hetacupid · 1 year
Hetalia Human Names
NOTE: This is my personal interpretation and the names may diverge from canon and established fanon. Also I might update this every so often to make it more accurate, depending on the information I find.
Table of Contents
The Main Characters
Western Europe
Northern Europe
Eastern Europe
Southern Europe
Western Asia
South Asia
East Asia
Southeast Asia
Former nations
The Main Characters
Italy Veneziano: Feliciano Vergano
I chose the name Vergano instead as it keeps the essense of the original surname, but is actually Italian.
Italy Romano: Lovino Vergano
Germany: Ludwig Beilschmidt
Japan: Kiku Honda
Prussia: Gilbert Beilschmidt
America: Alfred Franklin Jones
I like the headcanon of his middle name being "Freedom", but Franklin is my personal favourite.
England: Arthur James Kirkland
I came across this in a fic a while back and never looked back. This man needs a middle name.
France: Francis Bonnefoy
Russia: Ivan Braginsky
China: Yao Wang
Canada: Matthew Williams
Western Europe
Austria: Roderich Edelstein
Belgium: Laura Janssens
Liechtenstein: Erika Vogel
Luxembourg: Henri Janssens
I've also used the name Gabriel before, but it doesn't seem to be used much in Luxembourg, so Henri would be more fitting.
Monaco: Louise Bonnefoy
The name Louise and it's masculine variant, Louis, appear a few times in the Monaguesque royal family.
Netherlands: Willem Janssens
Willem appears a few times in the Dutch royal family, and it sounds a bit older than other suggested names, which reflects his age and general vibes imo. I really like this name.
Switzerland: Sebastian Zwingli
Personally I see his name "Basch" as a nickname for Sebastian. It's also easy to adapt to his official languages: Sebastian/Sébastién/Sebastiano. The Romansh variant would be Bistgaun, but the archaic version seems to be Bastgaun, which is more similar to Basch. I headcanon that he goes by the name "Basch" in all languages to make it more cohesive.
Northern Europe
Denmark: Mathias Rasmussen
I'm from Scandinavia myself and I don't know if it's widespread, but I've heard people say "all Danish people are named Rasmus" more than once, so I like to incorporate that into his surname.
Estonia: Eduard Kaasik
Around 50% of Estonia is covered in forest, and one of the most common tree types is birch. Kaasik is a common surname and means "birch forest".
Finland: Timo Väinämöinen
Iceland: Eiríkur Steinsson
Steinsson means "son of Stein (given name meaning stone)",. Also Emil isn't traditionally Icelandic, but it's widely used. Personally though, I prefer the name Eiríkur.
Latvia: Raivis Bērziņš
The surname Galante corresponds with the modern Latvian opera singer Inese Galante, but I couldn't find anything to suggest it's commonly used or that it's Latvian at all. Bērziņš is one of the most used Latvian surnames and means "birch tree", like Estonia's surname. Personally, I don't see the Baltics as siblings, but I think this would be a cute reference.
Also, based on what I read, surnames became common in Latvia around the 19th century, with Bērziņš being one of them. Latvia could have picked up whatever the people around him (Estonia) was using and made it his own.
Lithuania: Tolys Laurinaitis
Norway: Sigurd Bondevik
Sweden: Berwald Oxenstierna
Eastern Europe
Belarus: Natalya Arlovskaya
Bulgaria: Mihail Petrov Isporov
Isporov is the family name and is derived from an alternative name of Asparukh, the first king of the First Bulgarian Empire.
Czech: Tereza Novakova
Hungary: Erzsébet Héderváry
Moldova: Marcel Popescu
Poland: Feliks Łukasiewicz
Romania: Vladislav Popescu
Slovakia: Jozef Novak
Ukraine: Iryna Chernenko
Southern Europe
Greece: Herakles Karpusi
Portugal: João Silva Ferreira
Spain: Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
Western Asia
Cyprus: Stasinos Karpusi
Stasinos was one of the first European poets who wrote the epic poem Cypria.
Turkey: Sadiq Adnan
TRNC: Tarkan Adnan
South Asia
India: Rajesh Thakur
East Asia
Hong Kong: Leon Wang / Wong Kulung
Macau: Chen Wang
South Korea: Im Yong-soo
Taiwan: Mei Lin
Southeast Asia
Thailand: Prasert Chakri
Vietnam: Lien Nguyen
Cameroon: Emmanuel Mawdo Ahidjo
Many of the most commonly used forenames in Cameroon are of French or English origins, such as Emmanuel.
Mawdo means ‘elder’ in Fulfulde.
Ahidjo refers to the first president of Cameroon.
Egypt: Gupta Muhammad Hassan
Seychelles: Michelle Mancham
Cuba: Carlos Machado Rodríguez
Australia: Daniel Kirkland
New Zealand: Zachary Kirkland
Hutt River: Christopher Kirkland
Kugelmugel: Leopold Edelstein
Ladonia: Erland Oxenstierna
Molossia: Jacob Jones
"JJ" :)
Sealand: Peter Kirkland
Seborga: Romeo Vergano
Okay listen. I have no explaination, I just really like this name. Also, if the names of the trio is Peter, Wendy, and Romeo, they're all named after characters from literature. I think that's fun.
Wy: Wendy Kirkland
Former Nations
Ancient Egypt: Neferure
References the only biological child of Hatshepsut.
Ancient Greece: Helene
Ancient Rome: Marcus Valerius Maximus
Marcus is the praenomina (given name) and refers to how Romulus and Remus were said to have been twins of Mars, the god.
Valerius is the nomen gentilicium (hereditary name) and means “to be strong”.
Maximus is the cognomen and means “the greatest”.
Germania: Alaric
Holy Roman Empire: Otto Beilschmidt
Personally I like the idea that HRE and Germany aren't the same person, but share the same body.
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iamthetruenhaz · 2 years
Today on the Balkans, there is a custom with variations in different countries that celebrates the coming of spring. In Bulgaria and North Macedonia it's Baba Marta (Granny March), in Romania it's Mărţişor, in Greece it's Martis. It's usually something along the lines of giving people small charms (to be worn as pins) or bracelets made of white and red yarn or similar. In Bulgaria, those are called Martenitsi (March things) and often include two red and white puppets in the form of a man and woman, Pizho and Penda:
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As per tradition, when you see a migratory bird (usually a stork), you take the martenitsa off yourself and hang it on a tree.
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There is the Bulgarian myth that when Khan Asparukh founded Bulgaria in 681, he sent a falcon with a sign to his brother, Khan Bayan, who had stayed behind in Old Great Bulgaria (on the territory of today's Ukraine) to defend it against Khazar raids. Asparukh tied a length of yarn to the falcon's foot to mark it. When the bird reached Bayan, he lay slain in battle and half of the yarn became soaked in his blood, creating the first martenitsa. As I found out, this myth was fabricated in the 30s but I can't say if it is fully fictional.
Often, as it happens on the Balkans, there is an air of "we invented this tradition, yours is a copycat" when talking about March customs. I hope we can celebrate cultural unity instead. Happy Baba Marta/Marţişor/Martis/Verore to all Balkan people here! 🤍❤️
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HWS Bulgaria
I'm redoing the pool because I forgot to set the poll duration to 1 week.
Who is he, when was he born, who is he related to? What is y'all's opinion? (I'm curious, I'd be happy if you wrote why you chose the option you chose)
(shout-out to @jalshristovski & @athenov & @chido3000 who replied on my first post on this topic, I like your ideas and I'm happy you shared them)
Idea No.1: He's the son of Old Great Bulgaria (OGB for short) and the brother of Volga Bulgaria (VB for short) who came to the Balkans. He was born in the 7th century and represented Asparukh's Bulgars who were distinct from the Slavs, once the Bulgars were assimilated by the Slavs and the Bulgar name was given to the mixture, he began representing the Slavic Bulgarians. He used to believe in the pagan Bulgar religion, then he became an Orthodox Christian.
(Is he the biological son of OGB, or did he pop out of nothing in 681, bearing strong resemblance to OGB? Is he his son in the biological, human way, or is he his son in the weird Hetalia way?)
Idea No.2: He was born from the mixing of Slavs and Bulgars in the 9th century, his mom is a Slavic tribe and his dad represented Asparukh's Bulgars (or vice-versa), he's the grandson of OGB and the nephew of VB.
Idea No.3: He's a Slav, he has been a Balkan Slav all along, he is the descendant of some Slavic tribe. He was adopted by the avatar who represented Asparukh's Bulgars and inherited the name Bulgaria from her or him, then his adoptive mother or father died in the 9th century when the Bulgars got assimilated. He might be related to some of the Balkan Slavs.
Idea No.4: He appeared out of nothing once the Bulgars got assimilated by the Slavs and he doesn't have any biological parents. He looks Balkan and is unrelated to the other Balkan Slavs or, overall, Balkan countries, at least not in a biological, human-like way. He may be related to Thracian tribes, to the Odryssian kingdom, or to other Slavic countries (in the weird, non-human Hetalia way) as circa half of modern-day Bulgarans' genes is local, Balkan/Mediterranean and circa half is Slavic/East European.
There's this idea that maybe he was born in 1878 (as he isn't shown in Hetalia before that), with the Second Bulgarian Empire as his father and the First Bulgarian Empire as his grandfather, but that doesn't make any sense, the idea of Bulgaria, Bulgarianness and the Bulgarian ethnicity have existed continuously, yes, the Bulgarian state was nonexistent for almost half of our 1300 years of history (500 years under the Ottomans and almost 200 years under the Byzantines) but Poland didn't die when he was partitioned, Finland didn't die when he was under Russian rule, so it's nonsensical to make the First and Second Bulgarian Empire different characters who have died.
(I go with Idea No.1 in my crackfic because the dynamic of Bulgar, Onoghur, Volga and Danube Bulgaria is funny to me, but if I ever wrote a serious work, I could use a different idea)
(Feel free to suggest other ideas.)
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airaglub · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
0 notes
bulgariaadvice · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
0 notes
dealbulgaria · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
0 notes
lovesbulgaria · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
0 notes
bulgariahit · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
0 notes
bulgarialive · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
0 notes
varnabulgaria · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
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bulgariasofia · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
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bulgariatours · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
0 notes
HWS Bulgaria
Who is he, when was he born, who is he related to? What is y'all's opinion? (I'm curious, I'd be happy if you wrote why you chose the option you chose)
(shout-out to @jalshristovski & @athenov & @chido3000 who replied on my first post on this topic, I like your ideas and I'm happy you shared them)
Idea No.1: He's the son of Old Great Bulgaria (OGB for short) and the brother of Volga Bulgaria (VB for short) who came to the Balkans. He was born in the 7th century and represented Asparukh's Bulgars who were distinct from the Slavs, once they assimilated the Bulgars and the Bulgar name was given to the mixture, he began representing the Slavic Bulgarians. He used to believe in the pagan Bulgar religion, then he became an Orthodox Christian.
(Is he the biological son of OGB, or did he pop out of nothing in 681, bearing strong resemblance to OGB? Is he his son in the biological, human way, or is he his son in the weird Hetalia way?)
Idea No.2: He was born from the mixing of Slavs and Bulgars in the 9th century, his mom is a Slavic tribe and his dad represented Asparukh's Bulgars (or vice-versa), he's the grandson of OGB and the nephew of VB.
Idea No.3: He's a Slav, he has been a Balkan Slav all along, he is the descendant of some Slavic tribe. He was adopted by the avatar who represented Asparukh's Bulgars and inherited the name Bulgaria from her or him, then his adoptive mother or father died in the 9th century when the Bulgars got assimilated. He might be related to some of the Balkan Slavs.
Idea No.4: He appeared out of nothing once the Bulgars got assimilated by the Slavs and he doesn't have any biological parents. He looks Balkan and is unrelated to the other Balkan Slavs or, overall, Balkan countries, at least not in a biological, human-like way. He may be related to Thracian tribes, to the Odryssian kingdom, or to other Slavic countries (in the weird, non-human Hetalia way) as circa half of modern-day Bulgarans' genes is local, Balkan/Mediterranean and circa half is Slavic/East European.
There's this idea that maybe he was born in 1878 (as he isn't shown in Hetalia before that), with the Second Bulgarian Empire as his father and the First Bulgarian Empire as his grandfather, but that doesn't make any sense, the idea of Bulgaria, Bulgarianness and the Bulgarian ethnicity have existed continuously, yes, the Bulgarian state was nonexistent for almost half of our 1300 years of history (500 years under the Ottomans and almost 200 years under the Byzantines) but Poland didn't die when he was partitioned, Finland didn't die when he was under Russian rule, so it's nonsensical to make the First and Second Bulgarian Empire different characters who have died.
(I go with Idea No.1 in my crackfic because the dynamic of Bulgar, Onoghur, Volga and Danube Bulgaria is funny to me, but if I ever wrote a serious work, I could use a different idea)
(Feel free to suggest other ideas)
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bulgariasr · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
0 notes
airaglub · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
0 notes
bulgariaadvice · 9 months
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The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans
The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.
Byzantine Relations with the Slavs
The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.
Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)
Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.
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