bxckinaflash · 2 years
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     “Gotta hit me a lot harder than that if you were hoping to slow me down” Wally smirked widely, watching as the parademon charged for him again before he ran, running rapid circles around the creature as he trapped it in a ring of white lightning. It didn’t take too long for the motion to stun his opponent and Wally came to a sudden halt, returning the favour of the uppercut he’d received just minutes before as he knocked the parademon down. “What can I say? I’m the man” he grinned, winking playfully as soon as he realized he wasn’t alone. 
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coffeefueledsarcasm · 2 years
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     Tim’s body hit the ground with enough force to knock the air out of his lung with a choked splutter, a ringing sound in his ears as Tim turned over with a groan. He needed a moment to revaluate and get back up, a moment that he definitely did not have right now. “I’m fine, don’t stop for me! It’s not safe here” he protested when he heard footsteps approaching, pushing up with his elbows as he worked on steadying his breathing once more. “Seriously, I mean it”
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ncghtwinged · 2 years
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     Finally something that Jake could sink his teeth into. He wasn’t happy that chaos and hysteria had flooded the city, of course, but Jake had missed the thrill and adrenaline rush that came from his work under his father’s former current alias Nightwing. “How many of these ugly bastards are we talking here?” he asked the closest person nearby as soon as he was finished suiting up. @assemblestarter​ 
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ofbattleshoes · 2 years
Lian took in the chaos and destruction happening all around her, of course, the moment they arrived from the future it was into this shit show. She sighed turning away from the fighting masses after all this would be the perfect time to see just what this place had to offer. “You know it's normal to run away from danger rather than head-on but it’s your funeral” She mused. @assemblestarter​
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ofspiderboi · 2 years
Peter didn’t mean for this to happen he had just wanted to try and do the right thing. There were people who didn’t belong here and he couldn’t imagine what would happen if they were left here. Now they’d unleashed hell upon the innocent people of New York City. He didn’t waste time suiting up to beat the demons back, Strange said he’d work on closing the rips that allowed them to leak through but he needed time. “Hey Look out!” He screamed swinging from his web to grab the person right before a piece of the building fell on top of them. @assemblestarter​​
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ofkittykyle · 2 years
     Amongst so much chaos and destruction it was hard for Selina to not feel as though she was in her element, a wide smirk stretching her lips as the cat leapt soundlessly onto a nearby ledge. It wasn’t like Selina had been watching this house, but she was observant enough to have noticed that the family had money - and lots of it - from the times that she had been passing by. She’d have been a fool not to take advantage of the fact that they weren’t home and after picking the window lock with ease she’d been about to do just that when she heard a scream. Pausing, she cursed the fact that this wasn’t Gotham City, where whoever it was most likely had it coming. No, this was New York, where she couldn’t assume the worst in everyone no matter how badly she wanted to right now. With a sigh Selina moved to peer over the side of the ledge she was balanced upon, frowning as the other came into view. “What’s going on down there?” @assemblestarter​
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ofmagicalessence · 2 years
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Zatanna was freaking out without her powers. So of course she did what she always did, she distracted herself by trying to help others. She took one of the guns Jason had left for “emergencies.” Even after they broke up she kept it there, for no other reason than not knowing what to do with it...and that included shooting it. But how hard could it be? Jim Gordon could do it. Now she was here on the streets, ushering people inside and underground. it was the safest place to be. Seh heard a growl and turned. “well here goes nothing.” she said went to fire the gun, but it didn’t move. “oh fuck. how the hell do i turn off a safety?” @assemblestarter​
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ivorystark · 2 years
Uber really was a brilliant invention from the 21st century. Morgan remembered them vaguely, it was after her mother’s death she stopped being able to trust such a thing. At a point, there was none left to trust. But so far it’d been safe here. Until now that was, when some kind of monster landed in the middle of the road and stripped the door of it’s hinges. “Holy shit.” She cursed. “Stay back unless you wanna go boom .” Morgan threatened, shaking hands reaching into her purse where she kept self made weapons. “If I go down I’m taking you with me.” / @assemblestarter​
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ofredsolider · 2 years
From Stark Tower, Bucky could see the chaos descending upon New York city sighing, he couldn’t get a hold of Stark meaning he was flying around playing Avenger as he quickly moved to suit up. He’d never seen a creature like this but he wasn’t about to let innocent people suffer from whatever happened here. He was moving people to safety and fought off the demons as they tried to attack the others. “I got this, can you grab that little girl from behind the dumpster?” He asked the stranger who seemed available to help. @assemblestarter​
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humanstcrm · 2 years
“Can everything just STOP trying to kill me?” Johnny groaned, trying very hard to keep the demon trying stabbing him in the face. / @assemblestarter​
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assemblerp · 2 years
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Dr Strange succeeded in closing the portals scattered across the New York Sky, The parademons who leaked through were taken down by Heroes, Villains and Citizens alike.  While the damage of the spell has been reversed it left plenty of the citizens of New York with the questions of what had caused this? Were Metahumans once again trying to attack the humans race? Had the government failed in their promises of keeping the public safe from those with powers? Unrest and anger resonates among neighbors and friends all speculating the reasons why these portals were opened that allowed the demons to descended upon them.  While the world seemed to put more pressure on the superhero stigma none seemed to see the bigger picture, Parademons never act on their own, so the real question is who sent them to attack New York?
Everyone this completes the Chaos Awakens Event please feel free to wrap up any Event threads you’d like to continue but please no New Event Starters can be created.
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brokcnblade · 2 years
ROBIN |/---  The moment the city was overturned Damian suited up without hesitation. Domino mask, utility belt at the ready, and his sword in his hands. He didn’t hesitate to behead the demons, it wasn’t often he was faced with an opponent he was allowed to behead after all. It was only when their numbers grew his situation turner something grimmer. Utility belt clipped off him, the nearest demon grabbed him by the throat and squeezed. This would be an operative time for a hero (or someone capable, not strictly moral) to cut in. / @assemblestarter​
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belovcwidow · 2 years
“Flesh wound.” Yelena said, her voice a bit more gruff to hide any sense of pain she felt. “It’s dead now. That’s all that matters, no?” / @assemblestarter​
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deardensmia · 2 years
“I know it looks deep and my hands are bloody but I promise, you’re gonna be okay.” Mia assured rapidly. “It’s all good now. This is dried blood-- and probably not even yours.” She’d been helping as much as she could the wounded from the demon’s attacks. / @assemblestarter​
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ofpmaximoff · 2 years
Pietro had spent plenty of time training and learning control over his powers he was never one to allow the suffering of others. Changing into the speedster suit as he took to the streets of New York taking out these demons that seemed to rain fire from the sky. “Look I know you probably had it but I don’t mind lending a helping hand.”  @assemblestarter​
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bcyofsteel · 5 years
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The boy had been standing in the back of this large crowd, eyes fixed on watching one of the fire eating shows. He was fascinated by what the men were doing, not paying attention to his surroundings. There was so many voices talking at once — overwhelming at first when first arriving. It was fortunate for Jon having a better grasp on his abilities now that he was older. He does manage to catch the sound of someone walking toward him which takes his attention away from the entertainment.
He was turning around, dressed up as a PRINCE for this day. 
“You looking for me?”
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