @theredripper - Toron Greyjoy @sirenalannysgreyjoy - Alannys Greyjoy @rodrickgreyjoy-rp - Rodrick Greyjoy @payapreciouspenny - Penny Greyjoy
@johxnnxshusbxnd - Lord Jason Lannister @cerellelannister2 - Lady Cerelle Lannister @tysharalannister - Lady Tyshara Lannister @celiamarbrand - Lady Celia Marbrand @josswesterling - Joss Westerling
@thecleverestorm - Lady Maris Baratheon @lady-ellyn-of-the-storm - Lady Ellyn Baratheon @theladydaisy - Lady Daisy Connington @little-griffin-jocie-connington - Lady Jocelyn Connington @jonswann - Ser Jon Swann (On-Hiatus)
@sercorwyn - Ser Corwyn Corbray
@creganstarkrp - Lord Cregan Stark @torrhen-manderly - Torrhen Manderly @manderlypearl - Lady Erena Manderly (On-Hiatus)
@theprincessofd0rne - Ruling Princess Aliandra Martell
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black-queen-rising · 4 months
House of Memories
(Closed starter for @helaenasdreamfyres)
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The hours that sat between dusk and true night hung long in the transition from spring to summer where the seasons had been sitting for nigh on half a year. Helaena, Aegon, the rest of Rhaenyra's younger half siblings, and their whole household arrived back at the Red Keep the day before; returned to King's Landing for the first time since they were officially named Prince and Princess of Dragonstone by the Princess-Hand's own decree. The latest, and largest, show of good faith in the long string of promises, compromises, and peace offerings she'd orchestrated in the hopes her efforts would sate those who wished to go against her father's will and seat Aegon on the throne no matter the cost to The Realm.
It was no secret Rhaenyra missed Helaena most when their family split apart once more after all sharing a roof for nearly a decade since their father made her hand, not to either of them, the rest of their house, or anyone in the court not too distracted by spreading rumors about how they must loathe each other behind the scenes; because of course, isn't that what all women do? Rhaenyra let out a quiet laugh at the thought, contemplating how much she truly had missed her sister in their time away, and now they're here, and all she had to do was wait for Helaena to see her own children off to bed before they'd have a chance to speak freely with one another—as the pair had agreed earlier that day—her patience for waiting has seemed to vanish into thin air.
If the new Targaryens of Dragonstone had only returned to the Red Keep for some celebration or event, to celebrate Queen Alicent's name day, Jacaerys' wedding, perhaps even another babe she's all too aware her siblings were unlikely to have—but hoped they may have decided to pursue after all, as the comfort of their family island had inspired in her what now felt like half a life time ago—the only thing testing her patience would be the giddy nerves that catalyzed her whenever events and visitors descended upon King's Landing. However, the circumstances of their father's rapidly deteriorating health, what it meant for the realm, and the swarms of nobles all crowding into the capital expected to mourn the fall of a King and celebrate the rise of a Queen in equal parts have created countless more complicated emotions to eat at the Rhaenyra's resolve.
Persistent, pounding, perpetual worry for their father, their family, Helaena as much, and perhaps more than all the rest, was the fruit of the tree grown by all those inarticulable, awful feelings; Rhaenyra would never hesitate sing her sister's praises, but she was never good with handling stress, even less so at negative emotions, and though she'd never admit such to her, the older Princess had lost sleep in the past few days caught up in the anxiety of knowing grief was not a pain her sister could be protected from any longer, no matter how hard she wished it.
A knock on the door finally roused the Rhaenyra from her worrying. "Sweet sister!" Rhaenyra stands as soon as the guard stationed outside her chambers announces the younger Princess' arrival. She wrapped her arms around her sister gently before she'd barely crossed the threshold, before lead her back towards the sitting area with a gentle smile she hoped would at least conceal her nerves to ensure Helaena wasn't sent scurrying away by her own anxieties. "How are you faring, my love, and the children? I wish you were all returning under happier circumstances but I...I am happy to see you."
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rhaenaspearls · 3 months
La Vie en Rose
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(A style board for Princess Rhaena Targaryen in the @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood RP)
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helaenasdreamfyres · 4 months
An Anxious Beginning to the Night
Part of @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
( Starter with @goldaegontargaryen )
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Greetings were said, hugs were given, love was shared. The Targaryen family was reunited. That was how things had gone once Aegon and Helaena had come to Kings Landing with their children. The heavy cloud of Viserys’ illness hanging over everyone’s heads was still there, but made lighter and bare-able by their shared bonds. Everything was pleasant, nothing could possibly go wrong, Helaena had thought to herself. That was until she unfortunately remembered it was time to prepare herself for the gathering being held this night.
Pacing around her and Aegons chambers, Helaena looked for something, anything, to do to forget the upcoming gathering. Something that would help someone, something to look at, just anything. Her outfit was already prepared, her hair done, all of the gifts she had made for her loved ones finished. There was nothing to do but wait, and waiting made her more anxious than she already was.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to see everyone, she was more than happy to talk to her family members. It was that there were more than just her family members coming, people she didn’t know. People who would look at her, stare at her, expect a response when they asked a question. Even when she’d practice talking to others by staring in the mirror and pretending her reflection was someone else, it never worked. Helaena would mess things up, become tongue tied, and embarrass herself every time.
She knew hiding behind her husband wouldn’t be an appropriate way to present herself at this event, but it was appealing nonetheless. She continued to move from place to place in the room, looking at every detail, brushing away any small amount of dust, moving any item that didn’t look quite right where it was.
She had almost forget Aegon was there with her, when she felt his presence next to her. “Oh! Husband, is there anything you need me to do for you?” She smiled big, but didn’t quite look him in the eyes. “I just finished getting ready, can I help you prepare?”
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goldaegontargaryen · 3 months
Safe Harbor: with @thedaringprince
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It had taken some time, but celebrations had slowly crept their way back into the Red Keep.  There were namedays to be celebrated and many lords felt it was a blow to their egos to let the day go by uncelebrated.  Many of the events had been made smaller than usual in “concession to the Queen’s recovering health,” but that had seemed to simply mean there would be two cakes served instead of three.  In truth, once the castle had recovered from the shock of the poisoning and the other lords had decided they weren’t in harm’s way, many of the Red Keep’s daily activities had gone back to normal.  
For once, Aegon wasn’t in the mood for a party.  He didn’t want to pretend to care that some random lord was a year older or resist the urge to tell said lord another nameday simply meant he was a year closer to being dead.  But already, his absence to the returning events at the Red Keep had been noticed.  Some chalked it up to simple anxiety because of his sister’s poisoning, but others whispered it was a sign of guilt.  As baseless as the rumors were, Aegon didn’t want to continue to feed them so he forced himself to dress up and make an appearance.  
The moment he stepped into the room, however, the lights and the people seemed to make his head spin.  He did not want to be here.  He had not been feeling well.  Ever since the poisoning, he’d been carrying around the weight of unceasing stress on his shoulders that only seemed to get worse the longer the poisoner evaded capture.  Aegon didn’t feel particularly charitable to any of these people and didn’t want to spend time socializing with them.  What he wanted was to be curled up under the covers of his bed with a glass of wine close at hand to help him think and worry about nothing at all.  
Just as he was about to truly despair over his situation, he spotted Daeron across the room.  Aegon let out a sigh of relief, quickly pushing through the crowd so he could reach his brother.  “Daeron,” he said, his voice holding a tinge of desperation, uncaring that he had interrupted whatever conversation his brother had previously been having.  “I need something to drink.  Desperately.”  He quickly looped his arm through his brother’s, tugging him in a random direction with the hope that was where the refreshments table was located.
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aemond-one-eyed · 4 months
I Can Fix Him (No Really, I Can)
(Closed starter for @rhaenaspearls)
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The first morning waking up in his old chambers made Aemond feel uncomfortable and strange to say the least the circumstances as to why he was back in the Red Keep only made it stranger. It was no secret that Viserys would be dead soon, the latest report he'd heard insinuated the King was functioning no better than an infant by now. His older sister would soon be the Realm's first Queen, and he and his siblings would no doubt be shunted back to Dragonstone shortly thereafter. He hoped he would ultimately be successful in his attempts to convince Rhaenyra to appoint him to her small Council, potentially as Master of Wars if she did as everyone said she would and elevated Daemon to be her new Hand.
If he was being honest, though, he would accept any position she was willing to offer him; Anything to get him off their gods' forsaken family island. To say Aemond was bored there would be a monumental understatement, he spent most of his time reading whatever he could get his hands on, or flying around on Vhagar, but fuck he wanted something to do. He couldn't even participate in tourneys like most second son's did to occupy their time since he'd never been able to stay on a horse after the accident that cost him his eye. He had heard people around Court refer to him as "The Spare's Spare" and as much as it infuriated him, he couldn't mount an argument against it's validity to his own feelings.
He reached over to his side table and grabbed one of his vials of milk of the poppy, downing it before he got on with his day. He knew he should probably be trying to be less dependent on the drug, but he would buckets of it if he was going to get through the upcoming weeks. He finally managed to get himself out of bed and dressed, pulling his eyepatch on last, before leaving to go scrounge around the kitchens for some food. As he was walking down the hall, about to descend the main stairs, he tripped and fell over something. One of the servants must've left left supplies at the base of the stairs in their hurry to prepare for so many guests.
"Who the fuck left something out in the fucking hall?!" He yelled. Then, the supply crate started to cry. Shit...definitely wasn't a supply crate then. He pushed himself up and looked down towards his feet to find one of his sister's many spawn in a sad heap on the floor. Before he got the chance to say anything, though, Rhaena was whirling down the hall towards him, anger written all over her face. She picked the child up, who was apparently named Aemma, and consoled her in her arms for a moment before demanding why he would kick a child.
Aemond only stared at her, astonished, and blinked his one eye a few times, "I'm sorry, you think I kicked the kid?! It's not my fault she was running around unsupervised, if you didn't notice I have one fucking eye! I couldn't see the little one, maybe you shouldn't ne letting her run off so much, we could've both tumbled down all those stairs just from you being a bad nanny." He sneered, then grabbed another vial from his pocket and sucked down a few drops as his foul mood grew even worse.
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jaehaera-targaryen11 · 4 months
Breakfast, with: @alicenthightowerrp
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JAEHAERA TARGARYEN HADN'T SEEN her grandmother, Alicent Hightower, in a long time. Getting used to her new life hadn't exactly been hard, her routine incredibly remained almost the same. She would wake up, her maids would help her prepare her for the day, she would spend some time with her family and eventually she would have her lessons with her septa and tutors. She would, of course, try to run away sometimes to spend time with Morghul.
Jaehaera was sitting in front of her vanity table, one of her maids brushed her golden platinum curls carefully, almost like they were made of pure gold from the Lannister gold mines. Jaehaera took the opportunity and closed her eyes for a few more minutes. After her maid finished putting half of her hair on a valyrian braid and decorating with some simple white flowers she put on a magenta pink dress. Jaehaera smiled politely at her maid, her maid made a courtesy after her and then Jaehaera was escorted to the royal gardens by some guards.
After walking for a few minutes in the Red Keep halls, Jaehaera finally reached the royal gardens. Some flowers were already blooming and coloring the otherwise dull gardens of the Red Keep. Jaehaera definitely prefered Dragonstone to the Red Keep.
Dragonstone was their ancestral seat. Where her family should be. Not in the Red Keep, but they would finally have a ruling queen. Much of the stupidity of her ancestors could be avoided if it was a woman ruling instead of a man. Jaehaera smiled when she finally met her grandmother, Alicent Hightower, after two years. Her red hair was done in a beautiful hairstyle and she was wearing an exquisite emerald green gown — as per usual.
Jaehaera made a courtesy, as her grandmother was still the queen. She then immediately went to give her a hug.
“I miss you.”, Jaehaera proclaimed as she looked up at her grandmother.
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