#astarablaze: vayn.
werexcat · 8 months
continued from 🐈‍⬛ with @astarablaze's vayn !
Gabriel wasn't the sort of people to listen what other people had to say--especially so if it was confusing--and what that guy had been asking him about back there had been CONFUSING so he'd simply growled out some harsh words before shoving off down the street.
Strangeness? Irregularities? Magic?? The hell was he even talking about? He already had enough problems as it was.
Sometimes he was warm, so warm for the briefest of moments in the cold AND THEN IT FELT LIKE BEING SLAPPED IN THE FACE WITH THE CHILL. Every time he turned around, there was a cat, somewhere, someplace!! Today, it seemed that he'd been lucky...! He wasn't sick from the weather changes, but he couldn't figure it out. And though he was a Werecat, he couldn't remember if there ever had been a cat around when he was younger...
This shit simply didn't make any sense to him and it was beyond aggravating, and on top of that, there was no good place to rest yet in sight. The money he had was weighing heavy in his pocket, begging to be spent as he adjusted the large pack on his shoulders, but he'd already done enough this past couple of weeks into the New Year, so no... no more spending just yet!!
As he passed by a brick building, he could hear the click-clack of shoes hurrying after him--that guy was STILL on his tail?!--before he heard the other man's voice. Again. Damnit. His touch again in next, and Gabriel tensed up, pausing, even though it was gentle only for his head to snap upwards at the sudden hissing of a cat.
There, above them, sitting before a window of the building he had been passing by was a white cat that was hissing, loudly, at that with its eyes trained upon Vayn. Ears flattened back against its head, it looked angry, but ... but ... it hadn't been there before! Gabriel had seen that building only a short while ago as he'd started down the street, and there was no way a cat could even get up there so soon.
Wh--... what the hell?? IT WAS ANOTHER GODDAMN CAT.
Momentarily thrown off by this, it was a struggle to get himself together as he spoke up, turning to the stranger now with narrowed green eyes, but he fumbled a bit.
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"I-- ... I didn't ask for help! Help me with what? I've got enough fucking problems!"
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gyofukuki · 7 months
astarablaze asked: chilly fingers playfully tease at atsushi's tie, steadily unraveling it as blush overtook pale features. silver lashes batted and twin fangs hooked onto puffy lower lip, hints of a suggestion of a plea, where freest fingertips slid down between buttons and fabric to gently touch and caress warm flesh. the vampire leaned in to press a kiss into the tiger's jaw, so sweetly nipping to leave faintest marks. ' will you let me touch you more, sweet atsushi? will you let me please you? ' vayn whispered, heady and smooth like mulled wine.
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He's observing Vayn carefully, soon mirroring the way he's been biting his lower lip, neck arched upwards, but with his jaw still well within the vampire's reach as proved quickly by sharp-edged kisses planted there, each rousing Atsushi a little further on from his sanity. His hands reaching for the other's wrists, but never stopping him.
"Not sure about sweet..." soft whisper and there's something almost apologetic in his smile, as he brings his face even closer to Vayn's, gold-and-purple meeting pinkish red in the moment's intensity. Intensity he's clearly not best equipped to deal with, as a short chuckle leaves his lips, half breathy, half growl-like. "Not even sure if it's legal, but yes, please, yes. One condition, Vayn...? Please tell me how to please you."
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nvrcmplt · 8 months
What kind of love are you?
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Love as Religion
• • || Devotion, that is the name of your love. Your love is an act of worship. Your love is like witnessing the birth of Venus, like seeing the sun come alive, or the stars fall. When you love, it is because you have found God in a lover. You have found the meaning of life itself in the heart of the one you adore. They are everything to you; they are your Maker, and you are their lamb, their flock, their first and holiest worshipper. When you fall in love, it is as a baptism. You are born anew, made a believer in the divinity of the one you love most. Being loved by you is an ascension; it is holy and golden. It is all-consuming, and all-faithful, loyal as the dog. You will never, ever bite back. ||
Tagged by @intcritus ♥♥! Tagging || @dichotomouskey @distopea ( oliver / gambit ) @caemthe ( dei, pat, cu ) @ardenssolis @bonesofchaos ( lark ) @mangher ( feng, lance! ) / @astarablaze ( vayn, loux! ), @metrictita ( wife, mali )
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werexcat · 8 months
' you don't have to be so nasty, dear, and your table manners... oh deary me, please stop for a moment and relax-- ' there was plenty of food to eat, but eating too much too fast could make the man sick! / vayn ofc
unprompted asks, always accepting | @astarablaze / vayn!
Gabriel's initial intentions had been to eat his fill--eat what he could til he didn't feel like eating anymore--before simply darting off far, far away from the somewhat shorter man with his big, soulful eyes and kind-looking face.
It had to be a trap--some kind of ... trick ... until he revealed his true colors. No one was that kind. Their true self rose to the surface eventually. The Scientist had revealed himself, too, after a couple days of no cooperation from Gabriel all those years ago despite the warmth he'd been pretending to give off, and that had been a turn for the worst for the rest of the time Gabriel had spent with him.
Green eyes regarded Vayn with distrust, but the tongue lashing--as gentle as it was--was enough to make his cheeks flush brightly with embarrassment. Oh, he didn't like that at all, but it was enough to cause the Werecat to slow his eating pace.
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For a moment, his eyes stared down at his food in unexpected shame on top of that distrust, still not super comfortable with eating with utensils, but hopefully, the shame wouldn't last. He disliked the feeling coursing through him now, but he was certainly eating much more slowly now like Vayn seemed to have wanted.
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werexcat · 7 months
where do you carry your pain?
your heart. ♡ you have loved, and been hurt. your heart is tired, but cannot grow calloused...
tagged by: @splinter-sister ( yay thanks ! /o/ )
tagging: @misfxts, @airxn, @astarablaze ( vayn! ), @valiant-au-save-slot-a, @sweet-chimera ( honey ) and anyone else who'd like to do it. uwu
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gyofukuki · 8 months
@astarablaze sent: ' sweet atsushi, are you hungry? shall we order out? i can't promise anything i could for you will be tasty for you... so this seems the best option. what would you like? i'll pay, fret not. ' / vayn & atsu pls
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He is, and he is pretty sure it shows too, and what is worse, it is about to become audibly obvious. To try and protect them both from that, he brings his knees up to his chin, sinking a little deeper into the armchair and offers Vayn a half-hearted smile.
"I'm okay, nothing to worry about." Dishonesty feels wrong, but he feels worse still about the way he is tempted to take the offer, take him up on his generosity, still so unsure if he'd ever be able to give back anything, let alone enough. "A-- are you?"
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